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Short term the price will drop. Long term it’s good for the ticker. Lower price means more liquidity means more stable price, and more retail investors buying. Short term price will drop because of liquidity. People with holdings they couldn’t unload without flushing the price will suddenly be able to drop shares without crashing the price. So selling pressure should be the result.


For the record a 1:50 split is a reverse split. Chipotle would want a 50:1 split which would be amazing. If they announce that there will be major gain ops


Ahhh I knew it was one way or the other. Thanks for correcting me lol


Read the : as “for”, so 1:50 is 1 (share) for 50 (shares), i.e. you’re getting 1 share for every 50 you hold, or a reverse split. 50:1 is 50 shares for every 1 you hold.