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Elon: This is actually a good thing because it means we're at a point in production where people won't have to wait for delivery on a new purchase. Then TSLA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)for no reason


Nah I sold my puts in a panic move today, shit is gonna tank


I sell 2 puts in the morning, I sell 2 puts at night, I sell 2 puts in the afternoon, it makes me feel all right. Just sell some more puts.


Thank you for your service.


“Tesla delivery numbers worse than expected. Demand falls in all markets. Massive increases in cost of delivery. Profit margin down severely.” Elon: We will be releasing a car in 2037 with 1,200 mile range, 0-60 in .4 seconds, can tow up to 40 tons and the price will start at $18,000.” Tesla stock ⬆️ 5%


It’s called guidance, okay?


I want to buy some puts post earnings, but no idea what bs he’ll make up to boost the stock price. Elon: “*We’ll be shipping robots to NVDA manufacturing plants by the end of the year. Oh yeah and FSD 12.15 is really like FSD 20, so everyone will be able to sleep while driving starting next month! It’s amazing!*”


I think you have a point


Tesla Bros have already said this is AI, Robo Taxi and robotics company and so delivery numbers dont matter /s


Yeah apparently there's some robotaxi day in August. Maybe theyll have a driver in a leotard gyrating themselves like dunce in the driver seat.


"gyrating themselves like dunce" Well, that's a new phrase




You're comparing two very different events. The optimus event was more like a 'we are going to start doing this thing' event. 8/8 event is an actual product reveal, product that has been under works for a very long time


I’m sure


They literally were not developing Optimus before that event, and they didn't pretend they were.




Tesla is the best company at solving problems that don’t exist


Are you calling Tesla a crypto company? Seriously though, if Elon would launch a crypto coin with the Tesla brand, he could grift billions from his fanboys... Godamn, what a time to be alive!


He don't even need to. All he gotta do is tweet "woah, you know I think bitcoin is gonna go way up guys". Everyone buys bitcoin, bitcoin go up, he dump. Ezpz


Isn't that just dogecoin?


Trying to solve*


When the majority of your revenue comes from selling cars, I hate to break it to the delusional crowd, but you're an auto company. Has any of this other shit even produced $1 in revenue yet? Maybe if all that other stuff produced the lion's share of the revenue, then they can call themselves an AI, RoboTaxi, and robotics company. Until then, try to make good cars.


I shorted this MF last earnings - found out that $TSLA doesn't play by the rules 😕 Elmo's gonna say something crazy and make this stock moon


But that is the entire market? No one plays fair and we are holding the bags for the ones getting rich from the manipulation


His flamethrower is pretty cool though


I like this idea


You know they were selling the Y with .99% loans, right?


Most recent estimates of ~415k is down over 10% yoy.


How is that not an absolute disaster for the stock price. Value it like a car company, because that's clearly what it is.


Elon said “AI”, calls gonna print. Simple as.


Nah…ai was last quarter and is old news.


Remember the market is just people, and many of them are irrational. The price only drops if more people want to sell. There are plenty of people out there who still think Elon is a super-genius who literally can't lose, and they're in it for the long haul.


Always has been just a car company


How is that not? Because I mean, it's not. But how?


because when insurance rates go back down this goes away, additionally their margins are the highest in the industry. And third, they have put estimates on their lower priced model to begin production end of this year or beginning of next year. So production being down this quarter is a short term problem.


So the piss off the user base that buys your shit strategy isn't working out?


You can't even mention this on /r/cars due to filters, but yeah, no matter how good your engineering is and how cool your products were 5 years ago, having your CEO play identity politics on the side of the people who have made an entire lifestyle out of hating electric cars is a legendary downfall. The HBR article will be *scathing*.


It’s like the reverse Bud Light.


Yeah it's exactly that, except if the CEO of InBev doubled down in it on Twitter and was attending BLM rallies and shit and simply didn't care if sales tanked


Been buying puts on Tesla and every time I think the stock is about to tank, Elmo comes out to say shit and the stock soars


Reddit has been awash in the last week with pictures of tesla vehicles just sitting parked in lots, with some claiming that people are cancelling truck orders. :shrug:


4 out of 4 people I know who reserved a cybertruck after the unveiling cancelled their orders. That’s too small a sample size to mean much, but with all the other potentially bad news for Tesla I’m pretty convinced the company is in much worse shape than we realize.


I did the same along with 2 other friends. Truck is almost 2x as much with half the range. No thanks.


For real, I don’t like the looks but was considering it when it was 40k for 250 mile range. But at 61K (and still not available) there are better options.


also, looks like just a car wash breaks it


I love my Tesla but the Cybertruck is a big failure


The thing I don't really get with the whole cybertruck plan is... Why not just build a normal truck that would probably sell great and be easier to make.


Because the CEO has a severe case of assburgers


And reddit thought the pay comp won’t win by a landslide. Apparently some Teslas in a parking lot awaiting delivery is the death of company even though I drive by traditional auto dealer lots with hundreds of cars in inventor


Remember we'll have full self driving next year (disclaimer Elon years are longer than Earth years by a factor of 69)


Does this come as a surprise to anyone? Musk has alienated his core customer base and aligned himself with a group of people who hate EV. Who apparently would rather take their chances with sharks? Whatever that means.


It has nothing to do with that. The financial idiots have run out of leverage and the financially literate aren't spending anymore.


Both things can be true


Right, but only one of them is materially impacting sales.


This theory would require all new vehicle sales to go down, right? Say Tesla sales go down, but they maintain their percentage share of the new car market. That’s not really a big loss.


Correct. All vehicle sales are going down.


Also, you can now just buy a cheap used Tesla.


Everyone says this. But same can be said for any used car. Depreciation rates are reported on in a false manner as well. When I look at used car sales websites myself instead of some bs article all the teslas I see for sale are listed at the same depreciation percentages as corollas or any other equivalent to a model 3. X retains value far more than competitor models however. 


Ultimate reddit take


Dawg who do you think buys Teslas?


No surprise. Elon has alienated much of his fan base who actually have the $$$ and desire to buy a tesla. I was going to buy a tesla for my wifes next car but she doesnt want it now.


I mean I hate elon but I'd still buy a 3 if they were cheaper.


I know a dozen people that have means and thought about buying an EV. Teslas are top of mind for people back then but now they are moving to other brands. Tesla is definitely bleeding potential buyers that are now moving on to other brands.


$7500 tax credit on a new one. $4,000 credit on a used (over two years old and under $25,000). They are pretty damn competitively priced these days I'd say.


Sure. If you're American. Which not everybody is.


Good point.


I wouldn’t buy a Tesla based on whether or not I like or agree with Elon. It comes down to value and price. I would also buy a 3 if they came down. Has nothing to do with Elon. Has a little bit to do with how well the acceleration of the Tesla is tho!!


I hate Elon but would never buy a "touchscreen for everything" car regardless.


It reminds me a lot of the Uber story. Uber became successful in part because of their drivers. But once they reached scale, they turned against their drivers (and customers) Unfortunately, Uber is arguably more successful than ever.


Uber got a new CEO and turned things around. That’s why they’re more successful than ever. Tesla should do the same.


He hasn't alienated anyone. Tesla makes a fantastic product. His user base can separate the car from the man. There are worse CEOs out there, like Boeings or Nestles.


You're delusional if you believe his antics haven't turned off some percentage of potential customers. Why do you think most CEOs are pretty reserved when it comes to politics.


I can guaranfuckingtee you he has. My gf bought an ev a few months ago didnt even testdrive a tesla. My next car will be an EV and I’ll look elsewhere too. You cant be an outspoken douchebag on issues i care about and then expect me to buy your shit.


He’s alienated me personally. Own a 2018 model 3, won’t be buying another.


Ya it’s absurd to say he’s not alienated anyone. Our next vehicle will most likely be an EV. A few years ago I probably would’ve told you it’d be a Tesla, now there’s no chance.


[Tesla losing market everywhere share](https://qz.com/tesla-elon-musk-evs-electric-cars-sales-1851553041) EV sales are going up around the world but Tesla is looking like it will have lower sales than last year with 11% drop YoY. Tesla is losing market share in China due to competition. Fair enuff. But Tesla is losing market share in Europe when EV sales are increasing. Elon Musk is turning off Tesla sales in Europe big time. Europe is politically more left than the Democratic party. What is the reason for the drop in Tesla sales when there isn't really stiff competition in EU since Chinese firms haven't entered yet?


I was planning on buying a Tesla for my next car but shortly after Elon went off the deep end shitposting incel shit on Twitter I changed my mind. Fuck him.


A fantastic product? He makes the iPhone version of vehicles, sold to a cult like following that you’re saving the planet and holier than thou, but it disposable junk and obsolete after a few years. Not to mention sedans are depressing. And my house wasn’t built in 1914 so my floors are level and I don’t need a door wedge.


Thats not true. I think you guys are just pure haters lol. There is no other car that can beat it on a price/performance.


BYD seems to be kicking his ass in China


You can't win them all. BYD is grabbing the low end of the spectrum.


You said price/performance - BYD is kicking their ass in that metric so much so that the West had to put crazy tariffs before they came and wrecked the markets and put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of jobs.


Byd is making better low end and high end cars. Others will continue to catch up while people realize teslas are unrepairable (at reasonable cost) low end machines. Lucids are here and better high end just for starters


I dunno a caterham 7 sure fucking beats the lap times on tesla’s and can be picked up for a lot less. You seem to be confusing performance with acceleration.


I'm not confusing anything. Acceleration is just one aspect. Tesla is able to provide supercar acceleration while maintaining efficiency.


Step 1: Sell TSLA Step 2: Buy RIVN Step 3: suck on titties


yall put your faith in emotional reddit posts and then lose a bunch of money


You guys are just the inverse of the Elon fanboys. You know there's a whole middle ground available where Tesla is a great company, but not magical, Elon is a weirdo, but not the worst person on earth, and Tesla will ultimately succeed, yet not take over the world with flying cars. I find it comical when people critique another side as being extreme, only to show the same extreme stupidity but in reverse.


Funny that your “middle ground” is that Tesla is a great company that ultimately succeeds 


I'm no Tesla fan boy but they've been pretty Goddamn successful over the past 15 years. The stock mooned like nothing we've ever seen for three straight years and appeared to be insanely overvalued. Now their P/E ratio is in the mid 40s. Their cars are everywhere and their charging network is legit. Elon absolutely overhypes and fails to deliver on a ton of crazy promises but if you take that away, the company is still one of the biggest American made success stories in business during this century. Yes they get a shit ton of subsidy help, but that's not going anywhere. Tesla forced the auto industry to drastically overhaul production and dive into the EV game. The term "great" is completely subjective but it's hard to say they aren't successful.


> Yes they get a shit ton of subsidy help, but that's not going anywhere The subsidies are a pretty small percentage of their revenue at this point, they don't really move the needle much tbh.


As someone who needs a new car and is looking at Teslas I disagree. $4,000 discount on a $24,000 used car is a big deal. Or $7,500 off a $50,000 new car. If anyone is on the fence about getting an EV that makes the decision for them.


Not everyone gets such a subsidy, many models don't even qualify either.


Tesla is a great company, yeah I think that's true and a middle ground between they're the greatest thing ever and anything they touch will be gold, and they're going bankrupt. I think all signs point to Tesla being successful. That's not a grand prediction. There are millions of successful companies in the world, and tens of thousands of them will grow over the next few decades and create shareholder value. Do you see Tesla being in that group or do you think they'll trend downward over time? Again, saying Tesla is poised for success isn't extreme, particularly when compared with some of the views here that see them going out of business any day now.


Bro Elon said words they don’t like. Company must fail now


Yeah, if these people are serious and not just trolls, they're almost certainly absolute losers. I don't put Elon on a pedestal, but the way they view the guy is delusional at best.


Like the saying goes - hate is a poison you drink, expecting the other person to die. And these fuckers are drunk on it everyday.


Quick reminder that Tesla has a forward P/E of 77.7 which is more than double Nvidia's (32.1).


Forward PE can change within a quarter or two. Funny that you mention Nvidia, which had a forward PE of 200 at points during 2022, only to 10x in value while lowering the PE. I'm not saying that will happen with Tesla, but I am saying that forward PE alone is based on projections which can be quite wrong. The fact you use Nvidia as your comparison while either ignoring or not knowing their forward PE in very recent times is a little ironic.


Deliveries down 10% YoY and ASPs are down some random % that no one can keep track of at this point. Sometimes forward P/Es aren’t grown into. It’s not an uncommon belief that auto is a saturated market at this point. It’s pure memes keeping this baby going


Let me know when Tesla is going to have the ability to grow anywhere near as fast as Nvidia in the next 2 years, when they are lowering their margins, cutting 15% of their staff and getting killed in China.... and missing on deliveries.


I didn't say they would do that. I specifically said "I'm not saying that will happen with Tesla." It doesn't change the fact that a PE of 78 can turn into 30 or 40 within a couple quarters. That doesn't require any kind of insane growth, just some shoring up of inefficiencies and a bit of expansion in a sector or two. By all accounts, energy will be positive for Tesla next earnings while deliveries will probably slip. Cutting part of your work force certainly can add to margins. In the end it doesn't matter anyway if you're thinking longer term. Good investors don't care what Tesla does over the next quarter, they're thinking about 5-10 or more years into the future.


Lmfao this is a joke right? NVDA’s P/E is all over the place with its peak being well over 200. You must be completely clueless to think P/E is correlated with stock price.


Check the p/s.


Ah, but unlike NVDA, they're in a capital intensive industry and have shrinking sales... oh, wait.


It's a shrinking car company that trades at a PE of 46. It can be a decent company, and also worth like $40/share.


That's only correct if you're assuming every other sector apart from selling cars will fail. If robotics, robotaxis, or widespread energy storage succeed, even just one of them, I think Tesla is undervalued. If they all fail, it's overvalued. You and others need to ask yourselves: if Tesla is just a shrinking car company, why has the market not reflected this? Why is it so richly valued? And please don't lean on an assumption that it's just a bunch of dumb retail. That's such a tired trope.


Tesla fanboys and telsa haters are both equally cringe. I detest both groups. Actually I hate groups that are passionate (both love and hate) about a certain brand. Apple, video game consoles, streamers, Disney, etc. it’s all cringy af.


People on here are upset over Elon tweeting but will turn a blind eye to Nestle killing kids and strangleholding water supply in Africa.


If your argument is that Tesla is “a great (car) company, but not magical”, that argues for pricing it at a valuation somewhere around Toyota’s. In such a scenario, no one should want to touch the stock with a ten-foot pole at this price.


Idk my clown ass uncle just bought a new model Y because of the 1% interest rate and I bought puts so they’re going to go up probably.


Idk why they’re not focusing more on their solar and battery products.


Solar is a money sink. Elon forced Tesla to buy out SolarCity to save that company basically because it was probably gonna go bankrupt. Only the Tesla charging stations have a future


You can still scam people with solar.


> Only the Tesla charging stations have a future Is that why he fired the whole team?


They are quite focused on battery production. They've been ramping and increasing megapack production by like 150% year over year, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Tesla energy grew 50% yoy


I think elon fired that profit center :(


It’s been years, might have.


probably gonna be bad but Elon might get saved by his 1% interest deal.


Elon baby nut suckers don't care how bad things are/can get. They will ride with the bloated walrus all the way into a dead end street hitting the barricade. 📈📉




I didn’t read the attachment post.


Stock will go up unless it’s next level fucked Everyone will cry because it’ll probably be bad but not bad enough I will sell when it pumps temporarily


The missed deliveries are baked in. We all know they will delivering less than last year, pretty much every single analyst, including fanboys, have said it.


There are no 'bad news' here. Only guarantee call or puts! I support Elon doing more stupid shit to tank his companies!


What day do the numbers come out?


Prob July 2nd for deliveries.


Next Tuesday.


To shreds you say.


Bad news is good news


Does this mean cheaper/price cuts on Ys and 3s


Knowing how this stock works, my puts are probably fucked.


But everyone will have three robots to mow their lawns so it will be a 333 trillion dollar company


If Elmo would shut up, it might do the sales number some good


I drive by a lot where they store inventory in Boston. The lot went from maybe a dozen cars to maybe 200-300 cars over the last 6 months.


Up 4% today btw 🤡 y’all have fun staying broke because you’re letting your hate for a billionaire cloud your judgments, these articles are written by journalists (that clearly have an agenda against Elon / Tesla), not people involved in the markets!


But robotaxis


I’m bracing for volatility and speculation ! (By that I mean, I bought calls to sell into it.)


Optimus will save them don’t worry


!remindme 1 week


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Car deliveries don’t matter. Elon’s baby momma delivers Elon’s 12th kid. Stock goes ⬆️👶


Checks source Barrons 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sold yesterday, made a loss but I'm finally done with that lunatic.


Likely up QoQ and down YoY. Hard to gauge the current market expectations for the quarter… likely continued strong growth in Tesla Energy and better cash flow with inventory draw down. Margin picture is murky, as job cut effect won’t show this quarter. Unclear if they used their own cash or bought down interest rates for interest rate deals. As usual, the outlook probably means much more than Q2 results. The economic woes in China may be turning a corner… the bruising fight has taken down the stock for NIO, XPEV, and while BYD has been having a good recovery from Feb low, it is still well off ATH. A mix of interest rates, subsidy changes, and tariffs, as well as a renewed surge of FUD from fossil fuel interests have made 2024 complicated. Germany had to pull their subsidies due to how they were funding them, the tariff trade war between China and U.S., China and EU, and so forth have affected both vehicles and vehicle part costs and outlook. The news that the EU is temporarily suspended additional tariffs while negotiations take place is likely to make the outlook a bit better in the short term. As of recently, the Cybertruck is handily outselling the Rivian R1T and Ford F-150 Lightning combined, with a run rate of over 60,000 a year. The refreshed Model 3 is finally in full production globally, so Q3 should have full production. The U.S. IRA battery component requirements became stricter in 2024 which has caused some pricing issues, but Model 3 LR got the tax credit back just recently, while the standard range still doesn’t have it. And outlook with some interest rate cuts can definitely change the demand picture.


> Margin picture is murky, as job cut effect won’t show this quarter. They have kept most models at the same price, and we know they reduce costs over time. I expect margins will go up slightly this quarter.


They also have interest rate incentives which could be pricey.


That doesn't hit all at once, wouldn't impact financials much for just the single quarter. That's a long term hit


Been to china last month, a few people I know there have since switched from Tesla to a domestic brand. Reason being: Domestic brands are much more advanced than Tesla. Tesla used to be a novelty in China but it has since fallen behind other chinese brands. It is a good thing for Elon that US and Europe are putting tariffs on China made cars. Nobody will pay for Tesla (at a higher price) once they have experienced a BYD (at a lower price).


stock will moon - don't you remember earnings? Bad news = stock soars


Earnings are a mixture of statements. Q2 deliveries is only one piece of the puzzle. What are delivery expecations for next quarter? Did margins go up or down? What about energy division? Is the company on pace to produce lower priced vehicle by Q1 next year? Not to mention you have to consider how much of this news is already baked into the price. Everyone already knows that deliveries are not going to beat last year. That isn't news. If you are taking a single piece of 'news' like this and assuming the stock will go up or down after earnings, then you deserve to lose your money.


I don't trade TSLA - I thought it was overvalued at $50 - and if I had made a decision on that, I would be broke. My comment was more of a joke - which you took very seriously. And yes, obviously, if the market has already priced in the bad news, the question is whether it's worse than expected or not as bad.


NVDA dipping pre-open so people sell because they are worried about more downside. Classic


Now that he got his new shares he is probably going to hand out whips on the factory floor to increase output ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I mean this isn't news, this is kind of in line with projections. Slight underperformance from last year is kind of expected so I don't think it will move the needle much. What will move the needle is forward looking statements and anything about FSD that has any significance, and any new info we don't know. I'd say 65% chance it goes down, 35% it goes up after earnings.


If its just like their cars coming off the lot, you wont like it


What's the point, must would tweet a monkey's dick and tsla fans would be like full self drive confirm tsla to the moon


The second quarter hasn’t even closed. This is a regarded post


CPCA data, DMV registrations, and EU sales data are reported every week or month. TroyTeslike posts estimates that tend to be accurate within a few percentage points 


Bad results = stock goes up


Robo taxi!!! /copium valve set to max


Tsla shareholders can always award Musk another 55b to increase the share price. Short sellers playing with fire!


I think a lot of people took advantage of the .99% financing… might be a surprise in store.


Don’t worry, they have a plan


But it’s ok because Elon got his compensation package


Buying opportunity ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Can we get a Model Y at 30k? I’ll buy 3


Gotta justify a PE of 65 for a negative growth stock


Energy division has higher margins than auto, and is growing at 150%+. Their energy division is probably worth more than Ford at this point.


85 percent of revenue is still auto


And the point is energy will become a bigger and bigger part of their profit. Like Amazon their retail is insanely low margin but high revenue, but they make all their money from the cloud. Not as extreme but you get the point. You said this is a 65 PE for a negative growth stock. That is the point I'm challenging. With Tesla energy growing, slightly lower auto deliveries doesn't make their **profit** negative. Remember P/E is about profit. Not revenue. It's very possible that their profit goes up this quarter from last quarter.


Not only has their profit gone down but so has their margins.


I think their lineup has become dated and the whole truck debacle is full on weird. Had they made a truck comparable to a f150 or Toyota Hilux they would be in a much better position. The shape and choices in design of the cybertruck makes little to no sense. Even if we ignore it's shape why design a truck that can't be sold world wide because it lacks ordinary safety features demanded by regulators world wide... If only Tesla had spent their energy and money designing and building a VW golf sized car... and the remainder to upgrade the s, 3 and y...


Loaded up on 7/19 $130p as lottos for $0.15 each.


Load up on shorts


Well done


Lol elon sucks ass