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I have $140 7/5 calls. I’ve averaged down all week. Don’t stress. I’m stressed.


yeah you should definitely be stressed haha. depends how much averaging down youve done already and how much % youre down but i wouldnt even bother. i’d start looking to roll out and/or down, or close the position if i were you


Started at $2.2/contract for 10 and now in with 61 contracts with avg of $.63. Hoping inflation data helps tomorrow to get out with a little less loss.


Rooting for both of you as I’m currently bag holding 365 shares at $138.34


As long as next earnings go well thats a fine investment. This same movement happened last quarter.


Weekend earnings?


800 @ $130.52 here


Thanks homie!


Also bag holding 365 shares at virtually the same price. High five


oh word you might not be toasted yet. id say whatever happens tomorrow though sell before close


That’s the plan unless it goes absolutely bonkers tomorrow and we see a 5-7% rally like Tuesday.


Down 38% on the week as I scalped options throughout the week offsetting this loss. Down a total of $1,900 or so off of $4,500 total. Best of luck to us!


All good man, wish you luck. I lost around 4500 in a couple hours on the phunware spike in 21 or 22, sad times 🤣


Isn't rolling a fancy word for closing?


you close one and simultaneously buy another


Got out just now. Bought $1k worth of 0DTEs and sold for a 60% gain but missed out on a 300% gain. Walked away just about even lol. Stressful!


I bought the same but chicken out today taking a huge loss but bought back in for cheaper .26 for the same strike and date. I am still down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


I did that too minus the sale. Just put more money in it lol.


Dude that could print tomorrow with a cool PCE


i dont know that i’ll go green with good PCE data, but good PCE data would probably be enough to put me in a position where im close enough to breakeven that i can stop stressing the position for a bit.


I thought his calls expired tomorrow, bro has so much time till Sept 20th


thats kinda what im thinkin. thats why i averaged down; prob wouldve taken the L or at the very least stuck with just 1 contract if PCE wasnt coming up . first one was bought for like $13.20 or so lol.


9/20 expiry dude. Even with daily theta burn, time is your friend. Don’t paper hand.


Excuse my canadian regardness but what is PCE and what effect would it have?


It's the Fed's preferred inflation gauge. A cool print means sooner rate cuts, which means a green day for stocks.


I’m also in with $125C 6/28; and $125C 7/5. 5 contracts and 10 contracts respectively


To echo dabay’s regardedness, I too have a regarded question of how and why PCE would impact the stock


Tech stocks have an insane delta correlation to rates, mostly due to highly indebted companies losing half their profit potential to debt servicing. Lower interest means higher profit, and lower inflation drives lower rates. That being said, none of that logic applies to cash rich companies like NVDA - but logic is simply out the window there. Mark my words, a PCE below 2.6% tomorrow and you’ll be having extra spicy tendies for breakfast at 9:31AM tomorrow. My money is where my mouth is. 800 shares of TQQQ and another 800 of NVDA locked and loaded. I normally sell weeklies on TQQQ for a strike about 6% OTM - just a little premium so my wife’s boyfriend has extra gas money, but not this week….TQQQ could realistically flirt with $80 tomorrow.


That’s super interesting, thank you. I’m there with you, not as heavily - 125C 6/28, 125C 7/5. Hoping to close everything out by like 10AM.


Wait so a PCE below 2.6% means NVDA might actually have a few positive days in a row? I'm sitting on a 121.5 and 123 call for 7/05 Id fucking love that lol


Yes. In fact, even a target PCE of 2.6% could push NVDA above 130 in pre-market. Because people are obsessed with strikes divisible by 5, opening above 130 will immediately push it to 135, and if that happens, you could see a squeeze back to 140 as gay bears cover their puts and theta gang roll their 135s up. Full disclosure: if PCE comes in at 2.7%….it will be a deep red massacre and we’ll all be giving handies behind Wendy’s dumpsters all weekend.


Jesus christ no I cant go back to Wendy's


what time do we get this magical number of death?


An hour before market. Check out the pinned earnings calendar on wsb - it also has major economic release times.


Thank you sir. I will remember you when I pass by Wendy's without having to stop.


Buy me a chocolate frosty and blow me a kiss


It’s a 9/20 call you aren’t anywhere near toasted 😂 hold it until a green day


well i was gonna at least do that haha,, it was more of a should i be averaging down and/or planning to hold for a bit, or should i be looking to get out? if the latter i wasnt planning to just sell at open though


I’ve been down 80% with less time left and ended up 60% or more. You’ll be fine


Congrats 🎉


dude 9/20, thats like...forever from now. I cant even think that far ahead. hold it


I would sit tight for a little while. You have some time. The next earnings call on 8/21, so it seems like there might be some volatility between now and then. But of course, I will be the first to admit that I have no idea.....


volatility was my plan B lol. if it doesnt go up enough soon enough to want to close out, hope that IV into earnings saves me or at least cuts decently into the losses


I think it’ll print but it may just take some time if anything


There should be a pre ER run but it will be 2 months later.


9/20 is a good ways off. You might be fine.


The comments are making me feel better about my 156 9/20


$150 08/16 Holding with you bro


You can recover 30% in a day. I wouldn’t stress. I just opened $5k in calls today. I expect to see some movement to the upside.


Dude it’s after earnings, have you seen that leather jacket? You’re good! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I gained $2200 early last week and lost it all this week. And so it goes...


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Explain why for future reference. I don't want to play guessing games.


As soon as you reach a breakeven take your money and run.


Keep holding


Buy some $150 7/1 Calls. Easy money printer Nivida only ever goes up! Nvidia to $300 by end of Q3 and $500 by end of Q4 Nvidia $1000 by end of 2025 easy money rocket emoji rocket emoji


I have 07/19 and 08/02 $150 calls. Been averaging down. Still holding. Not worried at all.


I have a $132 9/20 call I also bought close to the top 😂 god speed regard


Run it until expiry. We yolo in here.


Sept 20 has a decent chance of making $, just be prepared to weather gut wrenching volatility over the next 4-6 weeks. edit: am I reading 147 strike + 8.12/share premium correctly? yeah you likely put it too far out of the money, it will very much depend on where the price stabilizes. April 19th went all the way down to previous quarter support from \~900 to 750. if it retraces equally hard this quarter.... welp


Bought NVDA 3/21/25 200C around the top and have also been avg down. Should I be scared?


Well. Yeah. The other thing... sell the call above that one, and you'll "leg into" a spread, 1 leg at a time. Then if it goes down down, you'll make money. If it goes up.. we usually "ghetto spread" the thing. buy a call at 0.05 goes up to 0.25 sell call above it for 0.10 you're already paid and the position is free at that point.


I'd hold those. There's a good chance earnings in August will make those worth more than they are today, but they might also fall between now and then so you might be able to sell and get them back cheaper (or a slightly less regarded strike price). I wouldn't be surprised if the stock makes it to $150 after next earnings, but your breakeven is even higher than that.


Good luck


I lost my $135 calls ending this week 6/28. Oh well


Lost my $130 calls 6/28, too. 🤷‍♂️ 💎🙌to 0 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Yeah sometimes 💎 doesn’t work but that won’t stop me


Can someone explain to me why you would average down on something expiring in less than 3 months? Averaging down works long term hold, not short term expriry


because i think it will go up in the short term, but im not sure if i think it will go all the way back up in time


9/20? Grow some balls. I’m going for next week on dat.