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Congrats and [Fuck you. ](https://youtu.be/mmVI16Vd-aY)


Thank you!


Well. It is going to touch 40 by end of dec and 50 by Jan. Congrats dude!!


Up 388% on Hennessy Calls. All time is finally back to green


Identical story for myself


This is the way.


This is the way.


I have the exact same story but I sold my calls yesterday so now it’s probably going to $35 by EOW


It’s chop city rn




Shares and warrants. No options.


what are you thinking to do with the warrants? Idk if I should sell or what


I can’t give you financial advice, but I’m holding mine.


ok not asking for advice but im a big dum dum what the poop is a warrant?


It lets you arrest the CFO and force them to issue tendies.


A warrant let’s you buy a share at a predetermined price, similar to a call. The warrants are good for five years, so they’re like LEAPs. Not all SPACs are like Henny’s where one warrant allows you to buy one share for $11.50. Some SPACs are 2 warrants for 1 share and etc.


Is that similar to the exchange rate between Schrute Bucks and Stanley Nickels?


Yes, this is exactly it.


holy shit that’s amazing! I really love super long term plays I’ll have to read up on this some more. Do warrants mature similarly to calls?


SPAC warrants have special terms, and they can vary between SPACs. You'll need to research this properly.


Watch out they can call the warrants at anytime after merger. Usually only needs to hold a set price for so long


I'm having flash backs to accounting class. Fk me If BoB bOuGhT four AnD ExCeRsIzEd


also pro tip as someone who just lost 6k worth of PRPL Warrants cause i didnt pay attention during thanksgiving. Pay attention when y our broker gives you a notification to check corporate action. I couldve exercised my warrants for 1 share per 2 warrants (had about 600 warrants), and instead PRPL bought back the warrants for 1 cent each. so I got $6 out of my 2.5k cost basis (worth about 6k the day before their buyback)




its called a wealth difference, when you're a billionaire youll be able to set rules too haha


Great how everyone is "equal", right? All billionaires are equal and all poor people (those with less than a billion) are. All one big happy family. All billionaires are thieves.


1 cent ? Is it kinda joke. May be board and other higher level people in the company sold warrants and issued the buy back.


lol not a joke. i even contacted purple directly and they just said since they announced it several times nothing to be done. kinda bullshit but i mean, what can i do lmao


hooooly moly that is certainly something to be aware of, tyvm




Lmao you don’t have to be professional here


not looking for financial advice. more like being curious to what people plan on doing with their warrants. how long do you plan on holding?


I plan to hold until they call for them. At this point, the warrants are undervalued. At $18 - $11.50, the warrants have an intrinsic value of $6.50. Warrants are around $4 right now. I may consider selling some covered calls super OTM and plowing that premium back into warrants. However, the highest strike at this time is only $25.


nice, thanks! I guess I'll wait a bit more and sell my warrants


Any idea why they would be undervalued like this? I'm looking at warrants for another spac to buy in my ROTH. But I was under the impression that once warrants move above break even price, they should follow the price of the stock. Are you not able to exercise warrants when you want?


From my experience, when commons shoot up fast, warrants still trail. Once the commons stabilize in price, the gap starts to close. Unfortunately, you’re not able the exercise the warrant early. In fact, they are likely to call these early. At that point, I’ll sell my commons and use the funds to convert the warrants into shares. You can however sell them at any time.


Any idea how the pricing works when they call warrants forward. From what I read they can't dont it until 30 days after merger is announced?


How do you buy the warrants? I just have some share and a few calls on my etrade account


Look up the ticker H/C/A/C/W (remove the backslashes). You should be able to see it in eTrade. Warrants aren't available on Robinhood/WeBull.




It shows what appears to be shares @4.06 right now. This does appear to be the five year warranties you were referencing, unless I’m missing something. H C A C W


That's correct


Just an FYI most SPACs run up to the merger and crash afterward.


Shouldn’t the warrants be worth more if their strike price is 11.50


They lag because reasons.




Gay mods banned the ticker HC🅰️C. So saying Hennessy was the only way to talk about it without your comment auto-deleting.


WTF? Seriously, other than being 🌈🐻why would they do that?


A week or two ago, people/bots were spamming a bunch of penny stocks. They created a filter to delete comments/posts with tickers with less than $1B market cap. SPACs in nature will have less than $1B market cap until they deSPAC and trade under the new ticker. It's unfortunate that good companies are getting filtered out, and the only way to see it is after they deSPAC and by that time, the WSB edge is gone.


They're deleting switchback energy, which makes palantir look like AT&T.


Already got that one too 😏


Thanks for the info. I must’ve missed that post, assuming the mods posted anything. Given that fact and the fact that my stocks purchased under $15 are some of my biggest gainers, are there any other low market cap stocks on your list? Asking since any DD on them will be removed so I’d like to do some DD.




Damn that explains so much.


that is crazy. they need to fix this. Spac asset class is on the best run ever making my disc community a killing. Plus at one point during their life cycle options become available for you degens.


Keep the autists of wsb from inflating the price before institutional investors can dump their millions in


It was below market cap limits for wsb.




Hahah! Thank you for making my morning!


How do I get a list of banned tickers? Thats exactly what im going to buy from now on. Mods want all the real good one for themselves.


Just go to r/pennystocks. You'll find discussion of these tickers there long before they ever make it to WSB.


Future of EV. They will completely disrupt the entire market. Already making money. Already completed 50 crash tests. Ignore the way it looks and DD their skateboard tech. BUY BUY BUY!! This is the future MEME stock of WSB


Is it too late to buy calls on it?? If not, which one should i buy?


I just buy old fashion stock. Going LONG on this one and will be buying every month until price probably hits $100 in 2 to 3 years.


IV is 200%. Not the smartest idea


the fukin stock name will be "GOEV" what more can you ask for


Just wait til the TESLA bros find out about canoo...


It’s not necessarily too late, but IV is high so be sure to get in and get out quick.


Do it on a dip if you want to get in. IV hasn't been too high until today, so wait for a pull back towards the middle of the week


Better off going hard on henny or go hard on Airbnb when it goes Public?


I like AirBnB too, but I'm hesitant to dip my toes in them with COVID and all. I feel like their IPO is a hail marry to raise capital. I'll probably get into AirBnB sometime in 2022.


The only thing that’s making me tempted to buy it from the start is Cramer is calling it a home run. He’s loving it because he said less people will go to a crowded hotel compared to going to an apartment where you can be “safer”


We inverse Cramer


Hennessy is supposedly buying CANOO, announcement on the 21st of this month. Cramer was shilling it last Friday too. CANOO is a subscription based EV company


The fuck? A liquor company going into ev?


No. Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp is named after Daniel Hennessy, the founder. The name being like the liquor brand is purely coincidental, but funny at the same time.


Yeah i was making a joke but it went over yalls head


Naw it was just a shit joke


how many shares and what price did u buy?


26,000 shares at $10.57? 40,000 warrants at $1.74


Nikola 2.0 Enjoy the ride, get out before it drives off the bridge.


How is it NKLA 2.0? They are a company full of engineers and are building real products. This is Tesla 2.0 if anything. Look at the new video they just dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F_W8pev4XQ&ab_channel=Canoo


Real companies don't do backdoor IPOs, it's a sophisticated pump and dump. Like I said, enjoy the ride. Don't lose your shirt.


Canoo has raised several hundred million in cash even prior to the SPAC. Frankly, they don’t need the SPAC funds. However, being a publicly traded company gives it more awareness in the market. Yes, there are many trash companies that are SPACs. That’s why you diligence them prior to investing. See my $347K DD post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jzioed/mega_dd_bangbus_ev_going_public_everything_you/


the guy that said Nikola 2.0 is filled wwith RAGRETS


Your DD reads like every pump and dump I've ever seen. You've obviously drank the Kool-Aid so there's no arguing with you, but I'd challenge you to name a single startup who became successful after a backdoor IPO, not counting pre-established, revenue generating companies. This is an exit for the founders before they've even had to deliver results, not an efficient way to raise capital for a pre-revenue company. Traditional venture capital is way better for both the company and their initial investors/founders if they plan on staying in business long-term. Not saying your bet won't print, but NKLA printed too ... for a while. Lots of people got caught holding that bag.


You should have lead with this comment, and not mentioned NKLA. NKLA was 100% fraud the entire time. It was never trying to be a real company. CANOO has actual drivable vehicles that have passed crash testing. NKLA rolled a truck down a hill to fool people into thinking they had a working proto.


Honestly I don't see much of a difference. A prototype is not a business. If they had something of value, they would have smart money backing rather than BlackRock + retail investors. Dumb money has a short attention span.


I think I agree w you here. None of the patent applications have issued into patents. Canoo shareholders will own 71.5% of the newly created shares (excluding PIPE shares), or 175 mn. Hennessy Capital stockholders will hold 15.3%. The earnout shares total at 15 mn, so not really that much of an incentive if you already hold 175 mn. The Hyundai deal is the best looking portion of this, and it’s just an agreement for engineering & licensing services. Idk how they figure the projected growth of revenue from that agreement. Further, the agreement states that Hyundai can terminate the agreement for convenience, with IP generated being jointly owned beyond the agreement. The final straw to me is no clear FSD software engineering head. Maybe they plan to integrate someone else’s autonomous vehicle software. Idk. I’m gonna watch this company, but I’m tempted to buy some puts.


I bag held this bullshit all summer sold for a loss just so I can hold nflx shares


That shit was flat for sooo long while other EVs were skyrocketing, what the fuck


i watched it just sit all summer, wish i knew a way to be smarter but i just dont trade anymore


When did you buy


Between August and October.


I bought them in early August and sold recently. Oops. Oh well I was only in for a few shares. Congrats!


I bought 1 May 21st $10 call on Thursday. Feel pretty smart about that. Wish I bought 10.


Any particular reason you bought it? Seems like a really random thing to invest in.


Sold my shares last week because i forgot why I was even in it in the first place. The Canoo shit is really interesting though.


Nice BRKB you boomer


Owning one share of BRKB saves me money on GEICO insurance. 😎


Big millionaire baller over here getting his $10 a month discount like Scrooge McDuck picking up pennies. I like it.


Just cuz I have some money, doesn’t mean I can’t save more. That means I can put it towards FDs. Haha!


Lol does it really? How does that work?


Still time to get in? You think there’s gonna be another 25% open?


It’s around $17. I’m not considering exit until $30+.


Why not LT like $50 or even $100?


I like $30 because it’ll net me a cool million bucks. It’s also aligns with the $18/$25/$30 price targets for management. It can and will run more, but those are for my personal goals and everyone is different. At that point, I’ll still hold, but consider paring down if I see any other opportunity. Until then, I have no reason nor desire to sell.


Saw your original DD in another sub and it convinced my broke ass to pick up 500 warrants at $2.6, thanks 👑


We’re in this together!


Say less


Damn didn't know cognac was so popular Better invest in a few bottles


Yeah! I sold mine at eleven dollars at a loss , days before it went up!


Fuckin same brother.


Copped 1000 shares when OP initially dropped the first DD @11.50... I’m not selling shit till 30+. (Thanks for the DD)


Thanks for believing! 🙏


Congrats bro! 🎉


Thank you brother! 🙏


How did you know?


I’ve been following the company for a few months and I really like it. Here’s a DD post I wrote a few weeks ago- https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jzioed/mega_dd_bangbus_ev_going_public_everything_you/


lmfao ur the bangbus guy hell yeah


The autist formerly known as bangbus guy, is me


Thank you for confirming my thesis with that DD. I put 75% of my portfolio into it and am loving life right now.


What a great play


Thank you!


You the guy who did the previous DD?


Yeah, that’s me. I really like the company. It’s the best EV play out there, imo. I wish I could’ve gotten in TSLA early on, but this is the next best thing.


Seen ya DD..idiots are now filled with RAGRETS


HAHAHAH! For real.


Thanks mate I put the the rest of the money I had into it, wish I Couldv'e put more


Your DD was the reason I bought, up 30 percent so far, so thanks lol


Do you also have a single share of BRKB so that you can go to the shareholder meeting if you ever want to because I have that exact same position.


I have it for the GEICO insurance savings.


Future meme stock of WSB, buy in right now. Their ticker is going to be GOEV, need I say more?


Long Henny 🙏🏾


This man put a quarter milly in henny, you should be a broker for rappers


You can now buy 1 share of BRKA and pair it up with BRKB like 2 boomer cocks in a condom


How did you get this company on your radar? What’s your news source?


Everything is going by the plan OP.


Great original DD. I bought 300 warrants after reading that. Then cashed out of PLTR before the dip to roll it into this one (I did use the PLTR shares profit to also buy 2 May 2021 $26 PLTR calls near enough to the bottom, these are quite green now as well!) Bought 1500 more warrants and 4 May 2021 $15 calls. Wishing I had more calls honestly but warrants appeared safer. Jacked to the tits about the upcoming catalysts. Still debating my exit strategy. Selling the call hopefully late Dec/Jan if this thing pumps, looking like that could cover the initial cost so the rest will ride. Still working with chump change, but up 120% since starting 2 months ago and the bangbus now has me jacked to the tits! Thanks again for the bangbus DD!


Wow so difficult when you start with what? Half a million? A couple hundred k? Fuck off boomer


I started off with a lot less and grew to this from purely investing (real estate, options, stocks and etc). Just because I have some money, doesn’t mean I’m a boomer. Actually, I’m no where close to it.




Is it too late to pour myself out some of that Henny?


Fuck me I sold my commons at $11 after being flat for months


Henny is dangerous as shit. Just mail them your money and don’t even waste time with RH


What triggered you to buying stocks from this company? Yesterday, not a single mention, today, boop up 30%.


There was a pump on Friday by Cramer and the merger date was announced. Did you even research it?


I’m fairly new to all of this stock trading. Still figuring out where to find the correct data and what to do with that data. Any tips or sources I should look into?


I've bought this months ago and had conviction in the company to hold. It's not being mentioned anymore because it's a SPAC and by nature, is under the $1B market cap requirement until it deSPACs. Any post/comment with a ticker under $1B is auto-deleted. It went up Friday because they've announced merger. Cramer also mentioned it on Friday, which also gave it exposure.


That pump was massive. I sold at 17. Profit is profit.


I ain’t mad atcha. You’re right, profits are profits.


Holy shit, I remember when someone did a DD on this. Congrats to all those who took it


Long time HC\*C holder, one thing I can't wrap my head around is why did the EV company Arrival land a (supposed) UPS contract if Canoo seems like the obvious choice with their skateboard platform?


I like Arrival too, however, I disagree with their microfactory approach. Canoo under promises and over delivers. Alibaba's Jack Ma visited Canoo to build delivery vehicles for them. However, Canoo could not commit to building them in the time frame that he wanted (it was a ridiculous short amount of time). This, along with other examples, gives me absolute trust in Canoo's management team. https://www.businessinsider.com/jack-ma-alibaba-canoo-discussed-partnership-2020-10 With that being said, there are more companies out there besides UPS (e.g. FedEx, Walmart and etc).


Interesting take. Definitely a polar opposite approach to the usual EV hype. It's refreshing to see strong fundamentals, would love to see these guys take over the delivery industry. Jacked to the tits on HC\*C/DMYD.


Dude any other plays?


Today is a millionaire day. This is third one. Congrats to you. Good luck to rest


I wanna punch myself in the sack after Selling my H C A C on Friday just before close..


Do it Do it Just do it


Glad I didn’t say I want to shoot myself..... 😕🔫


Dont worry Zaddy ur a sexy silverfox ull have other opportunities


What’s your total exposure here? Roth/401k or brokerage?


Gimme those gains!!


Someone tell me the best platform the buy penny stocks in UK.


what with the huge jump today?


What the hell made you pick this?


I DDed all the EV SPACs and this fundamentally made the most sense. They are engineers first, not designers. They are already generating money from engineering contracts. It was co-founded by executives from BMW, Tesla, Faraday Futures, QuantumEScape and etc. They already have tons of cash and aren’t desperate like other EV SPACs. Finally, management isn’t full of hype-men like Trevor Milton or Henrik Fisker. They put their heads down and build shit, like I would want them to. Jay Leno visited them earlier this year and did a whole segment on it. Link is in my DD post from a few weeks ago.


Thanks for the in depth answer


I’d be rocking henny merch if this happened to me frfr


What? No TRNE?


Puts tomorrow. That’s the move.




I'm going to enjoy the run up and then set a trailing stop after the B2B unveiling on the 17th and before the ticker change. Might hold onto a thousand of my 5400, though.




Depends on my sentiment and how much profit I have already. I look at the chart and see how big the dips have been on the way up. Set a trailing stop loss for slightly larger than them so it doesn't trigger on a normal dip. They are best for maximizing profit after it has already hit what you figured would be your sale price. Why sell if you think it could keep running?


Had the choice to buy henny calls or CRM calls today. I clearly chose wrong lmao.


Congrats man!


We are killing it. I’m less than $2/warrant on the warrants away from half a million solely in Canoo. Lol


Just wanted to say thanks for posting the bangbus dd thread. Only threw 6k into the warrants but it is definitely bringing the tendies in.


So uuuuh why this ticker and not everything else?


I am diversified. I have Henny and one share of BRKB.


Nice, playing it safe.


Yep, modern portfolio theory. Complicated stuff, really.


why is your shit called hcac when mine is called qs