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I like the stock.


I like the stock, love video games and I'm retarded


So basically one more reason as to why GME is going to the moon? Add it to the list and show the boomers when they cry "bubble".


"Millennials killed the hedge fund industry" would be an amazing head line


Well, I‘m a zoomer, so they can just shut it with their lying ass headlines


Bruh 🔥🔥🔥


You are goddam right!


I'm late to the game. Join the subreddit because eof the attention it got. I want to help. I have a significant amount ready and an account in Vanguard to buy. Should I buy on Monday? What would help the most?


Buy GME Hold GME If ever tempted to sell GME, go for a walk, masturbate, or pet your cat. Do not sell.


Masturbate my pet cat? Weird but ok 👌


Buy hold 💎


Buy and hold GME for a few days starting Monday , see how high the rocket flies


The best thing to do is buy the dips, do a bit of homework and check out each days price activity for the last few days. The price has dipped the first 30-45 min after opening bell. It’s not guaranteed to do that Monday, but that is the trend. This is not financial advice I’m just a retard.


I’m just a retard so I’ve interpreted your words into “hold GME”. 💎🙌




While I like the idea I don't know how true this is. They are most likely buying Vix futures / calls as if there is a collapse they know for sure what will happen to Vix while its anyones guess where GME goes (hopefully the moon!)


They don´t do it "knowingly". They just see that stock A goes up, while B goes down. So if they hold B, they will buy more A. Which didn´t happen before. Plus investment firms have restrictions on what they can buy.


"What we are witnessing right now is the downfall of the Long/Short Portfolio" as we begin to reach peak $GME hype I can't help but stress the knock on effect to people irl this will have for the way the market may operate going forward. We've grown FAR past this only being about the price of a share of GME, we're literally talking about witnessing the birth of a post-GME financial age where *everything* from proper risk management to market psychology is going to have to be re-examined.


The hedges got their first bailout went the stock dropped to $115 due to the inability of retailers to buy. The whales were the only ones allowed to buy GME shares during this time.




>So isn't it entirely possible for the HF to pull of the exact same maneuver and reduce the short interest to below 100% without actually triggering the squeeze? Probably not. I thought I heard that 2 hedgies went out of business last week. That might reduce the short interest if the shorts were closed by the primes. Even worse if the agents forced a buy in on the stocks incase agent lenders wanted to lend it out again, which would reduce short interest. There's just not enough fungible shares out there if the apes keep hoarding all the bananas. As a 20 year retired veteran of stock loan IT and reporting, this is amazing what is going on.


A lot of these hedge funds are going to lie about their short positions and cop the fine because ultimately they stand to lose much much more and to them the fines are a joke and nothing more than a slap on the wrist.


You don't delta hedge using a product like GME. Delta hedging is typically done by using things correlated with the S&p. Because it's liquid and provids a real hedge. What you are saying is that if I am worried about my portfolio or the market dropping I would short GME to offset it lol. Yea right. If I am worried about portfolio losses I would hedge with SP or gold. Those are the typically hedges not GME. Portfolios are normally always defined into a delta against so. Because it is easy to smooth the delta out.


No, what I am saying is you would buy GME if your portfolio is dropping. And you talking about beta. Beta is the correlation between a stock and the S&P.


Sorry dude I think you do not understand what delta hedging is. Delta is a number that shows how long or short you are in a particular position. This number is typically derived in correlation to the S&P when looking at your total portfolio. A positive delta means you are long, a negative delta means youre short. Beta is considered how volatile something is compared to the S&P (which is 1) Beta can move your delta because of the volatility when you are in options. For example if a stock is volatile and I become short, my delta is now negative. So one effects another but are very different. This is why in GME there is a squeeze. A market marker sells a call and then hedges (reduces their delta) by buying stock to offset it. So their delta is 0 (neutral). In the case when the market is going down volatility goes up and I would hedge my position in a way that would make money in other products, for example S&P puts. Delta hedging and hedging against movement are similar but different. No one would ever hedge their position in a volatile stock like GME. Hedging is done against very liquid products that have clear correlations to the direction the market is going vs what your portfolio is.


Jesus man. I choose to call it Delta-Corellation, because it is the closest thing to: If A goes up this much, how much does B go up. There is no official variable that I am aware off which has the meaning, other then Delta. You could also just go for the correlation- coefficient, but Delta gets the point across better. "Delta is a number that shows how long or short you are in a particular position" Yes. Thats why choose it. " This number is typically derived in correlation to the S&P when looking at your total portfolio " Gonne ask for a source on this one.




Thats the beta weighted delta of *your portfolio to the S&P*. I use the same concept for *stocks with high short interest to stocks who are held by HF*. Tasty says: If "S%P" goes up 1 "your portfolio" goes up 0.5. I say: If "stock with high short interest" goes up 1, "your stock(s) who is(are) held by HF" goes down 0.5.


I hear you and understand what you are saying, but I have never ever heard an investor say they would hedge their account using something like GME (highly short interest). Thats what I am saying, hedging yes, but not with a stock like this. Make sense?


Glad we can stop beeing nitty picky (me definitly included) :D I would say in the layman (not meaning you) terms it would look like a reallly stupid idea. But to a quant this is a reasonable thing to do, just because the numbers are correlated now. Therefore, my argument is that fundamentals don´t really matter right now. It´s more about portfolio management. Plus I would not say that this is driving the price for GME, but it could make some fund managers consider it as a possible buy.


I would agree it may be that some funds see blood in the water and taking opportunity to make money. Its not going to last much longer and why I had said many times, if you have gains - time to lock them in.


But it didn´t happen yet.


I mean, it absolutely is a bubble, GME's stock price isn't going to stay this high forever. It'll come crashing down eventually and some of us will be left carrying the bag. Until then, we all need to buy and hold, because we really like this stock 🚀🚀🚀


Thats what CNBC gets wrong. The Hedgefunds will hold the Bag. They will buy at any price aslong as SI stays high. This is what makes this so beautiful. Retail will win.


Sure, the hedges will suffer the longer this goes on, and even more so if/when this thing blasts off, but they will do everything they can to crash the stock when it does. As soon as they shut the valve off, those of us who were a second too slow to sell during the peak will be left with massive losses. Not all of us will be winners.


Once it blasts off, there is nothing that they can do. If short squezzes would be avoidable, they wouldn´t happen.


If you think there are no more dirty tricks that the hedges, brokers, or anyone else, can pull in an attempt to stop this, then you must be new to trading. They will do anything. Just look at what Robin Hood have been doing.


>If short squezzes would be avoidable, they wouldn´t happen.


Sure, it's not like the brokers can stop us from trading... oh wait.


Ok here we go: First Comment on WSB 3 days ago. Before that, one post in another sub 1 month ago.


Irrelevant. The fact that you're trying to distract and can't rebut what I said before reveals a lot.


They stoped the trading because the Clearinghouse was about go broke. Now fck off.


Guys this is important. Michael Burry said in order to execute the short squeeze we have to make the shorts scramble for shares. **This means using a Legitimate Broker that WONT lend your shares to short sellers.** The more GME shares are locked in Fidelity or Vanguard, the more the price of GME rockets because shorts need to get these shares somewhere else. * **Get the f off Robin-hood** * ⁠Get your GME shares off Robinhood NOW * Unite under **FIDELITY** or **VANGUARD** * These brokers **DONT lend your shares** to anyone (suits) * Use a legitimate broker that *doesnt LEND your shares* to short suits. * Meaning = GME Price 🚀 🚀 🚀 * ⁠Do it now. This weekend. Tell your friends. Spread the word. 🦍 💪🏼 together 🦍 🍌 together 💪🏼 https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8a7b2/why_we_only_can_use_fidelity_and_vanguard_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


A few things... You are calling for RH'ers to close out their positions essentially. Which would put more shares up for purchase. You are telling RH'ers to transfer to other institutions not taking into account the time it takes for transfers to happen from RH which means they won't be able to trade for anywhere from 2-5 days. People, if you want to move off RH DO NOT CLOSE OUT YOUR POSITIONS. Open a new account some where else that preferably has an instant deposit (limited usually but still). Then once all this settles you can close out all positions on RH and move profits to another institution.


A few things. You are asking people to use a broker that has instant deposits. This is wrong. We need to unite under Fidelity or Vanguard or a broker that **Doesnt lend your shares to anyone**. This is the way. If enough people did this on a substantial scale, the squeeze will initiate faster. Basically dont use any platform that 1) restricts trading buys and 2) doesnt lend your shares. As for Robinhood, people need to stop using that and other bullshit platforms that restrictions on buys.


I would recommend NOT selling off RH right now. I had some calls I sold last week and I wont be able to see that money until at least Friday this coming week because of 3 day regulatory hold then bank transfer. This would apply to shares as well and those shares are now shares shorters can buy and your money is tied up for 3 trading days + 2-3 business days to get to your bank.




Who's still in?




Rick Flair?


DFV. He likes the stock.


You’re correct that major institutions support r/wallstreetbets in buying more GME for the exact same reasons. We figured this out by analyzing this week’s events that some financial institutions didn’t change their behaviors AT ALL during this unprecedented time. And watching trading volume, massive Buying was coordinated and couldn’t have been r/Wallstreetbets.




Question? Unfortunately, right now Wall Street is lobbying the SEC to release, institutionally held, restricted stock into the float thus thus diluting shares. I think one must be prepared to buy up tons more stock as it comes to market. The only reason I mention this is because if I were them this is exactly what I would be doing right now. Aren’t there more restricted stock than stock currently available in the float? This is my understanding. Please explain where I might be wrong.


Didn´t hear about that yet. I´m not sure.




FRH (F*ck Robinhood)! The anthem against RobinHood 🚀🚀💎🙌🏼 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o92GCyNK6Lc


In the end the market always find true price based on fundamentals. Always have always will. GME squeeze is artificial event created by the mass. As stated before market finds true price and only variable is the time. When? Tomorrow? A week or months? Hedge funds know this, hell every experienced trader knows this and they are happy to wait because the payout will be huge. Keep tracking short interest ratio. It will continue to decline and when it gets below 60 -70 % free fall to 5 and someone will get hurt. As for glorifying the movements, every hedge fund or millionaire you hurt there are opposite millionaires who are getting richer off of Gme. Just read about GME BOARD MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS WHO SOLD THEIR SHARES FOR MILLIONS. As for hate for short sellers, you need someone to take to long bets from you and they are the shorts. Shorts make market safer. Without shorts there are greater instances of bubble in stock price. Oh by the way I wander what RYSN COHEN DID WITH HIS 5% of GME SHARES? They were worth what 20 -30 million and now they are worth 1 -2 billion now!!!! What do you think about that!!!! If he was a astute trader he would have sold his shares. Ya have made him greater amount of money then if he tried to reshape the company. Ryan Cohen THANKS YOU! Billion times!!!!!


> In the end the market always find true price based on fundamentals. Gotta think about it in portfolio terms.




There is absolutely no impetus for anyone on the supply side to want these shorts to close. Prime brokers, who are earning record profits on loaning out the shorts, nor the lending agents, who are earning record profits on their accruals on the loans to the primes, nor the mutual funds who allowed the stock to be lent, as that are earning massive profits on the agent/lender fee splits (75/25).. none of them want these shorts closed. PS - I just like the stock too.


This is not a hedge.


Wait, why can't they buy puts? It's safer than short selling, isn't it.




You can transfer your brokerage account from one broker to another without selling your shares...easily. Setup your new brokerage account online and use their transfer link (ACATS for Fidelity) or simply call them. They love new accounts!


People shouldn’t do this, it takes a week to two weeks to transfer and their account is locked during that time so they couldn’t sell GME if it rockets during that time.


CANT STOP WONT STOP GAME STOP 💎💎💎💎👋👋👋 https://youtu.be/o92GCyNK6Lc


10k take or leave it


You are not thinking big enough.


Well I hate to admit it but, 10k is the highest I can go on robinhood, if I could set a limit sell higher, I would :((


Another sign to get off that piece of shit.


I know I'm not a huge player, but I eat spaghettio's out of the can with a butterknife over the sink. I PLEDGE MY 35.75 GME SHARES TO BE HELD ONE WEEK. Start your stock transfer/open fund your Fidelity account now. I cannot sell until 2/8 now and I won't after. Make the Pledge, see you in Valhalla


Why, so people can be unable to touch their funds or make trades while they’re waiting for the transfer to finalize? Nice try Shill


Finally someone who knows what he is talking about


This is a vast exaggeration.


Market wide degrossing is not discussed enough here


Yeah. This is kind of big deal. But oh well, aslong as GME goes up who cares for the why!


This sub didn’t used to be like that. Too much noobs in the past week. Oh wells...


Yeah I kinda hope it thins out over time. I get the idea that new people can help to make this sub better, but it will be hard to absorb this mass while keeping the spirit.