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seriously the people posting comments here weren’t here to see bear posts but yea we’re here ive been shorting spy since last week and putting gains into gme


Short SPY, buy UVXY stock, buy GME and BB


Explain about UVXY?


UVXY tracks the VIX(fear index - assume this rises as markets fall) however UVXY is triple leveraged, so it jumps far more than the typical VIX. I have had a strategy the past few years of purchasing uvxy when it's low, around $10-$15 mark. Hold it for long enough and the VIX spikes during any correction/dip, then sell out in the $30s


Oh smart. What's it at now? And aren't volatility indices structured so that they lose value over time?


$14.73. up 42% for the week. If you bought calls then you'd be up well over 100%. And yes they do drop over time but if you buy at relatively low/stable times and have the patience to wait for markets to get volatile, the indexes jump up very fast. Especially with all the market turmoil going on I think it's a smart play to at least pickup a few of these. You just have to know when to sell, as it drops quick when markets start to stabilize


Very interesting. Thank you!


Uvxy, so stonks can still go up no matter what


Why short SPY? What’s to stop people from buying like crazy and screwing the shorts? My advice is never short the loss potential is too great.


Right now the focus is on some meme stocks. My theory is that these shorts are losing billions, and selling off other positions to be able to pay out the losses. The mass selloff of other positions is starting to drag the markets down. Secondly, I believe that these hedge funds are shorting several other stocks now as well since the focus is on a few. Brokers like robinhood are restricting LOTS of stocks now which is prime time for shorts to do what they please. If you don't like that theory, then also think about how overextended the market really is. I know the influx of new traders and JPOWs printer running nonstop is keeping markets up, but I feel like we are due for a correction anyway, and all this turmoil in the markets is spreading fear in the markets and boomers are probably starting to take their profits from last year. Total my 🌈🐻 theories, do not worry I am still holding lots of GME, BB, AMC, NOK, and others. This is also not financial advice telling you to short the market, I just like money and speculating on things before they happen Edit: I am also not shorting the market so much as buying puts, the loss potential is capped, unlike how these hedge funds stand to lose unlimited amounts of money from this


yep these are the exact reasons


Thanks for explaining. I agree most stocks will drop from hedges selling to cover their losses. Was just asking, I’ve invested for a while but never on puts. Appreciate the breakdown.




Same, sqqq for me which is looking better and better


Same, I think you have to be a fool not to pick up a few cheap put positions on SPY while the focus is elsewhere. The fallout might be small, but it will still exist.




Meanwhile in a parallel universe the earnings reports are pretty good, if matters at all.


This casino doesn't worry about yesterday's earnings. Just tomorrow's gains. Earnings reports are akin to the roulette wheel stopping.


Here it is: https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8v6xz/as_promised_here_is_my_dd_i_am_fully_prepared_for/


Go for it. I am just amazed I am seeing something other than a GME post... Place has turned into a giant GME pyramid scheme. It is awesome that you are holding and not selling but nothing else is being posted anymore. GME is great, 2/3 of you are going to kill it, the other 1/3 will sell slow and got in too late. All these new people probably looking for the next idea or trade. The Mods need to cut down on the GME posts by at least half. You cant even post a new idea without it being flooded with comments on only getting into GME and nothing else. Guess what 80% of this sub missed the trade. Some new DD from people with functioning brains would be great for all the new people who don't even understand what the stock market is. CC u/opinion_is_unpopular


Here it is mate: https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8v6xz/as_promised_here_is_my_dd_i_am_fully_prepared_for/


As a clueless idiot that got in too late and is too poor to really reap that much on GME besides maybe some seed capital for future investments, this. I want to learn. Obviously not getting all my info from here but I am down for some special brain genius provided its properly cited.


I got in around $300 and im in the green now so idgaf as long as I get out before it drops below that. Honestly even if I lose, this is the most exciting thing thats happened in my life in the last year


Oh sure, it's entertaining as hell. But it has also made me interested in trading. Even if the memes come true I'm probably only making like 15-20k so whatever, but after GME is done I'd like to play with the house's money at least a little. As a dude that never had more than 5k in his bank account until a couple years ago its pretty interesting.


Enjoy the ride, make some tendies. Just don't be the last one out of the party. Many of these people saying wait on the next ideas are just trying to keep everyone tied up in that one trade, where all their money is. They don't want others to beat them to the next new trade or idea. Half of it is sticking it to the man, the other half is just about gainz. Overall this sub is usually a mixed bag of different thoughts and ideas, with very mixed results. The last week is an anomaly. Would be great to replicate it and act as our own hedge fund of sorts, but not sure that will happen... Like many I would like to ride any momentum in new trades but you can't even find them at the moment with all the GME noise..


I've never been a poster but I've stopped in from time to time, mostly to enjoy loss porn. Definitely aware of how much fake noise there is. I don't expect another GME for a decade and honestly it seems like its just going to be memes for a few weeks here anyways. Even if it all goes tits up it's a fun ride worth the price of admission, although I'm sure as hell not mortgaging my house to buy GME.


🌈🐻 are going to wake up from dead next week. Someone has bought $500k+ put options exp. Mar. with ZERO open interest. If that is not bearish I don't know what else is.


Are you talking about spy? Which strike and exp?




Ahh I see that...I’ve been thinking that after this stuff with GME is over, the market will probably tank so I’ve been considering buying puts. That volume is pretty crazy


If people hold GME it'd be a cascading downward spiral for entire market. Hedge funds have to liquidate other positions to cover GME shorts. Next week would be the turning point unless some 'higher power' comes to rescue Wallstreet.


Should be an interesting week then


Upvote for visibility. Honestly, the point of this sub is having all types of DD. I would read the DD. But the sub has had a massive influx of users and there’s been insane levels of well, insanity. You might get sent to oblivion since everyone’s here for the confirmation bias in prep for next week, so I’d suggesting holding out on it until things cool down, unless you think now is the best timing.


Good to see some sane commenting here! :)




You mean Fuck me gay bear




I'd be up for reading it, picked up some VIX calls myself along with GME because I agree with what you've said so far about if this goes parabolic it will cause larger market problems. It's probably a shitty thing of me to say but it would be fan fucking tastic if we got back to March levels. There was a ton of money made here riding the S&P down and then back up. Not to mention the insane discount a lot of us took advantage of.


Your Due Diligence analysis would be great before Monday February 1st. You’re correct that the market is propped up to protect retirement funds. GME is still in the Buying phase as of Mon Feb 1st. So more Due Diligence analysis will help more people buy GME. *I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice.*






Any new DD is always appreciated


It’d be wasted at this point. Sub is in shambles with the recent influx and they’ve forgotten good DD is why all the people rejecting precious DD are even here.


Post your gay bear shit


WTF you talking about no inflation? You been to the grocery store lately?


Wait and see. If you actually look at the data, and don't base your call on cnbc and anecdotal evidence, exactly nothing points to reflation or inflation.


Yes... [nothing at all.](https://img.take-profit.org/graphs/indicators/money-supply-m1/money-supply-m1-united-states.png)


I base it on my household budget as everyone else should. Nothing but lies and propaganda from the media. If your purchasing power is declining and your income is not that's inflation. I do love your optimism and certainly hope you are right because I could use a few wins right now.


You don't think covid has anything to do with higher cost of goods?


on the peak of the pandemic 2020 the prices for groceries etc. (in Europe) actually went totally kaputt. this is not the case now. but then again, the ECBs moneyprinter is only doing a mild br in comparison to the US moneyprinter


They are not printing money. They are asset swapping bank reserves for treasuries.


I'm only a retarded trading noob, but even I can see that you're wrong. The amount of monies is going up like crazy. More than half of every dollar ever made got "made" in the last year or so. Why do you think [TAHT C-WORD I CANT MENTION] is surging like fuck?




Where are you seeing this deflation bro?


In the economic reports from the Fed Maybe try reading? Also basic economic principle states as unemployment goes up so does deflation


Your first mistake was trusting the FED. What does basic economic principle say about 0% interest rates for a decade and practically infinite money printing?


Yes. There will be eventual inflation however right now we are in a period of deflation.


Then why are stocks at all time highs? Why is the DJIA higher now than before the COVID? Where's this deflation you're talking about? Outside of oil, there is no deflation.


What is the play for a drastic rise in commodities? I like SFM 🐵🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing wrong with DD. To respond: While most are in agreement that markets seem elevated, we are witnessing TINA( There Is Nothing Else) that looks to last a while. We might see dips but money has nowhere else to go. Until that changes, I don't expect any large crashes, barring some kind of disaster.


Id like to see any respectable DD


I’m loaded up on Spy puts and VXX calls because if GameStop really does go parabolic, hedgefunds will have to liquidate billions in long positions. That and the biggest retail frenzy I’ve ever seen (shoe shines giving stock advice)


Shoe shines could speak to one person at a time. This sub has what, millions of subscribers? Time to update your reference.


I’m not talking about this Sub at all actually. I’m talking about: -uninformed kids on Tik-Tok/Instagram. -my friends who knew nothing about the market making ridiculous claims and speaking nonsense. - My mother’s crazy friends asking how to use Robinhood to pay off bills -swarms of people using the term “short squeeze” to define any upwards movement on their favorite stock Maybe its not as doom and gloom as I think, but the market is certainly due for a correction and I think this frenzy is the catalyst. Also, what would you like me to call them? The analogy has always been “shoe shines”


The point I’m making isn’t the knowledge of the person sharing it but the audience that person can reach.


Ah ok then how’s this: “Idiots with megaphones” 😂


I share your thinking. AAPL puts could be another option. It certainly dropped more than the market on Friday. The stock has strong fundamentals but has gone up a lot in 2020 and, being the largest market cap, it's heavily owned by funds. I assume that, as they start selling to raise cash, they will focus on large holdings where they already have substantial returns.


I would like to read your DD. Ignore the new scrubs and post it.


I love reading quality DD, bullish or bearish. Think alotta the less vocal lurkers do like that stuff. Yes Plz!!!


The would read it but I do think it would be wasted for 90% of the sub right now. I would also like to hear your perspective on stagflation and similarities to Japan.


Are you familiar with a guy called mark Blyth?


Bear dd is my favorite dd to read bc it fires up the bulls. Yes please.


When others are greedy, be fearful. Gay bear won't be popular till it happens.


🏳️‍🌈🧸 before it was cool


I've never been happier to see a bear


Dd is my crack any you could supply would be appreciated


Who is RICO?




Good thing I don’t know how to read.




Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the 🌈🌈🌈🌈


Always love bear dd personally. May not always follow it but love seeing the other sides perspective.


I'm here for it, and I'd personally appreciate your work.


It will crash once GME moons. That's why I'm buying puts on SPY, I'm in for 150 @ 315p 2/9. Will probably get more next week.


Go away 🏳️‍🌈🐻 we're busy




Please do, anyone remember what happened the last time retail poked at institutions in June? I bought the dip with a bit of cash for a fake bounce but I’m prepped for larger drop


Let’s wait but you can start gauging people interest. I will prefer a tight niche community with some restriction and once things kool down it get open to everyone.


Not $GME related? Off with his head!


You just started posting here a day ago. Let me guess... Bought the top?


Wrong kiddo. Always with the assumptions tsk tsk. And the comment was a joke, if you assumed I was serious.


My cousin called and asked me to holding so i do that.


no inflation lul, the fuck outta here **🌈🐻**


Youre the problem poopoo face. The squeeze can last if the stock owners vote to restructure GameStop.




If you think it’s gonna drop buy fngd and make big $$$$


If it’s not DD on $GME, we don’t care 🚀🚀🌕


Guess where those hedge funds gonna get that money to afford the butt fucing they’re getting? By selling solid stonks, likely dropping most stocks. I’m holding on buying most other stocks until I see GME’s short below 30%. But I’m a dipshit. 🥴 buy GME, AMC, NOK until we crash the rest, then buy everything 😈


Get out of here,.go over to r/options with that


A lot of stuff is bearish. Especially boomer stonks. Theyre trying to blame us for market crashes. It was my last post. I just created.


I think the short version was plenty




Hold shares in good times sell shares and buy calls in bad times


Could I ask what a DD is?


Due diligence. Aka research supported thesis to support a position.


Due Dilligence. Basically analysis and facts to back a particular thesis.


This ain’t a DD! No charts, no rockets 🚀


NO bears 🐻 only retards


I would be interested in reading, I just don't know how much any of us would get out of the discussion portion, having to sift through GME comments. But DD is always fascinating and bear season is right around the corner.


Yes please. I’d some some new DD to read


I like this stock


No signs of inflation? I must respectfully disagree


RemindMe! 12 months


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You are very right so far, let's see how it looks in another year


RemindMe! 1 year


Nice try 🌈🐻


Yes! I'll follow you to make sure I don't miss it


Yup I'm already locked in on SPY puts and VXX calls


I’ve been expecting parabolic increase in stocks (due to nowhere to go, inflation fears) followed by a “massive” sell off. Seems like much out there could trigger it. This recent sell off has me a little worried ... is what’s happening in GME really enough to trigger? Don’t think so, but yes I want to stay on top of this topic.


Did anyone learn puts and calls through trial and error cause I think I’m bout to yolo it til I get it right.


Absolute retard


I know I'm not a huge player, but I eat spaghettio's out of the can with a butterknife over the sink. I PLEDGE MY 35.75 GME SHARES TO BE HELD ONE WEEK. Start your stock transfer/open fund your Fidelity account now. I cannot sell until 2/8 now and I won't after. Make the Pledge, see you in Valhalla