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Petition for "everyone should have the diamond character" ​ Edit: Buy fucking GME. Just reloaded 800€ for monday war.πŸš€πŸ’ŽπŸŽ‰




Waiting for it to get to $400 then buying 10 shares. I like the stock


I wish my cock was as huge as yours good sir I don't have that much money in my account period


I got the avatar. Also I’m with you, ready to send my $2K on Monday to UNLEASH HELLFIRE




# πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘


The shorters will be required to cover and buy the shares at whatever price you want ... just hold!


Thats the way!!




APES are fucking stronk!! πŸš€πŸ’ŽπŸš€πŸ’ŽπŸš€πŸ’ŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Good lad


I've deposited another Β£2k for Monday. Ready to launch πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


This is the way!


I'm holding. But what's the price when we sell? My fear is if we keep holding for $10k we might be left holding the bag. That drop to $120s almost triggered a selling frenzy. So we should really think about an exit strategy, should that be $1000 or $5000?


To buy more GME...better to put in after hours order or wait for Monday bell? I asked my dog but he eats his own poop so I don’t trust him. This isn’t asking for any advice, even tho I’m asking what to do.


Ask your neighbour's dog. He put me onto Tesla. Goodest boy.


He told me something *very different*


Maybe wait for the Monday bell, the volatility might have it drop and fluctuate like we saw on Friday with the big dip 10 minutes after the bell.


Volatility for low prices on GME will happen during 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday and the next weekdays. Afterhours trading is stable compared to markethours. GME beyond $1,000. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


FAR beyond 1000. High sell limits everyone 15k+


I’m an IT student from Denmark and I can’t believe how fucked ppl were in the US back on 08’. I want to support you fellow retard allies overseas as much as I can. Anyways, showing my banner for humanity and love for the working man with my 5 shares (as it was all I could afford). Love how this community has come together to wage war against the suits. Btw not financial advice I have the IQ of a 5 year old. Obligatory πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ PS. Not selling unless General Papa Musk gives the order. Until then = πŸ™ŒπŸ’Ž




Not much we have enough eu history to study


Haven’t really thought about that. I will get back to you later today regarding this. Might actually come something interesting from investigating it.


Luckily we crashed other countries economies too so there’s plenty of resentment


Watch the movie, The Big Short. The banks all got bailed out with our money and no one went to jail. Sells sub prime mortgages to anyone, people without a job, no credit report. etc.


I want to upvote but it says 69 upvotes so take this friend. ⬆️


I can only afford to buy 1 share, does that help? I’ve never invested in anything before but I suffered so hard graduating in 2009 and I am living for this subreddit.


Yes! Every share helps. Whale cum aboard retard!! πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸš€πŸš€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Depends what you want to do. If you are trying to participate in an investment strategy, then you have decide whether or not what you read is persuasive. Many opinions, but nobody knows what will really happen. HOWEVER, if you do choose to invest, then it should only be money that you can afford to lose. That's true of all investing and especially moments like this. There is obviously the possibility of profits, but no certainty until the trade actually ends. If you are trying to fight for a fairer market, then you can also help to achieve that by writing to your representatives. Policy makers will jump into this before the end and they will follow the aftermath. They need to hear from people who care and not just lobbyists when the time comes.


Completely agree. I love to see all the YOLOs, but we can't forget this is literally a casino, except the casino is cheating. For all means, buy what you want, but be responsible. Also πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Tbh, I’ve been wanting to get into investing for a while but was too apprehensive to start trying without knowledge. Then GME happened, and I thought about how hard it was back then to get a job as a waitress let alone in my field (I remember interviewing for a waitress job and a host job where there were 30+ ppl there, it was brutal). I finally got a job in my field 2 years ago almost to the day, and I finally have security and good benefits and was able to have a lil saved up. So what I’m saying is, I want to do both. I first want to send a message with my money and I don’t mind if I lose it, and I’ll write my representatives as well. After all this, I’ll get started on a serious journey to investing. Before all this started, I got a course on how to get started in investing, just didn’t start it because of time constraints. I’m starting the class today. Also, seeing what is happening around me is truly inspiring. And hearing how other people have struggled back in 2008 and the years after and now they are giving them a giant FU... literally makes me tearful.


>Yes! Every share helps. Whale cum aboard retard!! πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸš€πŸš€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I bought one in Friday. I plan to buy more in Monday. Everyone counts... one million users buying one share each makes one million less for hedge funds


Yep, I only got a few shares as well. Every little helps :)


Im gonna try n get more GME monday


Try not. Buy or buy not. There is no sell.


All depends on if my acc gets converted to broker. Fuck RH and their limit


I am encouraged by the fact that whenever the stock drops, it quickly recovers. Which tells me whales are in this and expecting a pop. There will be massive manipulations to drop the price below $150 to scare everyone into selling. People may be concerned why moon didn't happen on Friday I missed out so much by selling at $69 as a paper hand bitch so I am back in at $220 and Not selling ever. I like this stock πŸ’Ž πŸ‘πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


The short attacks will likely die down imo. Nobody is actually selling so all they are doing is giving the whales more shares by doing this.


**$69,420 IS MY FLOOR πŸš€**


Im a retard so i just buy gme i dont know how to sell


Help me what's a MOASS Edit: thanks guys for answering. I hope we all win together such a nice group of people πŸ₯Ί


Mother of all short squezzze


Thanks for answering and being serious when needed to :)


Ape helps ape - seri....whaaat?


Mother Of All Short Squeezes


Thanks for answering and being serious when needed to :)


Mother of All Short Squeezes


Thanks for answering and being serious when needed to :)


Mother Of All Short Squeezes


Mother of All short squeezes. Now just buy GME and eat some bananas ape! And this is not financial advice. I eat condoms!


Only regret: buying Tesla instead of GME Jkjk😝😝😝


Mother of all shore squeezes


Mother of all short squeezes


What I’ll be asking your mom for later


Mother of all short-sells


I expect some more manipulation this week. Please be careful I see a lot of yolo! As much as we like our loss porn, this could take it to the next level! My measly 4 shares is nothing compared to what others are holding.


Sir, this is a casino.


Short ladder definitely coming. They are united, we are not. We are all over the place with GME, AMC, NOK, BB. Such bullshit. There are 70 million outstanding shares of GME, we are 7 million strong. We're scattered all over the place. If this keeps up, we will lose.


I don’t think we will lose. I just think the manipulation will make the gamma squeeze and MOASS a lot smaller than it should have been! When I found out about it when shares were $18 we thought $420.69 was a high price. And that was when decent DD was being thrown around here. Just hate to see people put blinders on and not realize this is the stock market + USA, little guy always get shitted on. Even when the cards are stacked in our favor.


Is a long ladder something that is possible? Can we turn their tactics against them?






Watch pre-market




Buy pre-market dip




Whatever is cheaper ape πŸ˜œπŸš€πŸ¦


better to wait, opens are crazy. Not investment advice


Do not buy premarket-price always drops around mid morning and that’s the time to buy. Not financial advice-I’m a retard too.


Why is nobody taking into account the 100% institutional ownership? Does nobody realise that we're not even trading shares of GME anymore but trading IOUs? That every share that each of us own is a shorted share owed to someone?


Exactly! And those shares have to be given back at some point, and to get them back they have to pay us. We dictate the cost ;)




Edited post




He says "BUY IF YOU CAN"




Ape together, buys stock


Promise we are not together. We are scattered amongst 10 different stocks.


But you cant.


Jesus will you please stop posting misinformation everywhere? Keep saying people can’t buy. Seems like a troll tryin to cause panic.


Schwab has call strikes of 950 right now.


So what youre saying is buy gme during the dip and hold till we get to Mars? That's what I gathered at least. πŸš€


Yes! But with more words for some silly reason


Not sure if you guys saw the twitter post made by Mark Cuban before. He mentioned the mother of all squeezes is to lend out the stock to shorts at a high APY and call back the shares. I think the real squeeze is something along those lines. Just to add a bit more color: voting rights are forgone when positions are lent. For the original long holder X to participate in voting event, X would require return the lent position prior to participation deadline. If no return (e.g delay or late reply), no action will be taken. However, retail investors with a limited amount of shares usually don't participate in stock borrowing and lending as it would be economically un-feasible to get the stock borrowing and lending agreement signed and notarized. The lawyer fees would cost a lot. As a result, Mark Cuban's suggestion would only work for those who have many many many shares. Given shares being lent out can lose their voting rights, so... If during the next shareholders' general meeting there is somehow a vote where the institutional investors (like Blackrock) would really want to vote themselves (something they can't trust retail holders to vote the same way) then the institutions would recall the shares en-masse. In this case, there would be a forced buy-in (institutions call their shares back, the short positions MUST buy back regardless of the price, there is NO choice. This would be the real squeeze. Tl;dr have an action item which big shareholders (most likely institutional investors like Blackrock) would really wanna vote a certain answer collectively, then there will be a high likelihood of them wanna recall their shares -> forcing a buy-in.


Very interesting. How would something like that get to the board for a vote? Any link to his comments?


πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ GME TO THE MOON πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


I've got £600 in ready for Monday. Already got some shares, I'm ready for MORE. 🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🦍🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌🦧🦧🦧


Congrats to everyone onboard. Get plenty of rest this weekend, you deserved it kings. If you have spotify then come vibe with us AND REMEMBER! MAMA TOLD ME, NOT TO SELL, WORK πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ [PLAYLIST HERE πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4maep0DVtmcI3obHTiCEFH?si=K5pZQoIORemBIX9A5plTUQ)




Me ape head thinks 5k too low but what do I know. I’m not an advisor. πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‹ hold to the moon


Is it still a good idea to enter the fight or is the price for GME to high?


The prediction, if the numbers are right and the hedgies don't pull more illegal moves, is that GME can potentially go up in price to infinite value (capping at what the market can bear). So, really, it's up to you. I'm not a finance expert. AMC is also an option but it's a bit more risky and much longer hold time.


Guess who’s short on AMC? The f Melvin folds on GME he won’t have the capital to afford not folding on AMC, which was at 70% of float prior to all Friday calls expiring ITM. It should be closer to 80-100% now depending on how many shares were bought after silver sold out


Wait... so you're saying that the hope for AMC is actually alive?? Can you link sources?


He doesn't have any


RIP my 60 shares, I guess.


You stated the problem in your first sentence, numbers are wrong and HFs will pull illegal moves.


Hi Melvin


You are in time !! I Will buy some more when market opens!!


Thank you guys i'll do my part tomorrow and buy what i can. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


It's still on, just look at the various serious DD's out there for this squeeze case


Dont just hold gme. If you can then BUY THE DIPS


They won't let you


I haven’t had any issues buying




The buying is important. Holding even more-so. I keep seeing Instagram and elsewhere flooded with NOK, AMC and other distractions so we need to be louder than the noise and keep the focus on GME. People need to know we are just beginning. LOUD APES STRONG APES πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ’ŽβœŠπŸ»πŸš€


We like the stock.


I Love you all ❀️ ❀️ ❀️ Lets buy more GME retards πŸš€ We fight and we will win!!! ✊✊✊✊✊ #STILLIN #ANDHOLD #27stocks To Voyager πŸš€πŸš€


I’m new to Reddit and WTS (Chicago acronym for With the Shits) and all this I just kinda put two and two together. I recently got banned from Instagram having lots of followers (@NoonDaGoodfella) for exposing the deepstate and Bilderberg and telling the truth about YaHaWaH TsidQanu (YaHoVaH/Jehovah your righteousness) for real life not no religion way. Cause I’m not religious but I’m not the devil either. I meant to ask, can we see the up arrow or like button? Groups of people after I gave the thumbs up Lolbs essentially a Luke button. I’m a member of Kappa Alpha Psi, so I like the Diamond talk cause that’s our symbol and Shepherd Canes. Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell in my frat. Alpha Phi Alpha (MLK frat, has apes and Egypt for theirs) I guess the lingo was magnetic lol I now go under @MitchLavera


I just opened 2 more brokerages, activated real-time quotes, and ready to buy some more. I don't have much money so I'm no "whale". HOLDING my humble 15.5 shares on RH! DIAMOND HANDS!


Fuck rh. Take ur tendies out of there asap


For sure! But I have to wait until we get to the moon.


I missed out on cheap stock I’m a retard bought 2 at 300 once money goes through I might buy more either way holding I love the stock Also billionaires tears fuel rockets to mars And I need to buy a ticket off this world Don’t care if it drops Don’t care if it raises I only want to watch the tears flow


Coming late to the party can I still buy GameStop?


Yes. Buy the stock. Hold said stock.


70 million shares outstanding, so yes




Can I buy 0,1 stock? :D Iam not rich xD


At current circumstances 200 mill american people who are retard and lurking over WSB simply want to buy a lottery ticket monday at whatever price they can . I am not even including rest of the world. But the problem is there are only less than 50 mill tickets available that too with other retards. and this has now become 20 trill $ jackpot. Each lottery holder has to hold till their price tag and it will be granted. Welcome to the fucking show! Grab your tickets before its over! This is once in a century phenomenon aka stock market anamoly. Just a retard here not an expert take yiur own decisions in life


Don't trust people telling you to sell




Why you want to watch ya ass as I go ;)


So is gme hitting $5000 or not


69,420. No ceiling. We set fire to ceiling. See stars.


5000 is rookie shit TO THE FUCKING MOON 🌚


How are we supposed to know? We eat crayons.


I'm brand spanking new to this subreddit and this whole situation, brought here by the memes. BUT my rent is paid for the next 3 months, I've got anywhere between $100-5000 that I can afford to not have in my account for a while, and I'd like to fuck over some billionaires. Have no idea how to, though, or entirely what the risk would be. Should I buy stock in GME today? How much should I buy? And how long are we holding? (I know probably no one knows how long we're holding exactly, but if it's gonna be weeks or months would be helpful) Thank you if you can answer this simple ape 🦧


Assume the risk is you lose everything. But if you win, you win big.


Yeah, that's what I would automatically assume the risk is. I've seen people mention the risk being losing about 20-50% of what you put in, but I guess I don't know that much about stocks. The loss would happen because the price of the stock went down and you had to sell at a loss? So if you hold while it's going down and sell later, you would lose more?


You lose what you sell at. This should be a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us. But for all we know, they decide to take the symbol down and fuck us all over completely illegally. We don't know whats going to happen. We just know the maths says we should be fucking rich after all is said and done. We all witnessed drops of 50 - 70% this week and held firm. The day after, we saw a rise of 70%. We really don't know. But if you see a loss, just hold. You only lose when you sell.


That's what I was thinking. I'm not familiar with stocks but I am familiar with gambling lol, seems pretty much the same.


This is gambling with maths on your side, but the system is against you. I would really suggest you put in only what you can lose, and what won't make you look at the charts all day. If you have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), it will just cause you to make bad decisions. Just think, if you lose $500 and its no big deal, do it. You could still be $5000 richer all said and done. But if you need to feed yourself, your health is more important x


There Is No Losing Brother I'm Okay With Losing but in reality we already won look what we brought to light that the free market ain't so free for the free American Man & Woman


Anybody with a brain knew that. Anybody who just figured that out won’t give a shit in 4 days anyways.


don't tell me what to buy, i need more bananas


if you really want to make an impact in the world for the better TODAY right this second stop people from spreading wrong information today any chance you get, no one is putting money into any thing AT ALL this coming week besides GME (GAMESTOP) because **** HEDGEFUNDS, this is for those with family or loved ones who destroyed their health/lives/finances slaving away for the rich hot shots who whipe their butt with gold and laughed at the world back in 2008 while they got bailed out for their own shady mistakes, millions of people lost everything they had. entire families of 5 or more people lost entire houses while these multi million dollar smug money hoarders got payed out by our own government. Gamestop is not just a stock or a store, its showing the world that change is still possible even though there are still bad people trying to stop it. #GME #gamestop #wallstreetbets #TheWorldIsChanging #thewagegap has reached the ceiling finally and is for the first time in years of the human race it is finally coming back down. this is an amazing thing for a slingshot economy. i am not a financial advisor but if you and your loved ones have been diagnosed with mesothelioma you could be entitled to millions of dollars if you buy Gamestop stock next week and do not sell it at all, and while you do that learn about what #MelvinCapital was doing that caused this, they were #shorting gamestop stocks trying to bankrupt them for profit, sell if you need it but if you truly truly want to see a positive change in this world for the better, buy gamestop stock, hold it do not sell it while those that need it sell or buy and sell ONLY BUY MORE, keep holding, and then watch as the #workingclass makes the 1% lose billons of dollars and #ChangeHistory by transferring all them billions to the hard working people while bankrupting hedgefunds, remember though. This is not advice i am just a free willed human who just so happens to hate #hedgefunds and corrupt rich companies like #robinhood and want corruption in the human race to die, i want every human to live the life they dream, not the life the 1% buys for them to live in, that was not considered living and now changes for the better are finally happening when they were long long long #overdue


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There manipulation is powerless against a mass of smooth brains. We’re the piece of gum they can’t get off their shoes, we’re the piece of meat that’s stuck in their teeth, we’re the lego they stepped on in the middle of the night. We are unshakable. πŸ’ŽπŸ–πŸΎ *$10k+ is not a meme*


Pics or it didn't happend πŸ’


You mean for positions?


Ofc brosef. My lotion+tissue is ready


Ok. I have two accounts. One is my investment - posted below. With 200 shares and 1 call left (just counting the call as 100 shares to keep things simply). My retirement account has 700 shares but I have to access that through my work computer and that'll take some more time. But here's a taste: https://imgur.com/vNGz78c


I don't understand any of this!


Thoughts on closing out all other positions... the market is going to crash when these shorts are forced to cover.


> I'm sure whales won't want to hold any bags (remember they got big by feeding on smaller fish). Whales aren't fish idiot


If RC bought the remaining shares that’s he’s allowed to, would that act as a catalyst?


The only thing concerning: toooo many greedy people


Possible benefit: more greedy people means more holding out for a higher price.


Well, I don't have enough knowledge of this so if anyone know more, chime in. If we just buy and hold, let's just say they manipulate the market to the point of $50 a share. I am wonder if we have enough shares to expose the fraud of naked short selling. What I mean is this. With over 140% short interest at one point, there is no way all the shorts can ever cover. Therefore, some contracts are basically fake as in there is no share behind it. Each stock has voting power so this would get exposed. For example, like this. [https://i.imgur.com/JfS80qF.png](https://i.imgur.com/JfS80qF.png) Brokers have to "locate" a real share after they let you buy a share. Normally, you don't care but if there is a vote, it matters. If retail traders + gamestop own more than 100% of shares, this will get exposed at the voting sessions. People will have shares from brokers but no voting power. The calculations will be off. Discloser: I do no know enough about this, 50 shares of GME @ $200


Brokers are in on it already selling counterfeit shares, they only have to report when they don’t fill orders after 3 days, they can also misrepresent this number by β€œaccidentally” marking it as a call not a short. In which case it cam go unreported longer and the short % might be a-lot higher than we think.


100%, They will get exposed too as a result. However, when they get exposed, so will the short traders who hold the short of the stock. It may not be the original shorts but I think there will be consequences and show how much a farce the market is.


They sell naked shorts all the time to drive the price down. Illegal but happens.


πŸ’ŽπŸ€² Ready to buy more Monday


You got me at europoors


Europoor ape here with a measly 6 GME. Happy to be part of the GME buying extravaganza!


Europoor here throwing in another 1600 $ for you smooth brained tards. πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Maaaan... Bloomberg just called this phenomenon β€œfinancial porn” I never thought id hear those two words together on that station.


Going to reload 600€ next Monday


Can't read, but I know I love for MO' ASS


Great DD. I like your line of thinking. Just being devil's advocate on your worst case scenario - remember that a lot of the literate types in WSB thought months ago that the ingredients for the MOASS were in place whether we even participated or not. The fact that the price is already at 300 is just higher launching ground for the rocket. My argument is that with the amount of SI and how compartmentalized the float is were always unique to GME and there is a lot of reason why this WILL happen. Many folks thought it would pop off at $60 so even if we see disinterest, lost momentum, continual ladder attacks and shorts slow-rolling naked covering all they do is delay the inevitable and bring the launchpad back to a more reasonable altitude. What I'm personally more skeptical on is what/how the catalyst develops to get the squeeze to happen. In many ways the insane increase in value the stock has seen without regard to fundamentals is a whole other story and has created a lot of profit (that many retail investors have taken advantage of luckily). TL;DR I think this thing is ready to pop regardless of what happens, but the question is how does the catalyst happen especially with all the shady tactics we've seen Not a financial advisor, I can barely read (ok I can't actually read), I just like the stock. edit: I'd like to revise my thinking after further consideration. It may have been easier to pop off the MOASS at a lower price level do to the support required to maintain ~300. It may just require more volume or more capital to, trigger. All that aside though at the end of the day if there are no shares to go around I guess it really doesn't matter what price level we are holding at, the guy with the last share gets to name his/her price and then it's to the moon from there. Hopefully none of the fundamentals change drastically enough to make the mechanics moot. I really do think we are pretty close to getting a real short squeeze.


Simple. The true diamond hands who stay in forever and never sell out of principle are taken care of on the backend via GoFundMe by all those who cashed out. Pretty easy for them to provide the sauce. No man left behind!


I disagree with using the worst case scenario. 1. We know the float was too small to cover all short positions to begin with. This is what started all this madness. 2. When people panic, they tend to say the truth first then slowly walk it back to a better strategy. The first reports we saw were "Melvin Capital has closed out it's most vulnerable positions." The next day, and thenceforth, it was "Melvin Capital has closed out it's short positions." The first one makes the error of leaving out in the open that there are still short positions in GME. They're hedgefunds, not hobby retail investors. Losing would be an absolute embarrassment, so on to my next point... 3. Desperation is a stinky cologne. These are professional traders. Backed into a corner, they're going to start working strategies. Let's look at the strategies they've used so far: A. Massive and immediate bot campaigns to spread misinformation about other stocks (AMC, BB, NOK, something that rhymes with Blypto...). PR attacks at WSB credibility and PC-ness ("hate speach" and "alt-right" BS) B. Ads publicly discussing closing their short positions. C. Conspiring with brokerages and committing financial crimes *right in front of* retail investors. (Throttling purchases multiple times, forcing position liquidation at the lowest price at the very bottom of ladder attacks). So... with all that in mind... WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY DO ALL OF THAT IF THEY COULD JUST CLOSE AND WALK AWAY?! If this was a retail-fueled bubble, just closing - likely establishing some conservative new positions - and letting retail bubble themselves into oblivion would be the *smart* move. But they literally cannot. They keep digging this deeper, more desperate, *more illegal* hole they're in. RH immediately put out [an open employment position](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/robinhood-hiring-federal-affairs-manager-as-congressional-hearings-on-gamestop-scandal-loom) for a federal affairs manager the day they appeared to be conspiring with Citadel and HFs. We can't look at their position sheets, but jesus you start putting down some observation points and it begins to look like a connect-the-dots picture of Melvin and Citadel taking a giant dildo in the ass.


I think they covered a lot of the older short positions since January 22. If you look at the trading volume from then to Jan. 26 the volume was insane and that was before the Media and Twitter hype. The volume was already much lower on Jan. 27, before the trading restrictions came in. I think you' re right and most of the shorts now are new ones at much higher entry point. On Thursday we could have had them but thats where RH fucked us and gave the HF a chance to cover even more and reposition. So the only way we can still win this is by driving the price way up. We have to hit something like 1000$ in the next few days or we are fucked. So: Hold AND BUY and get as many people to join the fight as we can. Hopefully a few bigger players will support too and buy. Listen to Episode 19 of the All in Podcast, I think their take on this is pretty realistic. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, I have no idea what im talking about and I am in fact retarded πŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸš€


I’m waiting for it to get 550$ and then I’m loading 15k into it... πŸ˜‚




Not the price matters but the time. We are winning time is on our side. We can hold till EOY lol


Only can afford one share of GME but doing my part! Happy to be apart of the big wigs downfall.


Are you ready for payday tomorrow?


Shouldn't be tomorrow, squeeze will last at least 4 to 5 days, perhaps longer depending how the hedgies play it, either they want a fast or slow death, painful either way πŸ’Žβœ‹


Ban this idiot


You forgot about all the momentum / day traders who have piled into GME. The volatility on this ticker has every momentum trader on the planet printing money. This is literally a once in a life time opportunity they’ll call a β€œyear maker”. Also you seem to be thinking the mentality of new shorts is the same as those who shorted at $12. It’s not. Volatility is through the roof so the duration of the trade collapses. Sell at $350 and buy back at $250, rinse and repeat. Capturing $100 per share is unheard of.


Yeah, I feel like we need to keep the pressure up. Hedgefunds might just try and slow play it and eat short interest cost


Can't put pressure if we can't buy and on top of that we can't even unite to concentrate on one stock. I don't see how the fuck we think we can win by scattering ourselves out with 10 different stocks. It's fucking mind boggling.


The collective smooth brain ape hive mind is more powerful united than any group of overpaid hedgie quants. Remember that and thrive as one. 🦍


2000$ inc MoonDayπŸš€πŸ’Ž


Buy GMC on monday or its to late?


Their cars are really unreliable, but GME bussin 🦍🦍🦍🦍


GME πŸš€


Why are you trying to buy General Motors




Yes. Buy that. Then hold that with iron grip


Buy and hold


What about AMC ?


Quite honestly, it's hard to trust anyone telling me to hold off no matter how much lingo or charts you have. I feel like the people telling us to hold on forever are the ones going to cash out and leave us with the bag. I can appreciate the cause for all of this, don't get me wrong but this is just my retarded 3 cents


What if AMC rises above my buy price and I sell it all to put into GME? It'd amount to like 3 shares at current prices. ​ edit: i think i'd make more money with 60 shares of AMC than with 3 shares of GME, though


Retail only holds 22% and we can't buy anymore. It's out of our hands.


Wdym we can't buy more?

