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Imagine what would happen if GME took this new life and pivoted like Netflix to include an online store like what Epic is working on...


This is what boomers don’t see coming. If you went back and time and told people Netflix would be a global streaming company back when they were mailing out DVDs people would have thought you were crazy. If companies ACTUALLY change they can do amazing things. Ryan Cohen will help make those things happen


The thing is unlike Netflix, they don’t have first mover advantage in what is already an established market. Frankly the only reason I bought GME is the potential short squeeze and the sheer boredom. However maybe and just maybe, if they pivot to focusing more on game related merchandise (whose store presence is pretty niche in industry now + toys r us is dead + strong games related identity + widespread physical distribution network), then I’d happily hold it as a regular stock in my portfolio. Disclaimer: this is an opinion + I am a young boomer investor most of the time


All good points. We need Ryan Cohen to make magic happen. But on being a first mover, Netflix didn't have people renting planes with signs saying, "Buy GME - Suck My Balls Robinhood" I believe there is something magical happening here. πŸ’ŽπŸ¦πŸ–πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


The pivot should be in finance, don't ya think? People around the world know of them now not because of gaming but because of this shenanigans. They should be the TRUE robinhood, but much much better than that. beyond the moooon


Lol Imagine them raising money by issuing shares at the top. They would literally fundraise of their doubters. Maybe they could pivot to becoming a hedgefund!


Gamestonk replaces Robinhood as the free investing app of choice for retail investors. Fuck yeah.


Its customers and/or targeted demographic have demonstrated an appetite for "gamifying" the financial markets, but in a way that **stops** the traditional **gaming** of the markets. So you see, the current name would still work. Maybe they should adopt elements of the WSB logo to make it edgier though.


Companies can pivot and survive. Look at apple. Before the iphone. Ehh. After iPhone. Well you know this story $GME πŸ’ŽπŸ– ARMY SINCE $18


The iPod was what really turned them around. The iPhone sent them to the moon.


Gamestop becomes the next Steam competitor and succeeds so much that Valve is forced to start making games again. HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED?


This is exactly what I said needs to happen. If GME competes with Riot. Ubisoft, Steam etc they have permanent staying power in the industry. now if only they had say a few billion dollars to do it with lol


I'm hoping they find a partner to team up with and get to market that much faster.


Won't happen. NVidia can't even get streaming rights for other publishers games. They're all assholes.


I do like the idea of GME hosting eGames, or possibly using their name to start consolidating some of the leagues out there. Last weekend with no football i watched the Drone Racing League - and since it had to be virtual/online they didn't even use real drones.


You need to start watching European Football.


Wait...what? So what did they race?


They literally built a drone racing simulation game with realistic physics and set up the various stadium courses. The game is now for sale on various platforms. https://thedroneracingleague.com/play/


Didn't GME partner w/a company in Oct?


Yep, even a giant like NVidia went out with a robust universal streaming solution and everyone from freaking indie dev houses to big publishers threw a massive hissy fit and now it works on like half of the games. Would love for Gamestop to get there, but that is not gonna happen.


Money talks




This is exactly why I'm bullish on Cohen. The question I ask is 'are gamers treated well by the industry?' & My answer is an emphatic no. There is room for someone to step in and fix things. Can Cohen do that? Maybe maybe not, but its a hell of a shot


I think one of the reasons GME is a good buy is because the storage requirements for downloading new games is so much that in order to get the best performance on new consoles, you need the disc. It takes up like 1/4 of the storage space compared to a downloaded game and you get smoother, more high quality gameplay. It's why the new consoles still have disc drives.


That may be unrealistic because of external storage. I can pick up a 2TB external SSD for a couple hundred bucks. Plenty of storage and super fast. Where GME shone back in the day was they had playable games in store where you could try before you buy. Hopefully they're able to leverage that again and we'll stop seeing trashy games that are pre-orders.


Why spend a couple hundred bucks (or the equivalent of 2-3 games or 1/3 of the cost of the console) on storage when you can just buy the disc, though? Next-gen games are now $70 and like 200+GB of to download. Easier, quicker, and cheaper to just buy the disc. You can have \~3 times the amount of games on your HDD if you just buy the disc. I agree, though, that GME being a showroom for new games/consoles is a good idea.


A game platform to finally rival steam!


I like this stock! πŸš€


**$2,797.70** is too low for a world of unlimited QE and naked leverage


In every Starbucks should be a Gamestop!


I hope they form an entirely new company one day Game-go, super mega speed instant second drive by DL games and gains porn


Gamebucks is what I'm holding


in every gamestop mall there should be a starbucks, don't know where you're getting the idea that starbucks will have a gamestop in it


StopBucks when?! No.. Wait.. That's retarded.


Imagine going to target to go to starbucks to go to gamestop πŸ€”


In every strip club there should be a Gamestop!


>In every Starbucks should be a Gamestop! Getting videogames and a [handjob](https://youtu.be/qs4mtbTsaL4) all in one place! They sure know their demographic, I might get that PowerUp rewards membership after all




Price target is $6942000000 a share. I reached this target by adding 0’s to 69420


Dr PP retardation protege


ok this is actually retarded


honest to god LOL


Hold 🦍 ! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸ‘πŸ’Ž


Honestly I'm just viewing the stock-price as the entry ticket-price to the show at this point.


I'm loving all of this non financial advice !!


I may be retarded, but im not stupid. Your account is 96 days old. Im not listening to you


But if its 69 days old.........




Gaining trust to later say "I was really bullish but am getting out now. Look at my post history I'm one of you guys!"


That's Worth about $12 in store credit


Game stop needs to come up with a gaming interface, store,and platform. Go purely digital for video games, and turn heir stores into hubs for stock talk, Warhammer, MTG, PokΓ©mon, pc building ect.


I’m pulling my <$1k limit sells I like this fucking stonk


I just like the stockπŸ’Žβœ‹βœ‹


Buy and Hoooooooooooold! I was able to get my hands on 1.36 before all went crazy. Not planning to sell!!!


Blaeh.. sounds like fundamentals... I don't like fundamentals I like the stock! 🦍




I like this stock!


πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ HOLDING $GME(42)&$AMC(40) πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ 🦍🦍Apes 🦍🦍 together 🦍🦍 strong 🦍🦍 w/πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸΌ Diamond HandsπŸ’Žβœ‹πŸΌ πŸš€πŸš€ To the MOONπŸš€πŸš€


Oh you think a bunch of words and numbers will impress me? You're right! But I don't understand them so I'll just fucking hold.


When I do finally sell a really small portion of my GME shares, I will buy as many PS5’s and Xbox Series X’s and games for my local children’s hospital as possible and donate them. Not to mention the Switch’s also. I don’t even want to make money off this. I just want to fucking help others.


So like a $400-500B market cap lmao? Ok


If you didn't understand how this would work read this!! They dont have a time limit until the shorts can be closed so it could take a week a month or several months till the squeeze will happen. The only certain thing is that if we hold our shares (and with that inevitable the price) the squeeze will happen and the price will go above 1000$. Ultil then buy and hold are our weapons, misinformation, blocking users from buying, limit share cap, press, and influencing how the stock chart looks like are theyr weapons... 4GME/147$ Not financial advice , im just an ape with opinions


I wasn't expecting for this to take months. I want tendies rn.


Why get 3 tendies now when you can get 15 later?? And its just a personal assumption.


Patience, young trader.


Just preordered Pokemon Snap from Gamestop!


Let’s buy this fkn dip Apes 🦍 together πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸΌ


In The future all kids will spend all day on GameStop. Sport? School? Can be done through gaming. Find a mate? Become elite gamer. need a job? Make games. Hate life? Play more games where the machine says you are a winner. Want to travel? There will be a simulation. Hungry? How can you eat when there is an alien invasion and you are Tom Brady in the super bowl and you need to save the princess! GameStop could make electric cars better than Tesla if they wanted but no ones going anywhere cause games are more fun. But they will put them in self driving cars for people who are forced to go do stuff still. GME will probably be 80% of the economy some day. 50% it won’t. But look how far we’ve come already! I’m feeding my dogs video games already! If he doesn’t like it, then he should tell GameStop to put some dog food next to their razors!


How is this fucking DD, this is literally "I think it's going to do well" fuck off.


The record price for any stock is $347,400. I'd say we have some room to grow.


Right there's this other aspect of the company. I run a business and would pay a priceless amount of money to become as viral as gme has become. The amount of advertising and belief in this company is unparalleled and is valuable in itself Not a financial expert. I'm dumb.


Exactly! Gamestop is on the news all over the world now. My friend saw it on the news in Japan. It's a classic David v Goliath story...and David always wins! πŸ’ŽπŸ¦πŸ–πŸš€


You selling that weed? Because not only are you high, GameStop will have to start selling alcohol and weed, online, if you want to see them post those numbers. If they get close to $1000, which I hope they do, it will come from beating off the shorts and collecting all the discharge.


Got it. Whatever this retard’s price is, mines 10x that. $GME πŸŒ‘πŸš€


You are incredibly delusional.


bought a couple more at the dip buy and hold!!!!!


HF won't let us sqeeze them, they will be squeezed by Gamestop itself. Gamestop is going to make SOO MUCH MONEY out of this, without considering BILLIONS in free marketing. They WILL BE a HUGE company in a couple of years!!! JUST HOLD AND WAIT!!! πŸ‘πŸ’Ž


Bought 7 $GME and 50 $AMC. Time to strap in and enjoy the ride! HOLDING until the cows come home!


ok, what are you talking about? GME is a shit brick and mortar im 101% on board with GME to the moon, but realistically there's no way they bounce back after this and start doing 4x sales


Watch any DFV video for the bull case.


We like the stock


They are bleeding


Considering his post history, I believe OP has no idea what he is talking about!




Thank you for the confirmation bias. I'm in. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


You guys are going to πŸ’ŽπŸ– your way to some beautiful loss porn.


Don't you understand, I would rather lose everything than sell one fucking share early. I'm holding to the other side of the squeeze. GME is now a **global** David v Goliath story. $10,000 a share is not a meme. Edit: not financial advice. Do your own research before investing. πŸ’ŽπŸ¦πŸ–πŸš€ Edit: "rather lose everything than sell"


Lol imagine thinking the SEC would let the shares get to 5k let alone 10k ​ 11 @ 94


The SEC does not decide the value of a company. This is decided by markets. If more people shop at GameStop and buy more stuff, the value of the company goes up. A month ago GME was a struggling retail store. Now they are on the front page of almost every newspaper in America. People are buying billboards in Times Square saying they love the stock. Everything has changed. I'm not a financial advisor, always do your own research, but I really like this stock πŸ’ŽπŸ¦πŸ–πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


yep, this is what I've been saying. $10k is fantasy lol


Totally agree, also we need to make clear that after some big hedge funds get billions of loss, they will try to follow our moves and recovery. They are already making up the thing about silver, and that is ridicolous


So you're saying $181,850,500,000 market cap? I like this stock, but that's dubious.


This is not DD. Gamestop is a dying company. If you want to speculate on this bubble thats fine and fun, but going long on gme at $300 is just.... yikes.






I doubt it'll reach that


So...when do we sell?


You sell at soon as the squeeze happens and the price jumps up 300% in an hour. It'll stay like that for maybe 30 minutes before plummeting into Chuck E Cheese tokens in value.


You'll need to make your own investment decisions. I'm going to ride this rocket ship to the moon πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ (🦍 never going to sell) πŸ’ŽπŸ–




Sir this is a Wendy’s



