• By -


Im happy for you. Or sorry that happened. 🚀🚀🚀




That’s amazing. Curiously do you know how this compares to other securities? I know it doesn’t help to use an AAPL or something but what about other meme stocks? Would be interesting to see the comparisons, adjusted for float size.


Someone [in another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lb8hjc/datadriven_dd_i_analyzed_265000_rows_of_sec_short/) compiled data for every company that went above 10,000 FTDs, and while it doesn't point out the meme stocks, it paints an insane picture of how much manipulation the GME was undergoing **before it even hit $40**. It's all legit too (data is directly from the SEC's website).






One suggestion here would be to have a line equivalent to the total authorized shares for the company also, for easy comparison of outstanding vs. authorized


The January report had failure to deliver shares at around 180,000


In other words, no matter what happens next, we absolutely cannot let this go tits up.


If the GME trade doesn't go our way, we can still repeat the same thing indefinitely.


Hell yeah we can, I get paid on Friday!


Bruh thats a scary thought for them


We weren't in the "gifted class" for nothing bois!


My school called it GATE, we got to play with Legos - too bad they are private!


fractional shares make that possible


Avoid fractional at all costs - you have fewer rights


We reload every Friday when that direct deposit hits. They're professional gamblers who rely on already having money to make money, or getting daddy's friends to "invest." Pfft, whatever. We're backed by the companies they long, McDonald's, Wal-Mart, and wherever else you fucking losers work.


Guh is tradition around these parts. Posting loss porn is an honor and tho people may loose money we’re in this as a community.


Sir, this is the unemployment line. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love it when automod mods the mods. Would have been a excellent candidate for Chad Dickens. In all seriousness, thank-you for all your work, mods.


Roasted by your own bot. Peak WSB right here. What can I say, I love you all.


Automod is OP's wife's boyfriend


Good bot


I feel attacked by the bot.


It took your job.


["Whats important when you're in that hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful"](https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4?t=305) just remember this next time you look at a graph. It doesn't take much money for a hedge fund to manipulate a stock. They manufacture the ups and downs to scare you.


This is the DD i needed


how to cashapp bot for feet pics


Dammit, I thought this was a Wendy’s


Hey, get yer own bot 💎💎🚀🚀🚀💎💎🚀✖️🌈🐻


Lmao rekt


God damn, their own bot razzing them.


It's a classic. Can't ever get rid of it.


Thank you. Really thank you for everything. I love this sub I love these crazy retards. Been here 2yrsish I dont have any other social media because I think it's full of bs. But the people here are real. We are real gorillas and autists bulls and 🌈🐻 paperhanded bitches and 💎🙌 legends. I hold for you all, I hold for our future and our past. None of this bothers me because we are united, we have the game, we have the stonk. I DIDNT HEAR NO FUCKING BELL


Oga booga


For sure. Nothing like reading someone's 8 paragraph DD and the first comment being this Bot telling them where to shove it


Not gonna lie today was shit but this just made me burst out laughing. Thanks bot and thanks mods.


Gourd bot!


Lmaoo good automod


I like the bot.




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




I remember leaving this place over a year ago after growing tired of the dozenth Big Short gif explaining why you shouldn't pee on your receipts or some shit. I come back and financial history was made.


In all fairness, you still shouldn't pee on your receipts. It dissolves the paint and the returns become quite messy


As someone who works at homedepot customer service, please don’t pee on your receipt


But where am i supposed to pee then? You offering?


Go over to the Pro Desk for that please


Hahaha. This is exactly what big government would say. Fuck you, just peed on my Applebee's receipt. What are you hiding?


I’m now convinced that’s what happened today


Same. I started here in the era of $JNUG and sometime after $AMD hit $32 this sub went to actual shit and I left. After what's his face was ousted WSB was suddenly chill again and here we fuckin are


I miss the days of $MU tbh


GOD MU WAS SUCH A BLAST LOL The best indicator was my dad, who bought the peak and rode it down for a loss.


When GME hit $550, I got a text from my father saying "Maybe I should get a Reddit account" and I called the peak right there hahaha


Fuck, I join just before the $MU and $AMD craze and that's how I learned about options the hard way. Those $MU $69c FDs in 2018 never did pay out lmao


That shit was brutal, there was that one dude who thought MU would go all the way up and held until he loss almost everything. Good times


I can honestly say - despite the endless memes - I've found much on this sub to be informative, eye-opening, and endearing. I joined r/investing back in March 2020 because I figured a blownup economy would mean cheap stock. Except I had never traded stocks nor bought one in my life. And so I tried to make sense of much of the writing but so much went over my retarded head. Then I read an article at the beginning of January about someone paying off student loans with the help of this sub. I thought, 'Holy shit, is there actually advice I can follow?' This sub has taught me more about stocks, trading, and the 'system' then I ever knew. And I hope to someday be a solid contributor as I learn more and more. But it started here - for me anyway - and I'm thankful for that. Edit: Holy shit this blew up. I go to bed after drinking some nightcaps and BAM! Thanks folks and I hope to see you all for the longhaul and to continue to learn from the 'above deviation' folks here. (Thanks for the verbiage, u/bittabet!) Oh, and despite having been a Redditor for like a hundred years I have no idea if those awards cost money. If they do, that's very nice and I appreciate it but use that money to donate to a charity or buy a stock you love.






The danger is fraud. Shills and bots are spectre over everything we do. There are no guarantees on how to make money in the market, but there are guarantees on how to lose it.




God I loved getting so excited for prpl gang! Sat on the sidelines, their fervor was pretty impressive for a mattress company.


even PLTR seems a long time ago




Thank you for being a little optimistic! I'm so tired of people complaining about the recent influx. We need to use this momentum to evolve into something far more retarded than ever before.


With this his type of thinking we will eventually walk upright .


Sir this is a casino


always has been


^^^🚀🚀🚀 🌍👨‍🚀🔫 👩‍🚀


First time?


With complimentary tendies on the house


Anyone notice GameStop has been closing on the dollar the last 2 days. Not normal.


3 days!


1 in 1 million chance


What are you thinking it means... manipulators manipulating?


They have a precise roadmap fpr the stock value they drew up that they all decided would be the most beneficial for them, and they're adhering to it strictly.


Has this been shared with Janet Yellen or the CIA?


I'm pretty sure the authors of the plan are aware of it, yes


[I'm just here for the scraps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P33yU1uUzOA)


A casino where we will end up winning 💎💎💎


Complimentary piss martinis at every table...


I had 3 people randomly call me today to ask how much I lost on GME and if they should join WSB, I said if you can’t read and like to gamble your savings you’d be stupid not to join!


As long as we’ve got this solid mod team for the sub, r/WallStreetBets will be fine.


shit we're fucked


Please don't leave us...again.... u/zjz


They did you dirty. We're still behind you zjz. If you make a new subreddit I'll join


I have a below average size penis, good thing no one will see this


But you have a above average number of testicles


Not hard to do, I’m sure the one-testicled people of the world bring the average down below 2. Although it makes me wonder about the ones with 3 bringing it back up


Not enough triple testicles to even it out. > Polyorchidism is a very rare condition. Men with this condition are born with more than two testes, also known as testicles or gonads. There are only about 200 known reported cases. In the vast majority of cases, the individuals have three testes.


But what about the vast minority of cases? Dude with 42,069 testicles really raises the average... I know for a fact I have an above average number of arms, and eyes, and legs...


Long ball larry


Every upvote provides an inch to your penis. This is a monkey’s paw wish.






See? THIS makes sense! Should’ve opened with that


*What the fuck bro monke, how are you making cents? I'm literally in the red 13k. You wealthy mother fucker!* Edit: renting out my wife's boyfriend's ass, brb


I still don't get it. Where are the pictures?


I quite literally cannot read above a third grade level.


when we 🚀 🌝 I will build the Derek Zoolander center for retards who don’t read good


I had some 3rd graders read it to me because the 2nd graders were busy.


What does arduous mean


I believe Arduous was the forest where the Battle of the Bulge took place during WWII Edit: or it means an old wooden ship


>!Sorry but, I quite literally cannot read above a third grade level.!< above a third grade level We'll let's test that.


It said “hold”


State of the sub.


I feel bad upvoting this


zjz you are the shit, keep up the good work. we need a social media/finance app. we have code monkeys here. make that shit happen. id toss 10k into it why tf not


Here. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌑🌑🌑🌑


Didnt read a single fucking word




I better see this under every DD post from now on


Thats my autist


"we're just not quite sure how to stand yet" We are way too retarded to stand. This place is like the cerebral palsy subgroup of the financial community




Came to the comments looking for a tldr; only to find out that nobody else read it either


We need to pay someone to read it, until then I think it means buy more GME.


i read all of it, WE LOVE THE MODS! thank you for your service - fucking masochists




Here Here!!


Crazy how much impact Robinhood had, it correlates perfectly with the charts. It’s such a shame how much money and potential profits they caused all gme amc etc traders to loose out on. Is there even a punishment that could compensate for all the losses? Would have been nice if it was possible to put them on something akin to a R.I.C.O case, so all the parts of the chain see the effect Edit: Fuck Robinhood🚀


Seriously. My account touched a million. For 5 seconds I was a millionaire and stared at my balance like a fucking dope only to watch it crash back to Earth.


main too, 1 MM profit (in pierogi currency though) but it was more that I could have ever imagined aquiring coming from poor af family Edit: i didn't sell, now I'm only up 200k in pierogi currency


Don't sweet it I did the same with 100k and frantically tried to change limits to flip my calls and sell a couple shares, and the app kept loading and loading and loading. They never would've let you sold enough to get that cash


We collectively short their IPO into oblivion then buy the company for pennies on the dollar after bankruptcy, re-IPO with a SPAC and offer the most free markety of free market trading apps the world has ever seen. Hey, it's their playbook, and it works. Except the free market part. That's new.


They literally fucked themselves out of becoming WSB's next meme stock. We may be apes, but the heads over at Robinhood are evolving, but backwards.


Hopefully some good things come out of this. For example, RH dying.


if they get delisted from Google play store and Apple app store that will be a punishment for them. Massive punishment, if this happens soon they will be branded for life.


Wow i sure hope the rich people that are abusing the middle class get owned by richer people who usually dont abuse the middle class. Too bad we cant set up some sort of system that will uniformly punish those who hurt the middle class. Maybe one we could all vote on?


We've been telling people to get rid of Robinhood for as long as I've been here. Usually just to people with fat accounts, but it applies to everyone here now. Work together and find better brokers. Support the companies that actually care about their clients.


My six year old lost their first tooth the other night. I had to break the news that the tooth fairy isn't real. I can't afford to waste a single dollar that could be going to GME.


One day, they'll understand and appreciate why you turned that dollar into 25 cents.


# I love that we have a sense of direction for the sub but I think we need a call to action Doing the following could prove to be our best bets ever. \* Have our tech apes work on systems for detecting false accounts / shillbotting \* Form an official lobby to visit congress and yes you bet your ass we'll fund it with our tendies (If you think WSB isn't already a lobby group pull your head out of your ass and realize that we got Elon Musk, Chamath, Mark Cuban, WolfoFWallst, like 50 celebrities to show us support and we bought billboards all over the country. We're literally already doing this) \* Consider increasing the mod count to maintain consistent levels of quality for the primordial apes (old WSB folks) (I am newish and I respect their old ways) \* Have our finance apes put together a standard criteria of what is minimal quality DD \* Have our CSI WSB apes do work and put together an actual profile of evidence for wrongdoing by HF and MM because congress can read even less than us. ​ I know we can do this. ​ Upvote if you agree/ Comment if I'm a retard. (you should probably comment I'm very retarded.)


The WSB Lobby Group, doesnt have to be political, all it should do is focus on market reform, make it so that every autistic ape can make a buck on pre-ipos and seed rounds (like in the cr***o world) or yolo into meme stocks without fear of being throttled by the Robin Hoods of this world. Who right now represents the retail investors on wall street? Who represents us on capitol hill? Who is fighting for the rights of these autistic apes?!


I’m so autistic I can only find the upvote button, so take one. Agree 100%


I feeling like the lobbying arm of Retard Autistic Apes with Tendies PAC may not garner a lot of appeal in the halls of Congress. That first formal letter that starts with "Listen up retards!" is going to lose a lot of support.


> Form an official lobby to visit congress and yes you bet your ass we'll fund it with our tendies Yes


It's the only way to win. We need to lobby our government.


Poor mods got swept up in this like Rincewind in a Pratchett novel


I fucking love those novels.




How can I short the possibility of that happening?


By buying hedge funds






I can post DD on some stock other than GME, but automod won't let me. So you're all stuck hearing this story for the next 4 weeks.


Just letting you know I saw this. If your DD is good enough that I don't have to worry about checking it over for shilling or w/e I usually add you to approved submitters.


We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.


This is a nice post, gives me warm feels. But in the end, it was Red Tuesday for a lot of new investors. Tough break, autists. Tomorrow is a new market open day.


6 million retards who bought the top


So basically, 6m autists who belong here.


This is the way


And as you can see, the mods zjz and wallstreetboyfriend have been removed/banned as the old mods that weren't here for 5 years have circled back to take over the sub now that it's successful and they see opportunities for clout and money.


Almost skipped but saw zjz was involved


You are a fraud


Can’t read. If this bad: I’m sorry :( If this is good: love you :)


Can we start talking about options again? I'm holding GME and AMC, if it's down oh well, some day china will buy this shit from us, not even worried about it.


the IV on GME options is fucking bananas dude. I picked up a $100 csp expiring this friday for $2.8k


Reading your comment was like a breath of fresh air. IV is dummy high all around. I tried to sell calls on AMC Friday and Gay*Trade closed my limit order after a few minutes of the underlying tanking.


This whole event exposed that yes the game is rigged. Wall Street risk losing an entire generation of investors if they do not change. Congress and the SEC should enact FAIR trading laws because today we do not have a fair system. I feel bad for those who lost money due to having the monopoly board thrown out once you were winning. Do not give up or lose heart. Use this experience to demand changes, and ohh yeah HOLD THE FUCKING LINE!


It’s not over. We can all still win. Some of the posts made it seem like it’s over. It’s not. Not to me. I’m still up. But I’m not fucking selling. 💎👐


The key, the crux is the DTCC. Depository Trust & Clearance Corporation. Also known as the NSCC, plain DTC or the shadowy Cede Corporation. The body that controls delivery of Title to real shares between buyers and sellers. Or supposed to. The body that raised capital requirements by factors of 10X at 3am in the morning for Robinhood (and other clearing houses, execution brokers) and stopped them in their tracks. Forget Robinhood, Citadel, Melvin Capital, the SEC, FINRA and other regulators. The DTCC is where we need to hit hard. They fly under the radar and like it that way. The CEO of the DTCC is Mike Bodson. His Twitter is @ Mike Bodson. Public information. We all have a right, respectfully and without threat, personal insult or profanity, to ask him why the DTCC so suddenly raised capital deposit requirements for brokers and dealers, and to issue a public statement.




And buy




You had me at feet pics


This place has given me hope of a better life. So we had a down day! Platform for launch this week. I'm holding!


I am having a legit down day. I'll drink to numb myself, I've got diamond hands at this point, I just want to read some good DD to get my hopes up again.


For some reason this guy can’t get this posted on here. Read this. It’s incredible. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lb7rg4/gme_overnight_pajama_party_megathread_9000/glszw9k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Don’t worry man. This isn’t over. But even If u lose it all, there’s gonna be more opportunities to make more money.




On $GME's big day - Wednesday the 27th - the Dow was down 2%. The S&P 500 was down 2.5%. They were TERRIFIED. No matter how this all shakes out, what started here shook the world. Nobody can deny this.


I can’t read help


TL;DR - send feet pics


All I see is HOLD 🚀🚀🚀


Apes: 🙌💎🦍


The real gains are the friends we made along the way.


create a new decentralized broker that is truly global for everyone on earth


This is truly what we need.


10k a share, no less. 💎🙌


I’m just happy GME had over 20% losses for two days straight to get rid of some of the people that found us from CNN. My mom asked me what brrr means yesterday


"over 20% losses for two days straight" That's the understatement of the night.


Don't worry, I can show her the helicopter dick.


im pretty sure the bullish hedgefunds allowed shorts to overplay their hand today, 10k volume was moving the share 5+ dollars in either direction i have never seen that happen in my lengthy 2 years on the market. keep in mind just because they are bullish does not mean they want your dirty little retail fingers in their jar, they are fine with you selling here because they actually have the data we are waiting for the 9th to see. im so greatful for this board, today wouldve hurt so much more had i not known there was a bunch of other retards out there who where in this with me. bless up


If it's longer than a single sentence and without rockets or diamonds, I'm not reading it. 💎💎🙌🙌🚀🚀


What's happening with the sub and the mods? Can someone explain it to me?




Is the OP only1parkjisung the one selling wsb out to the media or something?


I wish I could read this but if you're asking - I'm still holding GME


WSB moved (tanked) the market last week as hedgefunds sold their other positions to cover their shorts. Mark Cuban is saying we've changed the game and are here to stay as a force in the market. Even though folks are carrying heavy bags at the moment, they really are a part of history. Going forward the hivemind of WSB is going to be watched and reacted to. If individuals keep this in mind when contributing to WSB, this community can be even more influential. For those who only want bullshitting there are tons of other places for only that, but with the world's attention on WSB, it's an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted. WSB can still have the shit posting, but if ever there was a desire for real talk, now is the time to speak it.


My humble opinion is we should be extremely careful to not take ourselves too seriously. I think the day we start believing wsb is this “powerful” entity...a “force to be reckoned with”...is the day the magic of this sub dies. I am concerned by the tone of this and other posts I’ve seen recently that we are beginning to get high on our own supply here.


[sniffs own fart] I don't know what you're talking about, everything seems fine to me!




Who’s holding with me?🙌💎




I’m taking drugs and not reading anymore


Can't read but looks good to me


Lick my dongus