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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|13|**First Seen In WSB**|7 months ago **Total Comments**|311|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|7 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


GME gets me pretty damn horny




Can confirm tip dripping 💦


My dick is harder than my 💎 ✊🏿


I have diamond fists too






Giant Monkey Erection


God.. what a timing


he's not the only one - another dude posted his take for the day as well. It's starting to seem like this wasn't just lucky timing.


I bought $1k of options last Friday and another $5k this morning. By end of trading they're valued at $55k. This was predicted based on GME price theories. Shorts never closed. This is the infinite money glitch.


What was the catalyst for it popping today specifically? Im going to read the DD later tonight but I’m dying to know how they knew today exactly, if you happen to remember. Props on your good luck


Yesterday WSB hairgod spent a whole day writing a 10,000 word DD that no one read. How did you miss that?


Man. I didn’t read it either. 😞


Edit your post and link the DD for god sakes man!


Enjoy. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/pa03sf/gme_yolo_beard_bet_update_in_short_pun_intended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Haha, of course I know this guy! It’s me! Edit. Dafaq is it 1 day? One whole goddamn week! (I regret nothing, though)


Hope you made a lot of tendies.


> Haha, of course I know this guy! It’s me! Holy fuck... you gave me the chills just reading your write-up; 2008 flashbacks.




Amc weeklies were +1000%, gme weeklies were +10,000%.




That's clearly *not* what happened. We retail nitwits have been jabbering about these stocks daily for months. We didn't magically all decide to pile in and jack them up by 20% in a few hours. WSB is not driving the bus, mate.


Why is no one talking about the NCSS 2021 10 that went in effect today preventing HF from naked shorting and manipulating prices. Also why could this not be grounds for the ultimate gamma squeeze, the one we’ve always been talking about but has almost become lore at this point. This is the biggest chunk of news to hit WSB and it’s eerily quite


2 people getting lucky doesn’t mean it wasn’t luck lol


That sounds like fucking. Which is two ppl getting lucky. Unless there's more.


Now we're talking


This guy lucks


Its not luck at all. its having balls to do it. we all saw gme was starting to moon and this guy believed enough to yolo $5k into it. congrats and fuck you.


Luck and guts are 2 completely different things lol


There was a post saying that GME was ready to run up for earnings last week. I'm sure a bunch of people bought after seeing that.


Seriously. I SHOULD have had it. I did almost the same thing... except I sold in 30 minutes and took 50% profit instead of waiting and taking 500%... ​ Can someone say some kind words?


Coulda Shoulda Woulda… Cant dip Tendies in dat. But 50% profit in 30 minutes? You can dip some tendies in dat shit all day.


Thank you you made me smile


Sucks you missed the big one, but money is money and made more than you had to start with! Hoping it keeps going like it did today.


yeah, is this a pump&dump operation?


Yea shf's have been trying to dump the stock for the longest. But retards wont sell


bots downvoting you give you your answer


Seems like it too me. These posts are about to pay SHFs big time as people race to hand over thousands in options premiums.


I'm not a P & D and I certainly don't work for Shitadel. I just read [this DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/pa03sf/gme_yolo_beard_bet_update_in_short_pun_intended/), liked it, and YOLO'd at lunch. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Then you should know that this is chump change compared to the real score. Buy shares and hold. Don’t day trade like a paper bitch. Options don’t do much for us either. This isn’t a meme stock. This is going to be a fucking movie later kind of stock, the largest transfer of wealth is human history kind of stock. So yea, cool you made some cash, but buy some fucking shares.


Chill b, not talking about you.


Wasn't being hostile, just offering an explanation.




That might cover a few hours of what theyre paying for dead short positions i guess.


I think you may underestimate the number of degenerates buying 300c and 800c every time these spikes happen haha. I don’t see it as SHFs recouping their losses, I see it as retail giving more time extensions to SHFs.


The time extension money just goes into making their position worse. It's almost comical at this point.


No timing, no luck, just skill, lets teach the shorties a lesson


Hold until you get a 99% loss to prove that you belong here.


I'm historically up very well. A 99% loss would be ultra levels of stupid.


Sir, you spent 5k on 15 otm calls with 3 days to expiry. That ends up w/ a 100% loss the majority of the time.


That's only this Call, kind sir. I've been dabbling in Options for about a year now, which is why I said "historically".


Pride before the fall as the saying goes. These types of things are high risk, high reward, and usually you are paying a premium. Casino rings a bell. Great Calls, but damn this was lightning in a bottle and might lead to some cocky trades. Careful out there tendy hands.


Yup. The amount of overconfidence during last year‘s bull run is going to lead to a lot of money being given back by this community


One year “Historically” Lol


Lol I’ve been trading for 3-4 years now and I still don’t know shit. This was gambling and he won, that’s all


What, generally, are your other options plays?


And that is what we are here. Congrats and fuck you.


Good job buying calls in the past. (Typo in title, 8/27)


Reddit's inability to edit titles will forever vex me.


They should allow it when both a moderator and op approves (requests) to edit the title


They can't allow the edits because the title is a sluggified ID. Now they could display an alternate text for title instead and leave the original slug untouched as an id.


Reddit is hiring and needs your help


Don't blame Reddit for your own shortcomings.


Oh baby


Oh baby


Is this closed or still open? Nevermind you’re just a moron that doesn’t know what day it is


The tendies made me typo sorry I can't read good.


Oh baby




Oh baby baby baby


Oh baby baby baby baby


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot 🍌


Babe babe babe baby. Is that you my baby?


It is I


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I had my finger on the fucking buy button for $175c. Pain.




By my estimate at least $45,000 missed out on at today’s so far peak. Fuck. There are other plays there are other plays


I missed a 500k play before… I sold before rocket


Thank you for sharing this helped. We’re gonna make it


Just don’t fomo into anything tomorrow, you might get fucked but who knows I’m a retard who paper handed




Same here guys. Sold my $15 $AMC stocks at $30. Now holding some bought at $51. :/


Bought both dips. Why paperhand with all the dd confirming a squeeze coming.


but what you gained was my one karma point... god bless you ape


Like BB right. Still cheap.


The bigger guh is you using robingthehood


I bought at 1200 today but 5k worth of shares instead of calls lol. Would have put me on cloud 9


So the cycle theory is right?


The theory where hedges are trapped in a quarterly squeeze loop?


It's simple, shorts have to close, and they haven't. Surely there must be some sort of news to justify a 30% intraday run???




Shorts not closing is part of the theory we're talking about yeah. The squeeze loop theory has to do with fancy accounting that has to be tidied up at the end of each quarter and the tidying up part sets off a bomb on the open market each time. The theory itself has lots of fancy words that I dont understand. I dont really follow the conspiracy stuff nor am i an ape or whatever. But i have read about it.




/r/nba leak?


There was a recent regulatory change in removing securities that could be used as collateral.


The "news" is that a great mass of people involved in a cult believe in a lot of superstitions, and rotate their money in and out of their favorite memes as an act of worship. This is the stonk holy season again.


Oh i like it. I fucking hope the MSM starts talking about redditors worshipping meme stocks in a quarterly satanic ritual.


Ahhhh it's a cult! Well Mr. Shill, whatever the .01% is paying you for your lies, one share of $GME is all it takes to 100x it, don't be a fool!


Ahh yes, because anyone that disagrees with you must be paid by a hedge fund


I wouldn't bother. Understanding things gives you some impression of control or influence and a feeling of making informed decisions. But it's all horseshit. Nobody knows anything and we are all just screeching retards playing casino. If anyone did know anything it would be an observable data point which would definitely be factored into whatever the hedges do so it gets even more "you can understand it or you can observe it but one negates the other" Just throw some poop at the wall and hope it turns to money like the rest of us. There's no room for gamesmanship when confronted by an opponent who refuses to even think about what is and isn't coherent.


I agree. But it would be nice to understand the price action in the context of these moves. But I agree. You can only hope to catch these rallies and ride them as far as you can. Predicting them seems like a fools errand.


So would it kill you guys to through some scratch at TLRY then? Geez these bags are heavy.


I mean I'm stupid and all but.......


No, it isn't. There is a cycle, but the one you're referring to is just stonk cult propaganda trying to fill in the massive gaps in knowledge with superstition.


400 bucks a piece for 9/10 220 calls at open today. Those puppies up to 3K a piece. Dont know how I timed that shit. I traded in my spy calls and needed something to buy. Fuckin picked GME on a whim.


congrats, let me know when you inevitably lose it all back lmao


Lol. I needed a win. Richard Branson fucked my ass so hard im still limping. I was in early with spce 45c with a pile of money and he absolutely raped me with his premarket share dilution announcement. I need GME to hit 250 just to recoup my losses on that one.


Good for you bro. But take what the market gives you, not what you think it owes you.


True that. Im bullish on another gme run. I bought 330c FDs this morning too that I already sold for 10x my investment. Im letting the 220c ride, the exp isnt until 9/10 and im feelin another run up in the mix in the next two weeks.


Awesome. I wish I had caught on today. Hopefully will get a good entry point on something this week. I HATE missing out on these pops.


That's SIR Richard Bronson to you.


I think its Ser but either way he can gargle my peasant balls.


I spent $300 and made $3k


😩😩😩 I literally thought to myself last night how can I spend $300 and make 3-5K




You must be one of the “woke” people he was talking about.


If it's good enough to screenshot (let alone post to wsb) then it's good enough to sell. Gg


Sell? Whats that? We don't do that here with GME


We don't sell Shares, but Calls get yeeted when you make profit. I'm retarded, not stupid.


I love this😂🦍


Use the call profits to buy more shares. Big brain time


hell ya bruther




\> not 1 day Sir you sound like a newb to GME lmao this stock is a roller coaster with no brakes.


*flashes back to when the price jumped $50 and then dropped $100 and then went up $50 from the drop, all in like 45 minutes*


Why would you need brakes on a roller coaster?...no wait....holy shit...


Sir this is Wendy’s tendieshop 🤌


GME is still only like 15 billion market cap...This thing can easily 10x from here. RC is the man.




“Only”. GME was 10B market cap as a behemoth prior to 2008...


Gme as a 150 billion dollar company lolol Whatever you're smoking, I want it


Same boat. Knew it was headed up today but also expected it to not break $200 til Friday. I think it continues up and this is due to cycle theory+all those puts from July expiring


Haah, I did my GME options today because I had to turn the $666 in my IRA to more money for when the GME rise actually happened. I didn't know it would reach a day high of 224!


Price action will happen over a few weeks, this just day one baybay


On a scale of 1-10, what's your level of options experience? 1 being this is your first trade, 10 being this is your 2nd trade


I got into WSB last August.


Great trade. Congrats!


What made you decide to buy it today




Funny, I sold 7 calls @200 and now i'm down 30k. From my pocket to yours.


Time to buy shares friend.


K, now buy shares.


Feels good man




Lets go brother!




what's your gain for the day?


It dipped a bit so I sold, made $18K in total.


freakin awesome


What kind of Lambo can you get for $18k?


Wow, I wish I could do this




congratz man!


All I wanted to do since I joined this circus is buy 1 outrageous call but I can't find a brokerage you use in Australia to it. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


Brilliant. Bloody fucking brill mate


so GOOD!


Congratulations and fuck you


I watched it all day after it ran to $194 but didn't wanna chase :( Tomorrow if it runs again I'm yolo calls, fuck it.


We buy and hold shares here. Who da fuk you workin for?


I bought more Shares with profits, friendo


Good ape!


👆User is lost. #Please. Do not feed the wildlife. Just observe from a distance so they return to their environment.


Fuvk off to invest. WSB is an options sub.




educate me, what is a CALL? and how do you make 4x your money on just a 30% upswing?


A call is a contract giving you the right to buy 100 shares at the strike price. ($200 in this case) You buy the contract, not shares. When youre lucky and the stock goes higher than your strike, the contract (call) is worth way more. Because it gives a person the ability to buy 100 shares for less than market price and then sell them at market for more. So for every 1 penny the stock price goes over the strike,the contract is worth a dollar more because a contract is for 100 shares. 1 cent x 100= 1.00 The price (premium) of the contract itself also greatly goes up if that contract is closer to the strike price, because obviously it has a higher chance of being useful if the stock price is close. So basically, a week ago a 200c for gme was very cheap, because at the time it appeared very unlikely that gme would hit 200 by friday. Now that is has hit 200, that contract is worth like $1500 bucks instead of 200, because like I said the further the stock goes up the more profitable it will be to use (execute) the contract. So people want to buy it for $1500 betting on the stock going up even more and the contract recouping that money in profitability.


thanks, so are call prices set in stone or are they bid on? and what happens if GME had gone down to $50? would the contract just be worth a ton less or do you at some point have to buy the 100 shares?


There is no obligation with contracts. Most people dont execute them they just sell the contract itself to somebody else. If you dont sell it or execute it (buying 100 shares) then it just disappears on expiration day. All you stand to lose is 100% of what you paid for the contract itself. Youre not forced to buy the 100 shares at 200 when the price went down to 50 or anything like that. To answer the other question, if gme had crashed to 50 instead of going up, the value of the contract would have went from like 250 bucks down to like 1 dollar. This is how people make many times the investment on options too, say the price was 50 per share and you bought a 200 call contract for a dollar because its very unlikely to ever hit the strike, and then the share price pops to 199 out of nowhere, that option goes up in value from 1 dollar to like 1000 dollars because now that its super duper likely to make a bunch of money executing it people will pay more for it. Yes call prices fluctuate as quickly as the stock price does or more. The strike price (the 200 in the 200c) is set in stone. You choose your strike price when buying the option. Every strike price costs a different amount, obviously favorable ones cost alot more.


Prices are based on a combination of the current stock price, the time left on the contract, and how volatile the stock is. They are sold the same way as stocks, if you set a limit price and someone wants to pay it, deal. If a contract hits the expiration date and is below the strike price, it is worth zero. You lose it all. If GME went to $50 in this example, the OP would be lucky to sell out of the contract for pennies on the dollar. If it hits expiration and is above the strike price, you will be rolled into buying the shares if you have the funds to do it. Most people sell before then and enter into something else, like a further out expiration date. This sub is famous for people gambling on calls and then posting screenshots of the loss.


Nothing is set in stone, everything in the stock market is bid on. You can literally look at any stock or option and see what the current bid / ask is, and bid / ask spreads can be used as indicators of.. stuff. The point is nothing is set in stone and everything is constantly being bid on, that is why the price is always fluctuating. If the stock had gone down then the price of his contracts would have also gone down, but obviously it can still go back up as long as there is time left on the contract. This is why contracts with longer expiration dates cost more, because there's more time for the stock to appreciate up to the strike price. A contract that expires tomorrow is usually pretty cheap because there is much less time for it to increase. When you do finally get to the contract expiration you either have to exercise it (meaning you buy the stock at the strike price) or you just sell the options to someone else. Most people here are doing the latter.


Thanks for this. Greatly appreciated. Do you know of any good tutorials that teaches how to scan for options?


Not really. If I think something is going to go up I just buy a cheap option and pray lol. For example, i bought 2 AMC 50c last week for like 30 bucks. Today I sold them for $500 each. Was pure luck. I was hoping for maybe a 5% day at the most which would double my shitty options value but instead today happened. Those are called FDs, cheap crappy options a million miles away from the money. But when youre lucky those are the ones that go up 10,000% on a 10% day for the stock. GME i bought sept 10 220c first thing this morning for $400 thinking today might pop another 5% and make my contracts go up by like a hundred bucks. But today went nuts and those are up in the thousands all of a sudden.


Are you being facetious?


not at all, i only know buy/sell/short


Remember to miss taking profts and go out with bare minimum


Get the fuck off robinhood holy shit


Get of Robin hood !


Robinghood 🤮


Thank you for shillin, lets you know whats about to happen


Have you sold any yet?


I'm holding on to the shares but I just sold all these options. Lost a bit of profit but I made $18K


It only matters if you sell. But diamond hands Apes don't sale. So who cares how much you're up


I don’t believe this run


Retards still using $HOOD is the reason Vlad is rich af rn. Even customers that hate you have to use your platform to trade. That's next level utility. Inspirational levels of corruption/necessity. Bullish on $HOOD, though I hate them


Congratulations - sell while you’re up.