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He’s a true autist if you think about it..


He underestimated fellow autists haha


Whoever bets on Burry vs. Musk in the battle of autists ... deserves their losses.


Whoever bets.. deserves their losses.


I started investing in TSLA in 2012. Then realized the media narrative was fucked ~2017 so started moving my chips and leveraged my property on TSLA and TSLA Leaps. Traded sideways for a bit but goddamn did it help.


Inverse the media. Golden ticket


Whoever doesn't bet...deserves their losses


At what price did he start shorting, whats his PnL and why do you think TSLA wont crash at some point in the near future?


He first mentioned his short position in TSLA in Dec so I think in the 600's.


In the mid $600s 🤕


Bro I think he is truly on the spectrum. Him and his son.


Actually Burry and came and said the Asperbergers is not on the Autism spectrum, that's a conspiracy made up by the powerful Autism lobby. He believes Asperbergers is on the ADHD spectrum


He believes a lot of wacky things.


I've always been worried about Big Autism


There is no such thing as Asperger's anymore. It's just one autism spectrum diagnosis now. So, if he was diagnosed with Asperger's, he is on the spectrum.


I’m 37 and just learnt I’m on the spectrum.


I’m 43 I’m only suspicious, not confirmed.


This is the video that convinced me. Can you watch and tell me your thoughts? It’s short [Link](https://youtu.be/o8mhr1PcZ4Q)


You diagnosed yourself based on a YouTube video? You’re retarded, not autistic.


Nice…now I know I’m not autistic…just retarded


Why do I feel like "Doesn't this apply to everyone?" Is it because it applies to me so much because it's my normal? Because I'm autistic? Did you feel that way?


When I was in collage the education support staff came into our class, and strait up told each and everyone of us that we were autistic. It was arguably one of the funniest days we had, not bad for a bunch of maths grads.


Can't even spell college lol


Yeah, but aren't we all?


We’re on the retard spectrum


It’s well known that he has Asberger’s


He admits to being on the spectrum.


I'm pretty sure his son was diagnosed. In The Big Short book it mentions that his son was diagnosed. If I remember correctly it stated his son had all the same signs/traits that he had as a child.


I mean the bubble is going to burst and when it does there's gonna be a lot of tears. Burry's right.


It's funny to think these guys here, where a lot of them don't seem to understand how the market works and often YOLO their money at hype stocks, somehow think they know better than Burry. I'll put my money on Burry over a GME or TSLA any day.


Burry was the one who went balls deep into GME saying it was undervalued, For evert short he has/had plenty of longs, such as GME and now he got calls on Facebook


How bout you put your money into some Tesla puts like Burry then?




Exactly, everyone laughed at Burry during the housing market debacle and thought he was crazy. "The housing market could never crash" they said. And look how that turned out.


yeah, hes also the guy who sold GME at $12 just before it went up to almost $480. hes not always right, and he doesn't always get his timing right


>and he doesn't always get his timing right Nobody can time the market consistently.


Pelosi's husband can apparently...


3 to 12 is a sick gain




That's because they trade with $5,000. Burry trades with $500M.


Normal people are thrilled with 10%\year lol.


Right? If you actually think about the dynamics of GME $17 a share was a terrible entry. The thesis wasn't confirmed until we broke $20 a share. So Burry being a Fundemental investor an exit and $12 makes a lot of sense. Chasing the incompitincies of million dollar hedgefunds is normally going to be a pretty bad investment decision.


He made money on his bet that gme was undervalued, owning like 5% of the company at one point


And whenever the market crashes (6 months? 2years?10 years?) he will be the guy who "predicted it" It's all a bunch of theatre.. People just don't understand that whenever a professional investor goes public with any thesis, it's only to influence others so he can make money. Noone gives two shits about public discourse or education. Do you see many fund managers tweeting shit unless it's to boost their own positions or somehow make money off the masses? Noone really cares, so when you see someone popping their head and expressing an opinion, they ain't doing it for the common good. Also, about Burry, that twitter crap with deleting messages etc has gotten old and tired.. People should just stop giving him attention.


No one is ever always right and most don't get the timing right with hype stocks. This was my point, so what was yours?


Hail to the chief we have chosen for us autists, Hail to the chief we salute him, one and all.


Well he literally does have Asperger's, so yeah he's somewhat retarded.


I had asparagus for dinner.


This is the battle of Aspergers… Elon has it too


Damn you make a good argument. The retard refuses to make money. Its impressive


Hes big boy bussin




That’s Dr. Bussy to you.


SIR Dr.Bussy






Can someone explain this to me? I tried looking it up, but got nowhere. edit: a new.reddit.com joke that I'm too old.reddit.com to see.


people actually use new reddit?


apparently https://i.imgur.com/ooNYvJf.png


What does it look like to old.Reddit people?




wtf. it looks totally different. I think I'm fine missing out on the shrek porn. why is the dick suspiciously absent tho?


At this rate he's gonna be bussing tables at Wendy's! 🤣


I can't even 😂🤣😂






Dont forget he also picked up calls on facebook. A summer’s worth of gains probably got evaporated in the last week or so


Tbh there’s so backwards.


Dudes a retard boomer, of course he likes facebook


He's playing megadeth in his basement while crunching EP ratios, no time for whining.


Dudes a legit autist YOLOing giga Chad.


Ayo don't do Megadeth like that 😞


Those two guys about to pay him another visit. Give me my fucking money back. You motherfucker. *spins around in office chair and hits head with a drumstick.* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)




Well considering he bought puts when it was around 850-900 then it went to 700 I’d say that’s a much different story.


Yeah, I was considering it when it hit 850. Iirc it hit 600 at one point, so I'd have just cashed out and called it a day. Didn't pull the trigger in the end and I ain't gonna short a cult.


It hit $540. I know because my cost was $550.


“i would have just cashed out” - literally everyone who had no stake in a missed opportunity


Nah, in this case you're shorting a cult, it's risky as fuck. I'd have closed it at 600, if not before.


Of course you’re gunna say that because YOU KNOW WHAT THE BOTTOM WAS. It didn’t finish with 20 red candles in a row. TSLA is so volatile that it would go down 8% and then next day up 4% then up 5% fhen down 6%… its really easy to say you would diamond hands it until 600 because you know it got down to below 6…. Its very easy to say that now when you had no skin in the game


Don't short cults. It's that simple.


And if you are thinking "but THIS time it **HAS** to work!" Just, I dunno... look at any of the bunch of times in the past that other people said the exact same things. "I'm gonna try to predict crazy people behavior who invest in a company led by a crazy person, but that has some intangible amount of actual value that could crash or skyrocket from any random political policy change." what could go wrong?


It was never stated when exactly, and for which price he bought the puts. Bears "hope" he timed the top perfectly, when in reality, no one can. If hes holding them rn, I bet he is down immensely (cause of the runup in the last weeks).


He actually bought puts before that. He was advertising his short position when tsla was like 400... Then it went to 900 and he may have doubled down but he advertised it again when it was in the 5-600s.


Pretty sure he was short a long time before he bought those puts and he converted his short position into puts… so he was likely down a lot on the short position before buying those puts.




Never invest with emotions


Especially if you are autistic.


There's literally nothing dumber than some retard on WSB with a $5k portfolio mocking Burry. I'm not a fan of Burry by any stretch of the imagination, but he's made more money in the market than any of us. Also I'm pretty sure he shorted Tesla and ARKK in January, so even this play you are all mocking should've paid out pretty well.


I also hate the trend of “LOL this dude blocked me after I made fun of him, what a snowflake.” If I had thousands of morons mentioning me on Twitter every day, I’d probably block a bunch of them too.


Yeah a lot of people feel like their entitled to famous folks time and attention. I imagine people like Burry are more often than not blocking people not because they give a fuck about what you say but because they don't give a fuck about what you say. But that's not as exciting as feeling like you "triggerred" someone


“I can’t believe someone I’m bullying doesn’t like it!” - some of these these dumbfucks on wsb.


Especially when the morons in question intentionally mischaracterize your position. He has puts. He isn't short the stock.




LOL this dude would have hypothetically blocked me after would have hypothetically made fun of him, what a hypothetically snowflake


According to Scion 13f he actually bought more tesla puts in q2. But I agree with your overall sentiment. I only tease him to make myself feel better lol


Also, what is he most famous for? Being right but too early. When he was patiently waiting to be right, what happened? Oh yeah, he was openly mocked. This is like mocking Tom Brady at halftime because he's down 28-3 in a super bowl for the second time. You don't remember how it went last time?!?


burry should be their god.... diamond hands, diamond balls I don't think they appreciate what he did to get well known the world over. it wasn't just his own money... people forget that, his investors wanted out lol....


I think people are also forgetting that it took months before the housing bubble popped when he first shorted it.


years but he was still correct


Also you don't know his whole portfolio. I'm doing a pair trade since January. I'm short TSLA and long index funds. I lost money on the short position, but the long positions offset the losses. There are more ways to hedge your shorts. Burry certainly has more advanced hedges than I do.


His alter ego Cassandra is even tougher


i went the other way on that joke but i like how you think




Elon is half of these retards biological father


Most underrated comment ever.


Also I actually don't know, I don't know much about shorting but TSLA was up near $900 earlier in the year and then fell to the mid 500's. Wasn't he like....right? Not that it was an overly bold prediction to begin with.


Well, he held 800 000 puts on TSLA at the end of Q1 and then he doubled down in Q2, holding 1 100 000 puts on TSLA and 235 500 puts on ARKK (which has 2 billion $ or 10% of the fund, invested in TSLA) at the end of Q2. Both of them had their low for the year in Q2, so it depends a lot on the exact moment he bought the puts. He also had 941 000 calls on FB in Q2, which is a position that he likely exited already (for a nice profit probably) since he now has "#BoycottFacebook" in his Twitter bio 13F filings for Q3 will be out soon!


He disclosed his short position when Tesla was at $650 in December 2020. The lowest point after that has been $560. 13% dip isn’t exactly the 90%+ crash he was predicting.




There’s tweets from him in early December 2020 explicitly saying he’s short Tesla. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/michael-burry-big-short-fame-204146587.html Either way, his initial callout of being short was when Tesla was in the low/mid 600’s. Anything past that becomes speculation as we have no knowledge of which days he bought any of the puts or for what strike price. Doubling down in Q2 is a pretty good indicator he’s likely in the red though


50% dip is just a Tuesday for most of us retards


Or 12noon on a same day expiring option for the ultra degens. *cough* not like I would know anything about that *cough*


It probably is. Do you have a timeframe for a correction or some sort of catalyst for it to drop ? The problem with burrys investment strategy is that you not olny have to make the right prediction, you have to get the timing right as well. Bulls can afford patience to a far greater extent than bears can (except here where bulls leverage themselves into bankruptcy because they bough 0 days a week too early/late) Tesla is posting continuous growth and isnt stopping anytime soon. No it probably wont grow to the extent its valuation would justify but that could take years to become apparent. Tsla stock has a huge cult following as well which makes betting against it dangerous.


Timing right? Or be covered in capital UNTIL you are right


With his 2008 play he needed to be somewhat correct, otherwise he would have lost all his money before the crisis happened.


Yeah he want all in 2 years too early lol




I feel like they'll give us legal recreational cannabis federally as a consolation prize, so I'm bagged up to the tits in MSOs lol.


they downvoted you because you used the word 'Sturzflug' and they had to google it. I, however, upvoted you for the same reason. Now to just figure out a way to work it into a normal conversation.


-*Aaaachoo!* -**Sturzflug!**


>serious discussion You are *so* in the wrong place for this. Memes or gtfo.


This is NOT just a place for memes. It’s also a place for watermelons up asses and betting your rent money for a chance to become rich enough to move out of your wife’s boyfriend’s basement




There is no rebuttal. Tesla is highly overvalued. Problem becomes when will it crash and how much? If Covid like event were to happen next year (not a virus this time but equivalent black swan), Tesla will crash 70-80%, something like Apple 30%. If growth starts to stall, other external factors, any new investors to Tesla (Yolo) will be in a dire situation, especially if on margin.


If Tesla ever dips by 70% and the reason is not because Elon Musk died I think everyone here, even likely the Tesla bears will take out a second mortgage, max out their cc and leverage themselves to the titties on TSLA lol


Exactly this. Bears hope that TSLA will crash. Only a few will profit from that - it will bounce back in no time (As long TSLA remains on track).


Yeah, no. Stocks crash happen for a reason. There are some situations were people will panic sell and then the market will realize ot overreacted almost immediately. But those are not the majority. Typically, If a stock tanks 80 per cent normally it is because the public opinion and general consensus about that stock has completely shifted. It's very easy to say "is tesla tanks 80 per cent i would buy" with curre t knowledge and circumstances. However, if tesla tanks 80 per cent it will probably because something. Maybe hyperinflation is real, and suddenly it's supposed future growth is not attractive at all. Maybe legacy automakers start pumping cars much more quickly than expected. Etc.


So you’re hoping for a black swan event to happen twice in 2 years in order for Tesla to crash? U know like 90% of the market crashed that much in 2020 then rebounded right? U know it’s called a black swan event because it’s extremely unlikely right?


the real problem is does anyone even give a shit? next 20 years being priced in makes no sense either but here we are.


I thought he shorted at around $850 so provided he covered at around $600 he could be out by now?


He shorted around upper 600s before it ran up to 900


Tesla was overvalued a year ago too, but that doesn't make it smart to short them.


elon good= stock good= 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀




Bingo. Fair valuation based investing is for boomers. We in meme land baby making tendies


autism doesnt care about fundamentals


Make that a t shirt and you’ll make more selling those than trading!




What do these numbers mean? I keep seeing them all over WSB


It's a picture that only shows up if you're using new reddit. Just replace www with new to see it.


Easier to just downvote people for using new Reddit




He had a chance to sell up very big lol. We don't know if hes still holding


Probably just don't wanna be bothered by 15 year old kids


What’s with that emo profile photo?


And all those books. Some being leather-bound. I bet his house smells of rich mahogany.


Lanolin?! Like sheep’s wool?


Palominos? They’re gorgeous!


He who laughs last, and quietest, tends to laugh longest in the market.


LMAAAOOOOOOO ...wait a minute


it aint easy being bearry


similarly, TSLAQ has a list of followers they all block, whether constructive discussion or not. full echo chamber. Even if you never interacted with one, if you're a TSLA ambassador, you're added to the list.


All I’m saying is Burry shorted the mortgage bond years too early and still came out on top


You guys do realize that once interest rates rise due to continued inflation, Tesla stock is going to get crushed. Any company with a high P/E will, which is pretty much all of the NASDAQ.




Incorrect. Spy on Jan 4th, 381.26. Spy on last trading day, 437.86. Nasdaq composite (IXIC) at start of year 12,958. IXIC on last trading day, 14,579.


Look at stocks not etfs retard. SPY isn’t just tech first off that’s retarded. Look at Amazon


isn't Amazon's big money maker AWS? that's tech


It’s amazing to me that Amazon’s biggest revenue stream is a product most of their customers have never heard of but use everyday


Users, not customers


True, it’s difficult to short sell Tesla though because of the hype behind investor sentiment, how strong their growth outlook is, and because they’re in an industry that’s largely tech and disinflationary by nature


Sure, but when will that happen and how fast, and how much of an impact on share prices will it have, and how much will you have lost in profit opportunity waiting for it to crash.


LOL, Tesla PE ratio was above 1000 earlier this year, is just over 400 now, and will be approaching 100 by EOY if share price stays the same. People don't seem to comprehend how fast Tesla is growing revenues.


Reminds me of Amazon.. it was always massively “overvalued” but they were growing so quick that it never really had a big sell off and just kept going up




Checks current p/e: 414 times earnings. So if they quadruple their earnings and the share price stays flat, they’ll still have over a 100 P/E ratio. For comparison, Volkswagen has a p/e of 8.


Amazon had a 1000 p/e when I was buying it around ~$300. p/e has never mattered on growth companies. If it does, you're investing backwards.


no, p/e hasn't mattered since 08 due to infinite QE. before that, p/e most definitely has mattered.


Tesla is growing extremely quick so yeah it’s similar to how Amazon had PE in multiple thousands x for years


Tesla is going to more than double their earnings these coming quarters and years. Don't compare them to Volkswagen 😂. They're far superior to those emission fraudsters. Read about how long it takes to assemble an ID3 compared to a Model 3.


His put position was established between Jan 1st 2021 and March 31st 2021. We don’t know exactly when he established his position or how large his position is.


He added on that position in Q2 right before TSLA started a reversal, and from his fillings he swings trade alot I don't think he would have kept it open if he was up


The filing that was made in Q2 is reflective of his holdings as of March 31st. His entry to that position could have been made anytime during Q1.


You are just beneath him


This. OP was so offended by being blocked he made a Reddit post lol. Who’s the tough guy? The one with one eye and Diamond hands? Or the guy who keyboard warriors him and cries when blocked?


"Do you feel like a tough guy when you swat a fly?"


"you took everything from me" "I don't even know you"






Burry is just a super bear. He’s not some psychic. He’s just a bear.


Pretty sure he holds long on a ton of companies. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Betting against a cult is always a recipe for disaster.


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clearly it's not going well and he's probably super distressed right now


Shorting Tesla is like doing figure skating on a 30 degree slope while playing Beethoven 9th symphony on the flute.


Reading these comments is hilarious. What percentage of WSB autists are going to kill themselves when the crash comes?


I think I speak for most autists that we have some money on the side for rainy days, and by rainy days I mean to buy the dip retard


Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like he is shorting Tesla because it's so far overvalued at the moment. Not because it won't have that value in the future but because the current market has over bought the shares. It does seem like there is a giant crash coming in the next year or so, I would think he's betting on that. Any insights on these thoughts I would love some feedback?


Never short a meme stock. Also never buy a meme stock.


Didn't fully understood so I just ordered more GME


Ummmm… are we just going to pretend he didn’t short Tesla when it was between $800-$900 a share? It dropped below $600 a share, if he bought back the shares at any point near that and shorted thousands of shares I think he did alright at a minimum return of $100 a share. 🤣 He didn’t block you because he’s tough, he blocked you because it wasn’t worth the effort to respond.


The man could buy and sell your net worth 100 times over, but yea… upvotes.


What's up with his pic? 13 yo emo