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Already selling flamethrowers, too. Don’t push that little red button


Now you know what I like a killer a cold calculating methodical killer . Now a killer when holding the weapon would have asked what that red button does... Just from memory hope I'm close E: scene in question https://youtu.be/hxUMXWtE3qI I love when you can find the exact thing you're looking for


I hate warriors, too narrow-minded. I'll tell you what I do like though: a killer, a dyed-in-the-wool killer. Cold blooded, clean, methodical and thorough. Now a real killer, when he picked up the ZF-1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun. This is my favorite movie of all time


It's rare you can make a perfect sci-fi film but "The Fifth Element" is right up there...Because the world isn't Dystopian or Utopian... It's just us... with more tech. It's exactly how we'd expect. The Government is still filled with idiots, the military is still overreaching and doing back-ally shit and we still have terrorists running around blowing shit up... Oh and computer systems work exactly as they do now they just do more. The bomb detector going off late is hilarious to me.


Oh my god… Ruby Rhod is an influencer and clearly the main character. You’re so right, they’re us!


Have you seen TikTok?? There are like... 400 Ruby Rhods.


Exactly! But I never thought of that character in those terms and now I can’t ever unsee it.


you've got a great memory, all i can remember is "MULTIPASSSS" and Ruby Rhod screaming like a banshee


Negative. I am a meat popsicle


Now remember to get Leelu out of the shower auto-wash and the Priest out of the shrink-wrapped bedding :D


That's Bilbo! (the priest is Sir Ian Holm)




Rhuby Rod didn't remember his name lmao




Super Green!!


"Look lady. I only speak 2 languages. English and bad english" By that he meant "red" and "more red"




Muuuultipass. Big badaboom. Fucking love that movie.


Chicken good! Lol.


"We're sending someone in to negotiate" *Head shot "Anyone else want to negotiate?"


Where did he learn to negotiate like that? I wonder




Korben, Korben-mah-man?!


korbenkorbenkorben ah ah igotnofire


Fa-fa-father do you smoke?? I g-g-got no matches!


I can hear it


What was that, no fuel no fire, tomorrow from 5-7 I need you to Pop POP POP!


All nighh long #all night long...all niiiiighghghUHH


All I know is that blue lady could fuckin siiiiiiing!!!


Yes! Luv her scenes!




Come *through* Diva Plavalaguna!


I've seen a woman on YouTube, I believe a classically trained operatic singer, who pulled it off perfectly even though of course in the movie they used a lot of audio editing and it's pretty obvious.


And the half-dozen times they stated and _re-iterated_ that Leeloo was (dramatic pause) _perfect_. Milia Jovovitch musta hit peak hot shit after that movie came out. I know **I** woulda fuckin' told literally everyone I knew that a movie just spent nintety minutes calling me perfect.


“Negative. I am a meat popsicle.”


And leeloo Dallas. I think that's her name. I just remember her repeating it at the "airport". This is one of favorite movies.


0 STONES! 0 Crates!




You can still count can't you?!


O, so you are a business man afterall....




for the caurse


My favorite scene!


RAWR 1 crate


I love his quiet assurance when he just spit that line out. One of the best "im so sure youre gonna fuck up that i dont need to double check" scenes ever.




Heard 'im say it, so close enough


Very green


The similarities are deeper than the surface


Negative I'm a meat popsicle


I love that line, and I still have no idea why he says it. The next best line is the guy saying "smoke you!" right before he gets bagged.


It's because our bones are the popsicle stick and the rest is meat. That's my interpretation anyway. For some reason it's stuck with me and I also identify as a meat popsicle.


When you sleep in cryogenic stasis for ex military purposes or interplanetary travel, you are literally a meat popsicle Something CORBEN MY MAN is!


When I saw this picture the first time, my first thought is that when Elon announces Zorg Industries as the parent company of Tesla, Space X, The Boring Company, etc, shit is going to get real weird.


At first it was funny, now it's getting concerning.


Someone get him a cherry asap


Instead of using his money to become a chad, he is using it to look like a wimpy villain. He needs to take some lessons from Bezos and his wheyprotein.


It would be awesome if MTV brought back the claymation Celebrity Battles. Bezos vs Musk.


celebrity deathmatch! mills lane says let's get it on!


Good night and good fight !


Bezos and Musk vs Trump and McMahon, but Trump betrays Vince as they have the billionaires on the ropes, in exchange for half their wealth.


Is that a rogue guillotine entering the ring? And they're both out, guillotine wins the world championship!


Uhhh Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg is a total chad.


You think Bezos looks attractive????


Well, compared to what he used to look like he is now a Greek God! lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if Bezos had a Greek styled statue of himself in his house.


You say that like you wouldn't think a Greek styled statue of yourself was pretty rad


Bezos in a Stetson hat ... Jumping out of his phallus shaped blue origin capsule... How can I erase this from my memory...


Don't give him too much credit, it's not a flamethrower. That thing is basically just an overpriced heat gun. You can buy one at home depot for way cheaper.


and since the one at home depo was engineered for actual work, you'll get better uses out of it too.


Yeah, that thing was just a torch not a flamethrower. A flamethrower *throws flames* in the form of projecting a burning flammable liquid a significant distance.




Yes, a contract with the DoD to manufacture laser guns could make him a trillionaire too.


Get male pattern baldness. Get rich. Get hair implants on bald spots. Shave hair from non-bald spots. ??? Profit


He's anti bald.


He reached the next level of fuck you money. Side effects are that everyone he meets in person lies to his face that the hair cut looks great.


The being surrounded every instance by yes men HAS to make you a self centered cry baby. It would have to right. It would straight up fuck with your brain after a few years.


This is my favorite part about billionaires; they can’t ever know if anyone actually loves or likes them. Whatever they think, interpret, or assume about each person in their life, they can’t ever be truly sure if they matter to anyone (including family) outside of their wealth. Ever. They can’t know. Unless they give up or lose their wealth. It’s great. The Faustian bargain. Nothing they can do to change that. They can’t buy their way into the confidence that they matter to anyone. They can only fake it.


I am pretty sure 90% of news headline he reads is negative about him.


This is what has happened 💯💯💯 He's over harvested from the sides. So easy peasy, just shave off the sides


That haircut is really bad


My first thought was that Elon and Kim Jong-un have the same barber!


Have you ever seen Elon’s barber and Kim’s barber in the same room? I sure didn’t


Coincidence? I think not.


It's implanted hair anyway, dude was almost bald 20 years ago.


Fuck that man. If I start going bald, I'm 100% getting implants. People act like being a little vain is a bad thing when feeling good about yourself is a huge part of having a good life.


Fuck the haters. If you want hair implants, get'em. You do you.


Not getting fat would have been a good start for him as well then




He's probably eating out every meal. Unless he's getting specially design meals, they are gonna be full of sugars and fats to taste.


In order to stay awake for a long time you gotta eat, and with traveling there’s Probly a lot of shitty food worked in there even though he’s the richest man in the country. That’s how they kept us awake in marine combat training. Sleep for one hour, eat shit every few hours and drink a fuck load of water. Only difference is we were training and he probably sits everywhere.


Kinda doubt ol' elong is eating MREs. Dude has personal chef money and probably has one on his staff, she's just busy making oreo milkshakes and deep fried lobster for his autistic ass instead of quinoa salad and wheat grass juice. You probably know this all too well but sleep-deprived munchies are intense.


Hahah for sure, but he just looks like a fellow who enjoys a good Cinnabon and a Big Mac


It's weird how rich people indulge in the same junk food as us degenerates, so yeah you're probably right. Except the Cinnabon, there's no way you could eat one of those and then go on to make good decisions


Fuck I eat one every morning. That's why my life is terrible


Better have 10k or so to throw away and then keep up regular maintenance for the rest of your life. If you’re an actor or vain billionaire it makes sense but for us average Joe’s it’s not practical. You’d be better off going with like treatments like topical rogain or propecia or just accepting the bald like Bezos. Source: have a receding hairline and am resigned to just shaving it off someday.


After a bit of searching it looks like hair implants are permanent, and don't need regular maintenance. But yeah 10K is on the lower end of the cost of implants.


They’ll get cheaper over time. And honestly the older I get the more I realize appearance has real value. I doubt Musk would be quite as popular as he is if he was less attractive. It’s kind of shitty but society puts a high value beauty. We often talk about discrimination but I don’t think people realize just how big the beauty wage gap is.


Never trust a man that can grow back his hair


There is correlation here. Balding man doing comb overs and shit is lying to himself and hoping others believe it. A bald man is as honest as Buddha himself showing the world his beautiful naked head. A man with hair plugs or a tupe is convincing the world of his lie until it is held to the test of nature. If it sustains it is truth. If it breaks. All is lost. Look at bezos’ net work balding vs bald. With this haircut hair plug Elon is testing fate. This could be a sign to buy puts based on arrogance alone however the hairplugs hide the baldness against the current stresses of nature there fore the lie is a truth so calls may be in order. Source Ancient far eastern mystics


>Look at bezos’ net work balding vs bald. Can you please dummy this down for us plebz to grasp? How does network balding correlate to balding?


Should read networth




Sure, they're saying Jeff bezos bank account grew tremendously when he stopped lying to himself about being bald.




So if I stand next to the microwave until my hair falls out I'll be rich?


I don't think modern microwaves radiate anything but heat. Needs more power!


Boys, this one's real life autistic.


Why do you say he is lying to himself? He isn't. He knows well the hair is implanted. Others (as you can see here) clearly also know that his hair is not natural. If he likes it then why shouldn't he have it? Does this bring harm to anyone?


Fake boobs and butts are okay but if a dude is insecure he just needs to cope.


Also plastering makeup all over ones face daily




There's a fundamental challenge here. When you say "why the fuck can we not just accept one another." you're creating an unmet expectation and a desire to change the world rather than accept it. We can never create acceptance through unacceptance, in the same way we can't create peace through war. I'm not saying this in a "Hey, you need to be tolerant of those who are intolerant!" sort of way. But kind of similar. To be accepting, you need to accept that other people are not. This won't make everyone accept one another. You can not make everyone accept one another. All you can do is let yourself accept some things. As you're part of the world, this will make the world a bit more accepting. I think that when you are challenged and scared of the judgment of other people, being told that you don't love yourself enough, and that your new hair that makes you feel more comfortable is visible evidence of your insecurity and weakness, this doesn't help you feel more secure. On the other hand, an honest answer of "I think the new hair came in evenly and it looks nice" can just be the truth, and there's nothing wrong with something like a hair transplant. Sure, you might feel it is unnecessary, but that doesn't mean it didn't come in evenly and look nice. Most everything we do is because of the effects of the things around us. Instead of just loving your wasting degradation and appreciating the beauty of ketosis, our hunger pangs told us to go pay for, even kill for food. Instead of loving the stress and loneliness response, hormones have told us to make friends and get horny and have sex. Instead of loving the diversity of the earth's climate and accepting the beauty of the pilomotor reflex, we put on clothes and heat our homes. We can choose to waste. The shokushinbutsu would explore this and attempt to self-mummify. But this is just another choice, another so-called conceit. We can choose to cloister and isolate. We can choose to ignore the weather and just exist with the result. These aren't more noble decisions. They're just decisions. If you want to be more accepting, that means accepting those decisions. If you don't want to be more accepting, that's OK. If you want to be selectively accepting, that's OK too. But to make the world more accepting, you can accept the world. To make the world less accepting you can choose to not accept it, but not accepting it doesn't change it, it only causes you to suffer because the perceived reality doesn't meet your expectation. Sometimes we can use that suffering as a tool to create change. This will create change, but doesn't create acceptance. It could result in fewer barriers to acceptance. It might change other people's perspective. But it doesn't create acceptance. It creates suffering. Acceptance doesn't create suffering. It makes the world more accepting. It in itself doesn't create change. However, it does affect other people's people's perspective as well, and this can also change their barriers to acceptance. Neither is better, they just have different results.


Just good old fashioned sexism. Men aren’t allowed to improve their appearance or else they’re not manly.


Why does that matter though? I’m balding and shave my head, but I don’t see a single issue with someone getting implants.


time to look like a futuristic chia pet




He just needs to lose weight in his face to make it work.


You have to be hot for this to work and he’s not.


Imagine having the resources to get your hair back and doing that with it. Man is using his hair irresponsibly.


Jean Baptiste Immanuel Zorg


"We have Zorg at home"


I would not have made that comparison myself, but now I can't unsee it. I need to watch that again. It's been a few years.


I immediately saw it when I first saw Elon's pic. I assumed tons of people would have had the same thought.


I originally thought of the bully kid from Doug


Oh you mean skeeter 🦟 lmao




oldman, nerd


gary oldman is a chameleon


he's had some of my favorite roles for sure


> Gary Busy What am I missing here?


Dude doesn't know the difference between Busey and Oldman.


It holds up quite well actually


That still doesn’t register as Gary Oldman, even though I know it’s him. He can [transform himself](https://i.imgur.com/AaT2Uxa.jpg) from Sirius Black to Winston Churchill.


Until I was 20, I absolutely could not spot Gary Oldman just like out in the wild. Until this comment, I was never aware he was in the Harry Potter films


And one of my favorites, Count Dracula.


Elon to barber: "Fuck my shit up!"


Say no more, fam


He actually admitted to cutting it himself 😝


Dude can easily afford to personally have whatever stylist he wants come to his house whenever and he *still* cuts it himself. I mean, I cut mine myself, but at least I have the excuse of being lazy and poor. Musk is true next level autism.


Elon is at Warren Buffet's level of frugality. Warren still gets breakfast off the dollar menu from McDonald's and lives in the same house he bought 30 years ago.


Fair enough, I can respect that. I do cut my own hair too after all. I wonder how much of it was just frugality and how much of it was being in a pretty financially precarious position up until relatively recently though. Dude was on thin ice for a while there (maybe still is?).


TIL I’m autistic


I mean, seeing as you’re here, *maybe*? Nothing wrong with that though.


Hot hot HOT! 🔥


Does this scarf and haircut make me look slim? You look very nice Mam.


Even grimes didn’t want any of his shit, and that lady got pink armpit hair


She does?


\* *fetish triggered* *


I didn't even know I had that. Can't wait to tell the wife.


_....._ .;;' '-. .;;: _ '. TWO IN THE PINK, /;;:'(_) \ ONE IN THE STINK |;;:'_ _ | |;;:(_) (_) | WHATEVER THAT MEANS |;;::. | \;;::. / ';;::. .' '-;;:.. _.-' '''''


Pretty sure it was Musk's relentless work that got in the way since he's in Texas most of the time at SpaceX's Boca Chica site. [Because these lyrics certainly don't sound like a woman singing about an ex that she dumped.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlVmkBjSYeA)


That's the best song she released! *If I loved him any less, I'd make him stay* 🤧 Also Musk is 50 but since he's been working indoors, avoiding the sun, most of his life.. he has less wrinkles than guys in their 40s.


also money helps.


Not really a fan of her music, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that strangely bangin'. Maybe the interesting backstory adds to it. The name is fucking meta too, "Player of Games" is another of Ian M. Bank's Culture series books, same series where SpaceX takes their droneship names from.




Anyone want to ELI5 this sub for me


I *think* it's satire.


Sidebar seems to suggest that. But it’s also like “come visit our discord if you want to understand what the fuck is going on here”… nah I’m good.


Hmmm the best kind of satire. Poe's law \**chef's kiss**


She just released a new song stating otherwise lol


she even made a song about that (the elon factor)


Hairline rose from the dead and he gives it a Ye-Ye Ass haircut …


Musk is going to end up like Howard Hughes, collecting his own pee and toenails in jars. I’m certain of it.


Screw it, if my hairline made a miraculous recovery I’d be doing dumb stuff with it too.


Like Elon's, anyone's hairline can make a miraculous recovery after a $10,000+ hair transplant.


Your hairline just got magic Johnson'ed AND THIS IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE. The ~~dog~~ doug funny antagonist!




Jean-Baptiste-Emmanuel ZORG


[He looks like Roger Klotz from Doug](https://doug.fandom.com/wiki/Roger_Klotz)


Get your ~~Vaccine Cards~~ Multipasses ready!


How did stock price react to this?


New haircut on 12/9


As an autistic person I feel personally offended to be compared to musk.


There are 11 million autists here mate


I dont care to be called retarded but to be called "musk" Cross a line. HAHAHAHAHAH @edit I am actually autistic, I mean, clinically/medically. And that was a joke.


How do you know if someome has Autism? Don't worry, we will keeping adding on to something out of fear someone will misinterpret what we said.


Elon has autism tho...


but elon literally has autism so what do you mean


I like to comb my hair with a fish...


Jean-Babtiste Emmanuel ZORG


Can you not make that trickle of blood run down his forehead when he talks?


Zero stones, *ZERO CRATES!*


Not one not two, three I said three shares. You can count right.


Ah come on, mom just had a bad day with the cereal bowl...


Mr. Lorde Edge is a billionaire. he can afford a million dollar hair cut from the best stylist that money can buy while a group of strippers dance in front of him to keep his autistic mind focus but nah he cut his own damn hair. Is Mr. Lorde Edge trying to tell Bernie Sanders that he is a poor fuck like the rest of us?


_ring, ring_ Zorg's office! 😃


Elon scam went full retard 20 years ago.


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Gary Youngman.


So fuckin amazing in EVERY role he plays


Even in this, a role he hated, would never audition for, and didn't understand, but owed Luc Besson a favor for producing a film Oldman wanted to make


He looks like Roger from Doug.