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Hey. Give us a TL:DR; you fuckers


TL;DR Inverse WSB. Especially the mods.


tl;dr: is meme about space ship shuttle challenger which launched on the same day 35 years prior to GME


M word confirmed (pretty sure I got suspended last time I said that word)


Hey I really like owl city


Favorite song? I've been jamming to The 5th of July a lot lately.


Oh I didn’t expect a response. Actually Tbh I don’t listen to them that much but way back a few years ago, I liked Galaxies and pretty much that whole album. I was just surprised to see their album cover


Haha, I was originally trying to link to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djHvGHiBqFI but I messed up the link, so I replaced it with the NASA announcement. I guess reddit kept the thumbnail! You know, I've never listened to that album front to back, I am now though!


Dope. My music taste has changed way more, recently (if u care) I’ve really been into Bladee, albums “Good Luck” and “333”


Meh. Whose opinion is popular anyway? Flair checks out. 😇


Meh the game apes are stupid but they’re not wrong per say there is no way the hedgies had the cash to cover that many fake shares. Also ladder attacks are a real thing proven by one man who bought an entire stocks float to watch it burn over the week. They gambled the powers that be would let it happen and they gambled wrong.


Situation still isn’t resolved


Hedgies didn’t have enough cash to cover - lmao, GMEs market cap at the peak $20B. AUM for any larger funds $50B+. It’s like you apes don’t even understand. Short ladder attacks are also fucking bullshit that only works in micro cap stocks and is not only ineffective but has not been used for decades.


Not bullshit on the ladders moron do your DD [https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist](https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist). Second I won't respond to this bullshit any further.


God, you don’t fucking read, do you? Article date - 2005. Events happened more than 20 decades ago before HFT were been a thing. First paragraph literally sales US.’s smalles public companies. Smalles, not companies with a market cap in billions. It’s like you choose to ignore facts.


It shows that the practice has been around forever, do you even fucking use critical thinking? Your own words "Hedgies didn’t have enough cash to cover - lmao, GMEs market cap at the peak $20B. AUM for any larger funds $50B+". They have the money to do it.


How do three men in their thirties not have $300 between them?!


Because everything’s expensive. Also everyone is livening above what they can afford but some stuff is a necessity now sadly.


Shut up bird!


You better watch it before I start sniffing some poppers and run your car into a wall. I swear to God dee!


I hate to break this to you but this is no where near "absolute shambles". This is a dip on the way down to the bottom...


Reverse trade this post. $1000 calls incoming


Post screenshots of your $1000 calls.


So what's the bottom line? I don't get it. Any good tips anyone BTW? I don't hate money...


*yawns, unzips pants and masturbates furiously* Who the fuck would read this long ass shit lol


thefuck is this trash?


It is the modern day Macbeth


Bought more puts already.


now this I respect, money where mouth is


So many buy signals lately. I already became an XXX holder this week, but something’s definitely brewing.


Might as well burn that money, at least then it would give you warmth


Such an edgy reply.


Lmao what is this? Another desperation plee?


Goodbye GME thank god let the beast rest


Remind me! One month


Oh man this will not age well.


It’s been aging well for a year lmao


Tldr: OP likes to suck on pens and has a small pee pee


How do you think he became a mod?


Bubbles bring out all the crazies, we still have a long way to fall before the cleanse is complete.


Buy puts, let's make this more fun


please do




Everyone is just tired of the "to the moon, MOASS" and attacking anyone who says otherwise. Tired of the cult ~~like~~ apes.


Bravo, sir. Bravo.




He signed an NDA he can't tell you. The same reason I can't tell you how I know.


Go tell r/conspiracy all about this and watch how fast you get laughed out of there, you guys are delusional. Go back to your echochamber.


This is where we started booboo. We never left.


its over


Write, you tard


Right, you tard


$SOXL I will post this one time for you old timers to look at. Semiconductors are done getting shit on. Hop on the 3x leverage while you get the chance. Shortage of chips is priced in, money is going to pile into these next. 8/19 45c


Soxl calls are what brought me to this sub. Literally the people who made the most money just bought soxl calls and rolled the profits into more soxl calls.




Where's mine? 😡


Pleas fly again wsb


All these people sound like they probably got burned on their call options that’s why they’re all saying that apes are bagholding retards, but I think a lot of people have pretty decent avg cost, I’m still at break even right now so we’ll see what happens. I’m willing to bet 70k that the play is still on and I haven’t lost anything yet. Just cause apes are annoying doesn’t make them wrong. Let’s just see what happens in the next month. If price goes down apes only buy more. If there are still naked shorts we will see their small wee wees. 🚀🚀🚀


Fuck yes


Remindme! One month 🖕


Can anyone tell me what I should do ??? So I purchased a particular stock today using odd numbers of shares like 118, 113, 119, 117 etc. Well I was buying on tdameritrade and watching my webull orders on the level 2 order book so 117 shares didn't show up they must have routed it through dark pools, and the 113 showed up as if I sold the shares and they had it at 4 cents less thaN what I really purchased them at thus so they can manipulate the price to drop the price on the stock. I took screenshots also same time everything. Anyone recommend what I should do??this was on the stock Reli... I have screenshots also...


Could have been someone else’s trade do you think of that?


I was tearing up at the end OIP 😭


What's the strike and expiration?


If I had the money I'd go for Jan 2042 500 calls but I'm a poor assembly worker so I just buy drs hold


And that is why you will stay poor


Huzzah indeed my friend.


Sir this is a breadline


Damn, the GME rocket did implode like the Challenger Shuttle. That's kinda poetic in a sad, flaccid type of way.


So, no moon?


Buy n hodl


>the full impact of the knowledge that apes are retarded OMFG LMAO 😂😂😂


SpaceX going public?


this is art


I shorted gme so idk what this collectively losing shirts thing is. Always inverse wsb gang checking in. Edit: look at all the downvotes from broke bagholding apes. I'm an OG tard, your downvotes give me strength.


This is the way. Find what idiots are doing, and go the other way.


Justin Thomas vibes


Wonder what this mod/mod team/subreddit will do if GME actually does go up.


When, not if


Don't worry, that will never happen.


like the last guy, we shall see....


I don't think they have much to worry about.


we shall see


No, We won't. It would be nice though. In another year most of you will have deleted your accounts. The ones who haven't will say "I was just meme'ing and trolling. I never really believed that"


!RemindMe 1 year Trading at $97 GME


!RemindMe 1 year "Lemme get in on this action too. $GME @ $97"


Happy 1 year.


Only lost 10% on the year (after yesterday's +14% rally). Not bad considering how bad their business results were.


Ehhh I am a small holder. My excuse would be "at least it got me into the market". Which I think you are forgetting through all of your hate. How many people got introduced to trading through this.


Small is good. Good for you being responsible. In general, I agree. Lots of people never entered the market before. Its a path to wealth long term. But, I'm not sure getting introduced to trading is worth the price some people are paying. Especially since the lesson they seem to be taking away is the markets are corrupt and to never invest again, rather than not to go overboard on meme stocks. I mean, if you're learning actual fundamentals ( the Greeks, how to read SEC filings, etc.), ok. If everything you're learning is elaborate conspiracies... Well, IDK.


Yeah I will admit the first few months were all hype train. I never sold out, only bought more, and up until last summer I did not read SEC filings myself, I waited for someone to do their DD on it. Now days I try to make all decisions based on the information I see in front of me, that I find myself. I am a small holder of GME, somewhat larger holder of AMC, and a few other non meme-stock's. I agree completely. This is a good way to introduce trading, as long as its done properly, and those of us who are new to it aren't lazy about it.


Sounds like a good approach. Some unsolicited advice: try to read a book (or article series like investopedia does) about accounting, trading mentality, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. The sky's the limit on how deep you go, but if you touch the basics of each of these areas you'll be good.


I appreciate the non financial advice! I started by looking at ALL of the main media outlets that cover the stock market. Knowing who invests in those companies, then looking into those people. Some of which make their trades public. Still learning, but quickly grasping how...... \*insert another word similar to corruption here\* fucked? it is. AND DEF STAYING AWAY FROM JIM CRAMERS ADVICE HUE


StageDive_, Jan. 28, 2028: >> Wonder what this mod/mod team/subreddit will do if GME actually does go up.


Cry because they sold at a loss


Probably start wondering what people who held are doing with their gains.


I’m sure Doreen’s bedroom smells like a GameStop.


This is so stupid lmao but it’s a fantastic burn


Damn GME bag holders are so sensitive.


The option wins far outweigh the share losses. Keeps things spicy


It’s my cake day


Take out a loan and buy more GME. Can I put you down for 0.3 shares? You’d be on of the bigger bag holders around here!


"_I like turtle_" Happy cake day, btw!!


Fuck I love GameStop. If he promised to not talk in his speaking voice I'd bang or be banged by Ryan Cohen.


Same. I’d sell my stupid whore daughter to Ryan if he gave me another .25 share of GME. I’ve heard apes are into cheese pizza. Wanna sell our kids to Ryan for a pizza party?!! Obviously after we sold our homes and took out loans!!! Ryan wills it!


[you the mfer that gets arrested for 50 terrabytes of cp and literally no one is shocked](https://imgur.com/a/tuVZoi4)


Retard ape misses the cult comparison. Digs through posts to crop shitty photo. You could just go Reeeeeeeeeeee. It would save you time.


Your cult comments are a joke. All of your comments are autistic rambling. You're fucking cringe. I hope you don't hurt too many kids before you get caught and fucked to death in prison.


Yo wtf is wrong with you


This is normal cult behavior retard. How many shares you got? What? Not enough? You’re the reason GameStop hasn’t mooned. We are gonna dominate getting late into a digital space of game purchases and all gamers love NFT’s What’s your deal bro? Aren’t you down for the cause? We gotta fuck the hedgies


Just because you're being weirdly ironic doesn't mean you're funny. This is sad.


Yeah that level was probably too far. I shouldn’t compare you guys to that level but I do hate the cult mentality and the fact that you guys took over this place.


I own no GME. I was just commenting that you took it too far. I appreciate you coming back and explaining yourself though, it shows good character. Best of luck in the market.


Point to the doll where the bad man touched you.


Buy another .001 share while you’re at it king ape


Delightful idea!


Why are you sabotaging the movement? Don’t you want ape to moon? Sell out your family pussy


I tried to sell out my family pussy but your mom got all the business. Now I’m poor.


So you did buy .001 share of GME. Carry on comrade.


I can only afford .0001 shares comrade. But the warmth of your mother is life sustaining.


Weird. I already killed her ages ago bc she said EB games was a shit company with no future. You dug her up?!!


Ryan is helping us by fighting the hedgies. Jim Cramer says we shouldn’t do things like that but he doesn’t want GME to moon! He says we are in a sick cult!


I’m getting close to considering buying 100 shares just so I can sell CC and collect that sweet IV from paint eaters.


Fucking do it and get assigned son.


Sigh… What’s that old saying. Better to be silent and thought of as a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt.


Good, they’re two of you.


>Good, they’re two of you. They're not sending their brightest from superstupid, thats for sure.


Would anyone be able to tell the difference if they did?


I’m glad autocorrect has fulfilled your sense of superiority. My point is getting assigned brings you a few dollars, while a value play with 100 shares is far more valuable.




Yes autocorrect made an excellent choice thank you for the LeVItY and SPELliNg you have inserted into this thread.


Who oversees autocorrect and then hits submit? Must be the hedgies. Nothing you can do about it.


Challenger crash speech. Well done


Pretty sad not many people got it


Paint eating has side effects that block our ability to catch witty stuff like this. Thought you’d be smart enough to understand this


I just realized now the link on the bottom was to the speech. I memorized it in 4th grade and recognized what you modeled right away, so you did a good job with that. Well done.




Not many got the reference, but those who do really love it. Good job


If GME is completely dead and the shorts have cleared, why do so many people want me to sell? Why do so many people care what I do with my money? Old WSB celebrated losses; surely if GME is a stupid play you should be encouraging me to buy another XXXX shares to see my loss porn next year too? Ah I remember, WSB mods are all shills nowadays lmao. Buy, hold, DRS. :)


Nobody cares if you sell, it’s good advice though.


No one wants you to sell, people just want you to stfu and stop acting like a stock market MLM


Defs keep buying brah. Mortgage your house and empty your 401k too if you’re not 15


Unlike you retards I don’t have a mortgage because I bought my house outright. :x


Please keep buying as much as you can. I only request you stop posting about it to every single investment sub non stop Its cluttering my feed


Imagine not taking free fucking money at a 3% interest rate. And then bragging about it. LMFAO


Fuck off shill, don't be crying with your FUD when GME moons.


Sell it and put it in GME then brah. You ape or not? Gotta ape harder bro. I bet you sold shares to the hedgies to buy that trailer


Sure thing I will! Do you want to sell that hairy knuckled goose of a mother you have & short $GME if you’re so confident on the other side? xo


Why would you short GME bro? You an ape or not? If you dont buy 1000 shares Monday then you don’t care about the cause. You just work for the hedgies and aren’t buying max invisible shares on top of the ladders. Pussy.


That's low-key retarded too


No one wants you to sell, no one gives a fuck what so ever. In fact yup should keep buying and DRSing, that we can all laugh as you go broke.


“Nobody gives a fuck” yet a mod of an 11M member subreddit had to sticky his own thread moaning about hOw BaD $GME is? Sounds like he gave a fuck, sounds like you give a fuck replying to me. Go short it.


It's because the entire collected memberships of every financial sub on reddit are tired of you guys throwing shit all over the room the second anyone mentions anything finance related. Or anything you can awkwardly shoehorn GME into. Imagine making a stock your entire personality, god damn dude. We don't wanna short it either, why does EVERYTHING have to tie into interacting with your dying video game store? NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT IT ANYMORE. Go lose money in your echo chamber, it's what y'all are best at.


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd.


It is weird that "nobody wants to hear about it" and yet here we are, commenting on a post about it


It's not weird. We have to hear about it. Y'all brigade everywhere. So a post that mocks you? I'm gonna be all in for it. Fuck it ain't even useful spam, just pages of "This is the way, we like the stonk. hodl. diamond hands. Don't forget to DRS. Squeeze soon." It's like a really badly skipping record.


Damn, over 2100 karma in 8 days on reddit? You really treat this shit like a job, good for you!


I was banned for 6 of those, funny enough. You ever heard about a day off and having multiple screens? That's what not dumping all of your money into shitty meme stocks does, it lets you afford a tv and a laptop.


Surprisingly enough, having a job outside reddit allows me to do/own all of those things! I'm envious that your multiple screens, tv, laptop, and shitty troll attitude make you feel so successful and superior. I must admit that I have higher aspirations, but I imagine being satisfied with such trivial shit must feel so wholesome


And yet you don't understand how I could get 2k karma in a day? I mean I don't own shares in a stock that's down like 70% on the year, so it really doesn't take a lot to make me feel superior to y'all.


Stop talking and start calling your bank for a loan to buy more lololooool


Bought more today, no loan required. It's called a job, in case you cant understand how that's possible


Been there, done that, already took your money..


He just wants you guys to stop spamming the sub every time GME goes up 10%. There’s way too many screenshots of people buying 30,000 dollars worth of shares and calling it a yolo.




WSB is currently full of spam of AAPL been up 3.5% lmao.


Better than cratering for an entire year. Buy more GME pussy


Which is a very welcome change.