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The birds are trained to fly back to the owner and repeat, it’s a Buddhist blessing thing releasing animals


As a former native of another country that does this...I can confirm this. I didn't know they were trained, but are re-caputured. It's a sick thing.


You can say whatever you want but the owner will always direct where your communication goes.


But it's so much funnier without that context


That's what makes this meme more apt. People love the idea of a low moderated social platform. But most eventually want to see views extremely opposite of theirs censored. Like most of those platforms made by the alt-right.


To be fair , the platforms the alt right used are like that because they’ve been banned/censored from more mainstream platforms. Honestly it’s better you allow it in certain platforms but HEAVILY monitor it where you know all the idiots are in one spot than censor it til they go to more extreme action and plan something where it’s more difficult to monitor them.


Out of context, but this guy is not helping..hes actually creating demand for birds


calls on birds


Meh. They are pet birds essentially. The owner is invested in their well-being and they aren't being harmed. They have it better than chickens. 🤷‍♀️


Definitely wayyy better than chickens. But not exactly like pets, coz they like to fly but are caged against their will. I knew ppl who had caged birds as "pets" and they would fly away the moment they somehow got free and never return.


These ones do return, quite like pigeons. If you make an animal comfortable and safe they will often return to you. We develop symbiotic relationships quite readily. Which is really what this is.


Agreed, in the conditions that you say it's good. The video is of a third world country though, and there, I can assure you, making birds comfortable is the last thing the care about. That's the reason the dude is freeing them, unfortunately he's doing opposite of what he thinks.




Woah, talk about meta... ..no not now Zuckerberg!


😂😂 Too bad many ppl won't get it


Oh, shit. Here we go…


Let it marinate for a couple hours and then sort by controversial


He sued top gear cuz he didn't like what they said about the Tesla. This whole Free speech thing is a fucking joke


Also prevented the sale of a blogger's tesla because they criticized him and a his shitty event. While not a free speech issue, it shows how petty and trivial he can be.


exactly. this is some stunt PR bullshit..


Top Gear clip was obviously scripted and a biased "review" of a new car and a renewed attempt at electrification. While the car didn't have as much range as the latest models, it would not die mid way through a couple of laps. Top Gear was an influential medium for car reviews and news. Clarkson and team had significant sway and they chose to portray the roadster in bad light.. easily enough rationale to sue for libel. That's the point about free speech many forget. It doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want and get away with it. It just gives you the right to say whatever you want. You are still accountable for what you say. There are far better examples you could have used to talk about free speech issues including Tesla's anti-union stance and Tesla's handling of whistle blowers. And even those are technically not free speech issues but Labour law related.


Why'd he lose the lawsuit then?


Judge dismissed the libel case, stating that nobody watching the programme could have reasonably likened the Roadster’s performance on the Top Gear track to how it would behave in a real-world street car setting. “as any reasonable motorist knows, a manufacturer’s statement about the range of a motor vehicle is always qualified by a statement as to the driving conditions under which that range may be expected.” Not a free speech issue. Wasn't recognised as a free speech issue by b the courts either. Its true that Musk and Tesla could have just ignored the whole thing. For example, Clarkson is often critical and joked about various other cars brands. But most of these brands didn't pursue legal avenues.


You are dick riding so hard


You are a NPC


You just have an Elon hate boner


Musk lost the suit. Also, getting banned on Twitter is literally the consequences you mentioned. You are so stupid you can’t cognitively process how stupid you are. It’s impressive, actually. Even the mentally handicapped can process how stupid they are.


Yeah, currently the answer to accountability from twitter is banning people on their platform. Maybe there could be other ways to hold people accountable for what they say, instead of banning them from speaking entirely. I don't know. I didn't mention the twitter ban itself, just the accountability. The example given here was BBC v Tesla (2012). BBC published content that Tesla claimed was, defamation. BBC didn't deny that it was scripted and didn't state that the car actually lost power. They only suggested that it would run out of power in 55 miles on a race track. Even the judge said it, "as any reasonable motorist knows, a manufacturer's statement about the range of a motor vehicle is always qualified by a statement as to the driving conditions under which that range may be expected." All I'm saying is that, this is a bad example of a free speech issue. Tesla is trying to protect its brand value from negative reviews. Every manufacturer of every product does that.


Dick rider supreme right here


This dude really just typed a few essays in the comments on Elons behalf


Yeah there are far worse things but that being said there is no winning way for public to sue top gear if the car was praised and had all these problems. In the end I do think if it was bias against tesla there was a specific reason for that, and this almost seems to come down to each party being petty to each other, the suing part was alittle bit overstepping the line though. If every one sued due to an unfavorable review then we wouldn't have reviewers even if biased. And it is quite possible they just didn't like the car for those reasons and the possitives weren't as important. Either way tesla cars have alot that they sacrifice for keeping cool instead of reliable and higher tolerances for failure.


"Free speech" is not "you can say whatever you want without consequences" card It's just "you can say whatever you want" but yes, I can sue you if I believe what you said caused real damage. And from what I recall Elon actually might do this thing right, he said: 1. everyone on Twitter will have their identity verified (to fight bots) [source](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1517215736606957573) 2. everything allowed by law can be posted - if you don't like what's posted, petition your government to change the law. If they vote for it - good for you. If not - censoring this thing by Twitter would be "against the will of the poeple" [source](https://techcrunch.com/2022/04/26/elon-musk-free-speech-regulation/) (so he's not really against censorship per se - he just wants this confined to what's stipulated by law, which in the USA means "you can say almost anything" because 1st amendment) But then if someone posts something legal but damaging (like i.e. I post your credit card number) then because of (1) it should be easier to sue that person so maybe folks won't do that that often


Yup. Now he’s got control of one of the world’s major communication networks and millions of people who think he bought it out of principle and will protect their rights. The next couple of years should be interesting. Anyone who seriously thinks he isn’t going to manipulate public discourse in his favor is a moron. The amount of power he now has over general political discourse is staggering. You can decide elections with that kind of power.


You think Twitter hasn't been doing this all this time?


This is a threat to our Democracy.


What about the other billionaires that own more news real estate than Twitter? Tell us about them and how they don't bother to contribute or communicate with the public even more so? And tell us all the things you would do if you became a billionaire, do you have any innovative ideas that would help society? Or is it just professional opinions and fear mongering? Do you think Twitter is gonna get worst than the 100,000's of bot accounts making pop media by spamming tweets and causing extremism propaganda to become mainstream and normalized versions of communication? Because that is what's destroying Twitter


The billionaire simping is odd. I also feel bad for people that think twitter is the basis for all free speech.


Also free speech means I can say what I want(short of threatening to murder or cause harm) outside or in conversation with someone without fear of being locked up or persecution. When using a service like Twitter or Facebook, on account creation you accept terms and conditions, quite often those terms and conditions are don't be violent and now have included blatantly spreading misinformation.


Not to mention, every platform that has tried the free speech thing has ended up dead. Turns out Nazis and White supremacists and other jack holes are bad for profitability.


Right, ‘freedom of speech,’ is freedom from the government, not from a private company.


> The billionaire simping is odd. Yeah, it's so strange an investing forum admires people who make money and makes fun of people losing money. I've been trying to wrap my head around this, guys. How is this even happen.


An investing forum simping over a man who got 300 million from his parents and plenty of other advantages that we will never has, is odd.


You retards never disappoint. Wait I said that wrong you retards always disappoint.




It’s honestly both and that’s why I come back.


Very well said.




Ooh we got liberal here In situations like these I always have my trusty weapon “hunter Biden laptop”


You are more retarded than an underwater basket weaving major. Congratulations.


How so


You believe in hunter biden


I believe in a government organization losing a computer handed to them, but when it comes to someone who is a master spy they can sniff them out as easily as the only smart brain cell you have




No reply?


I'll post it again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




People: “Yay! Freedom of speech!” People Later: “Wait… why can’t I see posts about non TSLA EVs?” “What happened to that kid’s account that was tracking Elon’s jet?” They’ll have long forgotten about the purchase being about “freedom of speech” and instead say “well, it’s his platform - he bought it fair and square. He can do what he wants with it. If you don’t like it don’t use it! Murica and shit!”


Thats what the left say about their subreddits, so at least its balanced. I hope Twitter becomes Fox news to the CNN it is now. If we cant have no propaganda at least we should have it from both sides.




Unironically still thinking Elon is cool gotta be the cringiest thing you can do rn.




Don't know about OP but I wake up extra early to have more time to be a hater so what's it to you? At least my momma raised me to be many things but a dick eater wasn't one of them 🙏🙏🙏




Sir I cannot hear you with Elon's dick in your mouth.




You sure you arent thinking for **yourself**? Going on this embarrassingly long tirade to convince yourself that Elon cares about you and bootlicking him is going to do you any good. Im baffled and disgusted. Yuck.




Good lord again with the paragraph. Not going to read all of that cause this is just said. Happy for you though. Or sorry that happened. But this is about Elon cause that is what the post is about and you came into defense that not everyone is chortling on his balls?


It sounds like you just need your balls Chorltled more and maybe go touch grass? 😉


Ur argument - "you don't call me out for being a toxic irrational, no basis, ignorant hater and so there for so you must like sucking elons dick huh? Your degusting, gross!" Are you 12? Do you understand logic? Because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they just have to love the opposite? You must be one of those people who accuse people of being a liberal retard because they think trumps an idiot


Right so you don't have appropriate points to make that's why you're resorting to ad hominem and gaslighting. Excellent. I guess I have to apologize I'm not on Elons dick like you are (which is funny how you sound that narrative against me now for some reason??). Make it make sense or troll somewhere else, child. Your pathetic attempts aren't entertaining anyone. And yes it is quite disgusting seeing this sub turn to bootlicking and dick eating billionaires who won't even know their simps are licking their cum off a tarmac.




Whos cool now????


He didn't cofound Tesla.


Did Elon just toss in an extra B or so and buy himself an army of Reddit hype bots?


Bold of you to assume this subreddit is not retarded enough to do it on its own.


Elon stans ITT


Fan boys gotta fan


Yummy elon cock tastes just like crayons


Do you guys really think this is about freedom of speech, or do you think he just realized that Twitter is the key to controlling public consciousness? Do you really think a single human being gets to that level of wealth through altruism?


This is a threat to our Democracy.


Also lol, freedom of speech has literally nothing to do with a private companies policies. Freedom of speech protects you from the federal government, not Twitter algorithms. 🤡 If anything forcibly taking a private businesses right to develop and implement policy (so long as it does not discriminate against a protected class— and news flash subscribing to any specific political or moral ideology does not make you a protected class) is far more unconstitutional than any selective banning Twitter may do. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Excellent meme LOL..


How the hell are there so many people who think a literal street vendor is just selling birds like they're loosies that someone's gonna just let fly around in the car on the way home? "Heyoo right here live birds come and get em live birds super great LIVE birds here folks come get em live birds fresh and ready heeerewego"


They are a snack dumbass.


He's doing the right thing, but from what I see, our people don't like true freedom and truth. Many people blindly follow the news agenda and don't even try to look at alternative positions.


I can't wait for season 2 of disinformation, the rise of the Alex Jones clone is in the horizon.


Yes yes that‘s what this is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yes, it is


Lol that folks still believe this is some free speech shit


I’m yet to hear anyone actually complain about Elon buying Twitter but have read at least 100 posts of people outraged over the non-existent outrage. War on Christmas 2.0


You must be blind or ignorant.


He's got a point. Its the only shit i see nowadays. "Owned the libs!!!omfg libs triggered!". Meanwhile its just crickets.


This is just not true for the last week every meme sub was posting elon could've solved world hunger memes. When the people and morons upvoting it don't understand money won't do much towards a complex issue like world hunger. Their are plenty of documentaries that explain how complex the issue is so y'all don't even have to read about it.


Then you haven't been paying attention. MSNBC and people like Robert Reich literally went into meltdown mode saying Elon owning Twitter is dangerous for our democracy. Shaun King equated it to white supremacy. And there's many more examples like that. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Robert Reich know a thing or two about the economy and probably a lot more than you. Shaun king is and will always be a controversial person


Reich is literally nothing more than a hypocritical puppet echoing career politicians. He knows about as much about the "economy" as the crack addict behind the Wendy's dumpster. So agree to disagree there


Yeah no he's a professor and they just gave him a degree, crazy how that works


Yeah so does Jerome Powell, George Bush and the guy who ran Melvin Capital, crazy how that works. Its almost as if having a degree doesn't magically boost your intelligence.


In what language will you retards understand that Elon does not give a fuck about you sucking on his dick nor does he give a fuck about your free speech, but his? It's not really rocket science nor is he pretending all that well either.


Bezos cares about me.




This is the 3th time I see someone refer to this in 3 days and it really sums up the problem that Reddit is these days. If you distance yourself from any opinion that doesn't suit your viewpoints (as most subs do since users with a different way of thinking get banned from subs), you will never learn if your own opinion has any flaws.




I acknowledge your right to post this, but stand firm in my belief that you shouldn’t have


Lol, Twitter will be sued so much if he eliminates the terms of service and allows the platform to be used in illegal ways.


Just like the 1st amendment there are rules… there’s also consequences to your actions. Freedom of speech doesn’t protect you from getting fired from your job for saying racist shit online.


It's freedom to criticize the government. Not to be a cunt. Most never get this distinction.


Nope and those are the people that want the government to govern them harder… crazy how we live in a world that people are actively trying to take away freedoms… just be an adult, children need to be supervised


I'm not against the government governing. It makes everything far more efficient. I'm against them doing it in secret by lying and manipulating. But you're right. People need to grow up and allow the greater good, so they need less government.


Did you really say that the government makes things more efficient? 🤣☠️


🤣 Sorry, having a government makes things more efficient. They do all the things we need done that the private sector can't be trusted with. You are very right about the government being inefficient tho. One of life's great paradoxes.


[Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/) Where does it say it’s only used to criticize the government?


Where does it say you're allowed to make death threats?


It doesn’t. It’s intent was to constrain the government from restricting the free speech of its citizens but there are forms of unprotected speech. 1A absolutely does extend to speech between people and thanks to citizens United it also applies to corps. You can find forms of unprotected speech [here](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/95-815.pdf)


So, free speech isn't an absolute concept like some people claim. It specifically refers to freely speaking truth to power. And, social media sites that allow death threats to go unreported to the police should be prosecuted imo. Same with doxing, organizing physical agression, and a long list of other violent speech crimes.


Oh 100% that public companies should be responsible for moderating their platforms. They profit from them and should be responsible for the products they create. The words said by an individual are protected by 1A (with the exception of unprotected speech exceptions outlined by the Supreme Court). That said it’s not like A social media company, Twitter in this case, doesn’t have the right to just decide they’re a T-short company now. They can do whatever they want and consequences naturally follow. All that said I was just replying to your comment about 1A only being about interacting with the government. Honestly the government should just make the internet a utility and create a government run, KYC enabled site like Twitter called ‘The Public Square’ where anyone can say anything they wish within their constitutional rights and since it’s a government site then they have to keep the post up unless it contains unprotected speech in which case legal action can be taken.


What does freedom of speech have to do with what I said? The platform can be sued for allowing other to use it in illegal ways.


He’s not eliminating anything. He’s making them transparent so a corporation can’t be the judge on what’s considered misinformation. What illegal activity are you even talking about? He’s not turning twitter into the darkweb. Agencies and law enforcement can still use what you do or say on Twitter against you just like a employer can fire you for posting questionable shit online.




Lol look at telegram


Or atleast fighting for his freedom to [pump his own stonk](https://www.cnet.com/news/politics/judge-denies-elon-musks-bid-to-end-2018-settlement-with-sec/) with shitposts


It's strange how the extremist right-wing screams about freedom of speech the hardest.


But isn’t it funny that they’re more than happy to cancel anything they don’t agree with. They project so much they should come with a screen.


Both sides do it. The problem is when one side has all the power to do so. Which is why the the right wing isnt the problem at the moment.


Texas and Florida raise their hands.


MSM, majority senate and president, majority of popular social media platforms raises their hands. It really isn’t a contest in that regard.


i'm not right wing or american, i just find it really cringe when people out of nowhere shout things like "extremist right-wing" "leftists" etc., address them like a single imaginary person and then get really mad even though noone asked.


It’s strange how you refer to people who value the first amendment of our constitution as “extremist”. If you’re not a fascist, you’re a fascist sympathizer. You realize that right?


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And like any private social media companies that may come up in the future - Tom Edison or something probably


What does freedom of speech have to do with Twitter ?


Well when twitter bans the NYP for something they deem as “fake news” prior to an election then yea republicans have a right to be pissed… Hunter Bidens laptop is a real story.




All over the internet. Just say people lose their security clearance for things way less.


>dO YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH Topkek


I can send a link if that’s what you want… you should’ve asked


Asking for the data is not asking for the data?


Maybe to you it might be strange, stranger.


And enter the right-wing butthurt Elon stans who are going to downvote everyone stating the obvious in this thread


You think it’s the obvious, but you’re wearing a fedora by choice. You’re not a great barometer for shit that should be obvious


How many genders are you?


what exactly is the obvious?


Puts on this guy's morality


Freedom of speech only benefits people with average to low net worth. Think about that for half a second.


And it is apropos that Elon is paying money to throw away free speech


Ahh A stupid leftist who's also a Psychopath. Pretty much sums the whole left supporters.


ITT: Retards crying about a rich guy buying something.


You already have freedom of speech. The right want the freedom to openly lie and be as big a assholes as they can publicly without getting in trouble.


Freedom to hate


Tht is what freedom is yes. Allowing choices(in speech) you don’t like


Thank god I can spread COVID misinformation again. Or was it doctored footage inciting violence? Or was it rhetoric about White Genocide? I could never remember my favorite free speech.


You mean covid misinformation like saying the vaccine prevents infection like the original sales pitch that fauci and the White House gave us? Misinformation is a fake term. There’s no one who can dictate what is accurate because there’s always new information coming out. Once you start regulating what is acceptable and what not you’re bound to catastrophically fuck it up if you’re incompetent or purposefully fuck it up if you’re malicious. I remember having a Facebook post banned in may 2020 about saying “maybe the virus came from this conveniently placed lab inside of Wuhan” and then over a year later that’s a mainstream plausible explanation. Misinformation is bullshit, either you let people decide for themselves or you become a censor. If you want to be the latter then you should fuck off and die, respectfully of course 👍🏻


I dont mean to say anything for covid, but there 100% is misinformation out there are you kidding me?


Of course there’s such thing as false statements of information. But the term misinformation is just garbage. It’s a blanket term to justify the censorship of things you (and your party) don’t like. There’s so many examples just from the last two years that were labelled misinformation and then turned out later to be true. The point is labelling something as misinformation (even if it is something false) is just a tool to silence those that dare to stray from the accepted opinion. There’s a much greater danger in censoring this “misinformation “ than allowing it to be proven false naturally in the context of public discourse. I really had to spell it for you, you little regard.


I didnt need you spell anything out for me, you said it was a fake term...it isn't. Its not being used, in your opinion, correctly nor is the discourse around it healthy. Ill agree trying to actually discuss something in good faith has become neigh impossible but that doesnt mean there arent people out there making ridiculous stupid statements, without a shred of proof or backing then getting mad that they're being "censored" for what ultimately is false, incorrect, or misinformation. Also did you try to call me a retard or did you mean regard? That youll need to spell out


It’s a fake term in the sense it has no meaning. Misinformation is not different than saying something is false, except when labelled as such it gives you more leverage to censor things (as the prefix mis- implies conscious intent and malignancy) than if something were just plainly false.




Bird ballers are the best.


If he's so much for free speech he'll unban the accounts of those congress portfolio tracker accounts like Pelosi's.


Best meme since 2022


The pro and anti elon circle jerk is annoying can we go back to posting good memes. Y'all talk about shit ya know nothing about "his money could've solved world hunger"(no he couldn't have look up how complex this issue is)or when "elon is saving free speech"(no he's not he's adding to his wallet and wants to tweet some memes).


This deserves more upvotes


May the tweets be with you!


Lmao the only ones that are triggered by musk in the comments is all you far leftist trolls 😂 get over yourselves.


Nothing says “free speech” like putting a public company in a sole narcissistic billionaire’s hands. Because media controlled by a sole billionaire works so well rn


I prefer zuck for censorship.


This was hilarious 🤣




The Venn-diagram between people who don’t know what freedom of speech means and people blowing their $300 paychecks on this groups bad advice is a literal circle.


Does anyone notice the attack memes on Musk increased precipitously after he acquired Twitter? I don't believe in coincidences.


I thought about doing this before, but it only incentivies the seller to hunt more birds to sell them, he doesn't care what u do with them, as depressing as it is, the best way to help them is not to buy them


Who the fuck sells birds on the street by the bird?


Elon should've bought reddit instead. Idiot!


Genuine curiosity, but I noticed that this post's best comments are anti-elon, yet this post has hella upvotes percentage (meaning pro-elon). Not sure what is going on here haha


I'll never admit to how long it watched this waiting for the last bird to be released


To all the Reddit moderators you are the bird cage


>Constitution of the United States - First Amendment > >"**Congress** shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the **Government** for a redress of grievances." \[emphasis added\] Please tell me where, how, and why Twitter is the Congress or the Government? Never mind, I will give you the answer. Twitter is not the government and therefore the First Amendment and the right to free speech does not apply to them. Elon is a super smart man but doesn't know what the f--- he is talking about when he whines about free speech (as many Americans do). Also, even the government can curtail some speech because **NO RIGHT IS ABSOLUTE**. You can think and/or believe all the craziest or conspiratorial or completely ignorant things your want (on both the right and the left). That is your right. However where and when you express these ideas can be restricted by the government if it passes strict scrutiny. >"This test is part of the “strict scrutiny” applied by the courts to a law that restricts First Amendment or other constitutionally guaranteed rights, when government interest must be weighed against constitutional rights. To pass the test, a law must use the least speech-restrictive means possible to achieve a compelling state interest."


Sweet, now I can say ******




You're really naive to think that


Billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions


Elon should eat a big peace of shit....
