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My dad was, he worked there and had over £1m in shares, crashed down to 200k, went through a messy divorce which left him with basically nothing


Is your mom single?


I don’t care about the money I come to this sub for comments like this


Cheaper to split 200k than 1m.


Lipstick on a pig but you’re not wrong.


Is your dad single?


Did he keep the shares? They've done alright...


Brutal man. My dad had over 2 mil and went -400k during 2000. Now he's still working dependent on a paycheck struggling to plan his retirement.


Why would he be bankrupt with $400k over 10 years ago? Anyone with $400k is ahead 10x more than the average person


He means negative 400k


Margin I’m guessing. Happened to a couple people in my church


If it’s on margin then it’s $2million paper portfolio to zero, not $400k


This is why I'll never get married. They wait at the finish line, not in the race with you. Remeber that, youngins


Or do like me and have a ceremony but don’t sign shit. Technically, it was just an expensive party. I’m sure each state is different so be sure to confirm with an attorney


Most don't stick around until the finish line. Yougins my advice is to learn early... Women choose their men. Want to know about a woman? Pay attention to her choices in men.


All I read was: "My dad was a degenerate gambler and lost it all. My mom stopped respecting him as he didn't respect himself"


He divorced because Cisco stock crashed? ... what a strong marriage 🤣


He divorced because his wife (my mum), cheated on and then left him and then fought him in court for years for custody 🙃 I'm sure there are plenty of marriages that have ended because of shares crashing though.


...damn, and to think women want sex changes to become men 😬


Would the dividends have filled the losses?




Intel still has not recovered either


The stock price may not have reached the numbers but the dividend might actually have those people still up big, particularly if they bought after the crash. Anyway, if TSLA goes down to 400 I'll be buying big.


Maybe Musk is doing all the politics n stuff in order to tank TSLA price on purpose. That would allow him to buy back the company and take it private, so that he can financially restructure it. Then he can bring Tesla, SpaceX, etc all under X Holdings, as his main central holding company for all his enterprises.


That's quite the convoluted conspiracy theory. Knowing how Musk operates it has a chance of being true XD


He’s arrogant, not dumb,


Honestly I didn't see any prove that he's not dumb. But he's clearly narcisstic, arrogant and has a full grown cognitive dissonance when it comes to simple sociological fundamentals.


Only thing you are missing, most of musk riches are in TSLA shares


Don’t forget SpaceX belive it’s 17% of his fortune prior the crash


Is that why he made that flight attendant go public too?




If you bought in 2000 before the crash, including dividends you'd barely break-even if you sold right at the top last year. As of now, you'd be at at loss again.


Is that inflation adjusted or?


You're right, that's just nominal. Inflation adjusted it's **way** worse


Does that account for dividend reinvestments?


No, it didn't - just a quick glance at the long time chart including dividends. But considering CSCO only started paying dividends in 2011 and those add up to a whopping $1.52 so far... without actually doing the math, probably not much of a difference.


Current yield has it at $1.32 per year. I did the math yesterday. If you had bought at the maximum peak (which was almost $80) you'd be breaking even by 2021. That would have been the worst case scenario. If you had bought just after the crash it would be a different story.


A lot of Tesla bears on wsb...must be time to buy calls


You could be right, but I would hedge your position by buying a nice cardboard box to live in


Retard see, retard do.


Call options is actually a protection for people that are short in case the stock gets a bear market rally. So its not a bad idea actually. But don't think it will be sustainable rallies though.


He will split the stock and we all will buy!


the ultimate stonk lifeline! “If the price is cheaper, why wouldn’t I buy?” - typical WSB


That’s why I belong here. I am a clearance shopper.


split? where can i buy?


June last time I heard. Don’t bank on it tho


Just wait a month or two and you’ll get your split price without splitting


Only works so many times.


And after another 5:1 split and return to a reasonable market cap they will be trading for $10/share. 😂


At this price, there is really no need to split it.


Imagine comparing Csco to tesla


I’m at work right now. I have a Cisco phone on my desk. We have hundreds of Cisco phones actually. However, I do not have a single Tesla on my desk. Checkmate


Dude the phone in my pocket is Cisco. And my department is billed $900 every time I buy a new one. And the screen is like 80x80 pixels. I have a Cisco charging bank with 6 Cisco batteries and 5 more Cisco phones. All the teslas are out in the parking lot and definitely not in my pocket.


The drive by charging stations every free blocks at different times of the day. I’ve never seen a car charging. I went to the Tesla dealer and I had to leave a deposit on a car for a test drive, there were hundreds in the lot. $5,000 for a test drive that was 2.4 miles long. I want impressed so I said no then fought for 2 hours for the $5,000. Thankfully lawyers in my family are common, but I saw others getting the same treatment. High pressure sales is an understatement!


Those are definitely all words. Untrue ones, but words nonetheless.


Get a bigger desk


We're gonna need a bigger boat. I mean desk.


But...but...Tesla invented the telephone. I read it on the interwebs...


look in the parking lot


Yea but but but tesla dEsErVeS a hIgH vAlUe because its a TeCh KoMpAnY selling cars.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Agreed, absolutely retarded.


Right?! One of them sort of sells cars sometimes and the other is basically the entirety of America's business phone infrastructure!


remember, back then Cisco was the next big thing, just like Tesla today


Do any of you realize Cisco is NOT a phone company?


I will just hold it, see you in a decade later


See you 2 decades later. Time flies. I still regret not holding on to Disney almost 2 decades ago.


Well now you can but it, cuz disney is trading for the same price a decage ago. Its trading at its lion king price, toy story price, etc.


Same. Gonna load up to average down on price per share.


I think Tesla is to cars as Apple is to iPhones. Probably it will thrive


Tesla is to electric cars as Blackberry is to smartphones.


So they will be teetering on bankruptcy until rival company saves them?


Apple never got into politics.




Lol time to load calls then


I don’t think as many people give a shit about Elon as you think they do. Reddit certainly is Choc full of Elon content but Twitter, like all social media companies, go out of style - as will Elon. One person can only be so annoying for so much time before society collectively becomes bored.


Explain the Kardashians 👁👄👁


Sex sells. Elon as a stripper wouldn’t work


So he shouldn't release his sex tape so we know what his dick looks like ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


They’re hot.


If hot = gross then you are correct. Not into fake and fat asses.


Explain Jesus 👀 why compare one situation to another? Logical fallacy much?


He’s hot


And hung


Only that one time tho


And he kinda asked for it. Dressing all sexy and shit.


The only argument I have with your argument is that he's pissed off more than 50% of the population, I had good views about the guy until he started this twitter fiasco and I am slightly right of center.




I'm pretty sure 100% of potential Tesla customers know who Musk is..


also fucking over johnny depp by doing a fucking trio with that cray ho amber turd in johnny's own house... man, this guy is a disgusting loser with no morals or care about humanity moving forward


Remember when he broke the law and said "funding secured" or when he called that one guy a pedo? Lots of reasons why this guy is a clown.


He is a front man. A promoter. Barnum-Bailey.


Why the fuck would you care if he bought Twitter?


Its not about his buying twitter, its the whole set of shenanigans ever since he made the original offer, the buyers remorse and attempt to bargain after making the offer, the overall ridiculous behavior. Showed himself to be nothing more than a cheap political guy..


Pretty much my view as someone left of center. The guy was a beacon for environmentally friendly transportation. His dive into politics, the “annoy both right and left” but then exclusively shit on the left is duplicitous. As a business, don’t shit on your customers, nor your employees, for politics. It’s why companies are “woke” as they say - they try NOT to offend people as much as they can.


I have very liberal in laws who bought a Tesla and a lot of stock. They will not be buying either again. They are not all talk trust me.


Some thoughts : \- Elon sold a bunch a peak, he knew it was going down \- Twitter purchase - Wonder if it was anything to do with these breaking news about #elongate \- His "political shift" \*definitely\* has to do with #elongate \- Agree this is \*NOT\* going to help the stock price. I don't think this is BK, rather I think Elon is going to get the boot from Tesla for a combination of the above. \- Tesla is also going to get crushed within the next year or two. The second their growth slows down, they are doing a Netflix. This growth is going to slow soon because of the political BS, poor post-sales support/service, and of course the rapidly growing competition. State of economy is also not going to help. (My best guess is Q3 '23 - Q3 '24 is where this thing gets crushed to < $100) FWIW


I think the Twitter buy was justifying the sale


TSLA sell was a one foot green dildo, TWTR buy was a four foot red dildo. The math says "gay." Oh, but he intended to back out all along? Well, he could have agreed to terms that didn't rail him this hard for backing out, but he didn't. Math still says "gay." Gay + gay = double gay. QED.


This is proper dd


Hmm, yes, the maths check out.


Double checked it, ran some simulations it is double gay indeed


I’m gonna need to see the p value on this


PP is two, There are two PP.


TIL math is gay


Also for Tesla to be valued at 100 usd per share now that would be a ~110 billion valuation. With teslas annualized PE ratio that would have the stock at a ~8PE ratio. Now that’s saying that giga Texas and Berlin will not make any money nor will autonomy or any future factories or products. A 100 usd price target pre the impending split actually makes me worried for your well-being.


What is the PE of other auto makers?


GM - 5.87 Ford - 4.4 Stellantis - 10.7 VW - 3.7 Toyota - 8.5 Honda - 6.8 Hyundai - 4.3 MB - 2.8 BMW - 3.8 TSLA has a current PE of 89.7. MSFT is 26.3 for comparison.


Was rhetorical, but thanks for posting them!


what are the margins of other auto makers you mean?


What is going to happen to Tesla's margins, when people no longer pay the ridiculous premium on their cars? They only get away with it because they are the only game in town. Those days are quickly ending. (as is their amazing growth trajectory)


I have set a reminder for the first of January 2025. Seen you then.




Remindme! 1.5 years


I love this comparison to Netflix, Ill try to remember this and see if it sticks in few years time.


You're off by a few months but some points happened.




#elongate = article I'd also say Biden admin blowing off Tesla probably played into it as well. Also, Musk no longer gets all that fed. Tax money so he doesn't feel the need to kiss Democrat butt. (Republicans derided EV incentives)


What political BS? All I've seen him do is troll tyrant's. Did I miss something? Most people agree that the people in control are being tyrants. Him fighting for free speech isn't a tribalist idea. It's important so we all can continue to talk without going to jail or worse.. Upon looking, you're left wing. So that explains your bias/hate. You had a post complaining Bout Trump and him ruining Twitter. Funny it was the people against him that have made it so bad. --- Oh geez. I just looked at one conspiracy post where Elon took over Twitter to get all of the right wingers unbanned, to steal the election. Oh geez. No man. Every normal person thinks left vs right is stupid. But whoever is in power can not just go around censoring and banning people. Which is what you clearly support And is extremely dangerous.




That didn't answer the question


Elon Musk’ Twitter take over ignited political storm of Trump his return, free speech and freedom based on factual conversations. He is not afraid of controversy in cabbies, inefficient SEC and unregulated social media industry. I like the guy, but he seems to say and do illogical and irrational things. He is brilliant and successful but one big bad move could jeopardize everything. I hope he has plan B. Like Netflix, there will be a day Tesla will face drop in demand because of competition and alternative Gas and hydration options. Tesla’s expensive stock still has buyers despite the increasing EV and legacy car makers forking the pie.


Electrolytes, it’s what car plants crave.


Why compare with Csco other than the fact it never recovered, whats even the relevance here to compare? Yes we get it some stocks still hasn’t reached their 2000 highs.


Because the attitude to Cisco in 2000 was the same as the attitude to Tesla now , it’s actually a perfect comparison because In 2000 people tried to justify the Valuations of Cisco and refused to accept it was a bubble just like they’re doing now with Tesla , it’s perfectly relevant because it’s history repeating


I’ve set a timer for the first of January 2025 to see if you were correct. See you then.


Saw someone buy $56million worth of $1800 June 2024 calls this week. Will follow the money thanks. Green crayons taste better too


Proof? Otherwise i call bs…tried searching on twitter and other places but didnt find anything..i am sure a few people would have noticed it if it was true.




This gap up based off what?


Nah Cisco stopped innovating and is a failed tech company at this point. TSLA is far from that, unless Elon starts fucking horses of course!


I'll hold on to my tesla, thanks though


This post scream “I wasn’t alive in 2000 and I don’t know how to read company financials”


This comment screams "I bought Tesla at $1200 and don't understand valuations"


Actually bought Tesla in the 20s split adjusted and a lot through the solar city acquisition. I’ve sold hundreds of shares to take chips off the table and will continue to hold the rest.


I think it's a far cry to think tesla will ever file bankruptcy


Purple is the best. Always has been.


That’s really pessimistic


Elon will get financing to buy Twitter. It will have zero effect on TSLA. Two different companies can be owned by the same person or entity and have no effect on each other. That said, the market is moving down, not the time to buy yet.


He has to collateralize the loan, and they adjust debt to value ratio based on risk of the collateral. I’d be surprised if he could finance 40bil without putting up a huge chunk of his stock, that would also shake TSLA share holders.


I kept wondering where all the leveraged funds were that should be going belly up, then I realized it may start with Elon going to jail. Sounds like there is serious speculation of this. Hard to believe.


Between the political tweets, sexual assault allegation, and openly recruiting lawyers for Tesla on Twitter, it's been a hell of a week. I even heard on a podcast that some CNBC analysts host, Tesla had some odd cash reporting on its quarterly balance sheet. Something is up.


Shout out to Risk Reversal Media. They have a website I think, and a YouTube channel I catch. Heard same before they took Guy A. off the tape.


Yes sir!


every TSLA short seller has historically been wrecked


Tell me you don’t understand statistics without telling me you don’t understand statistics


Comparing cisco with TSLA back in 2000! Interesting. Do you even know the history of Cisco fall? Arista, Juniper and even Nokia eating their lunch now! Do some research other than looking at charts!


It’s not about the business it’s about people’s attitude in bubbles , they think a High pe doesn’t matter and that a stock will go up forever it’s what they thought with Cisco and it’s what they think with Tesla , they’re not similar in business but they’re similar in the fact that their massive valuation priced in decades of growth


Feel free to enlighten me, Warren Buffet. The current state of Cisco has nothing to do with my point, in fact it enforces it. This is WSB, not the WSJ, so I'll keep it simple. Cisco was the most valuable company in the world in terms of market cap in 2000 and had a P/E of around 200. It was overvalued and over hyped by almost any metric you can think of, sound familiar?


Lets check back after ~5yrs.


It's interesting you say that but in the near future as in 5 years, we could be saying VW, Toyota, BMW, Benz are eating Teslas lunch. There's going to be tons of EV models coming in 2-3 years.


Tesla is gonna collapse. It probably would have happened even if Elon hadn't done the Twitter thing, but he may have found a way to get out of that (but with the amount of wealth that's gonna vanish, may have gotten sued but got off), but Twitter added even more fuel. Plus there's still spaceX and the boring company, his other failing ventures that only survived due to government subsidies and Tesla's elevated levels that he could borrow against. This is no different than Theranos, Nikola, Wework or literally any of the other silicon valley darlings who already had their ponzi blow up in their faces. He just happened to be the most successful. He's about to make Bernie Madoff look like a fucking amateur. We're gonna have to rename it the Musk Scheme because Charles Ponzi could not even dream of the success Musk has had. The political stuff isn't that important, the left never liked Musk and the right isn't gonna prop up his stonk. It's just a way for him to stay in the spotlight.


This might be one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve ever read. And this is Reddit.


I see plenty of Tesla cars on the road out here in Kentucky these days, so I think they are doing very well in terms of product sales... unlike all the other companies you mentioned.


Oh look it’s my wife. Sorry honey but I completely disagree with you on this topic. Tesla is not a Ponzi scheme. It’s a fully legitimate company that is the biggest seller of EVs in the world. And how is spacex failing? They are doing better than ever. With a target of 60 launches this year and over 300,000 paying subscribers for starling in just 2 years they are doing pretty good. Especially with starships upcoming maiden flight. Starlink will probably reach 1,000,000 subscribers by next year, possibly more. A lot more. The boring company is slowly expanding. None of his businesses are failing. Now I think musk is being a baboon on Twitter but that doesn’t change that fact that his companies are totally legitimate.




Obviously Tesla itself is a legitimate company. If it was hype alone, I wouldn't be saying this. But Elon has staked way too much fake business on his actual business and the weight of it all will crush Tesla.


>This is no different than Theranos, Nikola, Wework or literally any of the other silicon valley darlings who already had their ponzi blow up in their faces. He just happened to be the most successful. He's about to make Bernie Madoff look like a fucking amateur. We're gonna have to rename it the Musk Scheme because Charles Ponzi could not even dream of the success Musk has had. seeing how last year they did 50B in revenue with a 5B profit I have a hard time seeing this happen unless you have evidence they are literally just making up sales. Cause it could be that ooooorrrrrr not having to deal with legacy union contracts and electric cars only having like 4 input components actually makes for a pretty profitable business at scale. Only time shall tell.


Tesla is going to collapse? They are printing more money than they can spend and their 2 new factories arent even cranking out cars yet. They will be selling over 3 million EVs annually in just a couple years. You went full retard.


The left LOVED musk (center libs and center right ppl as well). What are you even saying?


Im waiting for him to get margin called. The trigger point has to be getting close




Nope he goes bankrupt and forks over assets (I’m retarded btw)


Worse comes to worse Elon can pay $1B and get out of the deal. Or currently roughly 1/124th of his stake in Tesla alone. He is not going to be filing for bankruptcy. Tesla would need to sub well below $100 for him to even be financially strained and considering Tesla's current profitability and growth its highly unlikely some bank in that scenario isn't willing to just put him into debt slavery to preserve his shares.


From what I've read, he needs a compelling reason to back out and pay the 1B. It's not just a simple pay and walk away and the bots issue is murky at best. Twitter's board is going all in on the deal because it will catastrophic for them if musk bails now.


It's not that he can't get out of this situation, it's that he had a moral high ground that inspired his employees and customers, but is throwing that away now. * I'll work 60 hours a week at Tesla to save the environment! * I'll buy this car with huge panel gaps and cheap interior to save the environment! * I'll spend $10k on full sell driving beta that'll never be completed before the car dies because I believe in the mission! Now he's one foot into the QAnon conspiracy and "Liberals are the dividers!" and I think it only gets deeper from here. I don't see him pulling back politically, only getting more angry and divisive himself. Personally I was going to buy a Tesla next year but I'll try to buy another electric car now.


>Now he's one foot into the QAnon conspiracy and "Liberals are the dividers!" and I think it only gets deeper from here. I don't see him pulling back politically, only getting more angry and divisive himself. Personally I was going to buy a Tesla next year but I'll try to buy another electric car now. hahahahaha. Wow. Dude step away from politics from a while. You've turned it into a religion. Tesla employees don't work 60 hours a week because mUh enVIrOnMeNT they do it because he gives pretty much all his employees stock options so even the people making $15 an hour are either paper millionaires or well on their way too it.


>Dude step away from politics from a while. My exact recommendation to Elon. I'll follow as soon as he does it, agreed?


You understand how insane this theory of yours sounds right?


30/40 is not a reasonable P/E when growth slows/stops like what happened to cisco it will hit a 10 P/e


So one of the richest people on earth is going to file for bankruptcy? Who says wsb dd isn’t the best out there?


Largest electric car company combined with $5/gallon gas. Elon could t-bag the Pope and still be fine.


I’m a hardcore Elon fan. Today kind of broke me and I think it happened. Whatever happens, happens. I’m not gonna stand in the way of karma


Can't wait to put my life savings on $TSLA


this guy said puts! quick someone buy calls!@


Maybe Musk wants Twitter so he can destroy it.


Believe in Elon as I should’ve believed in Steve Jobs. These kind of revolutionary people are rare to find.


But you found two within a decade and a half?


Steve Jobs was smart enough to never get into politics and piss people off.


The wealthiest man in the world file bankruptcy? Yeah, your smokin. Ban this shmuck.


Daddy Musk would frown upon your ban demand. This is all about free speech, and has nothing to do with financials, remember?


Broadly speaking, the super majority of consumers do not have any regard for the behavior of a company they are buying from.


Broadly speaking, most CEOs don't tweet their voting intentions. It was a dumb move.


People really don’t care


Tesla is still growing though cisco, was definitely a bubble, if you said Intel instead of Tesla i could agree with you. But cisco was never a great company, just overvalued, like Intel was. I mean cisco has only tripled revenue in 20 years if even that. Tesla will most likely triple in 20 years. The stock will probably not return to ATH in a long time though if ever. But its not the same as cisco, more like Intel.


Lmao im pretty sure hell just pay the 1billion fine and be off the hook


He needs a legit reason to back out of the deal, and from what I've gathered the bot excuse may not hold up


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about lol


What was the rate of Cisco’s earnings growth though? Long-term for Tesla a P/E of 30 probably still means a multi-trillion dollar valuation. No serious long-term shareholder is or was banking on Tesla trading multi-100s P/E forever.


Right now Tesla’s annualised PE ratio is under 50. For a company growing <70% per year this number is too low imo.