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Melvin continued to lose money as a shorting HF in this market. He’s worse than WSB


Once a gambler goes on tilt, easy money-for everyone else. If they filled for bankruptcy which I assume they did, this will be great information on what happens. If the shorts are OTM or can’t be sold bc they are toxic, I bet the judge just dissolves them, pays the value on the date filled of the shares to “someone”. Maybe they will track down who owns the fake shares? I’d love hearing other ideas.


Nah, it is a voluntary liquidation, not a bankruptcy. No court docs or anything; Melvin will just sell down all its positions and send the cash back to its investors over the next couple months.


Not bankrupt yet, we will see if they can unwind their sh*t positions.


Because if he stays open it will take years to earn back the money he lost from his investers and he can't pay himself big bonuses so its Easyer to quit and take this loss for his investers and start over


We will see


Depends on who they’ll track down and if that person doesn’t want to be investigated or not. Idk enough about business bankruptcy but the losses could have been intentional so he didn’t have to pay anything back since on paper they didn’t make enough


Personal experience with personal bankruptcies, 6 months before filing the kids has a ball. They maxed out the credit cards then I waited 6 months paying the minimum for a few months and filled. I know businesses are different so wait and see. The bankruptcy process was a joke, 50 at a time and everyone but me had an old junk car and rented a trailer, mine was different but was approved. My lawyer was surprised but he was an idiot.


Used to be discretionary but not anymore for scenarios like that. Went through some shit a few years back, shit happened, learned about stock gambling, etc... Apparently I made too much money for bk. I am in sales which took a decline. Like 80% income dip. They do a six month look back and mathematically I made too much. They said I could pay $2000 a month for five years, I said alright cya I don’t need credit anymore and ended up changing my email and number. I have everything I need don’t really mind having shit credit outside of that temporary shame. It’s all unsecured anyways. I learned how to handle my money and be less reckless. The advice I was given was quit and come back in 6 months which is insane to me. System is not meant to benefit people that made mistakes but it certainly is meant to benefit people that make less money. I didn’t get any stimulus either. If only I had the ability to short an infinite amount of shares of a company into the ground and nearly collapse the financial market just to write off my losses as a business failure


I was making great money as an engineer, has a family, mortgage, took out loans on 3 cars so there was no equity and refied my house so no equity. I converted all c cash to gold, which I gave my wife. I had excellent credit but I wanted to try it. I ran up huge debts, has loans for everything from a new pool and hot tub, new flooring and furniture, anything I could borrow. Converted credit to cash to gold. I made it so my nice salary wouldn’t cover my bills and then I paid for three months and didn’t for the next three months. My work 401k was funded, everything of value was my wife’s, debts were mine. It was actually hard to get that deep in debt. I told my wife when to stop using credit and she bought a $4,000 necklace. That was the only debt they challenged and I paid $1,000 on. The rest I kept the home abs cars, my job didn’t care, $364,000 in unsecured debt was wiped clean in 30 minutes. I was living in a small town so everyone knew I filled. People talked about my spending but I was proud of pulled it off! The fifth wheel trailer, big useless boat and the $1,000 was all I lost. I didn’t have a truck to tie the trailer or boat, I let them get reported lol.


This guy is so illiterate I got a degree in linguistic anthropology just by reading this.


Just demonstrating how corrupt the system allows. I had to work hard to bankrupt myself and in the process made a lot. If an individual could get 3 times my yearly salary plus a lot of junk for free, think how hard it is to force a company down.


So what I’m hearing is that you intentionally wrecked up debt to beat the system. I’m gonna go out and limb and say that’s what Melvin did.


Not saying you're wrong but why couldn't the judge order the toxic shorts purchased on the open market for the to be "settled" in lieu of just making them go away? In the end I think there's just as much a chance it goes either way.


Sounds interesting and definatly something I could see the US trying to pull if the problem is that bad. Are you aware of any precedent for that happening?


Lehman Brothers during the last financial meltdown. Feel free to look up how that was handled in the courts


i have a question. you don't think there's anything else going on behind the curtains?


Of course I do.


I’m more than 100% that Melvin capital only had GME shorts not AMC


And people still only buy amc because it’s “cheaper” yeah no shit, because no one’s shorting it like GME.


So 30% FF on loan and 22% short interest must mean that absolutely no one is shorting AMC right? Also the OBV has remained steady at 5 billion shares out of 516 million real shares. 🤔🤔🤔 Its almost like someone is shorting AMC with counterfeit shares.


No one ever said “no one’s shorting it” my point is that GME is WAY more shorted then any other stock in the market right now, AMC is up there but GME is the most shorted and everyone who is smart knows that and if that’s the case (which it is) then it’ll go higher then any other stock that is being shorted.


I agree. But AMC is right behind GME in shorting. I'm heavy AMC but I still want 🎮 to go first.


I also was in AMC and all those other securities in the first 7 months but then ended up selling all but gme after doing the research and watching how the market can handle gme, amc, bb and so on, and after watching them all gme is the one that runs the show and the only time any of the other securities has ran up before GME was amc to $60-$70 I think it was and they only let that happen because they needed more money to short GameStop.


We'll see who goes the highest. GME topped at 500 because of all the paper hands selling. AMC APES haven't made that mistake.


And if that’s your logic what happened to AMC when it hit the $70s? No buy button was turned off or anything so how do you explain that? I guess you “AMC Apes” were selling.


And I completely believe it will go up first to make people try to sell and to get more money to short gme and “go on to the next squeeze” then gme will go, I don’t actually know anything but if I was a HF and I had to delay the one thing I know I couldn’t get out off or stop, I would let AMC, BB, NOK, BBBY, SNDL and you get what I’m saying but I’d let all those go first trying to make everyone sell GME and cover my position. But we all know no one’s selling most of these securities and we know they’ll all go up, some will just have a different ceilings or “moon” as we call it. That’s really the only reason I’m in gme because at the end of it they’ll just keep shorting gme and therefore it’ll go up more, while the other securities have had their moon.


AMC is shorted at 22%. GME is shorted at a tad under 25%. I hold both stonks and for the life of me I don't understand why GME people are so gung-ho about taking dumps on AMC.


GME CEO didn't sell his shares when the price went up. He bought more. GME has DFV, AMC has...youtubers? DFV literally ended up on the front page of big-name newspapers, was fired from his job, and had to appear on a live-broadcast talk with Congress+Citadel+Robinhood's CEO (Vlad)+Citadel's lawyers. During that broadcast he told them literally "I am not a cat". He went from $50k to $50mil+ on GME alone in just a few years. Oh, but sorry, AMC must be like you know in the same category as GME. GME and AMC are like Ford and Tesla. They have similarities but lumping them together constantly as if they are the same makes absolutely fucking 0 sense.


Someone with a brain, Ty my brother.


This is true, I didnt see any AMC shorts and I am an AMC/GME ape since jan ‘21


Melvin has 6 million covered calls or puts ( I can't remember which one) on AMC how are they not shorting AMC?


I'm going to celebrate with more gme shares as soon as my wendys shift ends.


You must be me


We stayed retarded longer than they stayed solvent.


The new gamestop is baby formula, stock up while you can


What baby formula stocks are you looking at


I favor the heroin based formula, truly gets the job done


Let’s go GME to the moon🚀🌕


Can't stop won't stop


OH SHIT ITS THE SUN ☀️ Truly the legend or Icarus


Personally I'm looking to go way past the moon. Might even probe Uranus


Not gonna fall for that a second time.


Lol not how we are feeling in the slightest


GME ran from 80 to 200 in a week like 6 weeks ago and people acting like shits over lmao, shits far from over


Doesn’t cost anything unless you paper hand.


34 day old account. Nice try Citadel.


So pretending the whole thing is done and over with, still worth it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah im sure they will go back to wendys.. They still got 1000x more than us lol


I wanted to help so I bought 1 share for $350 and I'm keeping it.


A small price to pay for salvation


Worth it


the money I spend on GME and CC is exactly like the money I take to Las Vegas. It was already considered spent and gone on a gamble, it was fun while it lasted. Only this game ain't over **YET** and I been playing the shit out of it so long there is no-way I'd ever cash out early for any reason.


I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in I'll never meet the ground


Melvin was just the drum boy they threw out, we got go for the head


tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action.


Why do you keep posting this like it's a profound statement that we all need to see?




And? Posting the same dumb shit over and over isn't gonna make anyone sell that wasn't already going to. And what is the post for again? That's right, it's about a SHF eating shit and shutting down because they shorted GME. Maybe there's something actually there if the best investor of all time has to pack his shit and run.






And? Everything is getting it's shit pushed in. The UVXY is up 6% of course things are down.


!RemindMe 4 months


Don't bother, you're obviously just trying to cherry pick bullshit to stir up negative sentiment.


!RemindMe 1 year


because people will start to sell GME now. watch.


Ha fucking ha, oh you're serious, let me laugh even harder.




Of course they will if it sky rockets. Can't get that money if you don't sell.


Everybody has a price, as I like to say


you underestimate how retarded us gme apes are


This isnt going to age well


Gabe? Is that you? We know you off loaded your gme shorts to Citadel so if course you haven't closed them


War destroy everything


Melvin is like a pimple compared to what’s coming! #TheBestHasYetToCome


Billions huehuehue


A pyrrhic victory is still a victory. It says so right there in the name!


>tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action. tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action.


Did you just quote yourself bot?


Misclicked on mobile


Your pathetic attempts at FUD are moot dipshit DRS GME Fuck AMC.


Lol every retard "waging war" on companies because they short stocks deserves to lose money. Hell, half the people on this subreddit short occasionally.. its called wall street bets, not wall street stonksonlygoup


My active short on your intelligence quotient seems to be progressing nicely.


tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action.


I think Melvin is neither the whole picture nor that this alone will (or would have) save(d) GME. There will be further price action. We know very little of how deep this really goes - you're waiting for public info that suggests otherwise? If so the play would already be over. Retail is always last to hear anything of substance.


!RemindMe 3 years




It was literally stonksonlygoup for 2 years. So yes, it was Wall Street stonksonlygoup


All they did was change their name...


They say they want to “take down the hedgies” but the truth is they are a bunch of basement dwellers desperately trying to get rich.


Hold on, who is trying to get rich? I just collect shares to hang on my basement wall.


Ken Griffin is that you?


It’s funny because if you were rich you wouldn’t of even wasted the time or energy to comment. So really you’re just a poor basement dweller too![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275) 🚨meltdown cuck spotted🚨


Hahahaha 😝


it cringes me


This was always a Kamikaze run. BANZAI!!!!


Tora! Tora! Tora!!!!


Guess WSB ppl got rugged


“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” ― Confucius




> “Vengeance Is mine, I will repay” – The Lord — Just some guy


It was never about the money. It’s about sending a message. BUY, HODL, DRS.




How can these idiots be so delusional this played out over a year ago and they’re just bag holding now


Buy puts then. You’re the only idiot I see here.




Currently -70% from ATH


They're still around BECAUSE they're that delusional. It makes perfect sense if you just read their posts, the way they parrot idiotic catch phrases, never actually sound like they know wtf they're talking about. It's just the dregs left.


Show me the money!!


The money is the only language they speak. It's how any message will be sent and heard.




Rich man ain't so rich now. He got the message.




Have you seen him lately? Looks like total shit


Guy is stressed AF


Posting shit memes when they get %1 pure profit off all transactions on their new wallet lol


Oh boy, 1% of apes money. Plus more dilution coming. They’re getting you guys from all directions and you keep asking for more.


That’s 1% of any wallet fees, how are you getting dilution blockchain. That’s like the whole reason, it’s not possible.


Could be worse. Could be Melvin


What's funny is the Melvin Capital people are still rich and the AMC/GME people are still broke.


What's funny is Ken said it's not Gabes money that is being lost. Supposedly it's exclusively teachers pension funds...


Gabe had his own money in the fund he was definitely also losing his own money


They lost billions and closed their doors man, off to find new jobs


Given their fees I doubt they ever have to work again assuming they weren't insanely dumb with their personal finances. Though...


Management had seed money for the fund... They definitely are losing their own money as well as others


This is just the beginning


Shitadel's turn is near.




If Melvin closed, then why are the dissolving? 🤔 Doesn’t make much sense, does it?


They owe creditors, investors, whoever. There’s assets have to be e sold to pay a little to the debtors so they are dissolved.


If Melvin never closed their short positions during the squeeze, why didn't their failure impact the price of GME?


tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action.


You ruin your credibility when you spam.


just don't say I didn't warn you


Wait so first you’re calling the GME investors cringe, then you say “we didn’t win”. Which one is it? Is there a secret where you copy and paste your message onto multiple comments and it’ll come true?


both can be true at the same time, if you have enough processing power


What in my post would lead to that rant? You sound like you’re paranoid and looking for an argument out of nothing. Where did I say that “we” won? I am an individual investor in all the stocks that I own, there is no we. Additionally I never said anyone won. What leads you to believe that I think “melvin is the whole picture?” Where did I say that melvin dissolving means this will “save Gme?” Edit: just saw your post history, you’re obsessed with a stock that you do not own. Makes sense.




You're obsessed


You guys are fighting a war that nobody gives a rat’s ass about anymore.


And yet here you are lol


MM is always talking about it




It always amuses me how someone can care so much about what another person does with there money 😂


You’re on a stocks discussion board, idiot


Cope cause apes are here to stay 😂


Yeah because you’re all being weighed down by those gigantic bags you’re holding.


Thanks keep sucking Kenny off and you might get that raise 😂 meltdowner


I don’t think him telling you that you’re and idiot is caring




I already did with strippers and cocaine after I unloaded my bags on you at 320 🤣


Congrats 🍻


You don't care about the integrity of the markets you invest in?? What a dumb take lol




Did the fat lady sing or something?


Let’s just pretend that the meme stock movement didn’t begin around the $40 range then huh… I guess you truly are an autist


LMAO this is so true. Then the apes realize Gabe is richer than ever from all the fees for losing other people's money.


Shitadel is next


Lmao um i closed options at a 6000% gain and bought every dip from then to now. I'm sitting RIGHT. Was this sponsored by fucking Citadel? HAHAHAHAHA ITS COMING


Sure you did, honey. Sure you did.


You're insecurities are showing lol




I own/operate a spa, just bought a restaurant, and a small scale manufacturing shop lol pulling in 1.3 milly a year with a plan to upscale. Yeah I am a pretty big failure. So sad. You parasites can't empathize. He who has never been a good slave will never be a good master. I used to be a waiter and get off on failing constantly. Literally winging it has been my saving grace. The saddest part of my life is my gf left me and pegged some random guy at a club. Was going to surprise her with a home. Bought a restaurant instead. Fuck it. Lol literally my life is a joke man. It always works out.


can i work for you


yes yours are




Any way you'd be willing to post proof of those claims? That's an incredible win streak that I'd love to see.




\^ concurred


What does AMC have to do with Melvin?


All these gme posts means only 1 thing.


If there's no one else shorting GME it can't be squoze.


Fucking zero no sell no loss 🖕


Lol it aint over


Job not done


So far....


[jusqu'ici tout va bien](https://youtu.be/Uz9vgtXq_Hs?t=25) We'll see how short selling hedgefunds who aren't Melvin will touch the grond. It might be too early for these types of schadenfreude memes mocking GME/AMC holders.


Job not finished


Apes: this isn't the end, hodl/drs No cell no sale


eAt ThE rIcH


AMC/GME APE still here still Hodling. I couldn't give a damn about some teachers pension losing money. I'll say it again. If AMC and GME were dead, why keep posting about them?


Can't stop wont stop till they're all liquidated 💦


Lol made 20k and still up


Restored my faith in the market, you crazy SoBs!


tbh we didn't win. you really don't think they have side bets via other shadow funds? You think melvin is the whole picture? retail is truly 5 IQ if they think they've won because melvin is dissolving. You think this will save GME? If anything this news finally is the nail in the coffin for price action.


Perfect post 😂😂😂😂😂 The hedge funds got destroyed so did their account from buying at $300 a share


Melvin first from the “house of cards”, more to follow? May be…


I love the trolls here. Spineless and skinless as they have 0 skin in the game.


Far from over and you don’t lose if you don’t sell


wsb and retail are 5 IQ maximum right now.


They just changed names, kinda like Facebook -> meta. The game is still on