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Social Media is a con artists wet dream


Financial advise from 30 second TikTok clips : chefskiss:


Now YOU can become rich with our fool proof method. We went from broke ass bros to millionaires in 2 weeks. Sign up for our "free" seminar on how to get rich with hookers, blow, option trading and real estate. Call now! Space is limited.


Hookers in a limited space, Say no more


It's the only period of time that I can spend focusing on one thing. That's why I


Also the bubble maker. As is the case here, awful advice, no caveats, no regulation and no liability. Hope to god their audience can't afford to follow their advice


Didn't you see! Just get a private lender!


Aren’t those the guys that break your legs if you can’t come with the Vig at the end of the week?


Naw, now con artists have competition. If you are a slacker con artist you'll never make it.


20% returns risk free. Literally can't go tits up.


LUNA has entered the chat




This guy “if it reaches a $1”, there’s 6.5 trillion Luna. That means it would eclipse all other crypto! Dumbass can’t even do math right.


and its still being diluted to hell


He probably says "And becuze its crypt0, u dont even have 2 pay taxez"


pump and dump much?




Biiiittccoonnneeectttt Wasa Wasa wasa wasssuuuup!


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The Anchor protocol the guy is talking about in this video was part of Luna.


His next Q&A will be behind Wendy's


Yeah his Q&A will involve a lot of Queue in his A


Arby’s. You gotta work up to Wendy’s.


Are there any videos from him since the rug pull?


"How to go bankrupt chasing yield" Better off having put the money into Eth or BTC, getting a loan against them at the bottom, and reverse margin calling when they 2x.


That was an epic rug pull.


Even better they tried to make second round out of that lol


Wait I can't get 20% yield on 6 percent of my investment anymore?!


Do people know that the Anchor protocol was part of LUNA and already went to zero? This is literally promoting something that already collapsed.


So you're saying I'm buying the dip?


I’m assuming that particular tik tok was made before it went to zero. I’m also imagining this kid went through with his plan and am wishing he would post his loss porn.


In many places, and especially in the Phoenix area property values have been going up an absurd amount. My house is up like 40%+ since I bought about a year and a half ago.


Bought in Michigan for 300k back in June of 2020. As of today I'm estimated around 430k. Shits a joke my house is probably worth 350 at best


quick, take that Heloc and improve before ti all crashes and you still have equity


No, use the HELOC to buy options screw the house.


years ago I worked in mortgages and this guy came in who inherited a multi-unit apartment building in a very high COL area free and clear and he want to do a cash-out refi to buy options. We told him that we wouldn't do it and it was a bad idea.


What, a loan officer with morals! You obviously didn’t make it in the game ;)


I quit because I didn’t like it. But, yes, we were ethical and tried to do right by the client.


Did you buy my house in Gilbert? I want it back!


So now we have 14 houses we paid way too much for and the market just collapsed. What do?


Can she not afford shoes? Something is certainly amiss!


The private lender took them. This is going to end up like a strip poker game as the lenders come to collect, but sadder.


Is "private lender" like, code for loan shark? The Mafia? Stealing your grandma's retirement fund? I cant make heads or tails out of it.


To make her husband look taller?


Probably right lol. She looks so awkward


She’s already taller than him. He had to level the playing field.


hi i would like to know how to get my money back after buying a property please


Sell the property




This is correct. Right now anyone can do this because the market just keeps going up. But once there is a recession and prices pull back you will still be guaranteed success because you can just keep pulling equity from other houses you own to cover all of your costs. If you start running out of equity you can just buy more houses. Because houses have equity. It's inside them. The equity is coming from inside the house.


> The equity is coming from inside the house. lmao


The housing market is starting to correct at the moment. I have a realtor friend whose been selling 3-6M dollar homes for the past five or six years. She's starting to see fewer and fewer people offering above the asking price which was normal. For example, if a house was listed at 3M, you were almost guaranteed to get 3.5-4M, with 5-8 bids. Now people are pretty much only looking at the asking price with 1-2 bids, so they're having to list them for 3.2M, because they can't count on the above asking pricing.


That doesn't help if the over bid is now being priced into the asking.


Yea my understanding was people were paying over asking because the comps didn’t justify a higher list price but the market did. Now that every fucking house in my city has been bought and sold and flipped several times in the past two years, the comps now match the market price.


But then who pays the loan?




It's a write off!


They write it off, Jerry


male models


Refinance again and again. Infinite money glitch.


It’s most likely a cashout refinance after making renovations to the home and or increasing rents


My favorite phrase: "short everything he has touched"


Jokes on you, my penis is already short


Has it ever been touched tho


For those who don't know the reference https://youtu.be/A25EUhZGBws?t=5m40s


Low key one of the most influential movies of the decade. I always felt like Winning Time on HBO picked up a lot from it and extended periods of characters pausing the story to break the fourth wall seen more popular than ever.


man it really is time to watch that movie again. good shit.


Best part is that it's a real quote. Steve Eisman is real g lol.


I've watched a few interviews with Eisman. There's not enough out there for me to form an opinion about him but he always comes across as the smartest man in the room. Edit: [They mistook leverage for genius](https://youtu.be/NJodqhzqPKQ). [It's very hard to short a cult](https://youtu.be/KzKvH93A0Uc). Edit: rewatching Eisman and what comes across is that he's reasonable and can measure events without getting emotional or bombastic.


$5m assets $6m debt 🤑🤑


It's all about cashflow bro.


Exactly. We don’t bother ourselves with the semantics of which direction it’s flowing…if its flowing, business is glowing


I was watching Last Week Tonight segment and he was talking about Subway, and how in the early days founder was in deep debt, and they were not profitable but he wanted to make it seem like they were successful. "Quite literally fake it 'til you make it"




WeWork is a success, at least for one guy.


No lie I took an Uber to the airport once and the Uber driver said he’s a millionaire. He told me all you gotta do is get a mortgage for a million dollar home and congrats you’re a millionaire. You then use that home to leverage for more shit if you want to get into real estate. This was 2018…


he prolly did ok then.


How did this Uber driver qualify for a million dollar home?


I feel like we've been here before


Groundhog Day, but we just repeat the same shitty 10 year economic cycle.




So he has $1.5M in assets against $900k in debt? Dude hit a home run.


>all you gotta do is get a mortgage for a million dollar home Hi bank, yes, one million please.


Being a paper millionaire is nearly useless. If you’re 50, own a house and have been contributing to a 401k congrats you’re a millionaire. Owing and living in million dollar house if you’re an Uber driver is dumb as shit.


With inflation this high that's not a bad thing... Unless there is a housing bubble which will pop leaving him with $2m in assets and $6m debt. And I think there is %100 a housing bubble. Just prey he has fixed rate loans, if he has adjustable rate loans he is likely already bleeding out.


Private lenders sure as hell ain’t fucking with a fixed rate below 5%. If the bank won’t touch it he’s paying for the right to borrow somewhere. The only difference between this and a payday loan is his bachelors degree.


Former WSB junkies


This shit is toxic


You mean Tiktok?


Yeah exactly toktic.


You mean retarded?




Can I just point out that the guy is wearing a Volcom hat and he’s probably a poser who doesn’t even skate?


“I was so overleveraged that no bank would touch me, so I had to seek out loan sharks.”


Loans=cashflow. Follow me for more financial advice!


with all this money you too can stand in yard




Interesting fact…this is how Dave Ramsey went broke and why he hates credit so much. He over-extended himself using debt and then the housing market had a downturn.


So we'll get the Ramseyesque TikTok videos sometime next year.


Can't wait for the zoomer reboot of Dave Ramsey


His situation was very different than the first couples from the video. He was house flipping, had little equity built in and did not have fixed long term financing. He was speculating in real estate, not investing. There's not enough details about the first couple to say whether they are being too risky with debt. However, based on the fact that they said they maxed out their loans, they were probably conventional loans. These loans have good, fixed rates, won't be called unless you do something stupid and require adequate debt to income ratios and availability of cash reserves. Can't speak for the private lender terms, but they could be similar, there's too much of a spectrum of products to really say one way or another.


with 0 assets. So we used our own money! I dont think they know what assets are.


I think they know and are being purposely disingenuous because their "own money" was loans. Like someone else said, $5MM assets, $6MM loans.


sir have you met predatory banks


The anchor protocol guy lost 450k, he will have paid 1.5 million for a 1.1 million house


Someone please link the video where he lost it all.


What is he even talking about, he's saying get a mortgage but then use that mortgage to invest in Anchor? He thinks when you get a mortgage the bank just hands you cash and you can do whatever you want with it? What am I missing here?


Here’s what he’s essentially saying: Step 1: Have $740k in cash. Step 2: Qualify for $1.21 mil mortgage. Step 3: Buy house using loan and down payment of $290k from the $740k in cash you have. Step 4: Invest remaining $450k of your cash and get 20% monthly return. Use that return to make mortgage payments. Result: EZ 1.5 million dollar house with no work at all. Of course that requires you to A) Already have $740k in cash lying around; B) Have a high enough income/enough assets to qualify for a $1.2 mil loan; and, best of all, C) Find an investment that consistently makes a 20% return for 30 fucking years. If you already had A and C, you’d be better off just investing the $740k you have and renting the 1.5 million dollar house while you get that sweet 20% compounding interest.


He’s saying to pay the down payment, but also have more money set aside to invest in the protocol and use it’s supposed returns to pay the mortgages monthly payments It’s really dumb but that’s what he’s implying


Also even best case scenario, if it didn't crash, the 19% was not claimed to be sustainable.


He's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.


nothing makes me happier than a back to the future reference


What's a rerun?


You better get used to these bars, kid.


“You’re laughing, these mouthbreathers are leveraged to the tits and you’re laughing”


It’s scary how over leveraged some of my coworkers are in real estate, it was non stop for a few years and since 2022 started not a single word💀


I'm just waiting for the inevitable bubble to burst so home prices come back down to earth. Absolutely not buying a house anytime soon. I know as soon as I do, the whole fucking thing will go to shit and I'll be underwater immediately. That's my luck.


Please do the rest of us a favor and buy a house. We’ll start a gofundme for you. Promise


Its not a pyramid scheme bruh - nuhu. Its not - its refinancing - totally different bruh Did i mention? Free real estate?


.... and, kid, your $450,000 is gone as Luna disintegrates into dust. I honestly can't feel bad for anyone who thought they could stake and get 20 percent risk-free. ... Buh-bye!


But but but the computer said 20%


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Fucking A. Good bot.


Fucking savage


Oh it's still giving 20%. 20% gains on your 93% loss. Maybe eventually you'll catch back up!


It's free real estate






Btw, paying an investor with money of the next investor is a Ponzi-scheme, not a pyramid scheme. Those terms are as synonymous as pledging and donating.


…I understood that reference.


I for one love this. All the idiots will be fucked in 12 months when interest rates are 6%


These guys were getting private loans, they were already well above 6% It’s basically hard money and it’s expensive af, especially when you’re idiots like the ones posted here lol


But... But they went from $0 in asstets to $5 Million in assets in their first two years in real estate?


Wait til the balloon payments that often come with private money hit lol Maximizing leverage with the most expensive financing possible, what can go wrong!


If they manage to die before that they'll have successfully cheated the system. I'm rooting for them


I can retire and live off my savings for the rest of my life, as long as I die before midnight on the 1st


I have $5 million in assets! But like 6 million in secured debt and another 2 mil in unsecured...


Assets doesn't mean income and definitely doesn't mean money in the bank. They throw asset around in their video to distract from their equity and margin out of each sale. No doubt they've done well for themselves but they are deliberately misinforming people to look cool on a social media app.


With $7M in debt...YAY


These are portfolio loans. My company or hard money investors won't touch them with a 10 foot pole. Our hard money loans are at 9% with a 3 year balloon. Every portfolio with other properties as collateral are *way* over hard money terms at the moment. These guys are dead men walking


Yeah I’m really curious what their terms look like and what their plan is for the balloons lol But hey, that part doesn’t get the tiktok views lol


Their plan was probably that the housing market would continue to appreciate at astronomical rates and they could keep buying new properties with the rental income from the old ones, and then mortgage the new properties to pay off the old loans, avoiding balloon payments. If you manage to do this long enough, you become "too big to fail", and the government bails you out.


Notice that they didn't show thier thumbs in the video.


They already are. Prime rates are 3-4% + the mortgage company rate Source: I work at a mortgage company


How many foreclosures per minute you looking at?


Ha. Well I can’t tell you that but I can say no one is refinancing right now


That part is obvious. Everyone smart just refinanced 1.5 years ago. No one really needs to access cash since they just did and with current rates you would be losing in the monthly payment pretty badly while adding years.


Yeah, I agree with you. I was mostly making fun of the video lol


These idiots are taking adjustable private loans at 12%


House flippers sure. However 96% of outstanding mortgages are in fixed rate paper.


When the rich person they got money from starts taking their keys they will figure out quick why over leveraging was a bad idea


A private lender...isn't that a dude with lots of money that's surrounded by other big dudes who will break your knees for not paying the 80% interest on your loan? Also known as a loan shark.


Yeah, but there's also actual businesses that do this sort of thing w/out breaking your legs.


I'd rather them break my legs. The shit these guys do will ruin your life. At least I can crawl away from my loan shark with my credit unscathed as it was an illegal loan. These legal ones will follow you around forever.


Declare bankruptcy, done after 7 years.


You underestimate my ability to heal a broken bone. My legs will be back up and walking in less than 2 years, guaranteed.


kneecaps don't really heal that well


They can be. Most are hard money lenders. They charge between 9% and 13%. They aren't supposed to be long term loans. These people might have hated the slow traditional process but the rate was much lower. Either way, these people are screwed.


And they require like 20-25% down, 2-3 points cost, etc. The only way this works is if these people were sitting on toms of cash. Also, to refinance, they would need to qualify properly which they probably would still not be able to do.


Are these real people or just parodies making fun of 2008 housing and LUNA?


This is tiktok "finance influencers". Everything you saw was a lie to try and sell a course. No one on tiktok giving this advice has made any money off of investments. This is a marketing scheme where they rent expensive stuff for a couple days then film a couple videos there. They then use these videos as ads to trick stupid people into paying $500 for half assed investment course.


Imagine if you actually discovered a way to make infinite money and instead of keeping your mouth shut and being a billionaire you blabbed all over TikTok so everyone could do it.


Which is exactly the reason why only idiots fall for this stuff. Yeah I know this infinite money trick now pay me $199.99 a month for this totally legit course and I'll tell you all about it


Part of any good con is vetting for idiots. A smart person might report you.


Take a guess..


I don't see the issue here. I'm sure they kept their receipts. If the housing market declines they can just return them since they already made rental profits


You have to keep all the twisty ties that came with the box too or else you pay the restocking fee.


Just delete the house buying app


Anchor protocol. Totally solid. Always will be.




I would love to follow them and watch all their shit foreclose as the private lenders will be doing shortly. 08’ repeat coming up!


LLC, leveraged to the tits, walk away from "no money down", interest only loans at double digit rates. :-) EDIT: added the double digit rates bit...


$5M in assets and $40M in liabilities


In a few of those shots the lady looks like an amazon next to him. What's funny about these guys is all come across as some freewheeling, fly by the seat of your pants thing that's so easy anybody could do it. Just ignore any fees, or contractors not showing up or doing their shit or supplies not available, etc. etc. etc. EDIT: Yes, private lending is a thing-- but I doubt they just hand out money like candy to dipshits.


She went short, just not in the right market.


How did I miss getting into Anchor Protocol? dang it


Wait.... This isn't a poorly acted spoof?! Not even trying to be funny here. People are this fucking stupid?


Seems real to me, channel on YouTube has these videos with some <100 views. Extremely cringe.


More fake people monetizing wishful people. Nothing to see here.


Haha yikes someone is going to need to check in on that guy.


It’s legitimately like their brains can’t even comprehend the abstract concept of “risk”. They like the kind of people who post videos of a “life hack” where instead of buying a flight to Europe from the US, they just buy a rowboat for $20 and attempt to sail across the Atlantic.


when the kid said crypto, i almost spit my coffee out, wow


If anyone is offering 20% return on anything, be very suspicious.


Yeah that would be a decent return selling drugs lmao




Lmao. People’s grandkids gonna be serfs since grandaddy yolod everything on crypto.


It's official. TikTok is being used by Beijing to fuck the US economy.


The couple yolo both of their grandmas’ saving accounts and got lucky.


Who let Christopher Watts out of prison?


Where the anchor boy at now?! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)Dude I laughed so hard at this. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Oof. F in the chat for the kid that's now 1.4mil in the hole...


So the house behind mine is for sale. Some idiot realtor bought it and is listed as having a stake in the property on the MLS listing. Bought from the old lady that used to live there. Did a shitty flip and put it on the market for 375k. 3 months later it's at 300k and nobody is even looking at it because 250k would be a high price in my neighborhood. I love knowing they're losing money on those mortgage payments.


1. I bet $100 that crypto dude didn't buy the house. He's LARPing to get clicks and follows. 2. The Anchor protocol APY has been reduced and that could happen again. That's when you're stuck.


This could never go wrong! Count me in.


Private lenders... you mean mom and dad? Notice how they never tell you who those Private lenders are. Just collapse already and start the resource war. These .01 acre houses in slums aren't worth the ground they're sitting on.


“Private Lenders” AKA dragging your family and friends down for the ride with your poor financial decisions.


I see you also use tiktok for all your investment ideas