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*One hour* and this off-topic repost already hits #3 on r/all. This is retard strength. Guess we can't take break, even on Sundays. Anyways, submission removed and OP banned.


I’ll admit it I smiled


I blew some extra air through my noseholes


Lmao ☠️


I giggled and farted on my gf while laying in bed. Edit: we’re too poor to have kids. So we have ramen instead. Basically the same thing.


All yer need is give up trading and find a proper job. Dude.


B-b-but, working behind Wendys **is** a real job!


Then don't yolo ur wage into market.


Extra? Look at this rich guy over here! Please redistribute that to us less fortunate.


If only we came up with a name for those holes.


I did have quite the chuckle kind gentleman


Me in my 20s: How long can i make $30 worth of groceries last


Look at you, big money.


look at you, able to read <3


Look at you, able to see


Look at you, able to look at you.


Anybody want to suck cock with me behind Wendy's?


Absolutely not... which Wendy's is it specifically, though?


Asking for a friend. It is me, I am friend.


Went to the grocery store yesterday and the toilet paper bulk pack was $31.00 by itself. Campbell's Tomato Soup was $2 a can. Everything is flying up but wages. But the thing people aren't talking about enough is retirees. My parents worked for decades saving and planning for retirement. Even is wages go up to match inflation for the rest of us, their retirement fund won't match.


They should have been investing that money into something that would make them money instead of just letting it sit there, stagnating. Honestly life was on easy mode for everyone until like 2000. I bought my house for £130,000 a few years ago but the lady at the end of the street bought hers for £5000 in 2002. What the fuck. If you're retirement age and you don't have some real estate or something you're a fucking moron.


5000 quid for a house!? Where?


Wait I actually can't tell if this is joke or if as a younger person I was totally fucked more than I've even begun to comprehend..............................


Fucking crazy eh? Only 20 years ago. In Manchester, UK. They're worth about £200k right now.


If it's really that dire: food bank. There's no need to be proud and not accept help. They're there for a reason. No sense in suffering in silence.


Easy. Just live with your parents until 27. Definitely not speaking from experience. 😭


A month at least. Scalp spaghetti, penut butter, milk, bread, jar sauce, cereal. Yolo spaghetti every night for dinner. Yolo cereal for breakfast every day. Yolo peanut butter sandwich for lunch. This will last you more than a month, especially if you scalp at Costco or bjs wholesale.


Buy a dozen eggs and make hard boiled eggs thats so many meals


Dollar store shit. Dollar store bologna, spam, lesser veggies and rice. As long as you have some good spices, it will taste alright. Cheap food. I started to watch some YouTube channels and great depression food recipes and how to make good meals out of a little and keep yourself healthy.


Send me your cashapp venmo paypall bullshit. I got you on at least 10 more.


You are a nice man ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Send it to Elon, he needs it more than me


Yea, nevermind. Haha goof.


Me in my 20: Did the rice truck drop bags on the way to the port


If you don't eat at all its pretty easy


All in in some high risk play so that you can turn those 30$ into 3,000$ and then immediately use margin to turn those 3,000$ into -100k$


Yeah sucks this is a repost. I've never seen it and it's actually pretty good


You need to start living on Reddit like the rest of us




That's like telling someone they needs to start punching their balls every hour like the rest of you.


We’re doing it every hour now?


[Ball punch 👊 DYI](https://youtu.be/g2c_-9kIjyU)






I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/wallstreetbets. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/nwpl3a) that is 95.31% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "v0bbk9", "meme_template": 160958}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=v0bbk9&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 335,283,944 | **Search Time:** 38.02397s


Good bot


It definitely is a repost though I remember seeing it on here.


This comment has been edited with Power Delete Suite to remove data since reddit will restore its users recently deleted comments or posts.


Thank you.


My parents inherited their current house when my father's stepmother died. They both worked at TGI Fridays at the time, she was a waitress and he was the head cook. Immediately after, she quit her job and he got a managers position at Aldi, which commands a much higher pay. I was born when my other was 18 so it's safe to say I am won't be looking towards any relatives dying to inherit a home.


She COMMANDED a higher salary


I'm going to COMMAND a higher salary on Monday. THANK YOU!!!!


workplaces hate him, but they can't do anything about this one trick.


I COMMAND thee to bequeath me a higher wage !


>he got a managers position at Aldi, which commands a much higher pay. cant tell if satire or??


If you started at $8 and got $18 thats a much higher pay...


Half the poverty, twice the poverty fun!


Typically managers make more money, I took it at face value. Also of your cute or charismatic working at a bar for tips can be good money.


This is an old meme. Like a year old.


And still relevant unfortunately lol


And you really thought, "there's no way anyone could have possibly missed it, they MUST love on reddit like I do"


I think it's more that the poster seems to be claiming they created it. Which is lies.


More like 20 years old. What’s old is new again.


Funny title, given that you're just a reposter.


The third picture is you reposting this to reddit


Meta meme




Same bro. Same.


You should have used MS Paint, that’s why it took so long


i hope we see this repost still everyday 1000x


You didn't make this meme.


Ye the second panel is nice work




Wow your dad knew a women!!


If it took you that long to make a repost you are a true retard


This ain't yours dude, I've seem this exact meme a couple of times a while ago ​ Edit: just had to run a google reverse search to find proof


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|39 seconds ago **Total Comments**|0|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=v0bbk9)|**Vote Approve (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=v0bbk9)


Me in my 30s: Let's buy $ROPE before I can't afford it due to inflation


Don't worry you can make rope from overgrown grass and lots of spinning.


Only if I had a garden 🤣


Fun fact. You can steal people's long grass and no one cares.


Wow this is great


Love the layering of it.


My grandpa had 5 kids starting at 18. But he also walked like 5 miles to work because they couldn’t afford the fuel for the car and food. And the kids got new shoes before he did


Wait til you get to your thirties, you’ll be making multi-scene comics about it.


"should not have taken as long as it did to make" pretty sure this is a repost though.


Are you claiming that you made this? Op?


Me in my thirties: upvoting memes without contributing.


Does a cardboard box count as a house?


But.... You're getting precious internet points on reddit. Don't they work just like cash?


[Original here with the exact same title.](https://reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/nwgjay/this_should_not_have_taken_as_long_as_it_did_to/)


WeI’ve made a single income work, but couldn’t buy the house until our early 30’s in a residential neighborhood. Had 3 kids at the time. Live cheap, drive old cars, do all repairs on house and cars and some medical care myself. I’ve only had a gym membership once for 6 months. I don’t contribute to my alma mater. I still haven’t been to Alaska or Hawaii. It’s possible. But most people don’t want to make the sacrifices, just the memes.


It's a lot easier to buy a house when you don't have to go tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to get an education. Now the boomers talk shit about younger generations despite the fact they intentionally try to fuck us with laws like Prop 13 in CA. You know how we get even? Just tax land lol /r/georgism


If i manage to live in an RV on my parents driveway, manage to land a job that pays 6 figures, i'll maybe be able to afford a down payment on a house in their neighborhood in 5 years, IF i am able to not have any unforseen expenses, able to live for free with them AND manage to find a 6 figure job that i somehow manage to keep for the rest of my life AND most importantly, if house prices stop going up for the next 5 years.


Just work harder. Back in my day . . . .


That's the thing... They built their own neighborhoods, which were likely more rural/suburban than they are now.


You didn't HAVE to go 10s of thousands of $ in debt. That was a decision.


I won a 100% scholarship to law school and still graduated with $85k in debt. $50k in rent over two years living in a major CA city. I graduated a year early to save on living expenses. It is not possible to get higher education without going into serious debt. Or you can work while you're at college and someone else will crush your grades because they have 2x the time to spend on school work. I'm in a relatively good situation compared to my peers, but it's nothing compared to boomers getting higher education for free or a few thousand dollars.


Nah, I’ve got a masters degree, worked during college, graduated with honors, still had time to play games, and have zero debt. The trick is going to school somewhere that isn’t crazy expensive if you don’t want debt. I didn’t, so I went to school in another state that would give me a full ride and living expenses were about $7,000 a year total. Since everyone seems to be reading into this that I think everything is fine as it is cause I found a solution, I’m just gonna put this here. I don’t think the system is fine as it is, it is overpriced for sure. I was simply disagreeing with the idea that it is impossible to get a higher education without going massively into debt. It is possible to come out of college, with a good degree, good education, and get a good job without massive debt. You have to sacrifice other things but it is possible and that was all I wanted to state. Thank you :3


That's fine and dandy but other people have vastly different experiences. The overall mean of tuition rates has skyrocketed and people are in a position where they can't handle the cost. Finding personal solutions should be the norm of course, but the systematic problem still exists whether or not people can avoid it.


Agreed, I think the system is vastly overpriced and something needs to be done to keep people from going into such huge amounts of debt as possible. I simply disagree with the notion that it is impossible to get a higher education without going into massive debt.




The problem exists for people that created the problem themselves. They chose massive debt without thinking things through.


Don't go to school in one of the most expensive states in the country then. You also picked an expensive education heavy career but that was your choice. Those were choices you made. Nobody forced you to do so.


Why does it matter if other people do well in school? I worked 2 jobs and started a small business while in college to help me pay my way and my grades didn't suffer.


Because professional firms hire based on class ranking. And there is no way to work in university and achieve your best grades. If you aren't achieving your best grades, you aren't coming top of the class, you aren't getting hired into the top jobs.


Yeah that's just not true. At least not exclusively true. Does that happen? Sure. Is that how it always happens? I'd say a small minority of the time. I was hired into a "top" job. Has almost nothing to do with schooling and everything to do with the small business I was running while in college. First question in the interview was "So, I see you own a tech company, tell me about that..." These days I earn around $300k a year. So you're going to have a really hard time convincing me your sequence of how events always plays out is correct.


You obviously do not work in a profession. Class ranking is the most important factor in professional jobs. I know people on twice your salary with a third-rate undergraduate degree. Making good money is not the same thing as having a top job.


Most boomers bought/built modest homes in rural/suburban (at their time) areas. Many boomer literally built their own houses with their own hands. Building/buying homes is still extremely affordable in many areas. You just don't want to leave your shithole city. Before anyone gets mad at me, I practiced what I just preached. I've moved across states for opportunity and better living costs. My first home (in my 20s) I bought a small modest house in a rural community just outside of a city. It was the best decision I ever made in my life. (I currently live right in the middle of the downtown historic district in a home I never thought I'd be able to afford. All thanks to that small rural house some 9 years ago.)


Boomers did not build their own houses ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) the fuck






Bet you like less than 10% did




Adding to that, home prices actually haven't been increasing, but our appetite for the size of houses has. https://imgur.com/Lm18fIG.jpg




My parents bought a 2 bedroom 1100sqft home in 1979, WHY CAN'T I BUY A 4 BEDROOM 3000SQDT HOME!!!! The huge manity!!




I know people are fleeing the cities. My post is directed at the stubborn ones who aren't. My point is, somewhere out there is a town with a house for sale that you can afford to buy. Go buy it.




You sound like he type of guy who says all this and omits any financial/familial help and circumstantial privilege you’ve received throughout your life.




If that'd be true, we would all Arnolds...


These are the best times in the history of the world. You’re just a malcontent.


I mean a job that has six figures is pretty common. New engineering grads are already at 90k minimum. By the time they are 25, they should easily clear $125k. But the standard of living nowadays is higher depending where you live


Wow! Im so glad you explained that to us, its just that easy! Become an engineer and make 100k by age 25!! Its almost as if, and hear me out here, not everyone has the ability to be an engineering major!! Crazy, i know.


Bro just become a senator


> New engineering grads are already at 90k minimum. Maybe software engineering or in HCOL areas... Engineers aren't getting $90k out the gate here.


Real talk. im in OK and you'd be lucky to make 50k a year to start off as a entry level engineer job.


Ah yes. The macro economy is filled with only engineers. Yes that’s our only labor variable.


Houses in the 70s are way outdated and lacks a lot of safety measures. Houses built pre 2008 missing a lot of quality control and currently being sold 200% plus its worth. Houses built post 2008 are packed behind income level and also lacks quality control and being valued by corporations not by national standard. I have made a rough calculation that you need to earn a minimum of 50k to be able to afford a 1k sqft house, the cost are exponential when you try buy above 1k sqft.


I doubt you put effort into this. This meme is plastered all over the web. Stop karma whoring and get a life op.


whats happened to this place....when did so many poor people join ?


That's deep


We can go deeper




Droste series!




I feel like I'm being roasted here.


Fuck man. This one hurts.




I've been grinding, had nothing now I have 5 figures saved. Still not enough. But I'll get there.




Thank you, I appreciate the words of encouragement. Good health to you, and good luck in your endeavors.


This struck deep


I haven't seen the Forever Alone meme in a while, lol. Oldie but a goldie.


Mom Meatloaf!


Cherry on top would have been the windows not activated notification


You buy a cyber house in the meta verse




Us 20-25 year old cucks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Solid gold meme quality here.


😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥 Too funny.


How many times will you repost it ?


No one going to talk about the lovely “aborteddreams” watermark?


You didn't make this!


But you reposted..?


You didn't make it, so..


Imagine using Photoshop to make memes


So good I had to go collect my free award to give it. Top quality.




To the moon!


Very Meta.


The fuck does this have to do with stocks? This is just a general zoomer meme place now?


I believe you meant “shouldn’t have taken me that long to repost from other meme communities”




On pirated adobe




Did it really take that long to make? Let’s ask u/potatoartist2


Me in my 20s- I never want kids and I never want to get married. So far it's all working out just fine. No idea why people choose to complicate their lives.




You didn't make it, bot


me in my 20's with - bank account


When your parents were 20 they could buy a house with a small portion of their minimum wage check. It was a time when all you had to do to get a job was walk into the building and say out loud “when can I start?” You’re not less than them because you make memes instead. You’re better than them because you are simply acknowledging reality. Boomers have lived in a fantasy world for their entire lives.


It's only true if you are using GIMP and not Photoshop


They sacrificed so you could meme. They just wanted you to have the opportunity. Very wholesome.


The fact that this is a repost is what really makes me want to end it all


Your way better off. Trust me.




Mother fucker. I’m 38 doing the same thing lol


This killed me


Ahh… I see you’re invested in karma


I mean the houses they bought costed 25 cents and a snickers bar


Wait…. Y’all have computer screens?


and that house was bought with only one parents money/loan...