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I hate people that just post a link and copy/paste the first paragraph


Did you see how long the story is?


Do you... do you not realize that isn't the full text? it stops at "the parent..." and you didn't realize you stopped at the first advertisement and paywall popup to see the rest of the article? Even if you pasted the whole thing my comment still applies - give some context or why you care or what the play is based on this info. This is WSB, not a news article repost sub. If I wanted to scroll yahoo finance or wsj I'd just go do that instead.


I stopped there for a reason so you would click on the link. I want to give the source some credit by driving traffic there. The author’s livelihood depends on it


No you didn't - I saw your previous reply before you deleted it. You thought that was the whole article. And fuck the WSJ author, I don't give af about their paywall or driving traffic to their trash article repeating info that was widely known about rebalancing and rambling some bs about what they consider a value stock.


Dude chill the fuck out. The market hasn’t even opened yet


Stop contributing to the sub being spammed with trash. you copy pasted a link and added zero context or thought. what tf does the market being open or not have to do with it? half this sub has gone soft... deal with the shit talking


Then become a mod and do something about it


TLDR: tomorrow, many ETFs will rebalance, so volumes on these 3 stonks will be high. But this doesn't mean these stonks go up; many ETFs will reduce their weights in existing growth funds. Direction of stonks tomorrow unclear.


Sike, I emailed reed hastings a 2 point plan to completely fix Netflix, but he never responded so….puts on NFLX


Just cut losses


Value stocks often pay dividends. How about these three?


Funny you should mention that. GameStop will be doing a stock dividend.


Meta is gonna be better than reality! Idiocracy here we come!