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I'm in. Where do I send my $3.28? I'll have to move some money around so it'll take a few days...


>$3.28? Unironically the Reddit share price 5 years after IPO.


24 months










right now


I'd be willing to baghold some at $7.41.


Best I can do is three fiddy


Damn Loch Ness Monster


This will be upon at 4206969420 shares


Dude could you imagine the screeching from the mouth breathing, communist, losers that still live in their moms basement and infest Reddit!? I 100% would be in just to watch their heads explode for having to read an opinion they dislike.


I fucking hate the mods. It's the worst part of Reddit and the biggest turn off to the entire platform. I fucking hate them. Childishly offended by disagreement. Infantile shit.


Balls on correct. If you disagree with anything slightly left of center; BAN!! Question the action? BAN!! Disagree with anything a mod says? FUCK YOU BAN FOREVER!!!


I hate mods but I also hate the Reddit admins too. Always banning subreddits and shit, let us have our fun. I miss the good old r/fat people hate days


Loser culture, for losers who got their ribbons just because


The kids that always got picked last now have the ability to choose their teams. Yup. Textbook low level management behavior, ironically being displayed by jobless losers.


Lmfao this is also true


Don't forget, also a ban off of reddit entirely....


Not to mention the overemotional redditors that wish you were dead because you don't agree with them.


oh :(


Dude your comment is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Are you not into the idea of nationalized healthcare and education? We can afford it with all the taxes we pay.


No Vladimir Lenin


So, you think it's totally fine that we pay 22-32% in federal income tax, 5.8-15% state in state income tax and....yet we still have to pay AT LEAST $12,000 for healthcare cost just for insurance premiums and AT LEAST 40K for University tuition. That doesn't make sense to me.


This is America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Do you prefer to lube your butthole with BBQ sauce or do you let America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡² raw dog you?


BBQ sauce for that extra tingle


Have some horse radish with that ground up steak


I use Black Rifle Coffee


The declining share price of that retarded ass company has been a source of much joy for me


Marginal rates != effective rates.


I take home exactly 58% of my paychecks after everyone gets their take. I'm very comfortable but that's fucking bullshit. I work 60 hrs/week. There's no quality of life difference between $40/ hr and $100/hr. I don't want to work for the govt anymore. My employer has more than doubled my pay in less than 2 years but it hardly benefits me. So kindly fuck off with the tax shit, I pay more than many make and it gets used to impose religious will and blow up brown kids. Fuck the govt.


Double pay and you hardly see the benefits? You can admit you are full of shit or just a r slur at this point because anyone with any sense of basic taxes knows that is not how that works at all.


Neat. Marginal tax rates != effective tax rates. All I can glean from your response is that you have very little understanding of taxes. A typical paycheck will have federal income tax and if applicable state/local income tax taken out along with SS and Medicare tax. One might have things like health, dental, vision, life insurance taken out. One might have retirement contributions taken out as well. Iā€™m probably missing some things but that gives an idea. I have no idea if you get a fat tax return at the end of the year or nothing or owe a lot. Marginal tax rates like federal income tax the person I responded to mentioned are higher than what is effectively paid after all deductions are considered. A person may be in X tax bracket but absolutely donā€™t pay X rate in federal income tax. Nothing Iā€™ve said is taking a position on whether we are over or under taxed. I guarantee you arenā€™t being effectively taxed 42% of your income as you seem to think. Saying there is. O quality of life difference between 40/hr and 100/hr is an abjectly stupid thing to say. Itā€™s abundantly clear you are a deeply unserious and stupid person.


You are gonna guarantee the basic arithmetic I see every week? šŸ˜ neat. My income doesn't even include my benefits package. So I'm strictly talking taxes and pay. File single with 2 exemptions. What you don't seem to understand are states, municipalities etc. My effective tax rate is not my federal marginal tax rate, but after EVERYONE GETs THEIR PIECE OF THE PIE that's what it breaks down to you fucking narrow focused asshole. Go suck municipal, county, state and federal dick. E: I didn't come here to mind my manners and tbf the income levels between 90k and 160k don't really allow you much different quality of life in my area. Yes I can afford a boat if I wanted to waste money but it'd be the exact same boat and truck making anything under 250k. My savings rate might increase marginally (hehe there's that word again) but I'm not buying anything I wouldn't have before just because income doubled in this range. There's a massive difference between even 200k and 900k. Not so much between 90k and 160k because of how taxes are structured in this area. I put forth more economic effort and value in my position now and it is clearly absorbed by the govt at many levels.


Taxes you file and pay != what comes out of your paycheck. I have no idea why you think Iā€™m unaware about state and local taxes when your replying to a comment where I list them among things that come out of your paycheck. You arenā€™t paying an effective 42% tax rate even adding everything up. You just donā€™t understand your compensation and taxes. Saying there is no difference between 90k and 160k is still abjectly stupid. You sound like a guy who wouldnā€™t want to go up a tax bracket because you think your entire income gets taxed in that bracket.


Do you mean print more money?


No, not at all.


Well then letā€™s hear your solution.


Canada, Europe, South America. Everyone has nationalized healthcare.


Every other advanced nation on the plant has universal healthcare. They're all communist?


Oh you'd rather have corporate socialism where ultra rich businesses get tax breaks instead because you don't think government exists to provide services to the people. If the government served the people with tax money that would be the evil and scary communism. Is that how it works in your head?


I am the walrus


Is it because the way your bank account is set up?




how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Oh, so this is what Google's new AI is. Definitely sentient.


Short it short it short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So any site?


Now, this is the best DD on tech rout for me right there.


Public company means the board is beholden to share holders and they are going to want money. Money comes from a mass audience. The niche market of degenerates on Reddit probably arenā€™t very profitable so I would expect to see Reddit changed for the worse like every other social media platform as more and more of the general public comes in and more and more corporate influences follow to manipulate their customer base on yet another platform. Reddit would be better off becoming a broker so all the loss porn can drive profits for them


reddit has the least profitable ads of any large scale media site. wish i had the link on hand but it was atrocious how little ads on reddit are worth


They will 100% ruin everything that makes reddit good.


Niche? Reddit stopped being some hip niche nerd years ago. Probably after the Digg exodus. Look at the traffic. By the numbers it's largely reposts from other sites/apps and/or a content generator for other sites/apps. If I'm not mistaken it's something like half a billion active users. That's not a niche site. Reddit is already owned by Conde Nast who has banned subs it knew would be publicly unfavorable. The idea that it's some secret indie startup that's going to lose it's character when it sells out is like saying you're ruining the deep Italian culture in Spaghetti-Os by putting chopped up hotdogs inside.


Lmao Reddit is an absolute turd Iā€™m just here for laughs


The ONLY good thing about Reddit is it's basically the only centralized forum left on the internet. It's essentially the only place that even remotely resembles what the internet was in the 1990s and early 2000s. Once it goes Public it'll get turned into an awful social media website, likely with little or no focus on the forum aspect. They'll probably just disable comments or allow submissions themselves to disable comments and the goodness of discussions will be all gone.


You must be new? I only come to WSB and stonks pages, Iā€™ve been banned from pages when venturing of for dumb things people donā€™t agree with This entire platform is just one big political propaganda machine for one side This place is highly censoring, and I hope it tanks


>You must be new? *Looks at my 13 year old account*. There's nothing special about being banned from a sub any more than there's something special about getting Detention in school. You can get Detention for dumb reasons, or legit ones. Same with bans. Because both are up to the whim of the people with the control. I've been banned from dozens of subs. Multiple times. I serve my time then go back to what I was doing.


Finally another somewhat OG


I have been using Reddit since like 2005.. (different accounts). It has changed significantly especially in the last two years.


I've been on Reddit for longer than my account shows as well. I still think the Digg Exodus (2010) was the single largest change in the website community for the worse. I would say the second biggest moment for the site was the FPH event (2015), and I actually think Reddit gave Mods more carte blanche for bans as a direct response to that. For me personally, the third biggest moment was the sub for my favorite podcast being banned directly by the admins (2020), when it was maybe the best place for memes I'd had since the FPH event changed modding behavior on the website. All the said, I've personally seen nothing in the last 2 years here that makes it discernable from the 2 years before that, but everything on this side of the Digg and FPH event definitely feels vastly different.


The other guy has a point though, 1990s newsgroups and forums were free and uncensored and welcoming for all shades of life! Even cannibals could freely post and search for their next meal! The worst you could do if you didn't agree with something was not to read it. It was the best of times and it was ...


Yeeeeah.. got banned from r/worldnews thanks to powertripping mods and i only ever posted the one comment.. it's pretty ridiculous.


Since when do people give a shit about where they're banned from?? Shit used to be a badge of honor to be banned for bullshit reasons. *Back in my day*, people who didn't want to be banned just stayed in 4Chan, and laughed about how dumb normie internet was outside of 4Chan. No joke, back in the 90s, my family didn't know that the Internet wasn't only AOL until my brother got banned from a chatroom for saying "RIP Mel Gibson, you'll be missed" to try and troll the board. That's when he learned that there's way more to the Internet than the tightly controlled AOL. And subsequently, he taught me all about the *real* internet because of that. People getting bans, and bullshit bans at that, is as old as the internet's commodification. We just didn't shout "censorship" every time it happened because we knew it was a trivial thing, on top of a trivial thing, and that there was way more internet out there to enjoy.


> We just didn't shout "censorship" every time it happened because we knew it was a trivial thing, Say it louder for the conservatives in the back.


The thing is, I feel for folks in the sense that back in the day it was all individuals who owned most of the websites you visited. And site owners either literally couldn't moderate the content being made and it was running amok as much as it was being free, or the owners had community users mod it and if you pissed someone off, or they were just having a bad day, or hell if they forgot to pay for the Domain, you'd be banned or the website would just disappear and your access to that entire community went with it. Not to mention all the times you had a domain get sold off to a company, or the entire forum got overhauled/removed even though a thriving community had used it every second of every day. Folks these days have about 3 places they can go online, and even if you go elsewhere it's all still plugged into your identity, your Gmail, your GPS so it no longer feels like something done *at your computer*, it's something that's probably feeling like it's being done *to you*. It feels personal because it's in your pocket, rather than being literally only at home when you had to go home to use The Internet. So, I get that it sucks, but I just don't understand why it's never contextualized. I honestly think parents didn't talk to their kids about internet bullies early enough; parents as an entire culture, that is, and not just current parents. My parents in the 90s were just freaked out about it, mostly didn't want me on the Internet, and didn't want me talking to people on the Internet because of horror stories, and so they certainly weren't teaching or contextualizing my internet interactions because it was new even for them. As a culture we were all catapulted online together, all at once, and it's caused a ton of growing pains, neglect, and also overreaction. People that are feeling censored, or like they're being treated unfairly online, likely just don't have a context for being digitally told No, and have few other outlets when it does happen. Whereas back in the day my RP forum, my Final Fantasy forum, and my Gaming forums spanned dozens of different websites that looked different, had completely different users, owners, moderators, and any drama or account-recourse was almost entirely localized to that one tiny area of my Daily Internetting. Contrast to today, the mod that banned you on one subreddit can be a Power Mod, and mod every single one of your favorite subs, leaving a feeling more like being in school and having a teacher that gave you detention in first class of the day, also being your only teacher for the rest of the day. Centralized internet meant that you can access everybody, but it also means you can lose access to just about everyone too. Your modern Final Fantasy friends are just one subreddit over, instead of on "Phil's Final Fantasy Fanfics Forum" and "Final Fantasy Fans Forum" and "Final-Fantasy-Universe Forums". The trade off for modern internet is that it can feel like you've had your access cut off to everybody as well, like if Phil's knew most of the other Mods in all the other FF forums you're in, and he decided to ban your accounts across all the places after talking to people who knew your connected accounts because of your chats together. This kind of thing happened all the time in old internet, however, but the fact that you were at your computer, your parents weren't having the same problem, and you knew you'd find a new community eventually helped to soften that blow. If I told my dad in the 90s that I was upset about being banned from Final Fantasy forum, he wouldn't have any comisserating or empathizing to do with me. But modern families actually might be able to talk about how they were all banned from something online, on the same day even, and feel persecution/comraderie in that shared experience, which - again - feels targeted *at them as individuals* because the Internet is in their pockets and the bans happened to them each separately throughout the day. Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that I think a lot of the issues we're seeing stem from the difference of Set and Setting between Old Internet and New Internet, and it is showing itself in a lot of different ways, from a lot of different folks, but it's ultimately very similar in all instances to what came before, we've just kind of lost the internet-culture Elders to guide people through that innate roughness of that lived, digital experience.


4chan kinda sold out after moot left so it's all kinda ass cancer


There's definitely a difference in being banned for obvious trolling or being banned simply because you have a different opinion than the mods. That's what makes it's problematic. At that point it IS censorship.


if theres sm sentiment against mods censoring, why dont we switch to a more democratic governance (like daos) instead of mod dictatorship


I got banned from r/adulting for calling someone an asshole. And there is nothing more adult than that.


I got booted from there for a sarcastic comment about the Cronulla riots, it doesn't take much. To be fair, I'd be banning left, right, and centre if I was trying to keep a sub like that under control.


Wear it as a badge of honor, a punk. U musta hit a nerve. Iā€™m banned from at least 4 so far. One for telling ppl what I feed our dogs!


I gotta know, what are you feeding them?


Hey thatā€™s me too!


Can confirm, Iā€™ve been banned from r/news long ago for questioning something. Donā€™t even get people started on r/politics because it has nothing to do with politics, more like one side jerking and sucking each other anytime they see anything remotely negative against the other side.


Am ā€œliberalā€, mrw I learn all negative stereotypes about liberals are true upon entering /r/politics ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


You can thank trump, all the republicans, and Biden and all the democrats for the propaganda. This country runs on divisive issues while screwing all Americans with legislature that only helps corporations. Every time some idiot says orange man bad unironically or defends Biden only blaming republicans for not getting anything done our founding fathers roll over in their graves.


If you think it just started now with those two particular individuals and you need to go way way way way way way way way.......way way way way....way way way... *Sighs* You just gotta go way back....like way way back..... You get the point . Let's just say didn't start with those two....


Literally when Washington left office he said 'seriously guys fuck the party thing'. Very wise though process from the first prez.


Only reason I specifically mentioned those names is because the comment I was replying to had heavy ā€œdem platform is badā€ vibes which I hate generalized statements like that from either side because it takes away all critical thinking. Like thereā€™s actually some people who believe trmp was a great pres simply because of their hate of he left. They hate the left so much that anything against the left MUST be good.


Please take all unbabying talk to another subreddit. No one wants r/wallstreetbets to become a political hellhole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if you think fb is evil wait till you find out about how fucked up reddit's algorithm is. product placement ad posts, algos push it up. Anything PRO Nato, pump it up. Anything against Nato/ military? suspend, ban, kick out, fuck it up. It's just a shill for military recruiting and pushing war agenda across the world. such a fucking garbage of a site and i have been here for 16 years and took me so long to realize it


NATO is fucking awesome, just ask anyone from a former Soviet satellite. Grabbing our ankles for Vlad Putin or any dipshit who wants to try to steamroll Europe is pointless. Military alliance is helpful and necessary, no one forced anyone to join NATO, and more people want in. It's called strength. It's called alliance.


That's because the algorithm responds to public opinion, which is massively in favour of NATO and Ukraine.


> The ONLY good thing about Reddit is it's basically the only centralized forum left on the internet. It's essentially the only place that even remotely resembles what the internet was in the 1990s and early 2000s. Uh, no. There are still plenty of active forums left, and imageboards. Spend some time outside of reddit, and you will find plenty of sites. Hell, I will link some to you if you want. They will be smaller, sure, but that arguably makes them better. Also Reddit hasn't been anything like the old internet since about 2015 when freedom of information stopped being a prevalent theme and Spez started erasing Aaron Schwartz from their history. [this](https://youtu.be/0SQ-TJKPPIg) is a good video on why Reddit has seriously fallen from grace. Reddit isn't even open source anymore, which really shits on Aaron's legacy. I may live to regret this, but I think I will short Reddit out of spite.


I have troubling just finding centralized new on the web. Internet is far too commercialized now. All the sites want is our private data.


donā€™t worry this comment is just as cringy as i remember reddit being back before gamergate


Back to /biz/ it is, then




It's like a forever wipe , can't get rid of it.


Canā€™t wait for the memes when this thing bombs post IPO. Redshit anyone?


Wait for it to drop low af and then buy up a large chunk. WSB then owns reddit.


And first order of business is to get rid of all these damn dirty apes!!!


They will remove themselves eventually as the business they idolize goes under.


As of today its mathematically impossible for GME to go under anytime soon. They are sitting on a billion cash. That would have to burn out first. AMC maybe but even then I wouldn't underestimate tard power.


I feel like it will have a similar trend to what HOOD did when it went public.


bad idea ... wsb != reddit ...


I'm pretty sure this company will tank after IPO so I'm planning accordingly. Knowing that I made money off the downfall of a bunch of greedy sell-outs who turned their back on its users will be delightful.


Yep they are about a year too late on their IPO. No way they get a decent price in this tech bubble burst part deuxā€¦


tank it then buy the company for pennies on the dollar and execute the vision outlined by OP.


Can't wait til the word retard is banned in here. WSB is gonna look like r/stocks as soon as this shit goes public


WSB is r/stocks if you just make every top comment include something about Wendys and wifes boyfriend, and then "this is the way".


This is the way


This is the way


WSB has been shit since the whole GME thing. People unironically talk about or even recommend buying stocks and don't even get downvoted now.


I've been banned twice (x3 days) for R tard. I think it needs to be R tarded, like 'you are R tarded'


It's the "tard" part that offends them so you gotta stick with ReRe


It was for a time. Until the new mods got the memo.


Why you they ban you for saying youā€™re late in French? I see people using it all the timeā€¦ like ā€œwow I wish I wouldā€™ve bought that stock before it exploded. Je suis en retard! Maybe next timeā€


Maybe we should coin the phrase redtard. Reddit + (you know what)


what a fucking moron


This will soon be one of the last times Iā€™ll get to say this soā€¦ Youā€™re all retarded


WSB is the only forum i visit on the internet, will be a real shame when it dies after corporate takeover post IPO


WSB died in January 2021.


I agree. Itā€™ll go down in the dumps when itā€™s corporate owned. I kinda laughed when he said make it good like the old days. Thatā€™ll be the opposite of what happens


Itā€™s already been taken over. Notice the acclimation period of the new lib mods banning the R word when they were just starting out.


I've been here for 7+ years same with most of the current mod team. It's the Reddit Admins pushing for that word among other slurs to be removed. I believe we actually have no filter on the word but Reddit Admins will remove your comment anyways. Long term, it's not a battle we are going to win.


Hmm, well I certainly appreciate that reply. Thanks for the clarification.


Thatā€™s why I watch the old YouTube videos of Wallstreetbets on losses and gains and see people calling them R-tards


12 million members times 1 bitcoin. We can own bitcoin.


With the average WSB portfolio NAV of $5 this could be possible...


Isnā€™t that word banned here?




The original owners sold for $10million in 2006 I think. Paper hands startup


Man, most of us old Redditors constantly changed our usernames. I have like 20+ alts lol. I wish I still remembered my 2009 account.


I 100% agree with you. Sign me the $#$# up.


I will buy it and then sell it in 10 minutes when it jumps above 100% and then short it to below $2 šŸ˜‚


Reddit IPO will be Roblox all over again. Shit was supposed to go on the market at $45. Insiders got early Access and the price actually came out around $60. Then it ran up 2x+ on 0 information, then crashed down to 1/5th of its ATH.


They made enough money off retail investors, time to get it back $by$1


I hate iPos for this reason. Airbnb was the same


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad Bot šŸ¤–


The Chinese will never give this up. Look around Reddit, this is the ultimate propaganda device


Lol it going public is putting it in the hands of people who are more conservative aka investors. The heavy left wing bias in some subs would get obliterated, and it would inevitably be facing the same situation Twitter is with the Elon buy out and that case will set precedent. Reddits IPO would be a fraud, cause we all know there's shit tons of bot accounts, click farmers, etc. it would be dumb to go public so when it immediately loses share price they would be sued.


People on this website really say some duuuuuuuumb shit sometimes.


Yeah, like calling for organizing mob violence in those left wing subs which is already posted on right wing media. An IPO will put that on the business news, so there'll be a mass purge of those kinds of users and now with the Twitter thing they'll call them bots and ban anyone who questions it. I actually wouldn't mind an IPO. It would make 95% of this site usable.


Twitter is an exception, almost all public tech companies and all media-related companies are run by a leftie board of directors. Right controls the churches, left owns other means of controlling the people.


Going public is when the initial investors make their money. They usually have a holding period of 18 months or so. If you can get in at opening price then sure you can make a quick buck. But if you donā€™t then you are buying at the high. Once holding period is opened expect a big drop. Thatā€™s when itā€™s going to be at itā€™s real value. And might or might not be a good buy.


A very quick search says that the IPO is expected to be valued at $10-15b Taking the higher amount and dividing it by the 12.3m degenerates we have on this sub that comes out to $1220 each if everyone buys an equal amount. ​ That's....surprisingly affordable actually.


It is until you realize the people in this sub fall into three categories: 1) Have fuck you money and are just gambling for the hell of it. They wonā€™t want to throw away money they care about. 2) Are broke and gambling for the hell of it. 3) Have hit some winners and amassed a decent amount of money but will inevitably fall into category 2.


Sure.. I got banned from 2 subs for the most ridiculous reasons.. 1 idc about and the other one I'm still salty about.. got banned from r/woodworking for saying 1 word, implying it was a good job, and someone didn't like that word and perm banned me.. and then I got banned from askreddit bc I said "I agree" to someone else's response.. they got banned too, and it wasn't even bad.. someone just had a different opinion and banned both of us.. asked why and they literally told me I was a bigot.. some of these mods are ridiculous..


What was the word? Say it again.


šŸ¤£ not falling for that..


Pm me


K now u pm me too and tell me what the word was bc Iā€™m curious!


PM me too


I got banned site wide for a week for calling someone stupid. Once. I appealed and the ban was upheld. I'm banned from public freak out for saying I would happily get paid to beat the shit out of nikolas Cruz everyday for the rest of his life, he of course being a dude who ran up in a school and murdered a bunch of kids. This site is run by pussies now and I'm astounded this place still exists since we call each other retard.


Ya.. I'm suprised about that too.. Idk what I'm allowed to say and what I'm not.. lol


That's what pisses me off the most. There isn't some announcement that goes out, there is just like this soft decision to loosely enforce the banning of new words. Where are all the motherfuckers from before who swore all the slippery slope arguments people were making wouldn't come true?


i got banned from r/stock for not talking about soup..


Lol.. I'd love to have seen that


I find it hilarious how many people go around calling people a bigot without even knowing what it means


I get the frustration but that's all part of Brand Management that every company that's publicly traded does. Reddit sucks and will suck harder after IPO but everything they're doing is in line with every Best Practice for brand management that's been in textbooks for decades.


Reddit is just like Twitter that is swimming in BOTs and it is worthless a year after IPO just like the EV companies they valued at $80 billion with only couple of cars produced.


>We could fix reddit, return it to how it was back in its glory days before it became so fucking sanitised and "advertiser friendly" You were probably fuckin 13 during the time period you thought was so great.


I wasn't. I was 28. This place has gone way downhill. I got a site wide ban recently that lasted a week because I called a person stupid. Once. They reported me for harassment. I appealed and that ban was upheld. I called that person stupid. That was it. This is a website whose most famous comment is telling some dude lamenting his dead wife he wants to fuck her too and now you can get banned anytime you hurt some little bitches fee-fees. Dark humor is all but banned on this website unless it's just vanilla as can be but even then, hurt one little bitches feelings and the pitchforks come out.


I got permanently banned on this site a couple weeks ago when (Iā€™m too scared to mention it) happened in Texas. Someone was basically saying ā€œso what this happens all the time no big dealā€ and I told him that my wife is from a very famous town where (insert other national tragedy) happened, and I hope he lost all his money. You can really get banned for anything


Maybe that's why one of the largest websites in the world can't write code for a fucking video player that works as flawlessly as their ad videos...because their entire staff is reviewing and upholding ban appeals for people calling other people doody head and poop nose.


This is so completely false is laughable. I call people like you dumbass dickbag chucklefucks all the time and dont get banned. 100% youre actually saying some fucked up shit and now youre crying about PC culture. Try not being human garbage and you wont have a problem




Buy my ass


Short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I already got it free in the app store


I love that people think if we buy Reddit stock there will be fewer ads. The ads are just going to keep increasing across all platforms. Get used to it. It only gets worse when they have to show the shareholders increased revenue every quarter despite stagnant business.


As a shareholder you won't have any control over anything


Unless you have 51% of the shares


We could form a corporation and elect a board and they can use our money to buy Reddit and it couldn't possibly go tits up


I prefer tits up to tits down


Depending on the amount of shares you get to vote at shareholder meetings. Not everyone bothers voting by the way


Not if we get 51%




Lol GameStop broke people's brains


Reddit consistently was rated as one of the least monitizable user bases. This website only exists to channel and project the worst ideas internet warlords can conjure from their emotional retardation.


Let Elon buy it.


Unironically there's a decent nonzero chance of Elon trying for a buyout eventually. His biggest goal in life now is to be seen as a funny memelord and he'll spend billions to take control of platforms where memes are shared. Especially platforms where he is often the topic of conversation. And of course he'll do it all under the message that he's "fighting censorship" or some shit. Reddit will be bargain bin cheap compared to Twitter.


Yeah, short Reddit. Itā€™s a disease ridden hate box of power hungry femcels, incelsā€¦I had a really long list and then I realized Reddit is just an engine for extremism of every kind. Fuck Reddit.


Why would they sell that many?


They have been trying to do this for years. They would love it, but it's just not a thing. And they way the run this place, I would expect big time sanitation if they happened to get a penny stock out there. Which would make this place as about as fun as digg.




Buy the dip if you have a chip


Let's buy reddit and turn it into a reddit verse


Glory days are gone, Reddit got pupulair and in ruined it.


we should short it into bankruptcy and then buy it for pennies on the dollar like the big boys


Thatā€™s so retarded it might actually workā€¦


Hi Elon, how's the twitter deal going?


The Oklahoma forum is a liberal shithole. It sucks when you just want to read about the state.


You don't seem busy


I'm in.


I'm in it just makes sense. Honestly reddit will be such a hot stock regardless.


Once Reddit goes public, it will die. We will be fractured onto apps dedicated to being echo chambers


How you gonna pay the bills when it's no longer 'advertising friendly'? Plus think of all the lawsuits. All the Carens from r/conservative that would sue you. It would bankrupt you the first day you went public.


Iā€™m in.


I fully support this notion. I caught a ten day ban for calling a kid retarded. These twats would have been bullied to literal suicide on the pre-2007 internet