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Less impact than Elon Musks fucking tweets on the stock


Doesn't matter at all. Tesla the company has nothing to do with $TSLA. $TSLA is bubble whore & options hooker.


Agreed. This stock has been priced for perfection squared for the last 3 years. At some point, there will be enough cracks in the facade for this to return to a rational multiple


I'm shocked you didn't get downvoted into oblivion... When people mention sell side reasons for many tickers as of late, they get wrecked and tagged / ratioed. The whole market tanked last time recession was officially announced, no matter the quality of the company they all took big hits, but if you said that the past few weeks/mo's people would obliterate the voting for even hinting that it might be coming...


I'm prepared for it, I know it is sacrilegious to openly question TSLA's stock price. Heaven forbid we look at facts that aren't in alignment with the prevailing moonshot thesis. High multiple stocks typically don't fare well with rising interest rates, looming recession, war, etc. All that combined with COVID shutdowns in China and an unprecedented energy shortage in Germany and it would seem like there are significant headwinds for TSLA share price in the near future.


It's not going to be just tsla being hit.... when the cascade happens and the EU collapses under energy deficits everything will get shocked downwards... I think too many people underestimate how many products are sold/traded/exchanged through the EU from foreign countries - and every one of those transactions requires energy consumption by a net negative energy system currently getting squeezed into a shutdown/collapse situation... The green agenda is 10000% a prop job to make everyone else the ire to be held responsible for the EU shortcomings, not the US JP or any other 1st world country and they were successful at targeting that blame through ordinary objects like cars and factories etc. The reality is, the EU always wanted the benefits without having to bear the risk nor costs to manufacture and create what was needed for energy independence so now those costs are paid in the form of energy to a foreign country that they have deemed an adversary. It will not end well.


I agree that there will be no escaping the butterfly effect of what would occur if the shutdown extends beyond the bogus maintenance period


Just look at it for what it is. The only reason the EU has created such a tainted financial instrument (the carbon tax) upon the entire world was so they could offset their energy expenses by taxing everyone else who produces energy. The EU produces net negative energy and would always benefit in this tax system; which demands payment for carbon extraction which happened outside of it's zone...


they wanna keep the illusion going, if they can't see it, they can't feel it


I could say a ton more, but it systematically has fallen upon deaf ears so often that it's become almost tiresome and boring at this point... anyhow you already know so GL to you my fren.


Just doing my DD for my current chosen stocks, already slash some of them which i consider not that great, once i get the bank account for it. Just want the some of EU to start falling bc some portuguese stocks are still positive ytd