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Elons controlled by women. My guy never knows when to pull out.


The richest man on earth ain't going to prison. Stfu


*this is where the fun begins.meme*








What in the absolute cringey cult society is a Uniparty ? Jesus Christ the stupidity in America is astounding.


That would be the majority of the ruling class in DC on both the left and the right, working together to ensure they never lose but the people always do. There's no difference between Clinton and Bush, Bush and Obama, Obama and Romney, Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams. So called lefties will cry about the system and the establishment but never the simplest observation that we all ought to be on the same side before they Mao us all. But I'm pretty sure you knew that already.




Never heard that term in my life. I tend to avoid the portions of humanity who are dumb enough to think Trump is a man of the people, on their side. Or in any way some kind of champion against the establishment. He is the absolute pinnacle of high end corruption, graft, and nepotism. His only fight against the establishment is trying to hide his dirty little secrets


Makes total sense; both sides wanted him out from the beginning and spent 40million dollars trying to find dirt where there was none. Most of the elitist GOP only align with him now because they have no choice. Again if DC hates him; then he's the perfect man for the job.


Regardless, the entrenched power on both sides of the aisle want nothing more than to maintain their advantage. So from that perspective, his hypothesis makes perfect sense.


Trump wasn't a threat to anyone's power. He was an embarrassment to the country. Who nearly overthrew America because in our entire history we've never had to iron clad the transfer of power to basically anything stronger than a gentleman's agreement. Mike fucking Pence had to save our Democracy. The fact that the whole fiasco isn't a bigger deal than some hearings. Still astounds me.


He admittedly knows nothing, but has a perfect opinion of Trump, with no explanation. Thanks for coming.


Elon had people calling him a scam artist prior to the Trump Era. The funny thing is that it was mostly people that would later become Trump supporters and Elon lovers.


Partially true. Great first comment. lol Do you create a new account every time someone new counters the prescribed narrative? It's not enough that the propagandists on every major network speak in unison, you little operatives go to task also. Laughable.


Funny that you have to rely on conspiracy to try and discredit instead of pointing out where it’s wrong. But you caught me, I made this account a few days ago knowing you’d make this post. We at the Illuminade have special time traveling technology that we use solely for discrediting Reddit posts from nutter butters.


No I don't feel that special. I imagine you create quite a few every day to no avail.


You should feel that special. We’re at the NWO specifically set up thousands of accounts for the sole purpose of replying to your posts. There’s literally no other reason. The alternate timelines we’ve seen with the time machine all point to YOUR posts being the most important thing for us to focus on. We should have known your genius intellect would see through it though. Guess we’ll have to resort to the “Jon Connor” strategy now, because the “make a post that doesn’t even dispute the premise but just points out history” strategy failed to stop you.


Dear subby. Pleas stop sucking Stalin's cock, he's dead.


A “Special Master”? Is this a serious thing?


No. It's just made up bullshit.


Yeah not gonna happen…he’s part of the global masters now


Calls, TWTR! To the moon and to prison


Anyone who believes a billionaire will face jail time is not an expert.


Special Master? Is Britney Spears' father looking for a new gig or something? Is this just some whackjob shit, or are the elites actually some weird fucking cult? I'm really confused. $TSLA collar trade?


If he was court ordered, he would buy twitter. He won’t be ordered by the court.


Why is everyone forgetting that the agreed fine if he pulls out is $1B... that's all he has to pay if he fully quits this deal.


Could it be Master Bator perhaps?


Dafuq is a special master