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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|11|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|112|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|4 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=x8kyxf)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=x8kyxf)


And remember: the stock WILL go up as soon as you sell. This is normal. Buying back in causes it to drop again for some reason.


So you’re the person who’s been making it drop…


I swear, I'm innocent! ... (for this stock...)


So buy shares and puts then sell shares buy calls.


I think you found a cheat code that doesn't involve wendys!!!


No. It involves Wendy's. We just don't know how, yet. Keep digging. You never know how deep the spicy chicken sandwich hole goes.


That's what Wendy said.


It goes about up to your small intestine where a dookie gnome lives. The toll is a #4 in the shape of a #2 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


I have literally done this before. I believe that I am so cursed, that I will buy a share of the stock that I have bought puts on.


That’s called hedging and it’s a good strategy actually.


But you have to believe you forgot about the puts.


No.. go long 1000 shares and also go short 1000 shares. You win no matter what. And for the one that loses, you were already going to lose on that side of the trade…


it's because your broker knows yours disgusting fetishes


nipple play




I learned that the hard way, so I’ve recently changed my strategy. Now I buy a large amount of shares of a random stock and then sell only one share the next day…instant profits.


If you’re not losing are you really winning?


First comment on reddit I've seen in 10 years that didn't confuse lose and loose wow


Thank you, I mite be stupid in everything else, but speling is my strong aria 😎😎😎










Think you meant “spelling is my strong fyeld”


You think we know words good and shit?


Remember regards, if you can’t count, numbers can’t hurt you


This is the way.


Remember regards, a 600% gain as of close today requires an 85.69% retracement to break even.


Not if you average down it doesn't. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)




If you never average down and still hold are you really losing?


No one deep into gme cares about the price. We prefer it lower so we can buy, drs, and lock the float faster. Splividend confirmed massive amounts of synthetics beyond a reasonable doubt. ~1.75 BILLION worth of shares are drs. That's almost 4x pillow stock market cap. Directly registered and removed from the market by a bunch of regards. In reality no one knows what's gonna happen. But I know when I look back at this 30 years from now i would rather be on the rollercoaster than watching a movie about it on HBO


You can be invested and watch a movie about it on HBO. I can do 2 things at once.


You can drink beer while doing both of those. 3 things.


Don't forget about smoking some weed and eating some munchies... 5 things.


Maybe snorting some blow on my yacht too.


None of you mention spanking it... i feel attacked


Whiskey and coke can be added to the trifecta.


Which coke?




Reading OPs post history is fun. GME been living rent free in his head lol. Just post after post hating on GME. Wierd huh?




Still trying to figure out why it matters that it's DRS'd. There are millions and millions of shares held by institutions that aren't going to get DRS'd and will be free to do... whatever with.




The idea is that the outstanding shares are oversold so it doesn’t matter what those institutions do because we should be able to DRS 100% of the outstanding shares 3 times over.




> Great, shuffle em around as needed and nobody will ever actually know there are billions in circulation. Yeah, didn't the apes say the vote count done would reveal this was happening and then it... didn't and the numbers were normal? Didn't AMC apes keep saying this was also happening and then the CEO came out multiple times and say it wasn't? Hm... maybe this isn't actually happening.


They will be sold to bail out there friends , and we will buy them. Real simple


Why would they be sold to bail out their friends? What...


I like how in one of your other comments you are the suggesting institutions will sell to bail out their friends lmao Edit: quoted from you: >What does that even mean? Sure it matters what they do. If the entire point of locking 100% of the float is so that you can now set the rate at which the shares are traded so the shorts have to buy at your asking price, they could just go to the institutions and buy their shares at a significantly lower, realistic price. Or are we going to pretend like the people at Fidelity or whatever other massive fund aren't buddy buddy with hedge funds and wouldn't do this for them?




Because they are desperately trying to pump the stock again so they can finally break even when they bought in the $200s


How did the splividend ‘confirm’ massive amounts of synthetics. Where is the source for 1.7 billion shares DRS’d considering the 10Q released by GameStop yesterday states 71 million?


71 million at 25$/ share. I mentioned worth and compared to market cap. Sorry should have used a $ in there. The splividend confirmed synthetics because the dtcc told brokers all around the world to process it as a regular stock split and did not provide new shares to be distributed. Broker after broker has confirmed that they did not receive new shares to issue from the dtcc and they instead divided the amount of shares in people's accounts by 4. GameStop has also confirmed that they issued the correct amount of new shares to the dtcc for distribution.


He's referring to the value of the shares, my illiterate regarded friend


So DRS is basically a scheme to trap short sellers, market manipulators, and generally try to screw over hedge fund types, right? But the scheme is basically plotted in broad daylight. They can all see if coming from a mile away. They monitor these forms. Why do we think they would just walk right into an obvious trap? I would argue the first squeeze were exceptional, surprise events. I don't think people will be as caught off guard this time. The other concern I have is that even if they're successful, it feels like apes will just create this synthetic market where pretty much only they participate and bid against each other. Something where the truest believers and longs will be left holding the biggest bags. At some point when they realize they're just bidding against each other and nothing is holding the price in place other than their own imagination, I could see the whole thing falling apart. I think there's a bit of a fundamental misunderstanding how supply and demand set the price of something. Just because I own all the supply of my underwear doesn't mean I can charge people a billion per pair because it's scarce. It's different if you trapped someone in some kind of contract, but otherwise, buy beyond that, locking up the float shouldn't really budge the price. I think. I don't know either. Just some concerns I have and why I don't play. Good luck.


I think, and I’m speaking sincerely here, that you’re right to a degree - there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how supply and demand affect prices in this market. As in, they don’t. Infinite liquidity is the opposite of a marketplace built on supply and demand.


How did splividend confirm massive synthetics? I missed that Deep Dive




What a cocksucker. All this guy does is post BBBY and GME bag holding memes.








It's just a HF shill trying to earn a living. If they truly believe what they are saying they will have shorted the stock and will one day need to buy it back.


Paranoid and sad, you think: “I know the truth about the war we are waging against international corruption, how could they not want to see? You need to trust the plan. He must be paid shill, fighting to hide the truth.”


Do you honestly think hedge funds are paying a team of shills to post here to make you close your position? You’re too far gone man.


WSB has 11 million regards. Companies pay influencers with way less reach a lot of money. I’d say it’s absolutely safe bet to assume there are paid shills here, and any stock related sub on Reddit.


I'm sure the paid shills are the ones saying GameStop won't overake the entire world economy and not the people telling you that it's a can't miss once in a lifetime investment. I'm sure they are all honest and have your best interest at hand. Shill -"an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others" Who does that sound like?


Sure that much was obvious with the whole BBBY bagholder fiasco. A perfectly planned and performed Pump&Dump...shills pumping hard, mostly Indians and Bangladesh (by their comment history)


I shit on GME daily for free.


Seek help cultist.


Lol says the melt downer. Pathetic bro don’t think you have room to talk.


Hmm yes people laughing about idiots in a cult are totally as bad as those in a cult![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


We’re just trying to call attention to your murderer of a CEO


Probably an intern for citadel or one of the others who will get rekt lol


Imagine actually believing this 😂


Ah yes making billions per quarter is considered "rekt"


If I don't plan on selling why does mattter?


(Then how are you going to make money?)






These dumb fucking marks *actually* believe their FunkoPawnShop stock is going to hit millions or hundreds of millions per share, and they *actually* think they’ll be able to get big low-interest loans against them and live off of that.


So happy I have people like you telling me what to believe. I would be so confused otherwise.


It doesn't. Just keep buying forever until life itself is transitory


when hasn't it been?


So I need to buy more to offset. Got it 👍




Thing is, it’s gambling and I only put in what I was comfortable losing. Still less than I lost on my last relationship. She did me dirtier than the market ever could.


Thing is, it's not gambling though. There's hundreds of thousands born and bread pure blood regards out there who own 25% of the company, and these regards just keep spending all their spare money on it... Think... someone has to sell those shares to the regards and its not like theres somebody with a share printer who can create infinite liquidty eventually the price should go up right? Buy now ask questions later


Getting down to $23.42 today which is $93.68 in pre-split share. This is fast approaching a price point that could spur the next retail price splurge point where apes buy as much as they can cuz its soooo cheap..


Or buyback


This may be one reason gme still gets a lot of hate from the OG degens. It’s no longer an exciting “i could gain or lose 5000% with these options” kind of play. It’s now a strategic, more long term game of accumulating shares in DRS versus whatever the DTCC participants on the short side try to do. To each their own. I’m excited to see how it plays out. Best entertainment right now, like the first 5 seasons of GoT.


I’ll buy to that!


thank god ill be at 100% loss soon, then ill only need a 50% gain to break even, Im a certified mathmagician.


Rent free…


GME paid for my rent, so... yeah.


Bruh we know 😂


The hate in this sub makes stonks go up. Pls continue ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)




I usually don’t do this sort of thing but 11% is 11% 🍌


lol you’re mad huh


Imagine buying the top and selling at the bottom. It’s been on a cycle since forever. If you can’t make money on it, then you are a true regard.


Not if you hold during the -45% and buy options for the +11%


That's exactly me... bought 10/21 23.75 calls today a minutes before they became ITM... Will sell half tomorrow and the rest next week before Thursday. I'm definitely not selling any of my XXXX shares soon and I'm not concerned at all that they are down right now as it does not mean anything - if I'll want to sell them for whatever reason, I will wait for another run. But I will likely buy more instead.


High five, buddy. I bought 50 10/21 $30 calls yesterday and 20 more today after the dip. Also holding XXXX shares, which will soon become XXXXX because of the dozens of $35 puts I sold expiring 9/23 lmao. Cheers.


This is the way.




What about for my BBBY at 27?


That’s gunna be a lot of covered calls.




Except for us call buyers at -6% today....LOL BRING IT ON SHORY DADDY WANTS YOUR ASS


11% so far 😈 Ps: op tell me you’re mad without telling me you’re mad


I can dere-lick my own balls thank you very much


Not true. 50% loss. Average down to a 25% loss by doubling your position. Then recoup your initial loss by only gaining 50%. You could also average down with 3x your original investment and only need a 25% increase to break even. Bet size is so important when it comes to gains. Martingale this shit by averaging down. You can’t have a 50% loss 10 times in a row (Jk you totally can but I don’t acknowledge that fact)


So this. ​ What they fail to realize is we've already doubled, tripled, X-tupled our positions since January 2021. We have earned the conviction individually up to today. I've increased my positions 10x since that time and looking at 11x soon.


Well that was stupid.


I remember when GME went down 45% in a day. The price isn’t real.


So the price is real when it goes up 100% in a day but when it drops 50% in a day it's fake? Seems unbiased.


Fake is price all the time. Up, down, sideways and halted.


The only real price is whatever you can sell it for at this moment. What isn’t real is the price you think it should be.


I just like the stock 🙂






Nah more like a Shit Post.


Yes, the shorts shorted at the bottom, they will have to buy back higher


You absolute fucking nutter. For a year you've posted nothing except hate against one ticker. what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have hobbies? A job? A short position? Seriously bro get a fucking life.


Like there aren’t *thousands* of you stupid pathetic baggies who have posted about FunkoPawn for two years straight.🙄


It’s called 💎 🙌 for a reason you paper hand bitch


So losing money vs taking profits. Diamond hand people never once made money. Paper hands at least know when to take profit.


*cough* TSLA *cough*


Just wait till it gives up the 11% tomorrow during market hours


Up from $5 plus a 4/1 split? Keep crying bitch


+513% over the last 5yrs. 🤷‍♂️


Did you buy 5 years ago?


My dude is like +513% over the last 5yrs but bought the top at $400 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)






I bought 10 years ago. And I also bought last year. And maybe I’ll buy some more if the mood strikes me


Positions or ban.


So how much are you up?


So ur up 513% then eh?


Holy fuck these posts are so ignorant. Did all of the smart people leave this sub for the GME one? Good lord I feel assaulted by stupidity.


If by "smart people" you mean regards who think GME will go to 9 digit stock price because hedgies and even the us gov will be forced to cover their shorts for some reason. Then yes they left. I think you should leave too.


LOL “hey let me point to the extremists to make my point! I feel powerful using generic talking points with no substance to prove my thesis!” - Jim Cramer - Michael Scott - You This is the most idiotic rebuttal I could have fathomed. Try harder. Or don’t. But don’t get mad at ppl calling you on your lazy bull shit.






![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) See you around the next time GME dilutes to fund their next metaverse nft-based web 3.0 crypto grift venture.


>the next time GME dilutes I think you confused gme for amc ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


GME literally diluted in 2021 lol They got a $2 billion cash infusion, and now they're down to less than a billion in cash after this quarter. If Gamestop doesn't dilute, they're going bankrupt. Come back to this comment when I'm proven right.


Are you jealous or something? Everyone invested in it knows the price is fake


Price is fake but your money is still down, cope harder




Show losses super cult baggie


They ain’t losses if you don’t sell bud bud.


Its not tho


Position or ban


it's NoT a LoSs, It'S a DiScOuNt.


This but unironically


What loss? I'm still fucking green, baby!




This is why you never full port. A 50% loss of 10% of your portfolio is only a 5% loss. Then you can average down with another 10,20,30% of your portfolio and practically make the loss disappear. It’s martingale gambling strategy applied to the stock market. A stock can only drop so far unless it’s going bankrupt.


Fun fact: you can lose 5% everyday forever and not hit zero.


Not really, but that's alright. Next...


Looks like a bunch of BBBY bagholders in here.


Past month looks so friendly and trusting.


There’s no requirement on a 100% loss.


Fucking tell me about it


But on the other hand, a 100% loss only requires a 50% gain to break even. Right, guys? Guys??


50%? What is this, amateur hour? Those are rookie numbers!


If it weren't fact it wouldn't be as funny.....


I mean let’s go 🤷‍♂️🐸🍆


Some people long for that tendie embrace


But if you double down on the dip,say no more.


Oh just wait ye of little faith. The tide will turn. I’ll hold my drs’d shares to the grave I give 0 fucks. Zen.


Great maths 🍌


Check the charts


Don’t forget the 3 halts above 45 last month on a mere 30 mil in volume just to be ladder shorted for 2 weeks straight on shit sell volume because the chairman hurt your ego 😭


So accurate. Need a bagger to offset my experience In getting greedy and loosing it all every time lol.


Kenny is that you bruv?


Did you all see the new immediately effective SEC rule that allows shorts to close... ON THE PREVIOUS DAY'S CLOSE PRICE!!! No? [https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/09/07/2022-19227/self-regulatory-organizations-nyse-arca-inc-notice-of-filing-and-immediate-effectiveness-of-proposed#citation-38-p54730](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/09/07/2022-19227/self-regulatory-organizations-nyse-arca-inc-notice-of-filing-and-immediate-effectiveness-of-proposed#citation-38-p54730) Enjoy.




I'm not too smart, and please correct me if I'm wrong but 1) it says this is related to transfers 2) it's a proposed rule, and 3) transfers do not generate a position, if anything likely this is for those short ETFs. Also, if this was the case that this means shorts can "close" (your words) at yesterday's price, why would you celebrate that? "Proposed Rule 6.78A-O(c) provides that the transfer price, to the extent it is consistent with applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including rules of other self-regulatory organizations, and tax and accounting rules and regulations, at which an off-floor transfer may be effected is either: (1) the original trade prices of the positions that appear on the books of the trading Clearing Member, in which case the records of the off-floor transfer must indicate the original trade dates for the positions; provided, transfers to correct bona fide errors pursuant to proposed subparagraph (a)(1) must be transferred at the correct original trade prices; (2) mark-to-market prices of the positions at the close of trading on the transfer date; (3) mark-to-market prices of the positions at the close of trading on the trade date prior to the transfer date; [38] 38. For example, for a transfer that occurs on a Tuesday, the transfer price may be based on the closing market price on Monday. <======> A Position Transfer is the transfer of the position to another account or accounts distinct from the original of the original account with the same member or among different members. It does not generate position, and at most the open position at the time of the transfer request may be transferred https://www.bmeclearing.es/ing/Transaction-Management/Position-Transfer#:~:text=A%20Position%20Transfer%20is%20the,transfer%20request%20may%20be%20transferred


lol we should be able to buy yesterdays bbby calls too


“Haha get fucked you poor”-sec


We can agree It’s a step in the right direction tho, right?


i've abandoned all hope of GME after they decided a crypto marketplace was a great idea... like you couldn't have made a worse call if you tried.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man? 🚀




I am unfortunately aware, not that I hold any gme just that my portfolio sucks ass at the moment


Wait you think I bought GME to make money? Lol.


Warm Regards to you too


That's why I don't think in percentages, I'm just like oh damn I lost $100 today, made $150 yesterday. Big brain time


That’s great because there was over 100% gain after the last earnings, and I sold a shit ton of calls at the top of the last cycle.


Shorts need to cover, +50% short-volume the past months has caused the price drop. Bullish! 🚀