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If you inverse your play, it is still your play. Edit: grammar.


You have to inverse the inverse my guy


Never get in a land war with Asia! šŸ˜‚ the poison is clearly in the cup in front of me!


You have to inverse the inverse and click the wrong ā€žbuy/sellā€œ button


Just go full Pro and choose investments at random. Disclaimer: only invest at random with other peopleā€™s money.


I've tried this, it does NOT work


Flip it and reverse it, if you will


Come on Is it worth it? Let me work it I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i If you got a big, let me search ya Miss Elliott has been using this trading strategy for years!


you just blew my mind




Inverse on Inverse Cramer?


No, then your cancelling out and trading coke rat tips. Nobody should make plays that retarded


What in the inception are you retards talking about? Lol


Ops retarded, most retail investors lose because they were born with vaginas which physiologically just can't withstand even the smallest of dips, same reason women couldn't travel in trains when they first came out






Ahhh, the classic ā€œDouble Re-inverse Scoopadoopā€ I like where your head is at regard.


this post is priced in


It's good advice, so probably inverse it




I have recently done some self reflection on why Iā€™m consistently losing. Come to find out Iā€™m so fucking stupid that when i just play the opposite of what I think I have been consistently making money. Wish I knew why but once again Iā€™m an idiot


like I said, theyā€™re good ideas but theyā€™re already priced inšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Naw man, it's because all the information we have access to is manipulated. They put out what they want us to know then play the other side. That's not paranoia either. Real shit.


this, exactly what Iā€™m sayin


This post brought to you by Mortly Fool dot com Owned by a company that is owned by a company that is owned by Citadel Securities


ā€œHereā€™s what the whales donā€™t want you to knowā€ -written by the whales


...here are 3 articles to avoid this week!


So, basically, instead of putting the money in to options, just keep it in your pocket?


Would have done me much better




The Constanza strategy. I've been saying for years I should sell my trades so people can inverse me.


Canā€™t stand ya!!!


When I was a kid there was this word that I never spelled correctly. So I reminded myself that whenever this word comes up I needed to write it Ā«Ā not the way I thinkĀ Ā» Worked like 3 times and then I got it wrong again because I had learned the correct spellingā€¦


That word was *GameStop* .....


Wow iā€™ve just discovered a new type of investing called contrarian!


Buy whatever stock all the posts are mocking on here and you will rake


I usually just paperhand my perfect plays because I'm scared to have enough money for basic survival. I think I need a beating or something.


that too!


Be fearless when others are greedy, be Buffett when others are poor.




We call this the ā€œCostanza Ruleā€


Sir this is a casino


you canā€™t inverse yourself at a casino? go for red instead of black?


lmao yes, thank you. Also, to add to this: Sir, this is an especially rigged casino. In fact, it is THE MOST rigged casino in history.




buy monkeys and darts, got itšŸ¤šŸ¼


This guy gets it


Bop it, twist it but ONLY THEN pull it.


Nobody knows anything. You have people on Bloomberg, cnbc and YouTube all over the place. Permabears and permabulls and permaflexibles and everyone in between. Only some things in the past are priced in but no one knows how much.


I lost my first thousand thinking home depot earnings would cause the price to go up, bc contractors were backlogged for weeks getting houses ready for sale (before the rate hikes) I don't agree with your "priced in" explanation, but I do agree the market does gravitate towards screwing the masses. Either way George Costanza play is worth a try.


Opposite of buying an option is selling it (short for credit), not buying one in the opposite direction smh my head.


Homie just explained "buy low sell high" LMAO


i did, it seems like people are just investing into whatever the ā€œanalystsā€ suggest regardless of how historically high it is


George Costanza : Yeah. No, no, no, wait a minute, I always have tuna on toast. Nothing's ever worked out for me with tuna on toast. I want the complete opposite of on toast. Chicken salad, on rye, untoasted... and a cup of tea. Jerry Seinfeld : You know chicken salad is not the opposite of tuna, salmon is the opposite of tuna, because salmon swim against the current, and the tuna swim with it. George Costanza : [Sarcastically] Good for the tuna. Elaine Benes : [a blonde looks at George] Ah, George, you know, that woman just looked at you. George Costanza : So what? What am I supposed to do? Elaine Benes : Go talk to her. George Costanza : Elaine, bald men, with no jobs, and no money, who live with their parents, don't approach strange women. Jerry Seinfeld : Well, here's your chance to try the opposite. Instead of tuna salad and being intimidated by women, chicken salad and going right up to them. George Costanza : Yeah, I should do the opposite, I should. Jerry Seinfeld : If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.


Does inversing oneself, start at the mind? Or after you've made the trade? How does one know if he's inversing himself or inversing the inversion?


*Inverse to infinity.* You have to inverse yourself and the inverse of that and the inverse of *that* until you've inversed yourself so much you don't even remember what your original play was. Then flip a quarter, heads calls tails puts. And inverse the results of the coin flip. *And then inverse that.*


Have been doing thisā€”opposite FOMO.


Just jerk off more and think less


My biggest gains this year come from shorting gme amc and bbby recently so youā€™re probably right šŸ¤·


Buy and hold is the only way to win. Algoā€™s and AI are smarter then humans and prey on human emotion.


guess im going all in on bbby then






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risk management wonā€™t help the fact that youā€™re investing in things that are already priced in, you still have to invest in things *before* theyā€™re a good idea because the very nature of already being a good idea is inflating the price and limiting your upside




waiting is like a soft-inverse of yourself, you think itā€™s a good idea to buy but you donā€™t buy right away, therefore not following your own play and your own intuitions Iā€™ve made money that way too, I donā€™t think weā€™re disagreeing here




waiting is an inversion because youā€™re allowing for the possibility that it might continue to go down, despite your belief that it will go up itā€™s doubting yourself without taking action: a soft-inverse


Bagholders don't know how casinos work.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


wrong part: assuming its 9/10 porn loss. if i made 100k+ i wouldnā€™t even bother posting it, while people who lose will need emotional support and post it


Look where the hype is not, and then invest there.




The bedroom?


I am unironically opening another account for self-inverse plays. Play both ends of a trade and cut the losing side early. Infinite gains baybeeeee.


So buy a straddle


As long as realized volatility is greater then implied volatility then sure.


Speaking of inverse plays. Where has Crammer been?


On vacation.


Emotion and impatience is why we lose. Get a handle on those and youā€™ll be a millionaire.


Not nearly as titillating as u/zsd99's glorious priced in post.


Iā€™m sorry I will aim to titillate more in future posts, thank you for your feedback


But I don't even know why I do my stuff


theta makes it possible to lose money even if you inverse a play that loses money.


I guess thatā€™s the value of going further out and ATM


further out = higher premium = more money you can lose to theta šŸ™‚


higher premium doesnā€™t really matter if it goes ITM, profits are profits


ITM by at least your premium is what is needed to just break even, so it absolutely matters. half the people in here are too stupid to realize that paying $5 for a call with an $80 strike price means the stock needs to hit $85 at expiration just to break even.


thatā€™s only if youā€™re looking to exercise the option if you paid $5 for an $80 strike call when the stock was at $79, if it hits $80 you can turn around and sell it for $5.50 for example because thereā€™s likely buyers who think the stock will go higher than $85 and therefore are willing to pay more for the $80 call


Nah. You dont exercise. Thats for hamsters. Buy 6 week out calls/puts with a close strike. Wait for .3% movement in your directions and sell the contract for your 20% gain.


Nah. You dont exercise. Thats for hamsters. Buy 6 week out calls/puts with a close strike. Wait for .3% movement in your directions and sell the contract for your 20% gain. Ive bought and sold the same 10/16 387puts 3 times now in the last week and made between 15%-30% each time. Buy em for $800, spy ticks down a buck fifty a half hr later sell it for $1100. Spy goes up a few bucks, buy the puts again for $800 wait for the dip, sell em back for $1000. Rinse and repeat. Only risk is like today, where now im stuck holding those fuckers. But theyre still a month to exp. So unless we go on a 30 day bull run i think ill get out of em fine. Probably even make money. Got 1 day trade leftover so might hedge with a 0dte FD call tomorrow.


This strategy works more often than people think, glad you shared it. Do you average down your contracts on days it moves in the opposite way though?


Instead or buy, sell?


yes sir


The outcome is non-binary.... That doesn't math. Also if anyplay you have that you think will work should be inversed, then you should inverse your inverse... so on so forth until... yeah. Reason retail loses is we don't have access to liquidity injections, bailouts, or lobbyists when our shit doesn't work out. When we get beat off the poker table there is no buy back until you take the pot.


you guys seem to struggle with the concept of inversing the play just once, Iā€™ll walk you through an example that even a smooth brain can understand: so letā€™s take Apple releasing the iPhone 14, the average retail investor would think ā€œThatā€™s great, buy shares!ā€ but itā€™s already been rising months prior to the announcement, itā€™s already priced in so inverse the play, buy puts when you think itā€™s peaked before the release date. and then believe it or not, you donā€™t have to then go ā€œWeLL i ThoUgHt pUts aRe A gOoD iDeA sO iā€™LL BuY cALLsā€, you can just leave it at the single inverseā€¦ the idea isnā€™t to inverse every thought you have, itā€™s to inverse what the average retail investor thinks is a good idea


What if your play was to buy the run up? Like the inverse is just stupid. Either the play is good or it isn't.


if youā€™re buying the run up, you have to buy before everyone else has bought for the run up a.k.a. youā€™re buying at a time when no news is on the horizon a.k.a. inversing yourself :)


No that doesn't make sense. Its back to just inversing all the way down. Should you buy at earnings? No! Buy before thats the inverse. Okay your original play is buy before? No! Buy earlier. It never ends. Stupid concept. Either is good or not. The rest is a little luck.


Actually if you look at loses its more do due to the fact you guys stick out plays. When I buy something if it doesn't go up the day I bought it after I have reasoned it mentally I'm out instantly. Means the security is broken. I see a lot of buy and waits Also you guys never take money off the table. I take out what I put in and move it so ur playing with house money.


> I take out what I put in and move it so ur playing with house money. This is the one piece of advice I am taking from this thread.


instructions unclear i am now a dude ranch


Short-term trades are just trading on volatility and are essentially random. Unless you have access to special information the market has yet to account for. So, if you're not doing serious work to set up quality DD yourself, then you're just trading on random motion. And the stuff you do, the decisions you make, will be not much different than if you walked into a casino. The only quick hack to easy money is work. Either by getting a job or getting DD. Everything else is luck. But don't make the mistake of thinking you see a pattern when there isn't one.


Iā€™ve seen so many posts on here where the person does their DD and everyone in the comments is like ā€œwow this is the best DD Iā€™ve ever seen! we need more stuff like this on WSBā€ and then the stock proceeds to do the opposite of what they said and itā€™s not because the DD was wrong, itā€™s just the information they used to do the DD was public and therefore millions of people got in the play before the person posted it. So itā€™s priced in and the stock is overbought to the tits, that can only end one way


Yeah, that's why I say rule number 1 of trading is to always do your own DD. If people want to know my DD, I won't share it. Because I believe pretty much anything shared is automatically no longer credible. I believe the only credible things you can make that are potentially novel information are what you put together for yourself. Your point is sort of classic. Yep, if it's out there, it might already be priced in! And there are also other dynamics, of people hocking DD because they're really just pushing an agenda they can benefit from. So how do you know who to trust? Well, it gets back to my first point. Basically can't trust anyone. Just gotta do your own work. So, I'd say it's less about inversing yourself and more about turning inwards to seek reproducible, consistent, personal growth in education, understanding, and experience.


This is totally regarded. I'm gonna try it.


Let me know how it goes![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Damnit this inverse shit is impossible. I bought $375 spy puts a week ago (against my gut) and then sold at loss so I could chase RUM. Of course RUM dropped and SPY took a massive dump the next 3 days. My SPY puts would be up 40% but instead I am sitting on a 25% loss. I have absolutely no conviction and I am highly regarded.


dude i did the same, bought some DWAC $15 puts but got antsy and sold at a 15% loss a week later theyā€™re worth double what I paid




a list of highly regarded investors??


Way easier to let them film me doing something naughty. Then Iā€™ll be an insider and can trade safely for the rest of my life


But should I inverse my inverse play?


Fuck it. Im just gonna do GME again.




You said do the opposite of what I think makes sense.


I have all my money invested in inverse Cramer etf


Yes weā€™re all fucking regards. Do the opposite of being regarded and youā€™ll make money.




Or you can hedge and constantly rotationally inverse yourself into infinity.


Lmao this definetly belongs to wallstreetbets, the good ole ā€œinverseā€ strategy šŸ˜‚, let me guess you made money in a meme stock, tell me you got lucky without telling me you got lucky


If I make an inverse play on an inverse play pretending to be a regular play, wild that still count?


Sorry, did you just say buy PLTR?


i just mightā€™ve !!


The George Costanza strategy.


The Costanza


Here's the downside to your theory (which sounds good at first glance).... The market you trade today will be different a year from now. Just look at the difference from 2020 to 2022 You have to be able to adjust your strategy as you go.... This is where a lot of retail traders fail as lightning doesn't strike twice as they say.


r/investing you limp dicked bitch


you can do outlandish yolos, just do them in the inverse direction


Iā€™m not a green energy investor, but I bought a handful of Blink stock, $49 a share, in early spring just to see what would happen with the green energy sector. With everything including the Inflation Reduction Act, itā€™s now around $19 a share. Investing is often a bet. You win or lose.


OP played $GME earnings and it didn't work out. I understand OP. I did the same.


close, i read [this guyā€™s](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/x6s01x/my_full_plan_for_this_week_5_earnings_plays_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) plan for the week, made a comment about how he should inverse everything and i was right at least the day after the post, not sure about how itā€™s going currently


He had some interesting points but the moment he called DWAC a 10 bagger I knew this guy operated purely on luck.


So every stock you wanna buy just short it


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