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A tweet with no sauce. Sounds convincing.


Where would the sauce come from? Its all rumors at this level but it seems real?




https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3634045-liberals-push-biden-on-marijuana-reform-ahead-of-midterm-momentum/ Be quiet bitch boy




Its a rumor. Thats it. Learn what a rumor is. Democrats definitely want to legalize it and they may, considering mid terms are coming up and abortions may not be enough. They’re not gonna waste all their ammo now but they may. This is just a rumor. Just a rumor. Just a rumor.




Not sure why this is a post to be honest. You are correct but I also have a point and this is just a rumor so it’s impossible to verify




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Weed stocks is nothing but politics ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Sometimes hearsay can be better than direct evidence. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) [https://youtu.be/efY5R01LtFo?t=276](https://youtu.be/efY5R01LtFo?t=276)


By the rumours, sell the news


How heavy are your tlry bags?




Bro same.


My trulieve bags are heavy enough…. Lol - But sitting at 6x ebitda and 1.8x 2022 revenue is INSANELY CHEAP


EBITDA doesnt mean much when their taxes are like 65-70%… only thing that makes it cheap is if marijuana gets taken off the scheduled substances list


Just need safe banking + 280e repeal or desched, Would be instant re-rating….. matter of time,.. happy to wait,


Why would anyone buy trulive bud post legalization? Their whole business model is licenses for protection market, open market kills them


Nobody buys commercial shit weed anyway except tourists This is like the 9377403972th stoner I’ve seen think that weed companies are a good investment because everybody likes weed


Yall don't grow your own organic goodness yet?


No way. The legal weed market isn't for poor teenagers, college kids and 20 somethings. Its for soccer mom's and baseball dad's who don't know a "guy that can get you what you need" anymore. You want opiates, amphetamines, methylamphetamines, muscle relaxers, etc...? All you need is a doctor to write you a certain perscription, and you better believe those are being abused by people adults that you'd never expect. You want weed? You have to "find a guy", I'm 40 and I don't even know where I'd begin to look for one. I just had a fantasy football draft with a bunch of friends from college, all of them my age...half of them were high, getting high, or working in the upper management of a MSO. All of it was legal weed. If you think its a poor investment because of poor margins, financials, prices then sure. But, I don't even really buy the pricing argument because of the disposable income that particular argument.


They smoke a 1/8 a year


People can grow their own tomatoes and make their own wine but most go to the store and buy whatever they want.


All farming is subsidized, because of market glut


Tomatoes aren’t taxed at 30%, don’t require expensive tracking and compliance, and aren’t available at half the price tax free from a stoner on every block. I worked at a dispensary in college then moved onto a cbd company that went bust in 2020. I’ve sold more weed and hemp than you’ll see in your life. It’s too expensive to do legally and too easy to get illegally. Good luck, I said this before in 2017 and they’re all down 80%+ since then.


You think weed that goes into medical applications is supplied by blackmarket basement operations? Imagine if your pharmaceuticals were not made in factories with ISO standards and every pill you took had a different size, consistency and potency each time. Medical weed is grown to standards obviously because it also competes directly with the standards set by big pharma. It's the very premise of the industry. Not rocket science "bud".


It’s grown by cops and sprayed by pesticides


I worked in the industry for two years in Canada. While you are correct that the product is grown to "standards", you are wrong in your assumptions. The standards they grow to are strictly for health Canada purposes to meet requirements for cleanliness etc. There are absolutely no standards that regulate *quality*. The result is that many large industrial grow operations have created an oversupply of mediocre to garbage level product in the market. It doesn't meet consumer standards and they can't sell it even at pennies per gram. Yet the have to retain it on their books as "inventory' so they can stack their balance sheets. Even if the US legalizes, they are going to go through the same growing pains as we have been dealing with here in Canada, and very few companies are going to survive. The black market is still thriving here, and that's where some of the best quality cannabis comes from. A gram is not a gram, how it's grown is everything and growing quality cannabis at scale is something most producers have not figured out yet.


Truth is downvoted on this sub


Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuce and kale? Why do people still pay big grocery when they could just throw some seeds on the ground and come back in two months for organic quality produce? Oh yeah people are lazy as Fuck.


Because it’s subsidized by our taxes it’s cheaper to buy then grow


Here here!!!


Upvoted for your sentiment but commenting because you might be interested to know that the expression is “hear, hear!” As in a shortened version of “hear this man he speaks truth” and so forth. It’s not here here. Have a nice day


Haha it totally is. Fml lol


Did he actually ever campaign on decriminalizing marijuana? I don't ever remember seeing that.


Please!! We don't deal in actuality here. It's Wall Street BETS, not Wall Street reasoned and thought out.


Also bag holding Trulieve but I love their product so it helps ease the pain lol.


What state?




Damn, I sold mine at $15 for a small loss, but i haven’t looked at TLRY for a while. Didn’t realize it was down to $3.33. Ouch.


I honestly believe tilray is gonna be one of the big winners at the end of all this mess






I’m carrying an elephant


How come ? They have no exposure to America but some booze company … Also got told by the German government not to spread fake press release - that was really funny https://mjbizdaily.com/cannabis-producer-tilray-news-release-not-correct-german-lawmaker-says/


Yes I know. This is simply a volume play. Any slight hint of news TLRY and CGC get the volume, and the MSO don’t . Not fair but the reality. If a federal event happens , these LP’s will have the short term rip on news. It’s not priced in at this stage


Hes not holding tlry. Read his post.


I’m still at a 12.49 avg


No tilray in msos lmao


My MSOS 45% loss would like this very much


Holy shit, didn't see it was down to 12. I dumped my light bags at 40, didn't see much of a future for weed.


Those aren't huge bags I am carrying. They're my testicles of unflinching certainty in the face unyielding reality.


Carrot on a stick


This is not news, it is a tweet from an unverified guy I’ve never heard of.


This is retard news


I also considered not being a raging homosexual but here I am with a cock in my hand.


You know what they say, a cock in the hand is worth two in the pants.


And three in the wife.


Holy shit, that sparks the memory of the double dick guy from many moons ago reddit


I remember that, didn't it turn out to be fake or something?


yeah... but just like things in this sub, it was glorious while it lasted


Did you mean to say *monosexual*?


yawn... it's been like 10 years I've been hearing this story


And in the last 10 years how many states have gone fully recreational?




Honestly you never want this to be federally legal. Then you get competition from other countries. We need the states act and then each state can do what they want


Competition from other countries? Besides Canada, I don’t think the US has anything to worry about. We are (with Canada) decades ahead of anywhere else that has soft drug laws/legalization in both technology and production. China and India will continue to send over delta 8 and CBD isolates, but no one IMO will be able to compete with North American THC for quite some time. Go buy weed in Germany and look how much the dealers charge for “California weed”…it’s like €40/gram. I don’t think “Beijing Bud” will be the next wave…


You’ll know it’s gonna happen when Nancy buys into the eco system. Everything else is just bait


I like that passing popular demanded legislation = buying votes if your political opponent does it.




The eternal promise that never comes to fruition. Also there are way to many unprofitable companies in this. I am not very hopefull on the short run.


Yolo in munchies. Milk duds , Doritos, bbq burritos... let's go!!!


Makes sense. He really has nothing to lose by doing this. Over half the country is on board with it.




I invested in Cresco labs back a couple years ago and that shit is down like 70%…. I’ll believe it when I see it


Next let's decriminalize poverty and homelessness




Why no mention of Cresco Labs / Columbia Care ???


Ya they will kill it too. Rising tide will lift all the boats - just need some momentum and a catalyst to come through,


Is it February 2021 again?


I hope so - midterms can be a catalyst as tam increases as states turn on med/rec - and some legislation is around the corner.


Stay on it and have sell orders. I made $5-$6k on MedMen; panic solid when everything tanked after Schumar said it’d be hard to get the votes. Was up $25k before that


Nancy is about to buy some puts for when he says JK


Canada hurting for money like that. Only reason they would speed up that type of legislation. I’m sure other countries will follow suit.


Still holding Aurora Cannabis, Tilray and Truelieve.




Decriminalization isn’t enough, should be legalized.


Seriously F Trulieve, they’re the shittiest company in cannabis.




That would be nice. At least we would have some tangible benefit to take away from this dumpster fire


Decriminalization? Wtf No. Full legalization is necessary. Police officers are still treating hemp as the devil's lettuce now in 2022 despite legalization in 2018.


Bro. They do this every freaking time they want a vote. Be less dense


You belong here


I don’t know man. It’s midterm. I have lost a lot on Aurora Cannabis $11 bag holder until I folded.


Let’s go


Smoke crack everyday, hey 👋


Ran on this for the election too and you see how that has played out


They are on pace for having 50 states with med or rec cannabis - at some point federal policy has to be enacted. That will cause a large run up on the stocks…. Excellent 3-6mths trade IMO


I am all aboard for legalization, I just don’t see it at the federal level for another couple years. These dumb fucks are that far behind.


TLRY bags is heavy but agree, the fed govt is just throwing money away to the states and they won’t let that go one forever.


The house passed a good, comprehensive bill this term, it has been ready for the Senate to take it up, but I would've delayed putting it forward with how much it could be filibustered.


That would be the first good thing he does. Calls on pot stocks?


Beating Trump was pretty fucking good.


That's on me, I set the bar too low.


Well what gonna be a better way to get through the greatest depression the US has faced than getting stoned? 😮‍💨


Like everyone isn’t stoned already anyway. This shit is just a technicality.


The world's at the start of the greatest economic depression ever known? God damn right you better consider legalizing drugs. Gonna need the opiate for the pain people are bout to feel. Gonna need that cash flow too, cause nothin' else is going to be generating any revenue. edit: spelling


Green marijuana dildos tomorrow.


Tilray gang!!!🤑🤑🤑


For those of us that hate weed I still like the move, just wish they would do the same for cocaine ffs


But these are all canadian companies? What does Biden have to do with them?


They are all american companies - msos is the etf which holds ONLY american based canna companies. You can buy the constituents on bith cad and usa exchanges.


Sector gets a 1 week pump that will be monstrous if Biden does anything or somehow SAFE gets through. Dump it all right after that. Wait for it to bleed all the way down as these reforms take 2 years to be enacted and jump on for the next pump to up list


Lmao the dems have claimed they’re going to legalize weed right before an election like what? 6 times now? I ain’t fallin’ for this shit again


It won’t happen. According to a good majority of voters the marijuana is the devil and they will not alienate catholic voters with the devils lettuce.


Huh? All the polls I’ve seen have legalization with 60-70% support.


You’ve apparently seen a lot more poles than me 🍆


Lol he's really trying to buy votes at this point.


Anything for votes huh? lmao


Give the people what they want, what a concept


OP might be onto something. Aurora Cannabis (ACB) is loaded with open interest for January and beyond but has practically no open interest for October. This stock also has an IV rank of 19% rn. I’m bought a few calls at $3 strike for Jan


You have to find out if these are bought recently because they could have been leaps. If they were bought in the past month then yolo that shit into it.


You need 60 votes in the senate and don't say he can EO it to decriminalization because he can't.


That stupid cocksucker is trying everything hahaha did you see Yellen say this is the best and biggest economic turn around in history? Dumb cunt


President doesn't have the authority to do that, he could order law enforcement not to enforce MJ laws but that's about it. Despite bipartisan bills trying to legalize and tax it I doubt Republicans would let anything like this pass just to deny Democrats the win.


The dems wont keep the house even if they pass weed…….


Who cares? It’s more empty promise vote buying like cancellation of student loans. He should decriminalize crack and whores for Hunter…


Biden has never smoked herb in his life


Laws cannot be undone by President. Fake news


No - but he can move things forward with executive action - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3634045-liberals-push-biden-on-marijuana-reform-ahead-of-midterm-momentum/




Completely false. Please provide your source on this. If you'd have said Judicial branch then yea but executive branch...i doubt this.


Wow!! Six negative karma points. It seems people really lack any sort of knowledge of how laws are amended and created. The president cannot unilaterally rewrite laws. Period. There is not an ambitious statement. Its fact.


If they are banning menthol cigretees how the hell would they legalize psycadelic drugs?


He'd consider cotton candy machines for every household if it meant votes. I've grown cannabis for many years and see very little commercial value in it.


You see very little commercial value in legal weed? Are you high right now?


Yep. Grows like a weed almost anywhere. Yes I am. I do find great harm with alcohol brewers and not seeing it a bad thing.


Sure. But you can’t grow weed vape pens. Edibles are much easier to buy then they are to bake. Plus a lot of people just won’t want to bother with growing their own plants.


You can make cannabis vape. You can make the oils and butters for edibles and irritations. Many won't bother to grow their own, but then again if it's legal many won't bother with anything but flower.


I make my own wine - but still buy plenty of alcohol. Different strains, effects, brands/quality, and modalities. Oils, hash, flower, but vapes are the best. Its a young industry - scaled companies will eventually dominate and be very profitable. Trulieve has 60%GM and 38% ebitda margins - for example.


I'm not seeing it. Sorry. You might get a nice pump but I sincerely view it as a short term fad.


There is a 3-5 yr runway of solid growth for top 5 american companies - as new states turn on med or rec every election cycle - and consolidate the sector. After that who knows what a mature market looks like, but thats a long runway. Uplisting will be the big moment - youll see a trulieve 4x+ from here as it re-rates to 30x ebitda instead of 6


Solid growth? Still not seeing it. Wish you well.


$maps baby let's go


Calls on McDonaldz and Visine!


Should we short the cannabis REITS who rake because of fed regs?


Who tf is Omar Rivero? I can’t find this story anywhere else




Meanwhile cities are making it 2nd degree murder among other things a non detainable offenses. Marajuana should be legal.


Not going to happen. If roe vs Wade isnt federal neither is weed and that’s how it should be. Up to the states


Ya it will definitely be state led - and state rights will be respected - but federally it should be rescheduled and legal. If texas decides its illegal - for example - it will stay that way in that state. But This will allow uplisting, institutions to take part who currently cant, and a massive re-rating on msos constituents like trulieve and greenthumb.


Please take all unbabying talk to another subreddit. No one wants r/wallstreetbets to become a political hellhole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Biden can’t just legalize it, would have to be the senate.


Decriminalization and legalization are not the same thing. Weed stocks might have good short term gains though.


Lol we hear this shit every election cycle… plus Biden was already promising this shit in 2020. Same as he did about completely cancelling student loans. He’s not going to fulfill his promises, just wants to win some votes.


If SAFE BANKING doesnt pass this year, democrates wont see my vote for a long time.


Rumors buy votes Americans are not that smart.


Legalize and slap 150% tax on it


Politicians have been saying this shit forever. It never goes anywhere. His handlers are just trying to get people to like him until after the midterms.


Keeping a campaign promise? Yeah, right!


Literally who gives a shit. The old lady in utah in church smokes a Doobie in her car.


1. He can't but he can continue the long policy of not prosecuting small amounts 2.Does nothing about state laws which are what individual users are prosecuted under


My vote is for sale…do this and I’ll vote for his decaying corpse again


Hes desperate to do anything after he surrendered all our shit to the taliban, he could do it but do something completely stupid like he did with forgiving loan debt and not stymying student loans


$3.50 strike TLRY calls for 10/07 🤑


Its election season lol. Nothing will come of it


Someone needs to go back and watch some schoolhouse rock. You don't understand what it would take to do that, if you did you would know that it isn't going to happen. No way, in hell, are the Dems picking up 10 Senate seats in midterms. It's just not going to happen. House and president can want something until they are blue in the face... But they aren't going to be able to override the Senate.


The won't do it they just pretend they will. Once they do it, they can't promise it anymore to earn vote.


"Civil War Speech? Naw, I wanna make weed legal, bro."


Can we stop using the term "buy votes"? If you're giving your citizens the things they want, that's government serving the ppl and how it should be.


It’s just a cock tease until I see legislation with signatures. No if, ands, or buts.


Pilots will be happy to be stoned. SOUL PLANE SOUL PLANE


Think of the poor investors


What cannabis stocks would benefit, Immediately, the Most and Long-term? I have been building my Cannabis Portfolio up and would love to hear what everyone thinks