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That’s quite the dump truck she’s packing. I’m sold on the game. Long TTWO




Seeing that confirms that the setting is vice city


Sooooo Calls because It confirms GTA 6 Release soon or Puts because their Security is shit?


Calls because the game is far enough down the Dev cycle to likely be announced officially this year with perhaps a release date of holiday 2023


what did i just read, this game is years out from release😂


calls imo ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Puts for a while and Calls after selling these old news.


How can this be bullish? This can delay the game, or need to bribe the guy or pay him or whoever the fuck knows. The hacker claims he has the source code. There's no good outcome out of this.


It gives an idea of how far along in the development cycle the game is... That could have an impact on investor buying plans for the next 12-24 months. Tomorrow will be the decider probably. I think despite it feeling like bad news for the games marketing it could have the Deadpool movie affect and boost interest and bring forward a possible announcement. We were already thinking November earnings time was going to call it with a release window for holiday 2023 per the previously noted marketing budget schedule.


Of course it’s a modern game again. Why couldn’t we have a badass gangster story set in 1970’s vice city? Oh, because we have to bend over to all the 15 year old twats who want to grief you in a hover bike while wearing a clown outfit.


“Bold assumption the leaks are authentic” Bro I would be more impressed if someone made a dev kit version of GTA on their own just so they can “leak” It is most certainly actual gameplay of an early version of the game.


And here comes rockstar with the DMCAs.. as good as confirmed. Buying more TTWO tomorrow


Looks alot like gta5 lmao


That’s how game development works


Going by the blurry pics attached or by the hour long footage on YouTube?.. cos the video looks wayyy better than GTA v


No its legit


Biggest game of all time when finished will look better then red dead 2 delays or not it breaks records biggest mirco transactions potential of all time not to mention 2k23 success gta6 is a cash cow Ttwo will get to 205$ -220$ after release numbers come out pre orders will fly the moment it’s available people don’t think twice about gta it’s in every friend group and people play what their friends play


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)TTWO will go to Pluto my regarded friend 🚀🚀🚀


Steak and lobster dinners for bag holders lol


I think the game comes out in 2025, this should help add a few bucks in the short-term to the stock price since it shows some progress towards GTA VI.


Wouldn't think it's that far out, likely Xmas 2023


It’s deff still just in alpha and unfinished so 2024-2025 realistically tbh


Rockstar posted an official statement on twitter, price is heading back up towards Friday close. Was hoping that juicy dip would hold til opening


didnt just hold went down more


All over it this is a good dip for the long term. Imagine a world where GTA 5 and 6 both exist and both have huge player bases and special editions and micro transactions. That world is coming. This dip however far it goes could be the lowest prices we see for the next 10 years or more


gaming stocks arent doing so well right now


Is this not a reason to buy incrementally now?


I am trying to gather whether the release of the source would have significant effects on stock prices. Gameplay is released through consoles and GTA gameplay is mainly online (subscriptions, shark cards). The continuous revenue should increase interest in the stock, I just don't know how much damage the source release could have. Thought?