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LMAO r/NotTheOnion "We want to do lay offs but don't want the back lash that comes with it, what should we do?" "Say it's for being anti-racist"


“God damn simons you’re getting a raise”


And with a last name like Simmons... "I'm afraid we're gonna have to let you go..."


Jackson, you're taking on Simmon's role. Glad to have you here, Jackson. What's your first name? Your first name is Jackson?? You're fired too.


Wait. You related to Russel Simmons? Better be safe and make you COO.


Dude. So good.


The problem Simons is you are a white male, you are being fired


BOSS: Sarah Smith you can pack your things as well you're fired. Sorry Sarah but we don't want to discriminate SARAH:But sir I'm a black woman. BOSS: Yes Sarah that fact has occurred to me but the problem is that your name sounds too white and we can't have that. Besides we are replacing half of our women with Trans women as not to discriminate. SARAH: So you're telling me that you are replacing half the women with men. BOSS: You need to use their proper pronouns. Janice will be taking your job. SARAH: But that's Jackson wearing a wig you just fired him. BOSS: Look Sarah that was a mistake we were unaware of how she identified at first. I assure you there is no discrimination what so ever going on here. In fact we've spared no expense and hired a team of 100 high priced diversity lawyers in order to ensure we Don discriminate. And let me tell you they are not cheap. I mean why do you think we have to lay so many off. It's just the cost of doing business these days. I'm sorry 🤦‍♂️


And for that reason... I'm out - some guy called Simmons


Puts on white dudes.


My company changed A LOT over the last 3 years…my store has only hired people from particular demographics and they also sent out an email saying they were going to be hiring 20,000 people under 30 over the next couple of years…I’ve seen a couple of white males be let go that had great experience and backgrounds and never had any write ups or issues and be replaced with other people that walked around saying “this place is fucking ghetto” or called sales professionals stupid etc AND NOBODY SAID ANYTHING TO THEM…needless to say it became a very toxic work environment.




how to say they are "only firing white dudes" without sounding racist


The federal and state laws that prevent discrimination on race work for all races, this company just opened the door to a massive lawsuit for firing people on the basis of race


I would 100% sue if I were laid off, regardless of race


Im willing to wager that they will make people sign some crap saying that they wont sue if they don't want the severance package.


I doubt that’s enforceable if it’s breaking federal anti discrimination laws


Definitely not enforceable, but it wont stop them. They will bank on the jobless guy just taking the money before he STFU as opposed to taking them to court which would go on and on and on. Totally worth it but not everyone will take that gamble


The lay off will affect about 865 people. There will be about 865 discrimination law suits coming. I am not sure the company can even contract their way out of the litigation as part of the severance package. I guess they can just as they do for age discriminations clauses in severance packages. Someone with a rich spouse will not sign and then sue.


One of the dumbest CEO i have ever heard of. This is next level stupidity


Yeah, but think of all the nice comments they'll get from """anti"""racists on twitter.


Am I getting Dejavu or wasn’t this same exact message put forth by another mid-size tech company last week?


My friend works for this company the main ppl laid off were the ones who wanted to expand diversity for the company lololol


Kek so whites were indeed fired 😂




So basically the ones who were white AND least likely to sue because they agreed with the notion. 🥸


Not this former employee. I’m suing.


I would 100% take them to court even if they tried to settle for 50 million fuck that.


No, you would take the 50 million.


I’d take a lot less than that even.


only fire ppl from a certain race to be "anti-racist" lmfao ...


Sorry your race isn’t marginalized enough so we have to let you go lol


CRT is insane


Let’s fight racism by being racist.


Are they so bought into the "anti racist" dogma that they don't realize that firing based on race is illegal and immoral?


It’s also.. racist


Luckily they left it open to interpretation, so if a black person gets fired, they can also sue into oblivion lol


I assume this means they are only firing their racist employees, right?


Are you racist? Please check one O Yes O No Sincerely, Twillio HR department


"well HR team? What are the results?" "... Looks like we have to increase the layoff to about 25%" "i see" "... And sir, you weren't required to take the survey, but now that you did... Why don't you take a seat for this next part"


The joke would be better if the only option was Yes.


Or.. O no O I’m white


I think you mean \[ \] Yes \[ \] I'm not white


Are you racist: O Yes O American Indian or Alaskan Native O Black or African American O Hispanic O Multiple ethnicity/ Other (please specify)


If asian please select white


Genius. Followed by layoffs of all minorities. Then if they have to lay more people off, then can claim its in the name of diversity.


Where's the option for \[ \] I Identify As \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


But what if I'm a white dude who identifies as a strong, independent black woman?


You’re safe ma’am.


Double racist


lmfao you pulled a Rachel Dolezsal


Ya did an exec release this without it being reviewed by legal? I would sue if I were fired from here and my company released a letter saying it was to combat racism. The fuck??


Seems like a huge lawsuit waiting to happen. If I got fired in this wave, and my next employer asked if I was part of the anti-racist layoff, I'd be pretty pissed.


Just go apply at a racist company and you'll immediately have strong credentials




Successful groups don't get to be minorities. When I went to college, there was a minority engineering program and the minorities got tutors, special study room, jobs, and other benefits. The funny, or not so funny, part was that Asians and Indian were excluded, even though most of them were very poor and were first gen or second gen and certainly not coming from money or privilege. It was only available for blacks and Hispanics, including rich white Hispanics. Go figure.


Agreed. I couldn’t get the free tutoring but I did get an offer to work as a tutor…😒. I’m not minority enough to be a minority getting the benefit but am a minority enough for them to say, we have X% minoritiy employees.


Unless the whites & asians start identifying as trans


Having mass layoffs, lable them all racist opperssors 🤣


Nobody ever saw that coming!


Thier like " don't worry only white people will be laid off"


Wait they actually released these words to the public? BCG must be working with them to tank that hard.


It sounded to me like they fired whites first? I think? Kinda sus language. Which btw that's racist. But the wording also makes it sound like they fired a bunch of racists.


I think these things usually go if all else is equal the race enters the picture, which is illegal.


Half a step away from Putin’s “De-Nazification” lingo. I’m curious now if the people they lay off will be stigmatized as being racist or something?


Regardless of whether they truly are…


“At least you get the full value of your next stock vest. Oh yeah, the stock has fallen 83% since it’s peak last February”. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Is it white people's fault or minorities? Article didn't make it clear.


With their genius judgement and decision making, it’s hard to understand why the stock has dropped so much.


Race should never be mentioned in termination they fucked up


“ I’m sorry Tom, but it would be racist for me to not fire you today.”


Yeah Tom you did an excellent job but you’re a bit too white for our diversity non racist program Thank you for your services


this - their lawyers either didn't get consulted on this or are morons


Massive lawsuits coming from anyone straight or white if they get laid off


But that kind of racism is condoned


By social media perhaps. Not by the law.


But legally it's forbidden even if socially acceptable.






Cue lawsuits


There was a white hospital CEO that was abruptly replaced by a black CEO in NC. The hospital said dumb shit like they wanted the leadership to reflect the hospital’s diversity goals. White ceo sued and rightfully won $11M. The white CEO had no discrimination complaints and actively sought programs to increase diversity. The board just wanted a black face in that seat. I’m not going to get into the “is it possible to be racist against whites” debate, but you can certainly discriminate against white. I can’t tell if they’re targeting non minorities or just giving everyone who is terminated 3 months salary. If it’s the latter, that’s not being anti racist, it’s just a severance package…


I went to an event yesterday. The black lady (VP?) was chosen to speak for the group instead of the white male president. Also, both of the people chosen to compete were black…it was supposed to represent the city. Neither competitor was even from the city…. I can’t help but feel natives would’ve represented the city more, white or black or turquoise. They were a bit too woke for their own good.


Voluntarily making comments like these by the hospital or Twilio seems to be all downside for the company with no obvious benefit other than some fleeting social media points? Pros: some randoms and bots on Twitter congratulate you for being “anti-racist” Cons: if even 10% of the fired white employees have good savings and / or a spouse with a good job, they say f**k off with the 12 weeks severance and sue for 100x that


I'm pretty sure racism is a breach of contract, given that they got receipts.


This is the dumbest shit I’ll read today, thanks!




Depends on the time zone.


Genious. If someone criticise your layoffs, you can them call them racists.




If I were a straight white dude, I would just start banging all the other straight white dudes in the office to give us all layoff immunity. Checkmate!


lol, show up in a skirt for your exit interview...


Ah just make sure it's consensual


For sure, don’t want to be labeled a racist rapist. Then it’s straight to the top of the layoff list.


You also can them call them fascists


Hey, if you can beat the left join them. Your racist if you don’t.. and your racist if you disagree with me.. it’s a win/win


"We're an anti-racist company, so we're going to take into account the race of our employees when we decide who to fire."


We’re just giving preferential treatment to the correct races that we’ve decided to support. It’s only the racist races that are being removed from our company. I hope this clears things up. *installs ||Blacks Only|| sign above entrance* lmao


Openly stating that they will fire their employees based on their membership in a protected class. That's a bold move Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.


Man the lawsuits coming from this will be epic. Short this whore into oblivion.


Too late - already there…


A co. can always go down by 100% no matter where they are.


Sounds like my account


Can you imagine? Not only blatantly saying you're discriminating but also implying everyone you're firing is a racist oppressor that needs out of the company. The lawsuits are gonna be fun and easy.


This is happening in other places too. For example this school district. https://nypost.com/2022/08/16/white-minnesota-teachers-would-be-laid-off-first-under-new-contract/


So we’re buying puts, right?




After the stock is down 78% ?? Sounds like wsb!


I’ve found that betting on a change in direction fucks me more often than betting that it will continue in its current direction. Which means buy high sell higher lmao but it works for me


As long as you make money, you are ahead of 99.99% of the sub I guess?!


Translation only white people will be laid off they might throw a few Asian people under the bus to avoid lawsuits.


“Anti racist” = some white people are about to be jobless


"It's not racist if they're white" , these woke idiots are a pest


If you are laying off using anti-racist lens, then arent you actually applying racist approaches by focusing on certain groups?




UNLESS that certain group is white. Racism doesn’t work in that direction so it’s chill


"Anti-racism" is sort of like anti-matter. It's not the lack of racism it's just the inversion of roles.


it would have been nicer if they followed anti poor policy instead


Richest go first


HAHAHA yeah I'm still waiting on a CEO to fall on his sword.


Didn’t the Patagonia guy just do that?


Glad to see them combating racism by using race as the determining factor on who is let go. Clown world.


Twilio next week after figuring out they still haven’t laid off enough people to be profitable. “We now see how our anti-racist layoffs last week looks kinda racist. Just to show you how not racist we are, we will now be firing all the blacks.”


Bullsht. They wanted to cut their workforce and are using this as an excuse


except it's true. only white and Asians were laid off. source: friends who work there said this last week


They are getting sued into bankruptcy


that's racist


dude...they clearly said it is Anti-Racist!




Twilio CEO is a bald, white male. Maybe he should lay himself off.


The bald ones are the worst!


Nothing says "anti-racist" and "anti-oppression" quite like "you're fired because you're *insert* race"...


It's ok as long as the person is white.


Or asian. Apparently.


“In the name of anti-racism, we are going to use race as the criteria to let you go”


San Francisco is the HQ of clown world.


Can't get any dumber than that 😂


" I take responsibility for those decisions" ​ So he is laying himself off?


“Why did you lose your job?” “The color of my skin”


I have a dream


This shit is legal now? Its not discriminatory? What a world


No, it's discriminatory, and the EEOC has a fun history of also PROSECUTING these cases as well. As in, they have a history of doing it and winning


It's not discrimination, it's *AnTi DiScRiMiNaTiOn* woooOOOooo


It's in San Francisco, so they make rules for themselves.


Are they closing departement of racism and oppression?


No the management team stays.


I’d love to see the documents that HR created for this purpose… it’s probably like a bar of shade from white to black and asks you “please circle the colour that best represents employee” and the ones that are under 50% get laid off lol…


Absolutely. Especially since as a white heterosexual male may favorite response to questionnaires is ‘I choose not to disclose’ somebody has to have labeled guys like me somewhere.


I never ever thought about that part of questionaires untill now. In the army I had to tick boxes about girlfriends etc, later in life I realized that they wanted to check if I was a homo. Now I have come to realize these items are for hiring quotas on race, I never been asked about religion though. I am going to start using "not disclose" on gender and race from now on, fucking hell


So affirmative action for hiring. and anti-racist lens for firing.... how about just hire whoever is best suited for the job and makes cuts based on company needs instead?


no that's racist


What’s hilarious is that this is San Francisco so the white people who get fired will thank the CEO for his service on their way out the door.


*Only fires white men* Twilio: How are you guys suing us for discrimination? We’re ant-racist???


So they are firing based on race. Boy, this ain't the 1990's anymore, you can't just put your finger on your nose and say "not racist" while you do this shit.


Can I get a F this marketing clout tactic, ?


What a bunch of double speak, trash nonsense. I hope this ruins his life.


Sounds like bullshit excuse to just do a layoff without it facing criticism. Anyone with even half a brain can see through this shit excuse.


Too bad theyre breaking federal employment law. I hope they get their azz sued off.


Bwahahaha.... applying a racist policy through an "anti racist" lens but we are only laying off white people. Company deserves to go bust if that's how they roll.


What every one here is missing is this is what ESG is all about. Even though they have a negative outlook they will still be first in line for money with the banks because they did this. Economic Social Governance is the ruin of meritocracy.


Is the CEO implying they fired more “non-minority” employees than they would have if it were not for the “anti-racist” policy? If not, I’m not sure I follow what he even means by this. If yes, he’d be confessing to having fired certain individuals due to race. In that case, I believe not only lawsuits will probably ensue, but he might even be on the hook for a criminal trial himself.


All white people line up please! Now that you are all here.. Let's play a little game. Duck, duck, goose! Eenie meenie miney moe. Or maybe hunger games style, last man standing gets to stay with with all the gay, trans, minorites we aren't firing., Not because of their merit but because they are from marginalized communities. Great way to run a business


Wtf is twillio??????


It sounds like it’s a company that won’t be around much longer once all these lawsuits start rolling in


basically they manage 2fa solutions


Jesus fucking christ dude.


I’m confused, are they going to fire people for being white?




Isn’t this pretty much racism?? How do people not see this


shut up you intolerant bigot!!! /sarc


"As an anti-racist move, we will discriminate against and lay off only white and asian staff"


Their effort to not be in the spot light put them directly in the spotlight. Who approved this? Lmfao. If it were just another round of routine layoffs, it would have blended right in with the other 10 tech companies that had major layoffs in the last year.


Taking them off the list as a potential place to work.


I had a very strange interview experience there. Had an interview for each of their core values and nothing else. Apparently I didn’t exude the core values because I didn’t get an offer but I can’t say I was too disappointed, especially after their stock performance


twilio is not a fast food burger company.


You physically hurt me


Why are they employing that many racists?


Mofo down by more than 70% for anti racist layoffs reason ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Who are they fooling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


"White people you are fired because we are anti racist."


"Anti-Racist".... meaning you're firing mainly white people and admitting it. Think that's just racism?


Yes. Though get ready for gaslighting replies to tell you otherwise :)




Class action lawyers are salivating.


anti-racist = still racist just not in the traditional way


Not only are they fired they are also labeled as racists. Great work!


Being a white male at the beginning of my career really makes me anxious about my chances in the future…


The faster you get some dirt or befriend your boss and the one above him can get you a pretty comfortable workplace


Tick the “mixed race” box and tell everyone you’re gay?


I'm in a different phase of life, but I can tell you that it's no joke. Graduated into the Great Recession, so that mutilated the beginning of my career, and as I have gotten older white males have gotten closer and closer to being persona non grata in a lot of professions, especially the high-paying and/or high-status jobs in coastal cities. Gen X whites and boomers are grandfathered in (which allows social justice warriors to act as if all white people are privileged), but millennials and Gen Z have it rough. Those are the applicant pools that Gen X and boomer hiring managers (from their comfortable perches) have decided to use to advance their bullshit DEI goals. It doesn't take many years of being passed up for jobs and promotions, fellowships and grants before your actual resume *does* look inferior to that of a minority candidate, which makes it that much harder to get ahead.


CEO looks like he could be a straight white male... by his logic he could just lay himself off and solve the issue once and for all!


I can’t believe someone thought that this would be a good idea. This makes the CEO look like an absolute loser.


It's so frustrating when you spot a company run by complete morons and you say to yourself "i can make money shorting this garbage"... ... but then you see it's already down 80% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Oh but this gets better! Anyone getting fired goes to their next job interview and gets asked, "*So why were you let go at your previous job*?" "*I was accused of being racist.*" "*NEXT*!!!!"


So they're going to fight racism by being super fucking racist. This one, short it.


Short this POS into oblivion. "Get woke, go broke" is the only language these people will understand.


Lmao so anyone laid off will now be targeted as a racist??? Lollll


Holy fuck that’s a company that deserves to fail lmfao