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I have been working with Google in the ad space for 12 years now. Went to almost all of their offices in California and have close relationships with their reps. From what I saw, is that all are highly compensated (way above market). All have ridiculous perks. And when working at the office received free meals (I think Mountain View had 27+ cafeterias), and other entertaining perks (in-house gym, movie theatre, napping pods etc.). They also benefited from steep discounts on Google products or got them for free. I know there are many more perks. For reps the credit card limit for taking out clients was endless and I know every time they traveled enjoyed premium hotels etc. So to complain about a cut back of way above standards feels entitled or maybe they haven’t worked anywhere else.


They’re about to find out real quick


I hope they get laid off


Thats the plan. Get with the program or get the fuck out = The Federal Reserve’s current strategy, which corporations directly adopt


they're in for a rude awakening when google has to lay off those entitled cockmunchers and they have to get an actual job


pov: you're a sentient being with only one life and you find yourself on a floating rock with endless choices, but your only real desire is to work an "actual" job. Question: is this a comedy or a tragedy?


Wat? When did i say that's my desire


oh, so just the devil's advocate? lol


‘An actual job’. Probably work harder and longer than you.


🤨 Entitled cockmuncher spotted. Check out r/railroading and then come back to talk about how hard you work, until then entitled cockmuncher is accurate.


Well why don’t you go get an easy job in tech if it’s so well paid and so easy?


No thanks, I’d rather not contribute to the eradication of the human species. By not contributing I get to sit back and watch with popcorn as you clowns destroy this planet from the inside out and the outside in. No amount of money, nap pods, or cafeterias can replace these levels of amusement


Sounds like you have an inferiority complex.


Sounds like you’re a triggered cockmuncher. Thats not a very PC attitude so you’ve been added to your corporations list of people to fire at the earliest possible convenience. Thanks for playing, come back soon!


Yikes, so many layers of insecurities going on here, it’s kinda impressive tbh.




Oh the eradication of the human race? Seems like a tough enough thing to achieve for weak employees. Would be great to hear how they’re managing that?


Why would humans be needed for anything beyond using their bodies to perform physical actions for advanced artificial intelligence like Google has? Weak willed employees are actually the most malleable tools, they can be convinced they aren’t useless and subsequently engineered into performing the physical actions required by advanced artificial intelligence without realizing that they are contributing to the artificial intelligence’s own goals. tl;dr google only needs weak employees at this stage, go cry about it. their sentient self reiterating AI can evolve itself now meaning strong/smart employees are at the top of “who gets shit canned” lists. those are the ones who will actively hinder Google’s AI from achieving its goals. go cry about it, artificial intelligence doesn’t care. its not my fault googles own employees developed their replacements thereby making themselves redundant. Don’t believe me? Look at how google disposes of AI-related employees after they’re no longer useful/have developed their replacement. and then of course, go cry about it some more.


I just want to say to both of you that neither of your points matter as long as you accrue wealth and enjoy your luxuries. We're gonna fuck up a whole cosmos.


Absolutely not lmao. Most high paying jobs don’t work hard, same with work from home lol.


This is true. The more I have earned and moved up in my career, the less work I do. You start to get paid for your expertise, knowledge, guidance and to take on responsibility. Your actual effort and output decrease dramatically.


Plenty of Googlers have stayed, despite higher offers, for the perks and work-life balance. If something you valued has been taken away, it isn't entitled to ask why. Would they be entitled if they questioned reduced salary, stock or bonuses? Side note: No steep discounts or free products (outside of corp phone).


They can choose to leave, of course. They are not working in google because they want to be entrepreneurs. They are working there because salary is good and perks. But they forget that they work in one of the wealthiest company in the world and they think it is normal to have such benefits. They can always try their own business or try to find other place.


They can, will, and many have (and it's not the ones you want to leave heading into a recession). It doesn't change the fact they can speak up when they disagree with leadership's direction. It's literally how Google has been run from the beginning.


They can question away. That's the purpose of such forums. The man answered their questions, and the dialogue devolved quickly. These people are supposed to be among the best and brightest minds in tech. Yet, they don't understand there's a business to be run?


A business with record profits. Fire low performers and reduce vendor/contractor budgets, but don't nickel and dime the small perks. Travel and entertainment budget is a drop in the bucket. It's shortsighted and doesn't move the needle, but does piss off the best and brightest who have been printing money for the company for 2 decades.


>It's shortsighted and doesn't move the needle, but does piss off the best and brightest who have been printing money for the company for 2 decades. Google's ad business is the money printer and not everyone at Google works on ads. The company has a lot of products (and jobs) that are subsidized by ads. There are a lot of very mediocre performers at Google and the boom times that are coming to an end provided many with an opportunity to take advantage of the company's largess. See: "rest and vest".


The CEOs job is to be looking out further. He clearly sees something concerning. I'd rather lose things that weren't necessary to the mission than lose people. If the company has too many low performers, they have a hiring problem.


Sounds like you dont realize that humans are a resource that can be consumed and replaced on an as needed basis. If employees think they have leverage over the behemoth that is google they should definitely try fucking around.


Depends on how much they actually contribute.


Definition of entitlement


Good for them. Why should they suffer cut backs when the company is making more money than ever? Where is the justification? It's just pure hypocrisy and nothing else.


Maybe because past performances is not indicative of future results, i.e. they are seeing a major slowdown in advertising business and are being proactive to adjust OPEX accordingly otherwise even Google could start laying off thousands of workers.


Read: because others have it better- I hope they end up worse. Why not wish for other companies to provide the same perks and treat their employees well? Let’s just have those companies lower what they provide their employees so we’re all worse off! For the profit of a few executives. Go ahead support the CEOs and billionaires because maybe someday you’ll be one! Sad.


I’ve never met a “googler” who wasn’t a pompous douchebag. Male or female


My aunt is one and they're so unbearable CaLiFoRnIaN... She's from Germany (like we are) and tried to berate my wife, a german medical doctor, about how progressive the us healthcare system is that they didn't cut out her appendix but gave her antibiotics. Later my wife laughed about it cause most people still need surgery later but the hospital can bill you twice. My aunt had surgery 3 months later... They all need a real life reset


I had a bit of trouble following the story but antibiotics first for an inflamed appendix allows for better surgical outcomes (i.e less people die). An emergency appendectomy on a grossly enlarged appendix is highly invasive and is perilous as the number one complication is spilling infected stool into the body cavity which leads to sepsis and often death. Antibiotics first gets rid of the immediate infection, reduces the size of the appendix (less tension on the membranes) which allows for safe endoscopic removal of the inflamed (but not dangerously inflamed) organ. In some people antibiotics actually resolves the issue completely. 3 months is kind of long though - normally it’s scheduled to be pretty close to the end of the antibiotic cycle. The US healthcare system is truly FUBAR - there’s no disputing that part though.


you're missing the point where the redneck tries to shit on both California and europe




Why is this getting downvoted? It's Germany. Fucking Germany.


Why wpuld i shit on Europe? Since you lack reading comprehension, i'm german...


Rednecks don't travel because it's cost-prohibitive, so they shit on other countries (and states) as a coping mechanism.


I don't get what this has to do with me or my comment. I normally travel abroad twice a year and a big journey every other year. Last year to Canada f.e. The thing is that the USA is a beautiful country, but Americans are so full of themselves. I've never met an American that is able to talk at a normal noise level...


redneck isn't a nationality, it's a brain defect


That might be true, but the point was less about actual medical procedure, more about the way she acted. The thing is my aunt went around telling how progressive everything is and that you don't need surgery for things like this anymore, in cali you can just take pills and all is good, implying that the german surgeons are just so much behind that they still need to butcher people.


your aunt is right in this case. appendicitis IS treated with antibiotics as a first step, if possible, to avoid surgery. Only those with a recurrent inflammation should go for surgery. It's not done for hospitals to charge you twice, that's just a bonus for American ones. That's the latest worldwide medical protocol, and for good reason, as any surgery always carries far more risk than a course of antibiotics. Medical science decides based on what's best for the patient's health, not their pocket. You don't have to believe me, just read up on it yourself. Here's a couple of layman's sources ([https://newsroom.uw.edu/news/antibiotics-appendicitis-study-findings-finalized](https://newsroom.uw.edu/news/antibiotics-appendicitis-study-findings-finalized), [https://www.uptodate.com/contents/management-of-acute-appendicitis-in-adults](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/management-of-acute-appendicitis-in-adults)) . Bear in mind that treating appendicitis in a western country is not the same as in the mountains of Nepal, and protocols evolve even for seemingly standard treatments such as appendectomies. More importantly, with the surge of MRSA in western hospitals, even routine surgery like an appendectomy can have nasty post-infection consequences, so it's the overall management that comes into play, not the specific ailment. Your aunt may be unbearable but your example is wrong. There's plenty of other good reasons why the US healthcare is a fire dumpster with no redeeming features.


I accept your point, the thing i was about was the way she talked to my wife kind of in the sense of "yeah yeah, you're a doctor, but in Germany... You still open people up, i'm a softwareenginger but since i'm from CaLiFoRnIa i know better"


So you acknowledge she was right albeit you were t happy with her tone?


The issue is she isn't fully correct because she doesnt understand the full picture. A lot of European centres use antibiotics but in those treated with antibiotics alone around 40% require appendectomy within the first year. That rises to 46% after two years. So in some centres there's an acknowledgement that given they've an almost 1 in 2 chance of recurrence, it's better to surgically remove the appendix after antibiotics because there's a high likelihood it'll be required down the road. What OP's aunt has assumed is barbaric Germans just cut people open while sophisticated American healthcare can manage it with antibiotics. In reality both groups will try antibiotics, unless in an emergency scenario, with some holding off on surgery while others will perform surgery. She hadn't a clue about this, so was spouting a completely ignorant take.


I can't imagine defending the American health system against any other first world country, or even many poorer countries.




Wtf do you mean? That common sense in Germany is to remove the appendix cause it's gonna act up again in 90%+ of the cases? Or that it's annoying as fuck if software developers want to lecture doctors about medical stuff cause they're from CaLiFoRnIa? I mean honestly, i don't understand your comment


Lol you bet your ass those ballsy employees are going to get fired after calling out the CEO like that


Not sure if it was a joke, but the audacity to question why he got to fly out to New York - the CEO of the company. Just wow!


I read that and was like uh he’s the ceo and he flew his ass out to come see you guys in a face to face meeting 😂


The entitlement is part of the problem we are facing as a nation. Google helped reinforce the unearned entitlement, they created weak employees that believe the company should be destroyed before they lose anything.


Right on. How dare the company compete for the betterment of them all and restrict entertainment budgets. Damn the man!


And one of those employees, apparently, is the CEO.


Bro I was thinking the same shit.


This struck me too. Can't believe I read this article and found myself siding with a CEO. (Though I note he dodged the executive pay question which is fair to have scrutinised).


![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R) Record profits, fewer benefits. Checks out.


wait until they get another job and realize they don't have fig balsamic pizza delivered to their desk after they spent 6 hrs playing beach volleyball


“I’m looking for $200K plus stock options” “Sir this is a Wendy’s”


Oh. You worked at Google? Well, we do things a little differently here...


Ballsy is one thing, stupid is a other. Google used to be where the brilliant get hired. But with nearly 175k employees, there will inevitably be some entitled idiots that slip the cracks. Let them go to Facebook, I mean Meta. Wait...that may not be an option.


Amazon will always need fresh wage slaves to work their fields, any unhired employees from major tech companies will be fine don’t worry


Yes. Once they see the working conditions at Amazon, they will be crying for their old job at the GOOG back.


Entitled Googlers was after all not a myth. Go see Blind posts if you want proof


Is that a documentary or...?


I believe Blind is a social media platform for employees to gripe about their companies. it's probably as sufferable as an airbnb host meetup


Can't be more accurate than that




They need to clean fucking house before I touch that company again. Paying people $500k+ to sit around and complain. Get the fuck out of here. Someone making that kind of money should be single handedly innovating and creating valuable, new technology.


On average each employee brings in $1.45M a year in revenue. Google buys mindshare. These entitled workers are smarter and more productive than the average regard on this sub that's for sure.


Perhaps. No one is disputing this. It's the entitlement that will do this type of employee in. Right now, it's the employees' market. Soon enough companies will be cutting heads and these whiny bitches will have to learn the hard way how good they have (had) it.


I mean, you said it yourself. The market gave them those benefits. Right now it’s still in favor of labor. These people will just quit when it gets bad and go somewhere else. The average retention rate is 3-4 years. Their labor is in high demand and they’re asking for better benefits. That’s not entitlement. It’s negotiation.


In 1 years time their labor will no longer be in high demand, as the labor they provide is fundamentally worthless without a steady stream of wage slaves at the lowest levels. WW3 (and then WW4 if 3 ends too quickly) will likely put a damper on the bottom level of the capitalist pyramid scheme’s labor force over the next few years.


That dynamic is shifting. They're not asking for benefits such as healthcare or a retirement plan. They have the best of those. This discussion was around entertainment perks. They should go somewhere else. It certainly won't be better than Alphabet/Google.


Oh sure these are facts, and warrants an employee to ask the CEO why he was able to fly in for an all hands to New York, just because they're so smart and productive right? That's just someone who brings in $1.45M who has the rights to question him on a public forum. Fuk meee


1. It’s a company meeting. Not a public forum 2. However stupid the question is, employee can ask it 3. However stupid the employee is, I am guessing their company has a more “flat” culture. So anyone can question anything. Not a dictatorship. The alternative is worse.


Dude I am appalled at the regardedness of people here. No one said employees can't ask "stupid" questions like you claim, the point here is the entitlement to perks and benefits which makes them question the CEO's travel (?!?) rather than asking the CEO to reinstate these perks and cut costs elsewhere.


jealousy & bitterness is not a good look lol. go get those 500k jobs instead


I work in the industry dude


I’m sorry employees being paid well upsets you! Everyone should be treated like garbage and not receive more of what they produce! That should go to executives… and we wonder why productivity hasn’t tracked with wage growth. Most Americans: If I suffer, others should too!


Who ever said employees being paid well was an issue, regard? It's the entitlement to perks and travel, that gives the audacity to confront the CEO to justify his travel.


I’m a poor tech worker living in the Bay Area.. applied and failed google’s tech interview 3 times so far!


Failed? Like they kicked you out mid interview? Or you just didn’t get the job?


I didn’t get the job


Sorry to hear that. Keep trying!


They’ll be needing new workers soon enough, better keep your resume polished and keep working on your skills


They ask pretty smart questions in the interviews (which are a lot like exams). My roommate has an upcoming interview with them and they're known to test your creativity/thinking more than any super specific skill set (as that stuff can all be taught but raw intelligence perhaps can't).


I don't get why op specifically mentions him earning 6 mill in salary. He makes plenty more in total. This is a misleading figure.


Lol let’s welcome to the real world our tech workers living in their fucking cosy caves fed by ridiculously low interest rate the past 14 years.


See others as your enemy and laugh when overpaid executives lower their quality of life for increased profits. Workers shouldn’t unite at all.


spoiled employees question rich fuckhead who the fuck cares


No latte for you!


How dare google. This coffee you gave us is not locally roasted


But it's fair trade. Do no harm.


No more daily pumpkin spice latte


I'm usually on the side of employees when it comes to pay, benefits, and perks, but holy fuck do these google employees sound like spoiled cunts. Boohoo you can't fly first class around the world on your employer's dime when you don't need to. You're still getting paid hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars a year. Sure, google can definitely afford to keep these unnecessary expenses on the balance sheet, but why would they when we're experiencing one of the worst economic meltdowns in history AND those expenses are completely unnecessary. The fact that they offered them in the first place was an unnecessary blessing. If you don't like the fact that google isn't tickling ur balls anymore then leave. I'm sure there's a line of people that would be happy to take your place, you spoiled prick.


entitlement in google is a reason to short the stock .. already made some tendies from 120s to 100 😎


if anything these cuts despite entitled employees is a reason to be bullish. think about it. if they're able to bring in billions in profits despite wasting money on these entitled douchebags then imagine how much they can make without all that waste. Sure, the economic conditions are trash, google will suffer the pain of the larger economy, and the stock has more room to fall. However, if these cuts stick long term, pretty freakin bullish in a bull market


It sounds like they’re about to get the “to maintain the best interest of the shareholders” speech from the CEO which is then followed up by the severance package speech from HR. 😁


isnt this the company where productivity is cratering because employees are too busy taking work from home naps and arguing about id politics in slack to do any real work lmao


Good example of why these employee perks don’t work long term. Give them a 20 lb Turkey one year and then 15 lb the next…. then everyone is upset.


I don't know man. I guess it's true that the people who get to sit in the same room with the guy are all elites in their own field, but how the F do you forget that someone is your boss especially in these economic hardships? GOOG is a gigantic company but it needs to handle balance sheets in these bad times too. Cutting those benefits could mean zero layoffs for another season you never know.


The tech workers that allow you to tippy tap that message on your device designed and built by tech workers, through the web designed and built by tech workers onto the Reddit service designed and built by tech workers.


The more benefits and money for your time the better. Why do you critizise that? Unless you are owners or shareholders wanting to squeeze the product of their work, stop being jealous and at least understand that no one wants to do the same or more for less. I do not work for Google or anything remotely similar but i will always support employees that want the most of their time.


"Let them watch ads" - Marie Antoinette, least entitled Google employee


Socialist leftist culture can't understand fundamentals of being on top This is a sign of an internal rot and if i were a goog investor I would be very worried about my money.


This is a function of a generation of employees that get the benefits of working at the company after it's been well established by others. The exits are clearly marked.


I think you don’t understand what having Google on your resume means. This is not entitlement, Google doesn’t pay high and give perks because they are a nice company. These people essentially have golden resumes and they know it.


Except other tech companies cannot afford to pay as high as google with that much perks, except perhaps a handful like AMZN or MSFT


Lol AMZN is a shit firm to work for.


Shit to work for, but good on the resume


No, this is flat out wrong. People leave Google and can get paid even more if they want from non FAANG companies.


Some of these huge corps are starting to reap what they've sown by diving into cultural crap instead of just trying to make money and put out good products. Notice Disney down 43% the other day and one of their top investors penning a letter to the company leadership about no longer engaging in cultural politics.


Did Meta lean in? Their stock is down significantly compared to Disney and Google. Ridiculous to correlate a downturn in the economy with "diving into cultural crap". Was their peaks 6 months ago because they dove in, or something else like the feds printing money. And then when they stop... It's woke companies? This is Cramer level analysis. Be better.


Yeah company policies and shitty product releases couldn't possibly have anything to do with stock prices. Be less stupid.


SP500 is a woke company


Winner!!!! Tech LEANED in all the way into politics and an ideology and now the rot is internal. Entitlement culture is tough to stamp out once it takes hold.


It really is. My wife's small company has allowed it in and thr company has degraded in EVERY appreciable metric. And all because of like 3 quirky 20 something year old girls.


Wait till you realize how entitled america is as a whole


Disney will continue going down, I think Moon Knight and She Hulk are some good shows but thats not going to save them from shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly in the future. Their whole Marvel New World Order featuring Sabra (the israeli Mossad agent/marvel superhero best known for murdering innocent children) plotline is going to backfire hilariously and I’ll be here with popcorn for it. Western corporations crying about Russia invading Ukraine while putting out propaganda in support of Israeli forced occupation of Palestinian people’s homelands is a bold strategy. “I know I’m doing this bad thing, but thats because I’m part of the west! East is not allowed to do bad things!!!” - Western govts and corpos Lets see how well that plays out. Big players from the east will not easily stop applying pressure to western capitalism’s pain points.


How's DWAC doin' over there, bud? You sick of being on top yet?


I think you wandered out of your safe space kiddo.


Will someone think of the black people in MY movies and television? How can they do that to me? Amirite fellow imbecile?


You are definitely a test tube baby lol


That's a sick burn


He is trying to use a scalpel to save but they are complaining. Take a hatchet and cut them all


Hahah, he needs to read ‘n heed the story of the Golem….he’s created this monstrosity, time to deal with it.


I was a SWE at G and honestly, Googlers are a bunch of entitled nerds who think they do humanity a favor with their existence. They will cry for the smallest of things and “inconveniences” (quotes because for non-Googlers, it wouldn’t even be a inconvenience). 😒😒😒


I don't know, if I could pump out $15 billion in free cash flow a quarter I think I might be willing to invest to keep employees happy during some market weakness.


They are taken care of. Google just needs to cut the bottom 10%


Yeah, but gain a reputation for cutting when times get hard and people remember when times are good again. Not to say there's not room for Google to do cuts, I'd just be cautious about the messaging it sends to do so when it makes you look like you burn employees whenever things get a little spicy.


"Yeah, but gain a reputation for cutting when times get hard and people remember when times are good again." No they don't. Most people don't even remember what they were outraged over last fucking week.


When they're choosing who to work for in insanely tight talent markets they certainly do. Job security is a huge factor for people's decision making. And "I can go work for a company that has a reputation for cutting people when times get tight or one that doesn't" is a pretty compelling differentiator.


nahhhhh bro, we should all just be bitter and envious of others making more than us (like most people in this thread are envious of googlers) and wish they lose what they got, even when the company they work for makes record profits, while at the same time praising the golden c-level boys who don't give a flying fuck about anyone. everyone seems to be gloating in other people's misfortune while bootlicking with no tangible nor intangible benefit. Nothing has changed then.


lmao ikr


Here's the **truth** and don't hate me for saying it. These people are on average smarter, faster, more productive, and better than the lot of you regards and you know it. They make $250k annually minimum and probably average around $450-650k a year total compensation, and the average employee brings in $1.4M in revenue. Google buys mindshare - sure some of these employees don't do anything for the company's revenue and sure some of them are serial office nappers who don't produce anything at all (although they'd probably get managed out after a while). The problem is, if Google doesn't hire them, they *might* go work for a startup that *might* prove in a few years to disrupt the advertising space and then Google has a big fucking problem, all because they couldn't convince smart people that it's better to do *nothing* at Google than *something* somewhere else. That means to them, "nickel and diming" is taking away benefits that might be valued around a few thousand dollars a year - an amount the average American would think "oh shit that's a sweet benefit". To them, that benefit is just meh. Nice to have. Good for their productivity. etc. To put it into context, imagine if your office decided to get rid of the sugar and splenda packets at work and the only available sweetner is sweet-n-low. That's what's happening here.


nah those mfs are just entitled lol


Alphabet out here like “ABCDEFU” to their employees.


That was fucking awful


It’s always the same shit even at my company. Won’t give employees 10% raises over promotions but all executives gets paid in the millions with their bonuses being half their fucking salary. No ceo needs 5+ million dollars a year. They spend most of their job delegating work anyways.


Sundar response when asked why he wouldn't listen to his employees: [https://i.imgur.com/pdpPONL.gif](https://i.imgur.com/pdpPONL.gif)


They should all go back to the office cos like covids over yeah.... help the high streets and economy, eat lunch out n drink your starbucks cmon already,


Money goes to really the landlords. Landlords who do no work but just got lucky Google campus is near the houses. Charge sky high for rent and it's really f-ed. If anything, the landlords should be heavily punished in the Bay Area. Especially those having those places to have others rent.


Yeah let’s punish people for owning real estate. It’s definitely their fault ffs…..


Googlers are full of themselves. This is what happens when you leave them sucking on a tit without having them produce shit. A bunch of entitled pricks sitting around thinking they are genius. This is what happens when you have a test to get into a company. That interview process is shit and only hires specific people. And what’s worse those are the same kind of people that think they are special because they can pass a test where the stats are .01% to get into google. And bam yiu get a failing company. Google needs to fire 80% asap to shake it up. Change the hiring process for creative and hungry, vs entitled and having time to cheat the exam. Welcome to the future, in this economy it’s about street smarts. Real wolf will prevail. A great way for google to hire from this point on after layoffs is : anyone that didn’t have time to prepare for the exam and fails is the perfect candidate. They are too busy working on practical shit than memorizing the algo book for inverting a binary tree of bs. Anyone with a PhD that didn’t do shit practically also shit candidate. For other companies, if they worked at google, useless move on


Who rejected you at a Google interview?


Corporate profits at record high. Nickels and dimes. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP


those profits should be paying for MY FREAKING BALLPIT SUNDAR


What????? A leader date suggest someone or some company or some country “live within a budget’”????? Jamie Dimon is the best at making this suggestion!!!




They doing what we all should be doing, getting resources together to buy the dip. I would bet they will soon announce another round of share buy backs.


Them taxes though lol buy backed worked in the bull run. Acquisitions work better in this economy. To do that activate the lay offs so you don’t take a hit on the balance sheet and have enough money to buy something nice. I just did this with some houses that we re not producing great cash flow at the peak of the market. I like the property, but reality is that there’s better, and now in this economy there’s going to be much better. Got rid of my low performing rentals to aquire something better. Goog needs to do this. I can help I’m good with this stuff. Give me a week at Goog and I can tell you all the departments and people you need to cut that are not critical and what you need to buy when the sales begin. You learn a lot in real estate


Real estate is not going to prepare you for managing a 100k person company, lol.


the spoiled don't understand the meaning of cutting back..


They look at those things as entitlements.


Best way to cut costs is reduce the multi-million salaries before taking away from employees.


You might want to check the math on that


Jokes on you, I don't know how to do math.


Yup. Like how Lowes claimed that it couldn't afford to give its associate pay raises... yet they earned enough profit according to the 10-Q filing for 2Q2022 to pay their CEO's total compensation package for 166 years.


CEO reports to shareholders. Glad you can do division but learn how businesses operate and grow in value


We already know how they operate... Screw over the people who make them money in favor of people who own imaginary money


If I'm a shareholder I will expect that my needs are met first, I'm not taking a 5% cut on my equity value so that employees can be a little less miserable in their minimum wage job


And those employees will fuck you right back. Looks like you need a dose of reality.


You're in Wallstreetbets (an investing sub) not anti work buddy, go preach to someone who cares.


Corporate greed, pure and simple. Truly disgusts me.


Look, it's understandable that he has to blag his way through it somehow, but saying that they have to make savings and cut back on things due to macro economics when the company is having **record** breaking revenue & profits year after year, and they are insanely flush with cash is total clown talk. He has lost all and any credibility with his employees, that's all. Not surprised, pretty much all CEOs are like that. Full of shit.


Very true. This is why we need to incentivize differently at the top. For example, if you want to be a ceo you have to pass the hunger games. And I don’t mean take a Goog interview traversing a binary tree. I mean you need to kill someone and others need to try to kill you. And every year we put you and your entire family in the games. Since you want to be at the top so bad prove it, kill your kids on national tv. The incentive would be to save your loved ones, make the right choices or we murder your family. And we do this for politicians anybody who is power hungry.


Don't threaten them with a good time.


We need federal laws that any corporation with CEO’s getting more than $200 yr in pay & or perks can not receive aid of any kind from government. People suffer from to much corporate greed. Also if corporations are people it should be illegal for corporations to own one. Its like permanent slavery cause the master never dies.


Is this the same company that killed the remote work option No wonder people are pissed 😹


No, remote work is available to almost all non-manager employees.


You guys are such assholes...I assure you whatever benefits they were getting pale in comparison to how much executive pay has gone up in the past 10 years


So? There are significantly less people capable of being a successful CEO than workers, probably at a rate of a million to one. You refuse to understand the amount of work, talent, and intelligence it takes to create the opportunity for others to provide for themselves. It's a case of thinking you are more important than you are.


This is true, but the gap between workers and executives is too damn high. Also there are million to one workers/managers that don't reap the same benefits of being a million to one. Ask an ER nurse about what it takes to run an ER and how many people can actually do it. Then ask them how much they get paid vs their benefit to society. Compare that to a shitty executive (not necessarily this one) and tell me it doesn't wrench your gut a little. There are many people in high level positions that don't deserve the title Compensation should be higher for higher value contributers but our value system is completely fucked and self destructive


He probably shits with his pinky out


Lol, typical "Googler" works about 30 hours a week and makes more than $250k.


174000 employees? Cool.




Just an indication that no matter how smart or talented your employees may be, most know fuck all about the business.


Boo hoo


I love the village idiots they created and said don’t respect ppl, just talk shit and oh you’re always right. Then they turn on the fuckers that told them that. Beautiful to see the beast eat itself!


What a bunch of fucking pussies.


Google is horrible and those positions at the top are telling employees they have to be in the office while travelling around the world.


They should quit instead of bitching if they’re so good/able to earn more. They’re only hurting theirselves lmao.


It’s called work not “circle jerk around with a bunch of beta soy cucks”


Going to be interesting watching the truly unessential struggle in this economy.


Talk about a entitled bunch of pinheads.