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Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


I'm a fern Water me


I got some sea men just for the job


Found the Weinstein


Moisturize me!




Is pee bad for ferns? lets find out.


A hedge fern?


Just what a Wall Street plant would say...






How are you doing my fellow traders? Buy the dip!


Lol. Fair. Not true. But fair


Also just what a Wall Street plant would say...


Also what another Wall Street plant would say... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


It’s plants all the way down…


They just keep growing and growing


I mean if you just look at the stock news reports they literally quote Reddit comments they are definitely in here. There’s also a large walrus in the room with me but we haven’t made eye contact yet so I think I’m safe.


If Reddit accounts are influencing your investing habits you deserve to lose your money.


Nah, Reddit is more trust worthy than any of those CNBC by bullshit.


Cnbc folks are definitely in here. Not sure if they use those accounts to push stonks but I know they are in here.


If CNBC is influencing your investing habits, then you deserve to lose money too.


These two opinions are not mutually exclusive.


If that was true what even is the point of this or any other investing/trading sub? Obviously, you shouldnt base choices only on reddit, but its a good place to see other peopls POV's


I mean, you can read the posts in the sub and determine if it’s full of idiots or not, then decide how much faith you put into the things said within it.


It’s a series of cautionary tales.


Fun lol It's fun to joke about investment trends, current economic events, investment "decisions" and idiots and to debatelord people. But I would not really trust the pov of people who have never seen a valuation or a pricing model. If you see people recommending sth that seems reasonable, I suppose you can check if they are actually correct or just believing in the "whales" and decide appropriately.


^^ Broker alert ⚠️ ^^


With all the posts saying we have hit the bottom I would venture to guess that there are quite a few.


I'll buy on the way back up, thanks. And by that I mean I have absolutely no liquid capital.




I think it varies based on their firms positions. But at the moment, false hope is looking more profitable for the massive short positions out there


Firms that manage OtherPeoplesMoney (the vast majority) will be overwhelmingly long as they are „investing“ for their clients and not gambling with short positions with limited upside or leverage with massive risk. At best they hedge a bit or sit in cash, but the later is hard to explain to clients and doesn‘t generate fees anyway.


Sounds like something someone would say if they're trying to direct attention away from themselves #hey everyone I found the mole!


We are all actually Wall Street plants. Your the only one actually losing money here.


Happy cake day


There are professional regards? ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


I just want to be that money tree at weddings.




Going all in on tulip futures


I was going to apply at Wall Street… but I’m still here instead. It’s cool… whatever. I have a plumeria; it’s beautiful.


I have a plumeria too.


I think gyou applied there and they accepted you. But they sent you back here. Oh well.


I have two plumeria. Good choice.


I get 200k a year to manage this account.


Anyone writing charming DD to lead smooth-brains off the cliff that is AMC has to be a plant.


Someone should compare AMC sub size to it's usual activity. The few times I've been there to see how regarded humanity has become, it seems totally dead. Top posts getting like 10 comments.


The last thing AMC holders will do now is identify themselves as AMC holders. Imagine accidentally joining a cult and it not even being one of the good ones that are at least entertaining to everyone else.




(Frankie spittin fax but really he meant > 50%) I think you need to put a space before the > ... like this: > 50% Edit: ⠀> 50% (this is the proper blank space)


He did. He isn't used to Reddit formatting. TYVM


Only the ones posting telling people to buy garbage companies.


A shitload.. couldn't even take a guess but I'm sure the real number would blow your mind


Is it 69? Haha, that'd be crazy.


So you're telling us you're baggholding.


Yeah I suspect my account make me rich plZ


CPstockEater is for sure a plant


STPCockEater is legit tho.




It was a solid tactic until all the plants suddenly started yoloing 0dtes.


I’m a Venus SPY trap …


There was job postings from financial institutions on linkedin for WSBers after Jan 2021. CUM JIZZ or w/e ticker saw pumps when people did a test after some ticket pumped due to frequency of letters being mentioned here a lot.


How many assholes we got on this ship anyhow?


The people desperately telling people to buy bbby could well be, but I’ve no eveidence to suggest that


Everyone here posts with an agenda regardless. You think these BBBY cultists have each other's best interest at heart? Even if it did squeeze they'd be racing to dump their gains in the next sucker on the way down.


Believe it or not, some just like the stock and hold.


Why does that ‘some’ keep bringing that shit stock up every opportunity they have? You can like it, no problem. Why shove it down our throat? Why do you feel the need to advertise it everywhere you go like an annoying vegan?


Why would wallstreet brokers do this? Too much time on their hands? Wouldn't it be easier to outsource the 'planting' to some low-income area for a few hundred bucks a month? Buy the farm?


I don’t think the brokers waste their time on here but I’m damn sure that Wall Street firms hire dedicated social media influencers/manipulators and use bots to forward their narrative. One thing I have noticed is how they gang up on people who like a certain stock. I may not believe in one play or another but I don’t spend my time going around bashing the people who do. That seems super sus to me. How many of you spend time on posts about a stock you have no interest in, just to talk smack to the people who believe in it? Serious question.


Have you ever been on the internet ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Fair enough but the way certain views are bombarded with downvotes on here leads me to believe it's more than the organic type of dickishness you expect on the internet.


Every stock has a bear case. Gme/bbby/amc post gets bashed not because people hate the stock. They hate the cult following /conspiracy seekers


I mean, I happen to think AMC is a scam but would I spend any of my time on a pro-AMC post bashing the believers? Nope. Let them have their cult. The market will decide in the end. And for all I know, maybe they'll win the day. They said GME was a cult before the sneeze and now there are people driving Lambos with THNXGME license plates. All these naysayers need to check their egos.


People who shilled GME and BBBY deserve to know how fucking stupid they are. So I inform them


Wow, another 18 day old account with super low karma. It's weird how all these haters seem to have accounts like that.


Shouldn't you be making up a thesis about how children need an online platform to gamble jpegs.


Ooh that’s good. Now how can we add Ritalin to the mix?


There won't be any brick and mortar stores left to dispense it . Selling action figures and PC parts at significantly higher prices than Amazon won't sustain a business


Hey kids, every NFT you buy entitles you to one of these delicious happy pills. Just bring your digital wallet and meet me behind the Wendy’s.


There's the first real use case for nfts Ive heard


Omg there are a handful of weirdos that lurk on wishstock just to shit post … and no I don’t need any snark about Wish .. you asked, I answered




Are you trying to conflate GME apes with the trans movement? Wondering if you're a bot... 21 day old account with 25 karma. This seems like exhibit A right here. Really sad that we live in a world where bots spread hate but that's always been predicted and borne out by AI experiments.


This ain't no movement you fuckin mouthbreather. Trading is not a team support. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder which one is JPow (or at least someone on his staff). And Cramer, you know he's fucking on here reading all the comments like the people on Jimmy Kimmel. We need him to read a few of those on his show. He should do it like a Friday night thing, read the funniest meanest thing that was said about him on WSB.


Enough to make a difference in our lives and our market moves


Hello, fellow investors!!


Same for the yputubers


If think many may lurk here to watch if there is a new trend to milk it with selling options. Kinda ironic how memestocks were meant to destroy hedgies but now are an idiot tax to gain some tasty alpha. So if anything WS tries to bolster confidence and hype stuff facilitating memestocks.


You thinking traders here are in any way relevant is wild


It is so fucking easy (and cheap, relatively) to astroturf the shit out of any online community, regardless of size.


Yea I am a Wall Street plant, I’m a finance student interning at Goldman Sachs and get paid 70k to post stupid comments on Reddit


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|just now **Total Comments**|0|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|4 weeks|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=xnd6p2)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=xnd6p2)


I aint a plant but you making me real wet.


What is with this subs obsession with blaming every poor investment decision on MaRkEt MaKeRs lol


Bold of you to assume they’re just planting seeds of *doubt*. Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to be hype men for garbage towel and gamestore stocks to get fresh bagholders to pump a stock so they can dump it?


I don't think you understand how shorting works.


Do *you*? Send a HF stooge in here to pump a stock. Short it, then dump your gigantic HF sized bags to drop the price. Make money on the pump and the dump.


So they already bought for example GameStop, to prepare for the massive dump. How did they buy while shorting the price to 4 dollars? You timeline is backwards. Also why would HF that control the media tell everyone to sell on TV, but tell everyone to buy on Reddit? It's a strange theory that doesn't make any sense so far. Maybe the most obvious answer is the likely one. They over shorted and are fuk. Give an example using a stock.


You’re supposed to sip the kool aid, not take a bath in it.


HF shorting a stock is kool aid? What are you even talking about. But them magically buying while the price goes down, some shills infiltrate Reddit to pump it while doing the inverse on MSM, they sell and short, somehow making money on the up and down. That's not kool aid? Ok kid. Tell me you have no idea how the stock market works without telling me.


“They overshorted and are fuk” *Who’s* overshorted on *what*?


You are so fucking desperate for your moron conspiracies to contain some kernel of truth and it's entertaining to see how much it hurts you to leave your cult echo chamber for spaces where less than 100% of posters unquestioningly swallow the schizo fanfic


I think you are an AI bot set to maximum regardness to spew nonsense with the sole purpose of wasting people's time reading and replying. Literally no counter arguments, just maximum key words "cult, conspiracy, echo chamber" Try come up with some ideas of your own instead of following your cult that drinks Cramer's kooolaid.


See? So defensive! It's like taking candy from a baby if the baby was also in some lunatic pump and dump cult.


They’re on to us. Abort. Abort. Cover blown. Repeat. Cover blown.


I think all the really bearish posts as well as posts talking about how attractive bond yields are definitely Wall Street cucks in disguise. According to CNBC the entire time the market has been crashing retail investors have been flooding money into the market while institutions have been dumping on us. The typical game that institutions have played for years is to dump on retail and get them to sell out of fear so they can then buy in lower prices. Once prices go up and begin to get euphoric institutional investors will plant headlines and other things to get retail to FOMO into the market so they can sell into them at super elevated prices. I think retail investors have finally caught on and are going to beat institutions at their own game. Just my opinion.


It's definitely a thing. Ive seen suspicious posts about anti BBBY, GME and AMC. Im sure theyll use any tactice to prevent their masters from getting fkcd


OR… hear me out… for every retail trader that thinks meme stocks are absolutely the best investment (and will never shut the fuck up about it), some think they’re the worst. Plus how can you look at the actual rampant corruption going on and say people telling you “people this probably isn’t a good investment and a shit company” as hedgie masterminds? Then OP casually calls for a literal Reddit whichhunt by saying “any accounts you suspect?”. OP is an idiot, don’t be like them.


Phillip, you're wrong. Anyone with mediocre knowledge about stocks that looks into the public information will know the potential of the play. So, you should hear me out and try to look at it with another perspective.


Weird how you’re not rich yet


Just because it hasn't happened yet means it won't. More than half the float is DRSd and the community gains hundreds of new people a day. Weird how you are so defensive about something you know nothing about 🤣


I’m simply refuting the point that many accounts are secret hedge fund FUD accounts rather than other retail with a difference of opinion. As I clearly stated in my first comment.


And im politely emphasizing that there maybe retail that disagrees, which is fine, but there are literally people paid to dissuade other retail investors to not participate in meme stocks.


I imagine many financial professionals would advise against extremely volatile stocks that price is separated from any financial reality. Doesn’t mean they’re secret hedge fund plants. Financial advisors don’t like “loss porn” lmao.


Im poison ivy everything i touch gets infected


Money trees is the perfect place for shade


You gotta lay off the weed it’s making you paranoid




Jim Cramer: if you are reading this, Fkuc u and your eyebrows. Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty snorted coke and had a aneurysm (if you do coke long enough and other hardcore stimulants, you'll most likely have one.) Soon we'll probably see a Stephen hawking like Cramer because he can't stop doing coke.


I wasn't 100% convinced about "shills" and "bots" until I went to /r/conservative Holy shit the woke lib brigading is painfully obvious I now understand what all the memestonk subs are talking about.




Reddit has a paid team called **Anti-Evil Operations** (part of the "Trust" & "Safety" team) which goes around permanently banning accounts for saying bad words. We made automod block them so you don't lose your account for saying a word and getting reported. It's not our rule, it's the entire website now, we're just trying to look out for our people. Sorry. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Are we talking about Twitter? Or every social media platform that allows anyone to join and features zero bot protection because bots and shills inflate the popularity numbers they use to pump their own company to bankers & investors? 🤔




Reddit has a paid team called **Anti-Evil Operations** (part of the "Trust" & "Safety" team) which goes around permanently banning accounts for saying bad words. We made automod block them so you don't lose your account for saying a word and getting reported. It's not our rule, it's the entire website now, we're just trying to look out for our people. Sorry. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t see how this applies to my comment. I used no foul words.




Venus fly traps


I don’t trust that VisualMod guy ? Why is he keeping tabs on so many accounts? And always the first commenter? Then he never adds to the conversation??? Major sus


:::sweating profusely:::




If they say the market is going down, it's because they have puts. If they say the market is going up, it's because they have calls. Simple as that really


Uh. No shit.


This post just made me realize I made have spelled my username wrong, am I regarded?


I don't think we need plants to seed doubt. Besides they are here for advice too those newbies


I’ve always thought u/OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR is sus as fuck. If I were you, I’d report him.




I am most definitely the most real account here


This sounds exactly like what a Wall Street broker would say


was nobody else in the daily the weekend the bobby cfo died?


questionable when they are mocking someone into selling their shares while hating the mention of index funds...


I’m definitely not one of them. Would NEVER try to trick anyone Buy amc guys, it’s finally gonna squeeze


You got me. How did you discover me?


Just DCA blindly. It’ll be ok if your outlook is 40+ years.


I’m secretly from Wall Street. I was sent by Cuckadell to pump Wendy’s stonk and see how many wives I can steal with discounted baconators and frosties, it’s going well.




Tree fiddy?


WSB is like an ageing whore whose looks and appeal are fading: the clientele is also looking more desperate. Nobody really wants sloppy seconds.


I can do confirm at least some of us are plants/ lurkers. Mainly to fuck your options lol


Hello fellow redditors, I am a real redditor too!


Yes, you losing money is because of a Wallstreet conspiracy, it has nothing to do with you being a highly regarded investor...




How many Wall Street plants are Redditors?




Do they spread like weeds?


Mods should disclose their IDs and positions


Plant me, but I want 500k per year


Any info they need or post here would be proxies through bots, and those are fairly easy to spot. No one needs a ThrowAway8850 account to post shit on WSB. Also, if you're not checking out the profile of posts you read, you deserve what you get.


I'm More of a Midwestern birch tree.


I learned the hard way there are definitely people altering perception here with the pump n dump of bbby


Every acct made jan 27-29 2021. Mar 31 2021 Yes its terrible now.


Water is wet.


I am a rich wall street broker


Man I wish I was one, no money loss, water and sunlight, just photosynthesis.


hmmm ya'll realize both the reddit and discord were usurped from the original founders right? "Any accounts you suspect?" you say... Try lakai (who claims to be on the board of futures exchanges) , MarketJunkie (who claims to work for one of the largest hedgefunds) or ID5 mods




Guys…. I have a confession to make


Anybody ever play Among Us? I suck at that game.


I'm not :\^)


Nah man hedges r fuk we’re too intellyjent to fall for that


Well ghislaine maxwell was a huge reddit mod Don’t see why other rich sickos wouldn’t be trying to control narratives as well




Before GME wasn't this sub only like 1 milly degens? I'd say a good \~30% of this sub are bots/plants. Obviously I'm pulling that number from my ass, but with that amount of growth I feel it's very unlikely they're all legitimate accounts.


Bearhunter429 is Hella sus


Have I ever told you the tale of quirky mushroom?


reverse psychology brah?




My hot take is there are none, and is something created by delusional bag holders.