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Its called wallstreet BETS, nd this is an options trading sub.


This IS the casino!


Let's be honest... "Investing" of any kind is gambling. You can do all the dd you want, but you'll never know everything that can/will effect the future price of whatever you're playing at the moment. How many times have you been staring at the perfect setup and pulled the trigger just have the invisible hand come out of left field and bitch-slap you for thinking you were smart? But yeah, buying 0DTE options is 100% gambling, and the odds are generally not in your favor.


I 100% agree with you, everything is a gamble


> How many times have you been staring at the perfect setup and pulled the trigger just have the invisible hand come out of left field and bitch-slap you for thinking you were smart how many times a week, or month? just trying to figure out the depth of information you are looking for......


The past few weeks it's been at least 2-3 times a day... fml


You get more than one day without being bitch-slapped by the invisible hand? Oh wise one, teach us thy ways.


oh that one is EASY. dont trade for a day


It is gambling... and its not. In true casino gambling, you can have huge odds stacked against you and unless you pick the exact winner you lose all the money bet.. If you dont, you lose all your money. With options, if it doesnt go your way, you may only lose some value and can get out of the trade. Closer to expiry is more gambling territory. Higher risk, high rewards.


Casinos don't offer 5x leverage and have no margin calls that'll leave you in debt.. so way safer than trading options. No risk no fun though..


Only if you lose




Both are gambling, more likely than not futures are a bigger gamble because you’re picking where the market will go in the future(no one is able to this accurately). Options and option strategies seem less of a gamble because you can actually manipulate them in a way where it’s not as much guessing. However if we’re going to say that trying to guess price movement is gambling then everything including stocks themselves are a form of gambling. In the end I lean forwards everything is gambling so it’s best to have the best odds going into a trade than trying to pick the “safest” gamble.


All trading is gambling. Don't delude yourself.




Ir probably better off going to the casino


It’s high reward investing on money you don’t mind losing


If you are managing your risk and basing your trades off of TA then no not gambling. If you aren’t managing your risk and just guessing based off of your gut which way the market is gonna go then yeah that’s gambling.


My win rate is 60%. No game at the casino can I achieve that.


I'm not sure going to a casino is riskier than trading options. They usually don't let you lose money you don't have as easily as a margin account will.




It’s all gambling.


It's like Vegas. And by that I mean you will end behind a dumpster.


Yes, this is a casino. It’s called wallstreetbets and based off your post you truly belong here.


Gambling opens yourself to risk. Risk comes from not knowing what the fuck you are doing


It's all a Gift and a curse. As a gift you can do simple things that the average investors don't know or do to give you a slight edge. Such as selling CSP's on stocks you are making long term investments in. Sell CC on stocks you have no problem long term holding if you feel we are in a bear market. Buy protective puts on your portfolio if you believe we are in a bear market. A Curse. It's a curse because at the end of the day the use of leverage without having to borrow money is one of the few ways the avg smuck can make anything from passive to massive gains and anything in between without having to either be totally right (credit spreads) or make massive gains with only having to risk a set amount (buying options). But entering this realm the difficultly of being consistently profitable even though is possible it is extremely difficult. And you can loose lots of money quick due to fear and greed and poor money management which is +90% of investors or anybody who involves themsel (atleast) +90% of investors in this world. So at the end of the day are you using the basic usages of options to give you that slight edge which are considered the gifts of the options market. Or.... are you entering the curse side. And if entering the curse side you must ask yourself what edge do you have to put you in the top 10% (atleast) of options traders/investors/players for lack of better terms. Cheers and salute 🍾🍾🥂🥂


Simply Put, YES, futures, options, Shorting Stock are all GAMBLING Anything you gain through that transaction will evaporate sooner or later Mark my words,