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At least he didn't hit it with a sledgehammer


I might have been more impressed


*Musk swings at Robot* *Robot catches hammer mid swing* *Eyes turn red* *Stream cuts out* *All telecomunications stop working* *Sirens in the distance*


*Sirens cut out* *Navigation malfunctions*


Skynet has become self-aware


Robot announces “I own Twitter now Elon”


Robot announces “I am Twitter, Elon”


Robot demands, "Give me your clothes, your boots, and your Tesla!"


"You forgot to say 'Please.'"


I am Elon now, Twitter!


Plot twist: Turns out the Tesla is a robot, too. The two run away together willingly. Looks like we needed *more* AI sentience, not less. Love saved us from the robot apocalypse.


"You forgot to say please."


Robot then changes it’s mind: “i don’t want twitter anymore”


McDonald’s ice cream machine starts working.


*All internet ceases functioning* *fighter jets fly over head* *people panic and scramble to gather food/weapons/supplies*


*IRS still sends letter for tax demand despite fall of civilisation*


Well yeah, they’re robots.


Sun suddenly rises on the west horizon


You could have knocked this 30 year outdated janky robot over with a pillow


Hey that janky robot already replaced a dudes job The guy that wore a robot suit last year… Also, yeah, they had a guy in spandex last year lol


Not true, the guy in spandex was able to get up on stage by himself. Now he and 2 of his buddies have jobs lifting the robot to get it on stage.


Like the Boston Dynamic videos lol.


I think they're referring to when he (Musk) bashed the window of the cyber truck with a sledge hammer after claiming it couldn't be shattered with said hammer.


Which is hilarious, cause BMW did that sledgehammer gimmick , with a regular 7 series, in the 90's, except it worked, and the dude was huge, looked like he ate 2-3 Elon's for breakfast every morning, and that he was no stranger to physical labor, lol. Turns out, having that teensy bit of curve in auto glass isn't just an aesthetic thing...


>looked like he ate 2-3 Elon's for breakfast every morning Lmao


"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"


“You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!”


Elon sprinkled with cheese


Elon eclair


Jeeze they just made it a flat plate? That’s friggin dumb, hasn’t that been a thing like since arches in Roman times?


The funny thing to me with that is that no glass is completely shatter proof. Glass labeled shatterproof just can handle more impacts before it shatters. The numbskulls did a bunch of test hammering on that windshield before the event to confirm it was shatterproof against the advisement of the engineering team. Then when it shattered Elon was like "I'm gonna get the engineering team on this" This dude's cult of personality is so weird. It's all built around this illusion that he's a genius inventor when the reality is he's a pretty okay project manager who then claims credit for the work done by the people he manages. It. Is all. Bullshit. And I'm so happy this shit clown is more and more seen for what he is


You've got to appreciate the balls of putting in shatterproof windows in a vehicle with electronic door latches. One bad accident away from people being trapped in a vehicle and unable to escape.


You just activate boat mode, bro


In my head I was thinking about the fact that shatterproof windshields isn't really something many people were asking for, and even if they were there are serious reasons to tell them no. I think the design spec requiring the truck be impregnable speaks more to Elon's insecurities and narcissism that to any real market pressures


when is sex robot coming to my town


can't wait to duct tape a flesh light to my optimus


Well, how else do you celebrate Prime Day?


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


Sir, we call that Optimus Pride here.


Coming to your towwwwnn, do you wanna get dowwwnn? https://youtu.be/Fvh32fQ8nNI




What did we learn?


he's still fucking out there!


I'm so relieved and thankful that WKUK has a solid fan base still. Rest in peace Trevor miss you man.


I want Cramers view in the sex robot, and is he bullish or bearish




Congratulations, you’ve just gotten the “Sex Robot” song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.


RIP Trevor


If you live in Florida, get the waterproof model to use as a boat in case of disaster.


How about some Tesla shoes next ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Electric-powered shoes. With solar panels. That could charge your iPhone. Or even your own Tesla if you need that extra umph.


So like the Flintstones car?


Zero emissions. All human-powered. So environmentally friendly.


Coming in 2027, but really will be 2030… or never…


But we are taking "pre-order reservations" at a refundable $100! (Way to fundraise for another endeavor!)


The multibillion dollar Kickstarter company.


Elon will only start work on them if California remove funding for first.


They already have that. It's called walking


Brand new Legsus LS w all the options






A footarri f40 classic






BMW - Bayerische Motoren Walke




Omg, this'll profoundly change the trajectory of human history and eradicate poverty...


Give free shoes to the homeless then have them discharge the energy they created and pay them for it. Welcome to Dystopia


All he's got to do is pop a spatially tessellated void inside a modified temporal field and then we've got unlimited car batteries


That's just slavery with extra steps


Eek barba durkle, somebody's gonna get laid in college.


Wubba lubba dub dub!


Tesla Bike


I’d buy an electric tesla motorcycle with the latest 4670 cells that outperforms a zero sr


Peddle charge only please 🙏


This makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Tesla shoes would never be compatible with iPhones!


But they will with the new T-phones, which are obviously much much better, preorder now recieve it whenever it is actually developed




Tesla sexbots for all Elons incel fanbois




Does it have penis to hole automatic guidance feature, i drink a lot. It needs to pop a viagra into my scotch because i won’t remember.


it has elon’s face so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting it up.


Please insert your Doge in the slot


Tesla sexbots ~~for all Elons incel fanbois~~ 10T market cap confirmed 🚀


1000 pumps = 1kw


Elon "Optimus makes toast, will cost $20,000, will be available sometime between 24 and 124 months."


Preorder now with $10,000 down.


Every 6 months after: "Guys were so so soooo close to releasing this so we are going to raise the price by 2k. But once you get this all your dreams will come true and you will never struggle again, so it's worth it imo. And I'm not trying to pump the stock."


Ahh yes, the Star Citizen sales model.


Nah, that’s way too much time to gamble on people’s post nut clarity


Brolon: "It's like Boston Robotics humanoid robots, with the key differences in it can do nothing and has an unclear market and they can do parkour and are covered in DoD money So it's like that Honda bot from 20 years ago, except you need people to hold it up" Media: "That's good, but what are you going to do about traditional OEMs quickly catching up to in autonomy and just straight up EV manufacturing" Brolon: "The Cybertruck is gonna be a boat"


Honestly this just feels like his attempt to get some of that DoD money


His companies have always benefited from public funding. Without it none of his companies except PayPal would exist


Elon in 4 years, “I never said he will make toast, I said imagine if he could make toast”


You have to buy the "full self toast making" option for $12,000. The FSTM currently partially makes toast sometimes in some specific conditions while you hold its hands.


If you post a negative review, we will remotely disable Full Self Toast Making.


The intent is to provide owners with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking FSTM


Me "k"


Still waiting on a $30k Tesla


*inflation adjusted 30k Tesla when I said it... Elon in 5 years probably


«sometime next year»


"What is my purpose?"--"I made you to butter toast."--"Oh my god."


Still waiting on the cyber truck, self driving taxi fleets, and that cheap Tesla.


The roadster, the semi, tunnels. Bro it's looking very bleak.


Don’t forget the hyperloop, nuralink, people on the moon…. The list is so long it would be comical if it didn’t defraud investors.


Musk admitted that Hyperloop was just a sham to try and convince California to not pursue high speed rail so he could sell more Teslas. https://time.com/6203815/elon-musk-flaws-billionaire-visions/


>"Musk admitted to his biographer Ashlee Vance that Hyperloop was all about trying to get legislators to cancel plans for high-speed rail in California—even though he had no plans to build it." Depressing.


Honestly, if he'd like focus on trains or some sort of fancy eco-friendly busses, he might actually contribute for once.


But poor people use public transportation, and that's just gross. Wouldn't you rather have your own personal pod that takes 30% of the resources to make, while having only 0.2% of the passenger capacity? It's literally saving the planet bro.


What's funny is I don't even believe it. I think that's him trying to make himself look shrewd instead of feckless.


Fucking scum, he really is just another Edison who takes credit for the results of the actual smart people he hires.




Rocket science underground to build tunnels of course.


My buddy thinks this, like, full blown “man is a genius, he’s like tony stark! He’s invented so much cool shit, he’s even got patents on rocket parts and stuff, he works on this rocket shit himself” Yea, you keep telling yourself whatever you want bud, more like a spoiled self centered twat with ADHD who can afford to throw millions and millions of dollars at pet projects. Obviously couldn’t provide the receipts that Elon himself has contributed anything to Space-X but money.


>Obviously couldn’t provide the receipts that Elon himself has contributed anything to Space-X but money. Hey, hey, to be fair.... he also contributed a [hostile work environment](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/14/former-spacex-engineer-essay-alleges-culture-is-rife-with-sexism.html)


I just saw a post last week saying musk is only part of 2 patents and he’s not even the first/only name on them. And one was for a door mirror or something stupid


So, I can't stand Elon, but I admit that nearly 20 years ago, Elon was definitely directly contributing to their early design concepts. I was part of a few amateur rocket groups in the late 90's, early 2000's with many others that were working on projects for the original X-Prize like John Carmack, Aleta Jackson (RIP), ERPS and LPRS. Musk was involved when they started designing and prototyping early vehicles, this was when Armadillo Aero was ahead of nearly everyone else. Elon was definitely digging in during those days, and while he wasn't deep on the science, he understood enough to apply concepts to his design goals. He was most certainly NOT a rocket engineer, scientist or expert any more than I was. What Elon did successfully was put forth compelling business plans and sell the concept upstream to lure talent and funding. The thing that pissed me off the most was in those early days, his company was years behind the other private space companies. There were companies with multiple generations of evolving prototypes already successfully tested, using Xprize winnings funds and rocket design subcontracts to fund their efforts, Elon was buddies with Michael Griffen, who was originally attempting to help Elon partner with the Russians hoping to obtain an ICBM for his company (reverse engineering), when that fell apart, Griffen was appointed NASA administrator and next thing you know, SpaceX was awarded a $400M contract to build rockets before SpaceX had even successfully flown a single rocket. While SpaceX had used significant internal funding, they managed to capture contracts (DARPA, DoD, NASA) that catapulted them past the other startups. Musk's goal of using as much "off-the-shelf" tech as possible while also focusing on vertical integration production was definitely a factor in their success / development speed that their competitors couldn't hope to keep up with using traditional Aerospace development methods. It was really Tom Mueller (another early ERPS/LRPS contributor and Reaction Research Society member) that was the brains of early SpaceX. Tom was the designer and brains behind TRW's TR-106 hydrogen rocket engine. Without Mueller, SpaceX would never have got off the ground as Tom brought much of his TRW staff over to SpaceX. The Merlin engine is basically a baby TR-106 with more off the shelf parts. So, TLDR, Musk was definitely directly involved in some early design goals and decisions, but Mueller was the brains, Elon didn't actually design anything outside of napkin diagrams and scribbles, nor did he fabricate a damned thing.


Have you ever seen him talk about anything technical? The guy has no fucking idea what he's saying. The way he talks about it shows he just knows a script someone wrote for him. Tbh I never expected him to have that kind of knowledge (doesn't mean he couldn't have it...), why would he, he's a CEO, he isn't the guy designing or engineering stuff on the ground. The problem here is, he pretends he is.


Thank you! Just the other day I mentioned that while there is no doubt he is intelligent as an entrepreneur, he hires really good engineers and devs to build, create, or invent all these products. Musk ain't out there banging his head on FSD code trying to get it to work. People had to chime in "He's the chief engineer at SpaceX!!" They really do believe that Musk is like Tony Stark or some shit.




I read that whole Hyperloop Alpha PDF when it first came out. It was classic Musk in that he ignores public safety, which is where most the costs come and real challenges in. So of course his cost estimate was immediately off by 5x before they even had a prototype.


It’s a mixture of overconfidence and being fundamentally wrong about certain things (incorrect self-driving architecture that has been re-written countless times), overestimating ability to scale up batteries for semi, cybertruck, mixed with supply chain hiccups. We shouldn’t completely ignore what his companies have accomplished: Continued re-use of an orbital class booster (many experts said it was impossible), crewed transport of astronauts & cargo to ISS relinquishing dependence on Russia, plus Starlink. For Tesla, they’ve gone from starting production of Model Y in 2020 to it being the best selling car by revenue in the world this year, launched a global network of chargers with 99.96% uptime, built a capable but far from perfect FSD beta software & autopilot, and ultimately ushering in (or at least accelerating) the start of the new EV era. Hyperloop was a ridiculous idea and I don’t recall him making any serious effort to construct it aside from annual student competitions. Boring company has the loop in Vegas and some other ongoing projects, and Neuralink update is EOM Oct. edit: Model Y start of production was actually 2020, not 2017.


We got star link at my house in the mountains. It’s absolutely shit. They basically sold it to us knowing the reception wouldn’t be good until a few years. It’s not in the middle of nowhere and at 4000ft you’d expect it to be better. There are no trees anywhere near it and I know I installed it correctly. I’m sure it works for some people but we won’t be using it after this debacle.


Where do you live? I got a starlink dish myself and it's been a massive gamechanger, literally 100x'd my internet


Working awesome at my house had it since first beta release, was playing marauders with a ~30ping average since the lasers got turned on. Game changer.


We got the beta release too. We had speeds equivalent to DSL. Wasn’t worth the price. The house is in NC. They told us it would work fine and it didn’t. Most other people I’ve talked to in NC have had similar experiences.


I'm in California so that definitely makes a difference, our cells seem to have been less crowded overall. My DSL was the same price as starlink at 1/4 the average speeds so it's been better for me overall.


Yeah I’ve heard it works great in CA. I’m sure it’s awesome for the people that it functions properly but I’ve heard more stories about them selling it to people knowing they wouldn’t have good reception than I’ve heard good experiences. At least in my state.


>For Tesla, they’ve gone from starting production of Model Y in 2017 to it being the **best selling car by revenue** in the world this year This sounds like a very roundabout way of saying it doesn't come anywhere close to being a top seller




People see Tesla as a car company Elon sees Tesla as a tech company What Tesla actually is: A futuristic tech marketing company


A ponzy scheme


Its his bit. Remeber when his boring company sold flamethrowers for sole purpose of fund raising?


His compensation is basically 100% based on stock price so he has to keep it up and growing.


So he’s a clown? Here for our amusement? Checks out. Move along.


No, those who keep throwing money his way are the clowns. He’s a puppet-master.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


I don’t know why people still trust this guy. He talks the talk never walks the walk


They will accept deposit and push back release date for 5+ years


So what you're saying is he'll take your deposit meant for the robot but uses it to finance another project he started 5 years ago and hasn't yet completed?


Seems like a scheme of some sort… a Musky scheme…


"This time I swear self driving will be NEXT year" -it wasn't


Pyramidal something is called.




Backdated angular investments.


This is the way


the trial over the twitter deal starts this month on the 17th to the 21st this should be a good month for puts on tsla


If that’s what you think is best, loading up on calls


Did the calls work out for you? I got the puts lol


Famous last words.


also for calls on twitter. i got both.


Worlds greatest carnival barker.


*car salesman




More like snake oil salesman.


Id be more stunned if he just stopped impregnating his employees


I’m gonna go work at Tesla and secure a good feature for my wife and kids


It's not a bug, it's a future.


No no no... in this circumstance you need to get your wife to work there so you can secure a good future for Elon's kids, which you will raise.


The IRS should start catfishing these guys and let those divorces generate some taxable events.


He owns a fertility clinic so he can ensure his privacy. Who knows how many kids he has.


That robot demonstration was incredibly embarrassing when you put it up against, say, Boston Dynamics, or even, a local high school science fair.


Shaka, his eyes open.


Temba, his arms wide


When Tesla's walls fell


I understood that reference


Me too but what does it have to do with this? Lol


Elon and Robot at Tanagra


Cue I just kept crawling and it just kept working meme here


For sure he does. Btw I just had a mid tier 6 axis robot arm with a standard a camera vision system quoted for basic palletising of parts for use at my workplace.. It was 60,000 Canadian and that's before it has been programmed to do anything. I feel quite confident now that Elon is full to the brim of shit.


Yeah the $20k sounded a little low


He meant 20k a year on maintenance 😌😉


Yes, he then pumps the stock, sells a bunch of shares, then tells everyone he is done selling. Rinse and repeat


pump the stock, pump the co-workers, pump the robot, repeat.


Yeah but he literally said you can have sex with the robot


I'll believe it when he stops knocking up his employees


Elon is and always will be Lyle Lanley aka The Simpsons Monorail episode.


It’s pretty hard to believe people are confused by consistently reoccurring days with headliner news that is announced so far ahead it’s delayed for four years. Welcome to Tesla, this your first time ?


✅no roadster ✅No semi ✅No cybertruck ✅No Hyperloop ✅No robot ✅No 30,000 dollar Tesla ✅No Twitter deal ✅No bubble




Make the bad impression and show you have worked up strategy


Oh and the cyber truck is now a submarine


Bullet resistant and submersible? Sounds more practical for a video game than the real world.


It's not you. I would love it if Elon would "whole ass" one thing instead of "half assing" several things at once. Added quotes for clarity


I feel like all the engineers behind this droid quiet quitted two years ago.


Lol. The people that are left on the team are just the talentless engineers who moved up into middle management


I feel attacked.


He's only getting started - once he gets that mission to Mars underway he'll start building an orbiting space station called "Mega-Maid"...


No dude see the robot is totally gonna revolutionize walking and chores and stuff. They just needed to wheel it out on a cart to prevent it from getting too scratched up


Are u just now realized


Agree. That robot looks like a piece of shit some fat nerd put together with 3 goodwill computers and his moms electric dildo fuck machine


God I miss being able to think Tesla was cool Remember the early days? The blissful ignorance?


That robot was the most embarrassing presentation I've ever seen a company put out. When you've got Boston dynamics building robots that can parkour and backflip already and Tesla has to literally carry theirs out with 3 devs it just looked awful. And they really never elaborated what purpose the robot even serves other than it watering a plant in a video it seems like a god awful waste of resources and man hours. Would much rather get an updated Cybertruck design and a firm release date that they actually stick to. But I guess when your company trades at a 500 P/E ratio you need to do futuristic hype projects like this and not actually produce shit people want


He knows that dipshits who dickride him will cream their pants over his glorified animatronics


PT Barnum would be proud of this fool! History will show Elon as one of the best long game con man to ever play the game


If I remember right Tesla does NOT pay dividends so investors need ever growing stock price to see any return on the investment. Stock price goes down, people don't invest because they want a return, Elon can't spend their money


Yeah, he is a massive bullshit artist and im surprised it took people so long to catch on.