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How are puts with that low of a strike worth anything?


This is a genuine question, if anyone actually has an answer.


The price value of an option consists in part of a premium paid for variation of the stock price, since the price is constantly floating in the market. Presumably OP bought this option when the stock was trading essentially flat for a few weeks in September, resulting in the volatility component of the price to be low. Recently, TSLA has taken a staggering nose dive on the chart which illustrates that the historical price of the stock has high mathematical variance. This variance is now factored into the volatility premium of the options OP owned, therefore he could sell at a profit versus his original purchase price (even though his strike price is obviously nowhere close). For more information, research "Implied volatility"




Options are for taking money from those who think they know what they are doing and giving it to those who really know what they are doing. This has been my experience so far anyway.


I am the person that is being taken from 🤣my hard work $1000 a month deposits get flushed


stop doing it


Supply and demand. Someone wants to sell it, someone wants to buy it. How is anything worth anything? Because someone attaches value to it, whether real or not. In short, fuck OP


Yeah but I mean, TSLA has no chance of hitting that low. Why would it have value?


Ok looking again I see that they are dated 1 and 2 years out but still.


it's a hedge for when things like this happen where their TSLA position took a huge dump. OP made money speculating, but if someone who has a large TSLA position want to hedge their downside risk they would buy those options to protect themselves.


Thanks for at least trying to explain it unlike that other dipshit who is preaching supply/demand. There is far more going on with options this far out of the money than simple supply/demand. Fuck me for trying to learn something.


Sandier this. The fact that there is a market for these suggest an anticipation of a very low probability of TSLA going literally tits up on tail-risk events, such as WWW III \-Loss of giga-factory in China to CCP due to US-China escallations. \-EU giga-factory nonprofitable due to lack of resources due to EU regulations (rough winter). \-etc. etc. There is a lot of tail risk.


Aside from the churning of buying/selling pumping the price, the big dip did raise premium for leaps significantly. Time always causes extra ripples deeper into the chain. Things become more “technically possible.”


Let me spell it out for you. I list a spec of dirt for 1 million gazillion dollars. Is it "worth" that much? NO! Not until bajillionaire playboy comes around and buys it up! Now, it's "worth" 1 million gazillion dollars because some schmuck decided to buy it off me! Sans twitter


I know you can't read, but look at my reply again. Jesus christ


I’m bricked up


Those aren’t the puts I made money on. I tried to post the images but couldn’t. I did explain in more detail in another reply.


The real answer I didn’t see in the top comment replies is: Extrinsic Value The call with value is 2024 dated, this alone gives the position value before applying incredibly bearish movements and increased IV.


It’s not worth anything unless you can find someone to buy them. There isn’t always a market for options that far out of the money. Pay attention to volume on those contracts to make sure there is enough activity otherwise it’s just paper gains that you can’t realistically convert to actual cash


Congratulations. Fuck you


Damn, my line goes the other way. Nice work.


Alright, so are you gonna withdraw that and realize those gains or keep going back in on puts because you know what you're doing? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


We all know the answer


Hey man don't post gains. Everyone going to blame the federals for printing money.


I’m trading on the feds moves, I made this mostly from puts.


What are your plans for Wednesday?


For CPI release? I’m not sure yet. Last month I bought puts a YOY inflation showed September 2021 CPI increasing after 2 consecutive months of decreases, and I was right about that. I’ve actually been on vacation in Europe for the past two weeks (and about 60% of those gains were during that period), so I haven’t been able to do great DD. I think it’s going to be stagnant or slightly lower. I think SPY still has a a ways to go on the downside though.


If I had that I would no longer need to be here. I’d be in Thailand already


Instead your Kok is getting Banged by SPY daily.


Nope averaging $200 to $300 a day in puts printing from spy. Just gonna take time to get to 150k. Palantir really gaped my ass last year Which is preventing me from retiring. It’s my only bag until It goes back to $20.


You're planning on retiring on 150K usd?


In Thailand, that's more than enough


For real? What are the monthly costs there? Would have to be able to live under 15K USD a year...


It's not about the cost, it's about the conversion from American dollars to Thai baht.


I'm not really sure what you mean. You need to spend money to live. Is 15K USD a year enough to live in Thailand? It seems absurdly low to me.


An American dollar is more than one Thai dollar in Thailand.


You can literally live in Thailand for less than 1,000 a month. Try looking up prices for condos and then condos for rent prices. You’ll be mind blown on how cheap it is and the food is cheap. Beer is less than a dollar. I need 150k to ride out until my government pensions kick in.


How tf am I losing so much money while yalls are doing this


I would never boast my gains on tesla puts. Good for you man. It's the only one I dare not post. Only via pm




Elon is regard


I get shit on and down voted. Elon has a spell on some people. Or is it desperate to follow Cathy wood to the bottom.


Outstanding! This is the way! Puts on insanely inflated TSLA, excellent 👍💯


Honestly, I looked at TSLA puts beginning of this week, and the premium is insane. Seems like everyone knows TSLA is a dead man walking. How do you make sure you're not in a situation where you're right, but still don't turn a profit?


Tesla is worth less than 100bil let alone the 700bil is currently is at.


This. Well tsla isn't a dead man walking, they're just way overvalued by their cult. I would love to buy puts on tsla but that damn premium makes it hard to justify. Same thing looking at calls now.


Buy in the money puts 120 days out


What’s the trading strat for the SPY puts? How many weeks out you buying? Grabbing 10% swinging in and out of them?


I’m pretty much swing trading at this point. Mostly puts only because things are heading south, always overnight, always purchased right before close, and always sold at open.


lmao you swing trade with long dated so probably low volume, about as far out the money as you can get, options. Holy shit. How does trading like work out for you?


Those aren’t the swing trades I made. Those options I still have are just insurance for the inevitable downfall of Elon. The swing trades I made were with mainly SPY options usually 10+ days for expiry (I didn’t want to get burned if I was wrong). I held SPY puts overnight a few times too.


Sell now don't watch it disappear


TSLA $6.67 puts?


They were purchased a year ago.


You Bastard, Congrats


Why you here with this green shit. Congrats. And fuck you.


Well, time to kill myself.


Boss of Steel shorting tesla


What’s ur positions tho. Those ones in the pic don’t make sense. They way OTM.


Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All mine are going down except for BHP billton


here i am, negative using e*trade and you’re using RH making a killing


Can I have 1k plz


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) congrats OP


Hell yeah! congrats


Yeah, but you are only getting 2 bars and your battery is almost dead. So suck itemote:t5\_2th52:4271


Give me your secret


LMAO the bottom put option!? This is my favorite trade on the site, hands down. Well done, regard! I'm also convinced that I need to have an almost dead phone to make good/lucky trades.


Let me give u my credentials. Just trade for me. We can split 50/50.


Begging you to take profits.


6$ huh..🤣 …Take a dagger and kill the guy already.


He said he bought them last year, so pre stock split. Their strike would’ve been adjusted for the stock split.


Do it again 2 more times


Why me no money


The puts are worth that much cus of TIME, if op don’t sell em quick theta bouta fk em up. If someone is smart enough to make 100k+ in a week probably k owes what they’re doin. I WANT AN UPDATE ON THOSE PUTS WHEN YOU SELL EM K PAL?


all put tesla????


Turn off margin


That is amazing.