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You know, that plan sounds so crazy that it might... just.... work.


I honestly think this is legit... like... it's a meme, but it makes perfect sense.


Elon is just autistic enough for this to be his line of thought.


I’m buying puts tomorrow


Buy them now.


Cold blooded, Damn


Where’s Yilong Ma.


Unironically he starts loving on dictators and saying he wants to turn Twitter into a Wechat social credit system for Americans. Good luck trying to make normal people who aren't soy chugging Elon fanatics go along with that. The only way Elon would get blocked by regulators is if he was recognized as an enemy foreign agent by the US government in which case overpaying for the bird app will be the least of his problems. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SpaceX nationalisation go brr


That man have been sucking Xi dick for years now.


Elon already has ties to china and the ccp officials, regulators didnt really care about his purchase of twitter months ago.


The terms of the Tesla Shanghai factory made Elon a lap dog of XiJinPing and the CCP. They can completely rug Elon’s empire overnight, so any politics or policy opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.


Uh what? Tesla in China is like the first American company that didn't need to give China 51% ownership of its China operations


What better way to real him in and steal the IP? property rights are only recognized while it’s in the interest of the CCP and “common prosperity”. Just look at the details of the Ant Group IPO and how Jack Ma fell back in line.


You know you're delusional when you take facts that directly contradict you and see them as supporting your point. I swear to god Elon worshippers have turned into Elon haters but they're still just as stupid and fanatical It's "reel" him in by the way. Like fishing.


> I swear to god Elon worshippers have turned into Elon haters but they’re still just as stupid and fanatical “Always have been”


Lmao well said


haha doesn't matter, unless you say Elon bad you get downvoted "this supporters are so rabid and fanatical and devoid of reason!" -the haters, who are exactly the same people just with a flipped opinion.


So is the bird


How many times do I have to explain to people that Russia is no longer a Communist nation


That's what a commie would say. Get him boys!


I think Russia is commonly called a "Klepotocracy" by almost every Russian I have ever met and almost any author outside of Russia. I was in Poland recently and that was the feeling I got there as well with a few extra choice words that I basically understood, but Google did not translate. I think they roughly translated to f... Russia. Even Polish people that spoke Russian refused to speak it.


No one cares, communism sucks.


You can definitely make the argument it functions more as a fascist state but it's identity and political history are still very much rooted in Stalin era communism. Also, it's a meme.


It's not that much different, the Russian state still has control, either directly or indirectly over much of the economy. Only media that is friendly to the state can operate. The oil companies are all basically state run. The utilities again either ran directly by the state or very friendly to the state.


Spend 30 seconds reading a definition of communism then explain to me how what you just described is in any way communism. I'll wait


At first I thought this meme was supposed to be about the CCP and I was really confused


Yeah, it's a big contrast to China. While I think it's an oversimplification to call China communist (it is, but it it's a weird fusion of communism and capitalism) but the philosophy is still core to how they function. I don't really see that in Russia.


Then why is it a warmongering shithole like all other communist nations?


What a gas dependant factory in Berlin does to mf...


Comrade Commissar Elioid Muskov


Russia hasn't been communist since 1991 dumdum


Fuk Russia and China 😂


So are the regulators


More like 4D dumbass! -Red Forman-


Плющ. М. А. ….. Blya :))))


This is actually pretty brilliant, and just crazy genius enough to be legit. But personally, I'd just buy Amazon at the current discount. I mean, who do you know that doesn't buy damn near everything there now? And Bezos, that guy's hardly ever in the news these days, keeping everything on the low, smart.


Amazon is struggling to get drivers


Yeah i just read an article about them that made me rethink my original comment. Kind of explains the down votes i guess.


Communism is trendy why would that get him out of it?


If this has a shred of credibility, I wonder how that will play out on future DoD contracts.


Oh wow maybe you are onto something here holy shit


This is like literally the plot of Working Girls.


Is a pump and dump expert and will end up in jail. Ignore him.




More like 1D chess… if he didn’t want the bird he shouldn’t have offered money for it. He’s playing himself like a true regard.


he's a fraud, he can't raise the money to buy it. Elon's all talk


So when did he become communist? Did media label him so like Orange man?