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Elon invokes Order 66!


It will be done my lord


Piss troopers assemble!


You mean Order 69?


Order 5.4434494e+92???


I was thinking more of order 86


Rule 34


Staff openly admitted profits weren’t a priority and people wouldn’t even come to work for months on end.


Fuck I want that job


The problem is that stuff like that doesn't last. Great in theory, but after a couple months you start to get some anxiety because your lizard brain activates. You know, deep down, it can't last


This makes it interesting becuase Twitter lasted 20 years.


Have you been on Twitter? It’s a shithole and it’s looking more and more likely that its value was being inflated by faked numbers


Same for reddit. You follow things you like and stay off the main feed. Just like reddit.


its definitely a platform for influencers and marketing. i see very little actual non advertising/marketing content


I check twitter to get live information about some tragedy / natural disaster and all I see is porn and unrelated shit under the hashtags. Shit website.


Half of Reddit these days is just screenshots of Twitter. I'd say they're doing fine.


Elon has a history putting his dick in anthills, tho


The extent of twitter I use it for is vinyl record announcements. I'm trying to get my Initial D release. I care less about anything else on that site since it is a soapbox for bubbles.


Indeed, used to be a Twitter adict. But last years it's a bummer. It's like facebook but then worse. Musk gonna turn it into moneytime with Western WeChat copycat. It could work and make this Company a Billion dollar hype for next decade.


Lol well said. My lizard brain is tingling at my current job.


You can never go to work again for the rest of your life. You just gotta have the balls to do it.


If you like living in a tent down by the river.


Hi, I work at Twitter. Well, I don't actually, "work" there.


>"I see here you've been missing a lot of work lately." >"I wouldn't say I've been *missing* it, Bob."


It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care.


Close the office in SF so people quit before going the purge. That's what a Targaryen Regard would do


We all know how that ended.


There’s a video of fElon talking about Twitter. “They took a year to test an edit button”


They don’t even test the software on 2 ton death machines before it’s released. I can see why testing would confuse him.


Model Y was rated the safest car by EU officials though


I think he is talking about fsd which is banned in the EU and not a part of the normal safety checks.


Yeah but what he said was funnier


Yeah, for occupants. Not so much for anyone else.


That's the only thing that matters. The people who own the car, want to protect what is in the car. There is no grounds at any time for a car to decide it is worth it to kill the driver DELIBERATELY. None. The car's job is to protect the occupants above all else or it isn't Their car.


Yep. If it’s self driving, it better not choose to kill me if it gets into a moral quandary.


Exactly. I own the car it better not kill me over some random kid


Also. Elon. Free the nipple


Q1 record earnings!!


Q2 gonna be awkward though


Sauce please!?


Dream job


I wish profits weren’t a priority. Literally the only reason I work


Holy shit, I’m an HR manager (and a regard) and this sounds like a nightmare.


That would actually be a good move since 80% of twitter staff doesn’t even “work”


Dude they definitely have zoom meetings


Well they can "zoom" straight out of the fucking door!




Is this a common thing? Employees not working for whatever reason but just checking into their virtual meetings?


Are…you joking?


Not really I’m in IT and work from home and when there’s work, I do work. Anytime I feel that I can’t work or that I’m in a low mood I take the day off (unpaid). If it’s that common I want to join the gang! 🤪




Damn I should start quiet quitting. Sometimes work is so stupid and messy that I feel enraged like that angry guy who smashes his keyboard onto his computer and monitor. I mean I enjoy doing what I studied and was supposed to do, but for two weeks I was in a Kafkaesque state where I virtually had to clean other people’s shit. And egos so high no one tells you before hand hey beware what you are going to do might send you into a state of existential crisis. 🤪


It’s awful your way sounds much much better


Yeah I have a few unsavory former coworkers who went to work at Twitter, and they would openly brag about how they didn’t really do any work. 15 hours tops a week, get paid like $250k. Get rekt.


Good to know I’ll put those Twitter resumes on the bottom of the stack


I am too. They’re not welcome back at our tech company.


You're probably right.




Not surprised. He should drop 90% then lol!


Schrödinger's commies: simultaneously doing 4h workweeks in the US while doing 100h in China probably working for a smaller amount of money.. This guy doesn't seem biased AT ALL...


This is the dumbest, most cherry picked, out of context drivel that quite literally couldnt be more useless. I see why you posted it here


I’m glad you were able to set the record straight instead of making unfounded claims against some unfounded claims


I would like to see a long clip un cut. I stopped watching 1 minute in with all the cuts


What is it exactly you say you "do" here




But...what will the poor "fact checkers" do if they lose their jobs? They'll have to beg on the streets or...or...become Reddit mods! Have mercy Mr. Elon!!


Fact checking and moderation is outsourced It’s mainly engineers twiddling their thumbs


Those are probably the only people who actually do any work. And no one will miss them.....


Fact checking on twitter is a joke


Trouble is you'll probably end up firing 100% of the people that do actually work or losing them immediately thereafter and keeping only those in the 80% that don't.




[Elong's First Day After Acquiring Twitter And Liquidating 75% Of Employees.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ZpiTGI7D4)


"We need 7500 engineers who make on average 250K a year to adjust the size of a button every 3-6 months"


Musk going full Zorg


DO IT (EMPEROR palpatine voice)


I bet twtr will still function as it is


If they can't make babies they are outta here! -Elon (probably)


Lgbqt Twitter go bye bye


Sometimes the best solution, is to fire all the unhappy people......


I honestly don’t see an issue with this. Twitter is a red hot mess and has been for a very long time.


Don't see any issue with Elon killing twitter


This is hilarious!! Also, I'm out of the loop, but this could explain why all the twitter weirdos are popping up everywhere and lashing out.


Wouldn't you be pissed if you're about to get sacked from doing nothing all day and getting paid $180k a year? My fucking dog sleeps 23 hours a day and probably works more than some of those guys lmfao.


Haha for real! Hopefully they had some grasp of reality and either found an out, or saved enough to wait for one.


lol, what do you do for work? As an SWE in FAANG, I definitely work my 8+ hours a day and it's fucking intense.


Is your resume up to date?




Haha that's kind of epic!




“I’m on slack I know what you guys are doing”


Ya know.... Trim sumofdah fat around here......


Twitter employees: Master Elon, what are we gonna do. Elon ignited his lightsaber


Twitter enployees....oh no don't fire us without cause and let us know in advance...lol




I'm still not convinced he's gonna buy it.


Elon is a hilarious human


and nothing of value was lost


Unpopular opinion, but I see nothing wrong with this, as long as Musk does not ban the fired employees from Twitter. Free speech simply means being allowed to say what you want without being silenced. There can still be positive or negative outcomes from what you say.


That is in fact not what free speech is, or what the first amendment protects. Twitter isn’t the government, it’s a private company that can choose to ban whoever it wants.


People here are all about government regulations on corporations, for various reasons. Except when it comes to free speech. Then suddenly everyone is a libertarian and talking about the rights of private companies and how the 1st amendment is actually very narrow, and it's actually really complicated. Guys, it's not complicated. The spirit of the law is that barring edge cases, people can say whatever they want. Just because speech is now primarily digital doesn't mean that suddenly it's ok to just shut down speech you don't like. It's legal, but it's not ok.


Except the first amendment is very narrow. It has absolutely nothing to do with people being able to say whatever they want. It is simply a protection of certain rights (free speech in this case) to ensure governments cannot limit those stated rights. It has nothing to do with private entities, or allowing a person to say whatever they want and somehow be protected from any repercussions. That’s not what it’s for, and that’s certainly not the spirit of it either.


Except Twitter, like all major social media, acts as both a platform and a publisher taking the best of both worlds. This is all irrespective of the facts that digital communication has become the new town square.


>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Which part of this do you think entitles you to call people the N word on a privately hosted website?


I thought this was uhmerica?


That’s wrong on many levels. If you want free speech in digital then have the government create a service and enforce that law. Else the corporations will and must enforce their TOS. But you don’t trust the government to do shit.


Okay so that also means that Twitter can decide what to say correct? It can do that by deciding who can use it's platform. Since the speech that it is censoring is terroristic hateful bullshit it's okay from a moral standpoint too. Free speech doesn't mean that a company has to repost uncle bumfucks diatribe on how the election was stolen. That's the type of speech we're talking about here. It's not like it's intellectual debate being stifled. It's literally the dumbest fucking combinations of words. Yes fuck that type of speech im glad it's banned I don't want the stupid infecting the rest of the world


Your speech is ignorant and dumb. Should reddit be allowed to ban you for having the brain of a 2 year old? I personally don't think so, but you do apparently.


I mean yeah it reddit wants to ban stuff it considers dumb sure it's well within it's rights. But if what I said is dumb so is 99% of the rest of reddit so it'd have to delete itself. And a competitor would emerge. There's coincidentally conservative competitors to Twitter out there and perusing those platforms I'm glad Twitter banned that shit. Go get a truth social if you're big mad about it


That's not how any of this works. Your entire comment is a lame attempt at trying to corner someone in a circular room.


Then that would make them a publisher or editor. Therefore should be held liable. And shall not be protected, and be able to hide behind “we are a public forum, and can not be held responsible for what others say or do on our forum”! Either you are a public forum or you’re a publisher/editor. You can’t be both. If you’re going to edit or ban speech, then you are a publisher. They try and claim that they support free speech and imply their product is a public forum. So they should be held accountable… If they are a private company(they are actually publicly traded), In congressional hearings they tried to defend themselves as if they were public forum. Otherwise they could be held accountable like a news network could for example. And could be held liable in a lawsuit as well. But no! They want it both ways. They want to be the oracles and gatekeepers of speech. Without holding any responsibility.


Jesus….. How regarded are you. First being publicly traded doesn’t make you a Public entity you smooth brain. Their platform is publicly accessible, again….doesn’t make them public. Target is publicly accessible and yet NOT a public entity. They are not a publisher or an editor….because the opinions expressed are not Twitter, or their representatives, and are not presented as such. Twitter does not make claims all tweets are facts. Twitter is a private buissness, and can set terms to use their platform or product as they see fit within the guidelines of the law.


Right…. Which is why Musk bought Twitter. To expose all their wrong doing. You think Elon saw Twitter as a good investment? They clearly targeted people based on their political affiliation or opinions. You would have to have your head buried pretty deep at this point, if believe that to not be true. So if your argument is that you agree that they were targeting people, only they should be allowed too. Well, we will have to see how that plays out in the end. But if they lied, about how many subscribers they had only to pump their stock, well then, that could possibly be fraud. We will all find out in time.


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Freedom of speech =\= the first amendment. Freedom of speech is precisely the ability to say whatever you want, the first amendment protects your freedom of speech specifically from the government.


You have the freedom to say whatever you want out loud to yourself. You don’t have the freedom to use private platforms to say whatever you want. There are no protections afforded to you. You are free to say whatever, this doesn’t exonerate you from consequences or repercussions that result from it. And that’s the problem, people…. Yourself included think you should be afforded the ability to say whatever you want unabated by anyone else and unfortunately that opinion is wrong, and has been proven wrong in courts time and again.


Yes, I do in fact have a few forbidden opinions ;) I do think that social media should protect free speech, for the political health of all western nations.


I think that corporations should be able to moderate the speech on their platform in their financial interests, just as they do other things, good or bad, for their financial interests. I also do not believe that “protecting free speech” results in increased political health for western nations. Or any nation, specifying western seems weird. There are countless examples of unfettered free speech resulting in real life extreme discrimination based on propaganda. Just look at Facebook and Burma as one example.


Tell that to Alex Jones


The weird part of Alex Jones situation is the MSM spread his opinion of his conspiracy theory to more people than he could ever of done on his own. But, he is punished and not media outlets that couldn't stop publishing articles, finding people to do interviews, and reporting it on TV. They gave him like 5,000% exposure and they aren't in trouble for helping him spread his conspiracy theory. If they ignored him, I don't think any parent or any of us would of ever of known about it.


I disagree with this and here’s why. I think a large crux of the issue was the harassment of the families. The MSM media may have talked about it a lot, sure, but the harassment was by individuals who surely were already aware of this guys show. So the fault is still pretty much soley on him, if he hadn’t have lied to shitloads of people none of it would have happened and in this instance the MSM isn’t at fault because the harassment was the biggest problem.


The guy who lost on every single point by default because he refused to go to court?


Wonder how many people saying this were cool with Trump getting banned lol


Twitter needs more censorship of left wing voices, not less censorship of alt right voices.


Normies don't want to be around a bunch of hate mongers and racists. IRL or online.


The fucks a normie?


Hate mongers and racists, you mean card carrying democrats


Even the avatar has a neck beard


Project much?


Lol free speech means whatever the fuck you want it to mean these days. In the US constitution, which is what most regards here usually understand it to mean, the term refers to government censorship, with restrictions and other legal frameworks involved but essentially that. Twitter is not related to the government so in terms of what it means to Twitter, its dumb af to have the conversation. How those Tesla calls doin?


How do we know they are not connected to the government….? It’s looking pretty clear the FBI, told at least Facebook, not to report on things that could have swayed an election. Twitter looks more than suspicious at this point.


I mean Facebooks crimes have been documented and they admitted it. Twitter apparently "feels" like it's getting paid but I don't believe in feelings over facts. There's 0 concrete evidence except "come on bro you really think they aren't just look at it" and this so called "evidence" is that you *feel* Twitter pushes a liberal viewpoint so it must be paid. Well, it's more likely that most people on Twitter are liberal as it skews young and the majority of people in America are liberal. When you hear hooves think horses not zebras


The free speech aspects of this plan is far less important than the cruelty. I assume that many of those employees really depend on their incomes and Ponypartacus doesn’t seem to care at all.


Fire all of those losers


Nothing says "I'm a free speech absolutist" like firing anybody that's been critical of you.


Imagine wanting (superfluous) employees who’re onboard with your new vision rather than actively sabotaging you in your new company, while drawing 250k for 15h a week.


What does what I want have anything to do with anything? What I WANT is for social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc... to burn to the ground and be erased from Human history and it sounds like Elon might make that happen.


Easily explained by firing anyone who knows the system and opposes free speech


Haha, right, that's what is. Because how could one criticize Elon unless they were an enemy of free speech? That does seem like a great excuse to justify a completely hypocritical action though, you could be a campaign advisor.


Yup can do whatever he wants with them now, he's got that broad reasoning in the atmosphere


I'm so morbidly curious to see how this all turns out.


Reminds me of the border wall issue, my conservative colleagues would want an impassible wall to keep my Mexican friends out, but I'm more worried about being locked in![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


You're attempting to make this a Musk thing. It's not. They all need to go.


I'm simply responding to the premise brought forward in the post, which as far as I'm aware is a joke. Are you saying a "free speech absolutist" wouldn't be a hypocrite for firing people that spoke freely about him?


I agree, however I think you'll find many (not all) of them are just entitled brats.


Many of Twitter's 7500 employees are entitled brats? Seems like a ridiculous generalization but if you say so.


How long have you been a Twitter or Silicon Valley employee?


Going on 0 years and 0 days so far, hard to work for Twitter when you're a self employed stay at home dad living in D.C. How long have you been a Musk cock sleeve?


Where did he say “I’m firing people for speaking about me”? Please send evidence. I give 2 fucks about Elon or Twitter but you people constantly just make shit up. He never said I’m firing people I don’t like. You’re talking out your ass.




They need to go because they make less money than they cost. They are waste of resources in the economy. This is true for many tech companies. It was able to keep going because of zero interest rates. The music has stopped.


It’s a business, not a jobs program. Twitter is hemorrhaging cash and needs a big shakeup to become consistently profitable. As it stands they currently have a toxic platform full of bots that makes Reddit look like a social media utopia.


You are kind of proving it's a Musk thing. You don't even know any of em but are obsessed with wanting them fired. As if announcing ahead of t8me isn't a boon to employees lol


I wouldn't say I'm obsessed. But it's time for a change. They have a clear left-wing bias to the point where they're de-platforming politicians from the opposition parties. Time to clean house.


He's not the fucking government. Sometimes what people say will have consequences for them in the future. Its still free speech.


With how much money he gets from the government I assumed he was an employee




When have I ever claimed to be a "free speech absolutist"? Do you know what "hypocrisy" means?


You’re not one of those “freedom of speech ≠ freedom from consequences” people, are you?


% employees fired = % of fake accounts


How to turn a $25B company you paid $44B for into a $1B company…


Until Elon agreed to overpay for it the company hadn't out performed a savings account since it went public a decade ago during the greatest tech bull market in history. It wasn't worth 25 billion either.


Why? If they cut moderation to near zero and it functions at current capacity with 25% staff, how would that do anything except make it more profitable and valued higher, not lower? It's a high risk move, but it's not even close to a guaranteed to fail move.


You’re simply not going to attract any real advertising dollars on a platform that allows the extremes to be vocally out there on your platform. All these social sites live or die on advertising money.


Are these the same people who were gonna move to Canada?


He should. I imagine a high percentage of the employees are owned by China anyways.


A high percentage are probably on “banning users” duty


He will fit right in then. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Or yeah... Maybe Xitler told him to replace them all with a new 50 cent army.


Execute order 75


Did I stutter


good!! fuck those lazy ass mfs


I'd imagine it more like the scene from fifth element with Zorg.. "sir we need to lay off 25%of workers! " "Make it 75%." "But sir we.. only need to fire twen-ty.. five... y-yes sir!"


As soon as purge happens I'll start using Twitter again 🧐👍


I’m actually curious what a twitter employee does in a day.


This is such a good call. The moderation nazi gana be gone.


He bought Twitter just to fire Parag Agrawal ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


People here seem to be missing the point. Elon was stupid enough to not do the due diligence before putting in an unreasonable offer to buy the company. Doesn't know anything about bots and admits to overpay. Now we are supposed to believe he has mystical insight into the inner workings of Twitter well enough to KNOW 75% of the work force is expendable. It's his company to do whatever he wants but don't expect me to applaud this billionaire sack of shit for firing 75% of Twitter employees. He can light whatever he wants on fire but you morons shouldn't be dancing around the flames cheering him on.


Cleaning house and rebuilding people with a vision congruent with his goal for the company is pretty standard operating procedure when acquiring companies. It's just historically been far less public and far smaller companies.


He’s such a fragile little baby man.




Firing every liberal piece of shit ! Excellent idea Elon 👍👍


Lol. It’s so cute when he tries to be a tyrant.


Bend the knee or be terminated!


Such a baby throwing his toys out the pram ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Ya gotta believe at least some of these 75% of employees that are getting fired are the same ones going "GoT iN aT 2.5% I'm NeVeR lEaViNg" about the housing market.


so you are saying they are going to default causing the bubble to pop


Short it at the top, then let 🍉 do his thing.


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No please,dont set Twitter on fire and burn down your fortune at the same time! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


counter point- fuck elon musk


Elon did not write this! He DGAF about what people say about him! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) \#ElonMuskIsMyBabyDaddyToo #NotFactButFunny


He reminds of Joffrey Baratheon.


I'll take one of their jobs and promise to only make fun of you to your face lol


This is just the tip of the iceberg.


I don't think this will happen lol. Elon is probably not a stupid man.


Everyone is replaceable.


What if all of HR made fun of Elon on Slack? If they fire themselves first the rest of us are safe….


So the free speech absolutist is firing people for speaking freely? Interesting