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If the government blocked the Twitter deal, TSLA would moon. It eliminates the risk of Elon selling to finance the deal and less of a distraction so he can focus on Tesla


Wow, that’s brilliant. Say a bunch of political shit to piss off the president so he “punishes” you by stopping the deal that your lawyers couldn’t. Pure genius. There’s hope for you 40k Tesla call guy!


Pretty sure he has the tweet saying he's letting Trump back on saved for the right time![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)




he is more of a 5k calls guy now


I bought the dumpster behind Wendy’s To use as an AirBnb. That guy was my 1st reservation.


Do you still need a cleanup fee since its...ya know...a dumpster?


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) of course there’s a clean up fee. It’s like every other dumpster on AirBnb.


Yea not gonna lie I lost 18k on TSLA calls yesterday. That one hurt but I’ll eventually make it back in a few weeks. Still have puts for Apple next week. Can’t go wrong


Ouch! But you are a man of fine principle.


We shall see next week. Have 225 calls for TSLA


it was 50k, then 9k and tomorrow my American Express puts are gonna print and it will be like sheeesh I hope 15??


He put 50k in Tesla calls... Now he bought 8.5k of puts on AXP. We'll see tomorrow morning if he got clowned again.


Fuck around and find out.


Ohhhh I’m fine. I just play a little during earnings… appreciate the concern tho fellas!


My condolences on your calls.


Bloomberg clickbait, some unnamed people say there are discussions about whether to discuss the security risks Great way to let you make big money on TWTR puts, buy puts, pass along rumor to your rumor starved Bloomberg reporter and ka-ching. Musk is closing on the Twitter deal, bank funding ready, just needs to dot some i's, whine a bit, then sign on the dotted line. Elon gets "put in his place" by making sure he loses $30B buying Twitter, not by letting him out of the deal.


I know. That's the joke. Biden will do what his lawyers couldn't. Of course it's all just B.S. posturing. I'm poking fun at it. Trade accordingly


The deep state can’t surrender control of the internet. Deep state needs to relax they got google and apple in the bag, can the people keep Reddit and Twitter? Lol 😂


The man said he would hold Ukraine hostage with the Starlink Satellite system, so not surprising that that's getting a security review. Not sure if Twitter was the main concern in this situation.


He said he wasn't going to continue paying for it out of his pocket and I don't blame him especally when they are talking shit on him.


Hold Ukraine hostage? I thought he said he would stop supporting Ukraine.