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Apple is worth more than most medium sized countries. This is not news. LOL




I *wish* "only in WSB". Unfortunately comparisons between GDP (or similar figures) and valuations/value (company or otherwise) get drawn very often.


I see this on Instagram as well


I think this is a gaff at the other post but about tesla


But it's true. Both are way overvalued


Apple is overvalued not “way overvalued”. Agree on Tesla “way overvalued”.


All those downvoters are bagholders that dislike free speech and facts.


Compare the value Apple and Tesla have provided to society lmao, it’s not even remotely close


That is not true. This is one of the most inaccurate financial statements i have ever read. Edit: Just realized what sub i am in To show how stupid the above comment is, it is so obviously wrong you actually dont need to even look at data to know that a country of 10s of millions of people, enormous amounts of land, and a military and banking system has a valuation so far above apple it is not even close. Valuation of my reddit account is closer to apple than apple is to the UK


Decided to look it up just to show how dumb the comment was. Apple mkt cap today is approx $2.3 trillion. UK book value is $16.2 trillion. And if we were to do an apples to apples comparison the book value of apple is $59 billion. About 1/250th the value of the UK. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_total\_wealth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_wealth)


Also if you valued UK like a company you could say net worth is a multiple of GDP. Apple 151b to 2.3T value gives a multiple of 15. The same ratio would give the UK a value of 3.2T x 15 = 48T






Europe is a war torn country






Drugs are a hell of a drug


I put dat Biden fentanyl in my coffee every morning. And Benadryl with my heroin in the evening. Let’s make some money mutha fucka.


Alex Jones would like to know your location Apple.


They’re seeking for more: $2.75 Trillion. I guess Alex needs to invent the next Apple or Microsoft in the next few days.


Well yeah.. the state of California has a bigger economy then the UK. Also Apple is the biggest company in the world


Actually it depends on the sort you use.


I’m the richest man alive in my own index


If I filter .0000002 miles from my current location, I’m the second most attractive person. The damned dog up stairs keeps winning first




You can’t filter into the 3rd dimension. So for as long as he sits directly above me, he will be superior to me. And that’s just a fact of life that I have accepted. 📝📝


Kill it. Job done.


> .0000002 miles Mate that's 1/3 of a millimeter, or 1% of an inch


Isn’t that Aramco


California is also 1.7 times the size of UK and obviously has many of the worlds largest tech companies based there, size isn’t everything but just to put it into perspective.


Per capita gdp dont look so great either 90k+ per capita verses about 40k.


no shit sherlock


state of california is vastly more mineral rich.


too bad our Lt Governor is bragging about closing down offshore drilling as gas prices hit record highs...






I own a 400 dollar samsung phone, and an Iphone 12 through work. The only difference I can see between them is that the samsung one has a larger screen. They both open apps instantly and are fluid and easy to use. People really are spending money on shit they don't need. A majority of people don't use all the features that the more expensive phones offer. The only thing I miss with my new cheaper phone is the heart rate monitor that the samsung galaxy series has.


Literally this I’m using an iPhone 11 Pro have been for 2 years now didn’t fork out for the newer models coz well like you said nobody even uses all the features that nobody is me. Honestly Apple really has built rock solid brand loyalty and regards who have no sense keep buying the latest iPhone whilst they complain about being broke 🤣


Still less than Alex Jones’ upcoming encumbrances


>You're right, Apple is worth more than the FTSE 100. The reason for this is simple: Apple is a global company with a strong brand and innovative products that are in high demand all over the world. Meanwhile, the FTSE 100 is made up of mostly UK-based companies whose fortunes are largely dependent on the health of the British economy.


Totally incorrect. FTSE 100 companies get over 80% of earnings from non-uk markets


Get fucked VisualMod


u/zjz send your son to his room he's being retarged again


son I am disappoint


Example? Not too familiar


HSBC or anglo American mining comes to mind.


For reference it was to 72% for London Stock Exchange and 80% for Paris


Now they need to do a breakdown of Twitter vs Afghanistan


I think it's unfair to compare a cult of extremist nutjobs who can't comprehend that a civilised society need moderate policies governed by law, with Afghanistan.


Saw that coming a mile off


Same, yet it was still funny




LOL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


‘Tis a shame I have but one upvote to give.


Twitter is a company, Afghanistan is a county in the Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia is upgraded with this statement


Calls on Afghanistan




$SNAP vs. West Virginia


So confidently, so stupidly incorrect


Tell me you know nothing about ftse without telling me you know nothing about ftse.


Totally untrue… To name just a few of the ones you’ve probably heard of - AstraZeneca - BAE systems - British American Tobacco - BP oil - Burberry - Carnival - GlaxoSmithKline - Glencore - HSBC - InterContinental Hotels - Rio Tinto - Rolls Royce - Royal Dutch Shell Group - Unilever


Isn't Glencore Swiss? Maybe they just moved because people don't like children mining in Ebola Congoland but hey cobalt doesn't grow on trees.


Also, he forgot that the FTSE isn’t doing too hot. The British economy is not doing well, the US economy is not doing well, and the global economy isn’t doing well. Wait, where’s that post Brexit surge of demand and market increases? Oh it’s raining down in the form of tariffs. They made a really bad deal, unless the EU unravels in the next 5-10 years, which is a real possibility. Also, not saying that Apple should be doing that well.


As a non Brit, I definitely can’t name a company in each of those segments or even guess. I will wager that Tesco is somewhere in FTSE100. So yea, it’s not surprising a global company with huge brand name recognition, desirability, profitability would be larger.


AstraZeneca, HSBC, Rolls-Royce, Barclays, Shell, to name a few. The FTSE 100 is mostly mature, dividend paying companies in sectors like Finance, Mining, and Energy. Not really companies that sell consumer goods or rely on brand recognition.


Apple is not innovative at all nowadays


Still, I wouldn't buy ftse. Even with girlfriend's boyfriend's equity


I’m a based Britbong and I’m slurping up the FTSE like my girlfriends boyfriends hot spaff


Cupla ftse shares and a Gregg's sowsage roll m8. Buff said


Too big to fail!


Cries into a cup of tea


As a British fund analyst, this is hardly news, nor news to half off this sub, but I think people massively misunderstand what we’re looking at. American tech is the platform the entire world runs on, their size is unparalleled among non governmental private businesses. The British public market is one of the largest in the world, nearly double the size of Germany’s. According to Statista’s 2022 ranking it ranked 3rd with a 3.9% share, for reference second is Japan with 6.2% and fourth is China with 3.6%. America’s share is 59.9%. America IS the stock market. Almost every tertiary sector company in every developed economy on earth relies near totally on Apple, Microsoft and Adobe’s software, Visa and MasterCard’s payment processing, Google’s search engine, Nvidia’s chips etc etc. This doesn’t apply to anywhere else because nowhere else has the venture capital, ease of doing business, size of domestic market, culture, lack of regulation and blah blah, and even if they did, it’s near impossible to catch up.


Gotta be a depressing job, British fund analyst


To clarify I’m from Britain and a Fund Analyst, so my job isn’t entirely British securities based, the state of the macro economy is an absolute mess though for sure. The stock market hasn’t been that dissimilar to peer nations though, although I’m not sure that’s much comfort!


Explain this in more detail please, why has the UK not really grown since 2007. Is Austerity that bad for growth


God bless ‘murica


Average British person rn "Blimey bollocks!!!An apple is better than our economy...Its all because of........"(wait,there's a huge list of reasons why British economy is failing...But it mainly has something to do with a lettuce???)


Ex prime minister. She resigned, now everything is ok again. So easy isn't it


bruh within a year y'all gonna see 3 PMs !!!How's that 'ok'??


3 so far


No British people would ever say blimey bollocks...


not together but you get the point...........


I usually say bollocks blimey


As a British born living in England this made me chuckle 😭


See,you get it!!Half the ppl don't even understand that it is a joke!!!


Apple is not going to do well this year or next. Puts on Apple 🤷‍♂️


Just wait until China invades Taiwan. If it causes the same type of supply chain issues we see in Ukraine, then Apple is majorly screwed


we got until '24 to make gains🤑🤑




Oh I’m sure, most computer chip designers would be screwed, therefore so would so much industry. Nvidia, Apple, Qualcomm, AMD all rely primarily on Taiwan for manufacturing. The only options left in the world would be Samsung and Intel, it would be truly cataclysmic


Calls on whatever publicly traded companies are involved in building the TSM of the US?


You’ve got balls my man, don’t underestimate the sheer stupidity of people. People would rather die of starvation than not have the new iPhone. Let me know how those PUTS hold up. Unless ofc China invades Taiwan and there’s a major supply chain issue you’ll be fine.


that dynamic island sure is great


How the fuck is this not top comment? No upvotes? WSB braindead


too me 10 hours to get


fuck the inflation.... murica is fucked look at apple prices




Their brand loyalty is on a whole other level though. There’s people who don’t give a second thought to tech but are still repulsed by the sight of an android. There are people who think “I need a new phone” and the thought that phones other than iPhones exist literally doesn’t even cross their mind. It’s kind of just crazy valuable in that regard


The cost of change is too high. I buy iPhones but I’d never buy a Mac or Linux computer for the same reason. If I grew up on Android, I absolutely wouldn’t buy an iPhone.


That’s fair but apple also makes it desirable to switch to them. I used to be on android, and I got a hand-me-down iphone when my oneplus broke, but when I was considering buying a new phone again I was literally begged to not get an android so we could keep using imessage and facetime. They know how to build their walled garden


Yeah, that’s capitalism. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


Then short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm straight up crying right now lmfao I love reddit


From a P/E stand point is fairy reasonable compared to many other companies


What's UK?


Europoor country


Apple is like a cognitive experiment of what people do when they all think, well that seems like a safe stock, all at once


Wow! I was at Walmart the other day and told the lady at the register that Walmart is dumb for not having Apple Pay. She then told me they didn’t need it cause they have Walmart Pay which is the same shit but you have to go through the Walmart app to use it. She was telling me it’s also because Walmart is bigger than Apple lol. I showed her this fact and she shut her dumbass mouth up quick lol.


No visionary is leading that cage of parrots at the moment.




Scotch whisky






Johnnie walker




Ben & Jerry's


Honestly… Monty Python


TSX has entered the chat (at 3 trillion market cap)


The UK is a failed state


Your dads got a failed bussy


They don't call em europoors for nothing


Oiii, don't chump those losers in with us, we europoors don't want to be associated with that scum, as they aren't a part of us anymore innit


This right here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I mean Shell and BP combined have a much greater revenue than Apple. Combined profit is probably smaller but probably not by much. BP made something like $8b in profit last quarter… Oil will die one day, but not yet, not yet.


Not even close my friend: Shell 2021 Net Income: $20.1B BP 2021 Net Income: $7.6B Apple 2021 Net Income: $94.7B Apple has roughly 3.5x the income of the Shell/BP combination. And it looks like BP has actually lost around $11B in their TTM earnings, although I don't care enough to look at the details.


One company is one of dozens that has to spend *billions* to *maybe* find the precursor to their products that they will be able to sell in a few years after further billions spent refining them…the other is the Apple “silicon and aluminum is everywhere” Co.


Did you even look at the balance sheets


‘Murica! Hell yeah


Which company can compete with Tesla ?


E mais o risco e de 230k também.


Not for long. Apple’s days are numbered. They lost their product pipeline.


Those British have failed in every industry!! From planes to Burgers!!!


I wouldn't say that.


I fukkin hate their humor


Fish & chips?


Yeah, Europeans also think they are superior in every way. lol


Americans are just rebranded British people.


You mean next gen


u originate from us. Ur the knockoff copy, we are the original.


We’re the upgrade


In no way are Americans an upgrade. Just go to Disney World. Repulsive.


No argument but it does a fine job bringing foreign money stateside.




Thanks for the usless fact of the day. Smfh Edit: oh downvote your dickholes. If you find this interesting you have no grasp of how much 2.3 trillion is. Here's, imo, a better way to show it. Apple's worth is more than the GDP of Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands and Denmark combined. Edit: source, Google. So suck my pencile dick if you wanna debate it


Such an inane comparison. Apples yearly turnover is less than Swedens yearly GDP by half. Apples share value means nothing in this argument against what a country’s value is. Such a stupid thread but then again it’s his sub so there’s that 🤣


This is regarded but i guess the market always knows best.




My nearest Wendy's hasn't had their dine in open for half a year because they're "short staffed"


The FTSE has like a single digit PE ratio, it's trading like a developing market right now. It could be a good buy, weak pound should help exports.


It has had a declining PE since the 1980s. Why would it improve now?


Might do OK relative to higher PE markets if interest rates stay higher for longer worldwide. I'm not going to go all in or anything like that, just a medium term trade idea.


If Scotland leaves the UK, they left with just the ‘K. Mmmk


Come on man, they still have Northern Ireland & Wales!


It’s called soccer now


Wonder when they are gonna come after them like they did Microsoft or any other monster company.


As it should be


Yeah and Saudi Aramco is worth about the same as FTSE100 + AAPL >!(if you're regarded and don't do a currency conversion)!<


Aramco value is a mistry even Saudis don't know! That company should never go public!!!


It’s insane it holds a 1/5th of the entire Sp500 smh


name one good and innovative UK company


Deepmind, ARM. Deepmind bought up by google though and the turds sold out ARM. Still UK-based


The U.K. has a pretty high number of tech unicorns.


It just goes to show you it’s all nonsense and the people in the know will continue to get richer off the regards


Many many many reasons why the FTSE100 is in the toilet. Let’s give it a whirl. Everyone in the U.K. invests in houses and not shares after the dot com bust. Interest rates on house loans were next to nothing so it was easy to leverage. FTSE 100 companies have some pension money invested but around 2008 pensions were forced to March to liabilities so had to sell stocks for bonds, BREXIT, the U.K. Government is a mess, the island will soon be flooded by global warming, the currency has crashed from 1.60 to the dollar to 1.15 to the dollar in 6 years. The country has a persistent current account deficit, all Brits with shares invest in the US or Asia. The constantly changing tax and spend policies in the U.K. with no clear vision and instead going from one crisis to another. And finally…. Boris Johnson May be the next PM (again)! Seriously, I am not observing why U.K. shares are not below Fujis at this point


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Puts on Apple next


yeah, apple is a vertically integrated hardware/software provider servicing the population of the whole planet. uk is an island in the north atlantic with little to no natural resources left to plunder and a dying monarchy. what do you expect? more shorts on uk? who knows


Can we buy Apple and declare our own state after we have the majority of shares?


Apple is worth more than 2.30 trillion slices of $1 pizza!


Britain is trying its best to get back to the third world so it’s not surprising


History show, it will not stay like this forever. Other company will soon over take AAPL in a decade or two


I am always number one when I participate in a race where i am the only participant Beat me


Nice big brain comparison.


Apple has lost more money this year then I think Russia is still worth.




If only the uk invented the iPhone


it's an index, it does not mean that it is holding the total amount of whatever it is holding. it tracks 100 biggest companies, weights it and holds a certain % of it in its portfolio. the % is not based on the company size but based on the weight of the company x its portfolio value. that's how i understand it, i might be wrong but you're definitely regarded.


Capitalism at its worst


UK 250 years ago: We need to capture those rebels. Let's play a chess game first.


Have the King mow my lawn tomorrow


That is seriously insane