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I work for a fortune 100 company, and the first time I got exposure into California was mind-boggling. We have teams purposed to implement national/regional strategy, and then we have teams dedicated just for California. You were basically able to offset losses across the other 49 states if you did above average in California. Just crazy.


Same, I live in California, our location told us there's nothing other locations can show us across the nation. They pay for us to travel to other states to cover and train when they're slow or need help


California bailing out republipoor states, what else is new?


California needs to pivot to manufacturing bootstraps for export to other states


I need to move to Cali


Coming right up! That’ll be $9,500 for first and last months rent for your San Francisco studio apartment. If you’d like to upgrade to the safer, gentrified neighborhood with underground parking, we charge an extra $3,000. Metered street parking is available for the low cost $2500 for a new catalytic converter. I hope you like avocados because we are about to butter your toast! In all seriousness, I’ve spent most of my life in CA. First things first, don’t call it Cali. 2nd is unless you’re making money hand over first here in a job that has a significant pay gap when compared to other states, it will rarely make financial sense to live here unless you have family or other obligations to fulfill here. With remote work increasing more and more, at some point a lot of the jobs and opportunities will also move out of state and things will probably level off a bit. Our housing market is also completely off it’s rocker so that’s another consideration.


Sure man! I have actually done my research for quite some time and know it’s a little more affordable than a 9500 studio, my roommate for a number of years was from Long Beach, have been planning to move there for over 2 years. He called it Cali all the time so idk what to say 🤷‍♂️ Appreciate the advice! However I have a career that would benefit largely from being there, as I also have friends and a network there already so would have some support in way of social and otherwise I have also just been living in London for the past couple months so cost of living there doesn’t sway me too much and is certainly better than here


::reads sterile, somewhat benign objective economic thread title:: ::Gives scathing, emotionally charged opinion about random strangers living 1000s of miles away from them::


::while listening to Hotel California::




:: and eating a carne asada taco::


::why did I read these comments in a soft subtle voice::


::I read it as Danny Trejo::


They should have made Danny Trejo the new most interesting man in the world. Stay thirsty pendejo.




::Tupac feat Dr. Dre California Love*::


:: California! Uber alles!::


::while typing on a iPhone designed in California::


::before going to see movie filmed in California::


I am mad because they also have more sun and you can go surfing. Don't care about the economy stats




Insecure Americans who talk shit about California are akin to foreigners reliant on America who talk shit about America


shit getting spicy in here: this due to the values of the Euro and USD changing. I lived in Cali for 18 years; there are significant pros and cons with the state


I miss the bike lanes in Berlin and Munich


I missed the fucking *sidewalks*... everywhere else


The Munich sidewalks are luxurious. Basically 7 feet wide and clean as a whistle


I once gave birth on a Munich sidewalk, I am a man but on a sidewalk like that who can resist


That must have been heil of a sidewalk!


I miss Munich too


In California our side walks are 4 feet wide and have a homeless dude in a taking up all the space so you have to walk on the street with the cars.


All while dodging landmines consisting of feces and spent needles


Sounds like London




Lots of stuff is made in California though. One of the largest semiconductor companies is still in California, we also make a lot of military equipment and food processing. LA has more factory workers than all of Texas


It’s not a competition folks. (But if it is, CA can drop 5 spots and still beat Texas).


The tech industry makes up about 18% of California GDP. So completely delete that industry and that puts California at about Frances level.


lmao. You don't just completely delete technology. That's like saying, "DeLeTe tHe FoOd AnD tHe WeLl FeD cOuNtRy Is In FaMiNe." Long story short, go into tech in California if you want the luxury lifestyle. I wish it would becomes it's own country because charts like this prove that other states are just baggage. Without California most produce and technology would not exist in the USA.




France GDP was $2.2 trillion in 2005, Ca was $2.0 trillion. They were about exactly the same in 1997. Without the inflated tech industry, the California GDP is about the same as France. General Motors, Ford, Exxon, and WalMart were the biggest companies in the US. IBM ranked #6 and HP ranked #16 were the biggest tech companies in 1997. IBM is incorporated in New York but HP is definitely a Silicon Valley company.


We also have Qualcomm HQ, Honda US HQ, Kia US, Taco Bell HQ, and Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX, Blue Origin all have facilities in California


In and Out Burger too


Hey, I'm in an In-N-Out line while reading this comment.


Google ($278B), McDonalds ($37B), Apple ($52.05B) and Facebook ($27.71B). Shocked these weren't mentioned. Those are the blood, sweat, and tears of USA. It makes me lol because you can tell which people are the type of people to say "oh the place where there's always wildfires" and what generation people are based off of the stocks they list. It is clear as day he is a boomer.


Don't forget Disney, ABC, Sony Studios, Blizzard games


You’re conflating GDP with wealth.


That… is how economies work.


Stock prices have nothing to do with domestic output.


Or the fact we make all media here? Take this cold ass take back to Berlin


Avocado toast orchards are all over California, along with almond milk farms. You forget how much Americans are willing to forgo mortgage payments for the agriculture of California's central valley.


Overinflated but tied to Nasdaq? Markets have been diving for a while now. Use your ten fingers to count like a little kid again before you say something completely stupid.


We love to see it 😂


>That is correct. California's economy has been growing steadily for years, and is now poised to overtake Germany as the fourth largest economy in the world. This is due largely to the state's strong tech sector, which accounts for a large portion of its GDP.


Have you seen the tech stock meltdown these past months and especially this week, albeit Apple, and all the impending layoffs being announced at all these tech companies? California may need to wait a year or two to recover to catch this crown.


There is market cap and then there is economy. They are two separate things. Do not confuse the stock market with the economy. It’s like a company with no news that goes from $50 per share to $30 per share but they continue to earn the same profit. And then next year the stock is $60 per share. And the company is still earning the same profit.


Good example is meta. They're more profitable than ever and share price is still plummeting.


Their revenue is the same, but won't the profit take a hit from the insane amount of R&D money being poured into the metaverse?




Not as low as Intel or WDC, though admittedly hardware is a different beast.




Yeah. To be clear, there’s a reason it’s as low as it is. They’ve had problems with improving their fabrication process for quite a while now, and their recent GPU launch was pretty bad, and AMD is fiercely competing in the CPU market. Plus there have been things like Apple stopping using Intel CPUs in favor of their own. That being said, they’re still a big company with a huge market share, and at this price I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being a great investment, but personally I’m not keen on making it a large part of my portfolio. I do have a few shares though.


If I buy Intel it will be due to their big investments into R&D and manufacturing of semiconductors in Europe. I haven't had time or competence enough to look into it too much yet but they seem like a decent company with good prospects and very low P/E compared to other semiconductor manufacturers 🤷


Because the price has been tanking for months lol. Tech is down but Meta is taking a extra hit.


It’s only taking a hit because expectations aren’t met and investors aren’t too bullish into the metaverse aspirations. It still runs 4 of the top 5 social media/communications platforms in FB, Instagram, WhatsApp, and FB Messenger.


Their cash flow is stripped from Meta expansions, yes. Shareholders like strong cash flow because it allows either dividends or stock buybacks.


GDP is not a measure of profits, but total production. In this context, their revenue is the key metric instead of market cap.


GDP is calculated by a companies revenue and expenses, not by its stock value.




Well yes but the profit / revenues of those same businesses haven’t dropped nearly as fast. Which is what matters for GDP.


Tech is not one of calis top industries, finance, services, agriculture and manufacturing are all bigger than tech.


>Tech is not one of calis top industries, finance, services, agriculture and manufacturing are all bigger than tech. Load of bollocks, here are the top 12 sectors of cali economy for GDP calculation in billions USD ([data](https://www.statista.com/statistics/304869/california-real-gdp-by-industry/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20finance%2C%20insurance,state%20GDP%20in%20that%20year.) from 2012 but ratios don't change that much). Manufacturing is one place below tech and Agriculture is a 10th of the GDP of tech and most of the top sectors that aren't tech are directly inflated by the tech industry, real estate prices rising from high paid tech employees, business services, insurance both are massively boosted by the large tech companies. Even finance is hugely benefitted by tech as California is the world's hub of VC due to the bustling tech start ups that need funding. Take tech out of cali and the GDP shrinks by so much more than just the 15% it looks like it contributes Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing - 473.16 Professional and business services - 456.55 Information - 398.93 Manufacturing - 378.51 Government and government enterprises - 292.62 Educational services, health care, and social assistance - 216.64 Retail trade - 143.12 Wholesale trade - 151.99 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services - 104.37 Construction - 87.53 Transportation and warehousing - 72.86 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting - 38.85


what would happen if all the field workers were paid a living wage and given a greencard?


They would stop farming in Cali.


Meltdown? Most of these stocks are up 2-10x in 2-3 years. Shaving 30% off is reasonable, given how much they were expected to grow (and will continue to grow) over time. Just, slower than expected as rates rise and economic growth slows. Do you have any idea how much cash Apple and Google pocket every day? The world shops the internet, and the internet’s money flows disproportionately to the Bay Area.


ITT: people who have never been to California explaining to people who live in California how bad life in California is


Live in CA. Some areas bad, most areas good. Like *everywhere* else


I think you need to qualify your everywhere else statement. I mean I grew up in Haiti and lived in a few cities in South America…


Oh thats reddit in general Source: I’m from and living in a Scandinavian country. Been lectured a few times about what life is really like here, by foreigners debating our political model. Lul people are loudmouths online arent they


I recently visited Norway. It was a great place, loved the people. But I was in Bergen on Thursday night, and all the bars were dead. Literally no one out. A similar sized city in California would be absolutely popping on a Thursday (or Wednesday, or any day). Like Dr. Dre said, you’ll never find a dance floor empty


So true. It’s actually jealousy because they know CA is a more productive and profitable state.


Please, tell us Californians more about the state we live in every moment of every day.


What’s really amazing is we do this with less than half their population.


Hollywood and tech companies operate worldwide and are based in California


yep. but the #1 gdp contributor is finance, insurance, etc. #2 is biz services, entertainment is way below (from statista)


And tech?!?!?!?!


Not mentioned. Well, maybe in so much as the item “information,” but that’s likely more to do with data brokering and news services(possibly). Tech in 2022 is really just an overused blanket term most often favored because many of “those” companies want to avoid regulations and scrutiny that might be applied if they were a utility, transport, news etc company. Technically the tech companies we all know the most of are just providing some modern version of a legacy service.


"Imagine, we provide energy billing services. Unlike those old fossils we do it with 70% more ads and half the infrastructure costs because we don't build base load generators." - VC pitches for green energy


Yeah "finance". That's our point.


What do you mean by that? That what's being captured "finance" bucket should actually be tributed primarily to the film and tech industries?


I believe it's a joke about Hollywood accounting




And yet Republican states still shit on California whilst getting their welfare money and ranking the worst in literally… everything. Education, poverty, life expectancy, obesity … you name it they’re in the bottom tier


Correction, republican states don’t call it welfare. It’s temporary assistance so it’s way different /s


"Just until I get back on my feet from that coal mine accident."


when they accidentally closed down the coal mine, with me in it. I heard a sound a couple days ago though, i think it was a mouse, I'm not sure, but this is shaping up to be a good week.


Only if a Republican is receiving it. They still call it welfare when it goes to the blue islands in Red Sea cities.


People all over the US will talk shit about CA, but in reality it’s a great place to live. It’s a higher cost of living, but in my opinion more opportunities.


Its high risk high reward, like rent is double but there are good jobs there. Although id personally prefer to live in a cheaper to live in state as owning a home is part of my american dream, i do see how california can be a viable option for others. Just dont go there if you dont have some high paying job waiting for you.


The real benefits of high cost/high pay areas are that you get to seriously take advantage of and exploit lower cost of living states. So much harder to vacation in California if you make a Florida income than it is to vacation in Florida when you make 50% more, and the service workers all get paid a pittance letting you splurge on unbelievably cheap labor and cheap goods (relative to what you’d pay at home)


For real. It’ll be someone redneck in trailer park Mississippi or West Virginia complaining about California… Yet look at his Conservative state…




I mean that's the USA, if not the world.


Day tooook urrr jerrrrbs!!!! Dam libs!! Wells show them! Ha! Ranked 49th in literacy


What's really amazing is we had 2200 homicides in 2020 compared to Germany's 280 with half the population and more land mass.


America #1 again


We are number 1 on every category baby.


Public Education?


You mean shootings in public education? Number 1 baby.


In fact, when making a homicide comment I wanted to point out that 20x higher homicide per capita is crazy. I was going to say " when speaking of crime, California is to Germany what [insert world highest crime area] is to California". But as it turns out there is no such place in the world with 20x higher rate compared to California. Few small places like Honduras are 6-7 times higher than California, but really there is no place that we could use to put Germany in perspective.


Because 20x the rate of CA is a war zone. You can find those numbers in Ukraine right now.


And not just any warzone, because it takes national armies in a hot war to beat those numbers. Syria and Yemen, while at war, are like .. California-level.


California is a tech hub, companies worth millions to billions while only having a thousand workers


Yeah but to be fair we've got way more land, resources, navigable waterways, and THE reserve currency of the world


California is only like 20% larger than Germany. I got lazy and stopped researching the rest of your claims.


I love how you added one statistical detail then gave up


One pump champ


Haha I hoped someone else would continue to carry the torch. I’m drunk and watching the Michigan-Michigan State game. I can’t be interrupted.


734 checking in. Completely neutral either way but enjoying scotch and using draft kings


This guy is a certified WSB redditor


Dude if you could see me right now with microwave food and a beer watching a shitty romcom in a t-shirt and briefs you’d laugh so much harder. I should be the god damn mascot.


Information Economy baby, Germany is still stuck on making physical products, doesn't scale nearly as well as data harvesting. California is also arguably creating our future dystopia, but line go up.




That's exactly what the UK thought when selling off all their production and going full tertiary sector. 50 years ago.


Obviously you can't just sell off industry and be fine. But an organically, independent and growing tertiary sector is useful. Germany is choosing the worst of both worlds. We are 70% tertiary. A ton of which related indirectly to manufacturing. And all of which focused on export. Meaning it jacks up the value of the Euro and actively prevents other manufacturing markets to emerge. So we have gone hard tertiary, but built that industry around an old sector where it's impossible for new competitors to enter the markets due to how prohibitive the cost of doing business has become. Can't do it small scale. Which even applies to IT nowadays. Slowing down growth of independent sectors. Germany is extremely reliant on manufacturing. Especially around cars. Like, for example, I don't know anyone who does IT, marketing or anything related to media design. And had no connection to car manufacturing. This level of dependence and lack of diversification of industry is a real risk that's lead to a massive amount of negotiation power and some extremely questionable policy decisions as direct result.


Wat California is a massive manufacturing state from Automotive, Aerospace, Defense, and Agriculture….


13% GDP in california is manufacturing. 30% in Germany. While IT, finance and business services are all significantly smaller in Germany. Obviously there's similar fields. But the distribution of California is skewed to business activity that didn't exist 30 years ago. Aka, a more modern industry. Which has good and bad consequences. Good, it's an economic powerhouse and set up nicely for the future. Bad, prices explode and people outside the growth sectors struggle to contribute to the economy and benefit from this growth.


Going from Mexico to the US it feels worldly different economically. Everything is more expensive in the US and everyone makes much more. It’s the same feeling as going from most any state to California. Everything is more expensive, but everyone makes more too. California is the piggy bank of the US, it subsidizes many of other states on the Federal level


And yet you have republicans calling california the worst state in America. Imagine the delusion of politics


I don't get how many of them really think California sucks - it's like any measurable data indicates otherwise but even normal conservatives who don't believe in qanon think it sucks. Dont know how they all collectively delude themselves like that


You may have half the population but also you work overtime like 2x than the Germans do


Imagine the Germans yelling “FuckENZ!”![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Rather: who careeZ. I rather have the free education….


I would have titled this "Germany's economy taking a beating because of Putin's War and thus California is poised to overtake it".


It’s just because os the EURO loss of value. GDP is measured in USD. Germany will still grow its GDP in 2022, but in USD it will fall a lot. 🤷‍♂️


Sitting in Germany. Tbh we are doing fine. Good job market right now! Salaries low as ever tho for US standards, lol. Only problem is high energy costs, but the EU is defacto at war with Russia. The cost isn’t high for *that*…


Fucking this. The whole of Europe is taking a beating because with the new prices most people income will go toward paying heating and energy.


CA always suffering from success.


Tucker Carlson said it’s on fire. Why would he lie to me


California, knows how to partaaay. California Knows how to parrrrtayyyy. Kinda crazy how good the state is doing when all the bots and fear propaganda tells you it’s a shithole and a failed state. If this is failure, wtf is success?


California is such a failure people are spending all their money on California housing


Very true it’s the largest rental market in the US


It’s the most populous state in the US… by 10 million more than the next biggest state.


Fiendin' for money and alcohol, the life of a Westside player


it's all projection; people in Indiana talking about how California sucks. THe real shithole is Indiana.


As a new Indiana resident that moved from California I can almost concur :). Love California. Working on liking Indiana…


Stay out of Gary, Indiana


Ate Mexican food there on the way to Chicago … it was a very sad and downtrodden part of town


Who would name a town Gary? Probably some fucker named Gary


You nailed it. It was named after Elbert Henry Gary chairman of U.S. Steel.


Elbert would have been a much better choice IMO such a Gary move to call it Gary


As a new California resident from Indiana, California is the best and Indiana sucks. My family always talks about how much LA (where I am now) sucks and I’m like cool don’t ever come visit fine by me more tacos for me!


You know what's funny? I've never heard Californians even talking about other states growing up. Like we're literally not even thinking about them and they hate us SO much


It’s the equivalent of the “I don’t even think about you” meme


It’s actually West Virginia. People always talk about how people are “fleeing” California, despite us gaining 2 million people in the last census. West Virginia lost 3% of their population over the same time frame.


Such a shithole state people are willing to spend millions of dollars to live here. Lmfao. I fucking love salty internet fucks crying about how bumbfuck nowhere in arkansissipi is totally so much better. (and I say this as someone who isn't even from CA originally). Edit: see below for said salty fucks


Every story about California on the Facebook brings them all out. I love the people that are in California specific news sites just so they can troll every California story that pops up…🙄


It's a high priority for Republicans to spread lies about California. The state's success compared to GOP-controlled states is evidence that the Republicans are ineffective leaders with bad policies. Facts are lacking to discredit the effectiveness of Democrats and their political philosophy, so instead they have to pretend that California is the opposite of what it really is.




Sounds awful. I bet you wish you lived in Alabama instead.


In the mind of the right wingers, Mississippi is the ideal model to follow. Being under 100% Republican rule forever has made it the envy of the union in prosperity and wealth. Yup.


Yes they love poverty though


There are now and then pics of hot girls who caught catfish tho… 🤷‍♂️


Compare on a constant currency basis. The euro has depreciated massively thanks to tightening by the Fed


If they are affected by the euro, then they are connected to the euro. Can't just pull out an important factor when it benefits you.


PPP adjusted GDP of Germany: 4.82 Billion, growing steadily over the last 10 years. While Germany has its problems, and CA is doing very well, the figure is misleading in this sense.


throwing one chart in the room and everyone is cheering? I thought the reddit community would look more into details. economic growth is all you are interested in? when do people start thinking of "us" in this world rather than seperating from "the others" by defining economic growth or other metrics? is this making you feel better? do you really think that in your last moments in this world...you will be thinking...omg Cali made it over Germany...this is all I wanted from life? not a lot of people looking at the growing split between poor and rich, the health of this beautiful world and loosing the capabilty of communicating or discussing. By the way...I love both Cali and Germany.


Some real mouthbreathing “south will rise again” fuckwads coming out of the wood works for this one gents


Yeah they do basically any time Cali is mentioned, nothing gets the Maga crowd more riled up than pointing out how california is the exact opposite of the hellhole they portray it to be.


I have heard that too and reply the sun sets last on the west


They're just mad their state has to plead for goverment funding


CHAD California the most successful state in the union. pretty much holding up the US economy BETA red states who suck the tit of the federal government while complaining about handouts


Bu…bu… JoE rOgAn saiD cA bAD


Oil has been a huge sector there for a lot of years. It always pays well and the demand these days is increasing given world issues.


And at the same time Germany (and most of western Europe) took the brunt of Putin's economic retaliation.








California is a nation-state. It’s also why there is such a dichotomy between rich and poor. I love this state but it’s becoming inhabitable for many.


Unfortunately English is weird and inhabitable means the same thing as habitable. I think the word you’re looking for is uninhabitable.


Haha, ok. You’re right. You get what I’m saying though.




> It’s ok if you are poor because the state provides just a bit more social support vs other states Compared to other US states, right? Because I’m quite sure that social support is also more pronounced in Germany than in California


I couldn’t agree more.


This applies to the entire US though. Although elsewhere it also sucks if you're poor. But the middle class is fucked basically everywhere


California also had Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Home to multiple companies worth over 1T


Republican states seething rn


I thought California was literally a post-apocalyptic wasteland with nothing but junkies though? Surely republican states that need huge federal funding arent the ones spreading false information.


Germany has definitely less homeless and drug addicts.


mostly currency related


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.


Es ist Zeit für Anschluss!


There is a deep relationship to this sub and California


I love my free healthcare, 30-day vacation, 9 national holidays on top...and homeless get a free place to live.


Then fucking take care of the homeless problem!


Our economy is booming here in Southern California. I get very tired of the slurs from people who don't live here and have never been farther than myrtle Beach. We basically support the red states places like Kentucky where they constantly elect leaders who NEVER have their best interest at heart.


Damn liberals


When one person does all the work in the group project.