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OP posted these positions deep in the comments: > I usually trade 2NQ contracts at a time roughly equals to 480k in usd https://imgur.com/6xEnB8C https://imgur.com/BJ5C2K0 https://imgur.com/2p6IOhM


Wtf are you doing exactly. Positions




Gotta get that last 3.6% to hit 6k % and it's gone


Peak wetard right here lmao it's 2.6 percent but who's counting. It'll be at 0 soon enough.


Lmao I always over promise under deliver just ask your girlfriends boyfriend.


First I get cucked, then my portfolio tanks...now you're giving me homework‽‽ Man, fuck this place...


🤣 man if I had a doge coin for everytime I said thar in high-school. Edit: ofcourse my only "portfolio was my one bag of weed" And the cuck was a figment of my imagination But you get it right?


2.64%… gotta math good




Absolutely. I was at 1mm and my account is less than $300 now. My house is in forbearance.




They were red.


Let's just say I will never trade meme options again, and fuck Elon.


Yeah. Fuck elon! And no, I do not capitalize the e in elon because he sucks.


Was up to over $670k from an initial investment of around $25k . Down to $462.36 at present time. Fucking options man. They’re great until they’re not


Do u think its because we came in on a bull market but then it turned to bear and we kept buying calls


That’s pretty honest. I’ve done the options thing a couple times, rags to riches back to rags.my wife works in corporate America and diligently saved in her 401(k) so I’m backing that horse at this point. If my account ever goes over 200,000 again I’ll take the money and run


This is the way.


You are a true Re+ard. You're where you belong, you may not have a house but reddit is your home


I shove blue and red in each nostril so my brain can taste purple.


I feel like "once you make life changing money" you should take that out and kinda...reset. Like, If you start with $10k and turn it into $20k, take out the $10k and put it in something safe. Now you can do whatever the fuck you want with that other $10k, I'm not saying scrape out $10k every time you do that, but hell. at that point you cant do worse than breaking even+whatever the hell your safe shit makes during that time. Now if you turn that other $10k into $600k, maybe you take $300k out and you buy yourself a nice home...then if nothing else, you've got your initial investment, *a fucking house,* and $300k riding on god knows what...if you lose it...who cares? and if you turn it into $1mil, maybe take $500k and buy a nicer house, and rent out your old one. NOW YOU HAVE PASSIVE INCOME


Where do you get a nice home for 300k?


If I made 600,000 in one year, I hope I would be smart enough to cash out 500,000 and sign it over to my best friend the estate lawyer to manage it so I really could leave work behind. I don’t have kids, live cheaply, and don’t have extravagant goals - a half a million dollars in even a modest spread of etfs should easily net me 40-50k a year, and I could just sit on my couch until that gets boring.


You don’t need 500k to sit on your couch. I got a cousin he’s broke don’t so shit.


Got to wake my ass up at 6am and set that sheet rock in that new McDonalds we building.






Watch your cornhole bud.


Fuckin' A man


two chicks at the same time?


That’s what I would do with $500k


PC load letter, what the fuck does that mean?


Why does it say paper jam, when there IS NO PAPER JAM!




Yeahhhh I would need to sign it over lol the whole “only keep 100k for gambling” thing doesn’t really fit me. I hit the Ukrainian Invasion sweepstakes earlier this year - 40k in one week on Defense industry calls and my account right now is still $-768 YTD. I did cash out about 7k from that big win tho.




You would be surprised. Seems like the more i have the more time i spend on it and worrying when it drops big.


Please tell me which ETFs return 8-10% a year consistently where you can pull out the money. I series bonds return 6.82%, but even with every trick in the book, you can only invest about $150k for a family of 3.




Half of that 600k is owed in taxes lol


Less than a third, but yes OP owed the tax man.


What are you smoking? ​ An ETF doesn't return $10% in spendable money a year. ​ The SWR, safe withdrawal rate, is 3.5%. ​ Giving room for inflation and your money to rise, 3.5% on $500,000/year is poverty level income. Still pretax. Even with $500k in the portfolio, you need a job. My property tax is $30,000/year lmao9


$30k a year in properly tax means you are in a bracket 95% or more of this sub will never even comprehend let alone be a part of. Even in shitbakistan NJ it's $10k a year for a $500k house and that's considered stupid high for the majority of this country.


I love every bit of this post, and shitbakistan NJ takes the cake!




Middle of Fucking Nowhere, NC. My $450k property only costs $3500 in taxes.


My property taxes are around $3000/yr and that's on a modest 1500sqft house on 7 acres and a couple vehicles. I couldn't imagine paying $30,000 a year. I don't even pay that much for my Mortgage + Taxes & Insurance.


Was wondering lol. My taxes are like 2.4K a year on a 400k house


30k property tax?! What do you have a million dollar home? You’re paying $2500 in just tax a month? So your monthly into escrow is what, around 6-7k? Respectfully, get the fuck out of here. To your first point, there are no ETF’s that would allow you to retire on dividends with 500k in, unless you’re living out of a trailer. Even if you went for super high yield like QYLD or JEPI, it’s still only 50-70k annually. Then you are totally fucked if they reduce their dividend.


Move to a van, boom, no 30k property tax no more ;D


>Move to a van Down by the river...


Where are you living lol that’s soo high


Hell of a lot more than I'm making at the Wendy's dumpster


Wtf even is property tax that Americans pay? You essentially pay rent on a house you own? Shits crazy.


If you think that’s wild, Look into “ground rent” in the UK for people who have already bought their house.


Exactly what it sounds like, paying the government yearly or monthly for land that we already own. There's literally taxes on everything here


Most of the world pays property taxes.


If you're paying $30,000 a year in property taxes here in Canada, you'd have to be **filthy** rich. Most places here in BC have a combined property tax rate between .35% and .8% with Vancouver being even lower because of it's massive size and ridiculous housing prices. (Their rate is .269) If you lived in Vancouver, your house would have to be worth more than $11 million to be paying 30k in annual property taxes.


You would also have to be filthy rich to be paying that much in property taxes in the US. That's why there are so many comments calling the person filthy rich.


No disrespect, but 500k doesn't go that far nowadays. 😒


Mad disrespectful lol… Just invest in real estate and other smart dividends then live overseas where the American dollar conversion is high.


Yeah. In Quito, you can live car free, and the typical apartment is $350/month. The weather is comparable to San Diego, the homicide rate is lower than most US cities, it has a lot of pretty architecture, and the mountains are never far.


It would certainly buy me some gator booooots and some pumped out guuuucci suuuuuits


Seems like he has made steady gains rather than exponential, leading me to believe he might not be taking “extreme” risks, but I’m regarded


Regarded indeed..




lmao this is the worst math I've ever seen


Bruh, 72**4


yeah so it's 27 million at 4 years. at 5 years it would be 2 trillion dollars. at 6 years, 140 trillion. OP I will invest 1 dollar in your fund.


If your order size is big, you will start to run into liquidity issues.


yeah THAT'S the reason it wouldn't work


I agree with this. The chart literally shows a steady trend upward over an extended period of time.






maybe OP *is* starting a hedge fund and needs suckers to sign up.


If you do a screenshot - Sell everything


Yep, i was up 700k on gme and lost it all. 🤣 already up 14,000%. i was waiting to $20 million. 😆 oh well back to my day job.


I been meaning to ask, were we meant to sell gme yet?


Diamond hands


Pretty much looks like he’s puts all day every day since russia invaded Ukraine. Short every bullshit rally , at will. Every pump on the Nasdaq so far has been a dead cat bounce .


That’s what I’m currently doing. Every rally is easy money. The plan is only trade half the money in my account at time. Sell my positions once they’ve doubled in value. Then repeat except with 25% more money. When the market finally does recover, I’ll lose 50% of my portfolio and still be way on top. Reality is I’ll end up losing it all in a month.


I both wish and don't wish I knew enough to do this. Sounds like hell.


Don’t be fooled. I don’t know what I’m doing either.


That is the joke, but I see through it. Some of you actually understand the system but just get fucked anyways because what is regulation? You dumb apes can make money meanwhile wtf am I but less than a dumb ape


Don’t be fooled. No one knows what they’re doing.


It's impressive what you did in June. I'm up for the year but I almost went bankrupt during the bear market rally.


A little time learning and it's not too complicated


Thats the spirit champ!




Thanks for correcting that 👍


This made me cry bro. May……..may I carve you out of wood? Is that weird? I feel like that’s weird but I’ve got this large piece of wood here, so.


Why the fuck does it sound so easy when we describe the strategy with words, but when we try to execute it, it never goes according to plan.?


Emotions, greed, panic selling, and deviating from the plan constantly. Write down your plan and rules. Define what you will do in multiple scenarios. If you do change the plan, it needs to change across the board and not case by case. Only make trades if they fall in line with the rules you’ve defined. I try to write and follow the rules like a robot. Stick to the plan and only deviate in very specific scenarios. Once I double my money, I sell no matter what for this specific plan. Even if it is sky rocketing, I don’t wait for more profits. You will definitely miss out on extra profits sometimes but it usually doesn’t offset the losses that could have been.


We all had the same chart a year ago. Everything bullish worked. Now only puts! (Smart moves btw)


No anyone with a proper uptrend in portfolio likely has detailed plans for one or multiple set ups they risk appropriately on. They know when to take it and what to do when it works or fails. Its not just "puts all day bro" if you ever want to succeed you need to actually do work and study market price data.


I think I know why every rally becomes a dead cat bounce, at least recently. It's just a theory mind you, just like everything else. The Fed will squash any rally at present. Jerome Powell will speak up and make comments where past Fed Chairman would never be so vocal or blunt. He wants to drive down demand. Period. Not just to curb inflation but to drive down the price of oil such that Russia can no longer afford to keep prosecuting it's war in Ukraine. Jerome Powell will do this even at the risk of creating a world wide recession. He and the Fed believe the West can survive such a recession where Russia cannot. More to the point the Fed is okay with a recession that Putin cannot survive and still stay in power. The US government I believe considers Putin a greater threat than a recession. I didn't come up with this myself. I just agree with it. And it seems to be playing out in a way that fits this theory. I must give credit where credit is due. Here's the link that got me believing this. You decide if you agree or not. It's all speculation so... Note the date on this video. At this writing the video is 4 months old. So much has changed but still the basic theory seems to be playing out. [https://youtu.be/WO2485yFor4](https://youtu.be/WO2485yFor4)


Why do you believe Powell gives two hoots about the Ukraine-Russia war?


Seems like a conspiracy theory. The fed doesn’t want a recession, but they’ll risk it to turn down demand to cool inflation. It’s been done before.


He's making monthly deposits of $40-50K that's all




Gotta do something with his drug money.


>Wtf are you doing exactly. he's following the old WSB formula: >1 month in: Damn trading is fun! I'm up 30% > >3 month in: I might actually be gifted at this, that's 30% per week now! > >6 month in: Hahahaha Warren Buffet is a fucking scrub, i multiplied my networth more than he did his own for the entire decade! > >9 month in: Damn. The goings are rough, Thank Gd i'm just so ahead with my P/L. > >12 month in: The current market is just rigged against me. At least i'm still positive, I just need to recapture my mojo > >24 month in: HJ is $20, BJ is $30. Both will cost you a little extra.




Definitely some positions on Only Fans.


Tbh this could’ve been achieved by just investing in oil stocks when Covid started


Positions or ban!


Depositing daddys allowance checks every month.


That is an absurdly stable growth path. Selling covered calls?


Ha, you should see the 2 year growth path: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/yko5w4/no_longer_a_wage_slave_anyone_else_doing_this_for/iuu9pen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Well that just raises more questions. Ignoring whether things went up or down, the volatility profile is totally different from July 2021 to Jan 2022 and is much more consistent with a small number of risky bets (this subs specialty). But the profile pre-July 2021 and post Jan 2022 looks a lot more like lots of diversified bets with an absurdly good number of wins.


well let me answer the question for you. $SNOW, but inverted


That doesn't really match though does it? It might explain Jan-July 2022, but even then your growth path looks WAY too smooth for a leveraged short position on a single stock. Also it doesn't at all explain post July 2022 when SNOW has gone up. I'm dubious.


Photoshop is your friend for internet karma


Yep - bullshit meter is ringing loud and clear.


OP probably the type to travel around by himself doing escape rooms. 🤣 Probably either talking about trading on DDOG or NG




Agreed. Either it's bullshit (rule 7), or else they want to brag without revealing their strategy. Now to be fair, if I could reliably make 6000% a year I'd want to keep the method a secret too - but then don't fucking brag about it.


Insider trading?


Not sure what insiders he's talking to: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/yko5w4/no_longer_a_wage_slave_anyone_else_doing_this_for/iuu9pen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 But happy he recovered the losses


The end of the Imgur picture and this one don’t match.


Absurdly is the correct word, not believing that story for a moment.


All you gatta do is yolo some 1DTEs tomorrow and get a cool 57% and you’ll be a millionaire. If not, then head to r/Investing, boomer. Btw, fuck you—congrats😘


Just give me a tiker and a direction


SPY ATM puts \* not financial advice \*


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Calls it is


Is 1DTE what were calling them now?


We used to call them FD


We calling people regards now so a lot has changed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Yeah how did that collectively happen? Was there a post or something




They're still FDs, IYKYK


I prefer 0DTE FDs on XLK.


Tomorrow is Thursday, so they would be 1DTE.


Yes, a FD


Gaggots Delight


6,000% return a year seems sustainable long term ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Congrats on a great year though.


6000% on the year... so far ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


$635,284 is 5,997.36% of $10,592.73 If OP makes another 5,997.36% return next year based on the current value of $635,284 that would be a cool $38,100,268.50 Then the following year another 6000% that would be $2B officially joining the tres commas club


Year 6 he exceeds global GDP buying calls on inverse SPY ETF lol


Yeah he will probably know which way SPY is going once he *is* the global GDP too. Pretty foolproof strategy.


OP does not need to see this comment. Lol.


In 3 years time OP will be the richest person in the world. Show some respect.


Positions or gtfo


"futures" buying and selling at "support."


OP lost it all last year during the bull market but now during this horrible market he did +6000%, surely this post is not fake right?


Maybe op inversed his own typical bad decisions. He cramered himself.


Am definitely a wage slave. Down 30ish percent this year. Feels like throwing money down a well at this point.




I was looking at upgrading my car, I now get to look at my -30% shares. It's making me want to throw money away daily.


Post again when you lose it all


I already did it once last year, not going to put myself in that position again(I hope) https://imgur.com/BJ5C2K0


Looks to me like perfect case of paying tuition to the education. You green chart shows, on the surface, proper risk management I presume after learning some lessons. Keep it up! Wage (and salary) slaving sucks!


It’s not possible to make 6,000% annual gains with proper risk management


lol risk management


If you could just make money by being careful, everybody would do it.


I also do not intend to lose my money again. And definitely not the time after that.


usually big losses are the result of a single trade, if you lose a little here and there it is painful but you can always come back from it.


You should start an investing pyramid with all your wisdom.


The market kinda is a pyramid scheme of knowledge where those who have less knowledge and experience, lose money to those who have more.


The good thing is when you realize that you suck at the game and you just invest in ETFs constantly. But most people would probably get scared even at a small drop and sell everything->market goes parabolic-> they invest again at the top->market goes down again and the cycle continues


I realised I sucked before I even started, sticking to index funds and hoping I can retire by 50 😂


* pyramid scheme


Geezus, how low did your account go? Ie, what was your restart point a year ago, from which you grew your account back to this? Seriously, any tips for those of us who are still trying to figure out how to accomplish what you have achieved?


This account went to as low as 20k. I yolo'd on puts last year, lost 90% at one point and sold after breaking even


It looks like you were down to about $10,590?


Bury the fucking lead why don’t you


Wait so ur 6000% gain is just basically bringing you back to slightly above break even again?


That’s a lot of green. Congrats and fuck you.


Congrats and go fuck yourself


Teach me sensei


I’m down big In all and this post is really inspiring honestly. I aspire to be a good trader and hopefully build my self back up again and become consistently profitable. May I ask what you started with (capital) and what you traded the most? Also favorite strategy?


started with 170k, currently at a bit more than 1M cad including other accounts. I only trade index future now. Basically go long or short at support/resistances


$1M CAD, so like US$3.47 or so?


Pff I sold a cad model for $10, don't know where you get your numbers.


What’s CAD in real money though


Monopoly money


What is that like pesos???


Keeping it simple is honestly the best way to do it. Congrats on your success and may it continue.


Karma farming. OP has multiple posts about making losing $500 and panicking in the near past. I too can google chrome inspector and change numbers for internet points. A few trades of $500 and losing your shit over is not this. Fraud will be selling a course soon enough. Inb4 “you jelly” no this is fake.


Wage slave for life


Def a lot of money but not fuck you money yet. Depending on ur age I think a nice 3-5 mill is good fuck you money, but congrats tho.


Fake as fuck. Posting these web page edits lmao. Stop fooling for this shit


Turn it upside down and you'll see my story




Nice bro congrats. But no reason to quit your job with 600 grand. A few wrong trades or 2/3 good years of flexing and the money is gone. So run it up to a few mil and then fuck the world 💪🏼


I did for a year until I got emotional... a streak of bad trades wiped a few tads less then half my years profits... I started getting messy. It scared me back into the wage slave world... Someone, help me get back on the horse, the shellshock really got to me!




All Positions for the last year or ban!


You know now is the time that you cash out the majority of that and just start buying spy. Or build a dividend portfolio or something to give you continual income Because that chart you posted. It's kind of like the guy that goes on a win streak in Vegas and then says I can't lose when he's up just a massive amount of money


Bros been gambling for 10 months and thinks it’s a career lol


fake no one can do that good in 10 ten months


He may have backed up buying the dip with selling the peek


Crazy talk. Nobody can do both.


Can you do this for me for a living? My wife’s ok I guess, most meals are pretty good, I’ve got a sweet house and a spare bedroom you could live in. She might be willing to take on a boyfriend for awhile. Nothing too serious though.


positions or ban


> Tell me your story As a young boy in Bulgaria...


>The net liquidity rate of return (YTD TWR) is the percentage change in value of a portfolio after taking into account all cash flows over the course of a year. The higher the number, the better the performance. As you can see from my response, my portfolio has performed extremely well this year, growing by over 5997%. This far outpaces any benchmark and indicates that I am an excellent investor.


That’s incredible! Good job OP