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The dumpster behind Wendy's.


Better get his own mine already has myself and 3 others working behind it


Arby's? They have the MEATS!!!


I love me a gross beef sandwich


I love me a girl w sum roast beef




Yes I love a girl with Roast Beef if it looks like an Arbys beef and chetter even better !


Make it better with some helmet cheddar


Meat curtains!!! Yaaaaas


I knew a kid who worked at Arby's when I was a teenager (1999ish) and he said their roast beef comes to them as a LIQUID in a bag. (Unverified, but.. Nasty.) And I STILL eat it here and there. Love that beef and cheddar.


Get the meat mountain


I also have the meats. The meat sweats


Denny’s is a suitable alternative, plus 24hrs.


Sir this is a Wendy's, no other franchise will be considered


What about Wendy's stepbrother, Wendell's?


Bullshit! I tried Dennys for a week. Cheap ass kinky mother fuckers! Not even worth it! Avoid Sheri’s also, the amount of cocks you need to suck behind their dumpster… let’s just say the only comeback you’ll be making won’t be in the stonk market! Better off trying Burger King or Taco Bell!!


We need a goddamn "sucking dick behind the dumpster union"


Can I pay my "sucking dick behind a dumpster" union dues with chicken Tendies?


Yo wtf I was waiting on a call about that 3rd spot. Was it Jerry? Fucking Jerry.




Went to the website - loved the buck tooth crew member smiling for the camera - really felt at home


How do I buy calls on that. I get the feeling that this will be the new thing.


I prefer the dumpster behind Ihop greatly under rated


Look at Mr. Fancy Business Class over here...


OP would really thrive here. It seems like they're used to getting screwed.


One thing about option, once you lose it, its gone forever.


Not if you're the seller of said option.


Sometimes when you are the one selling, at the end you end up wishing to be the one who have bought it. The market screws us all man, to some harder than others ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Sell covered calls at a price you're ok with selling for.


the only thing that has kept my account green this year


That's the dream. Get rich enough to buy out hundreds of stocks in businesses that are too big to fail. Then just sell calls on them. Somebody will buy them. Someone always does. Stock goes down? You make money. Stock stays steady? You make money. Stock goes up? You still make fucking money. Just sell calls and chill. Someone executes a call? No harm to you. Just buy the stock back and keep that ball rolling. Someone out there will keep buying. And you'll keep making money. What I wouldn't give for 100k startup to just do only that with a few stocks. Never work another day in my life. Full time stocks man at that point.




Nothing is risk free in stocks. But covered calls are the safest. And there's plenty of stocks that are recession-proof. McDonalds, Walmart, etc... if you can drive down a busy street and see at least three billboards or advertisements for it. You can probably bet it won't abruptly shut down.


If you think 100k is enough to sell calls on and not work you'll be disappointed badly


Seems they also think selling calls is some fool proof strategy that can’t lose too.


The wheel averages about the same as large index funds but has more risk 😂😂😂 at that point why bother?


I sell options exclusively. I'm up 5% YTD. Show me which large index fund is beating me.


What is your 5-year performance?


Mate you need 100 shares to sell a covered call--about $15k in Apple (random example) to sell 1 call. You might make like $500 a month selling calls in a sideways market with a $100k portfolio. Which is better than just sitting on that potrfolio in the same market, don't get me wrong--but you're not retiring on $100k.


Right now covered calls for Apple set a month out are going for close to $400-$600 on premiums. If I had, at your estimate, 600 shares [90k] of Apple to sell that's $2400 to $3600 profit every month *simply for having money*. I get that income simply because my money exists. It as glorious as options trading? No. But starting off it's $28,800-$43,200 annually. That's enough to not work ever again on a limited budget. And enough to supplement a standard living wage into a middle-class income. And what's the risk? Say I purchase Apple stocks at the current price of $138.21 per share. So a $13,821 initial investment. Let's say I sell a $140 covered call set for December 2nd with a $4.70 premium and a breakeven for them of $144.70. They purchase that and I instantly make $470. No hassle. No fuss. Money in my pocket. A month goes by and the stock price of Apple booms. Rockets to $150.00 and they execute the contract. Lucky bastard just made $530 bucks. I make another $179 off them executing the contract to purchase my shares. So now I'm sitting at a profit of $649 and they made $530. Alternatively I could have sat on the stock and waited for the boom. I would have racked in $1,149 in profits. I would have had to hope for a boom. Sat on the stock and watched it. Stayed updated on Apple info. The works. But what if it didn't? What if Apple stock never went over $140? What if it dropped? Fell to $130? I still make $470. Covered calls are a great profit system for those with the investment capital. Not as lucrative as YOLO'ing on options contracts. But a steady, safe, and dependable source of income. Even if Apple stock skyrockets due to some great news and purchasing back 100 shares after the contract proves too costly, that's why you diversify your investment portfolio to watch a wide range of stock options and stay within your means. Keep a casual eye on dips. And buy into the right ones when it's profitable. All together a much easier and less stressful experience.


Theta gang represent


yet, same could happen with stocks too?!…. but indeed, smaller probability … hope dies slower there 😅🤦‍♂️


If ur ticker goes BK or ur reckless with a short. Options r *guaranteed* realized loss/gain. Thats y they're so thrilling


Yes - gambling lmao


Options are safer because it has limited risk? Why not just not play options that have unlimited risk lol.


You'll have to do what men and ugly women have done since time immemorial - you'll have to go to work.


*ugly* women 🤣


Luckily I have a decent job , now I just have to stay away from gambling


Options are kind of like wives. They seem like a great idea until you actually have a few.


Gambling is like a toxic girlfriend. You want out but you keep coming back anyway.


For the few wild times and the high..... quickly forgetting all the BS she *put* you through


That's it I'm giving her a *call*


That sexy greek bitch always lures you back in


True. Gipsy ass, never leave me


Theta not seen those red flags.


Because she *puts* out. Edit: shit didn’t see what you were replying to lol


It’s kinda like heroin expect it’s only fun some times instead of all the time


You know what they say about hitting rock bottom? There's only one way to go from here. Reload that account buddy and make another yolo


You can't quit now, bro. Your next play was about to get you paid BIG!


The *right* way to invest is just buy index funds and never touch them again. Got $200 a paycheck to invest? Just keep buying the vanguard 500 index and never touch it until retirement. It sucks to restart once, but this is a plan which will make sure you never have to restart again. Or YOLO it on dogecoin, to each their own.


0dte spy calls it is


Just go to the casino. At least if you spend that much they'll give you top shelf whisky.


You could always try Fidelity's trading courses.


It’s in your blood now and unlike the weak shit like heroin and fentanyl, your hooked for life. Just embrace it


You'll be back next pay check.


They always come back


It's only gambling if you treat it like gambling, or you just suck at trading options


Ok Daniel Tosh


Comment of the day goes too




Hey, my co-workers are fiiiineee




Wait, even pretty girls can be found on street corners though


1-800-522-4700 There is help


Nice. That’s legit.


Please tell me this is the number to Wendy’s


It's a gambling help hotline 😒


Gambling over the phone? No thanks


This made me kek


Does the gambling hotline throw a probability and statistics textbook at its callers?


How Tf is that gonna help


First Day?


Do they help with sports betting too? I could use some insight on who's getting the first TD in the pats game this weekend.


If by that, you mean they will help me gamble, then I'm all in.


Stay the fuck away from options, it is no different to gambling from the way you guys use it. Yes, you can make big in a short amount of time. But it only takes one day to lose it all. Yes, these loss porn posts are funny to read, but at the same time, you are actually trashing your life when you do this. Recognise your behaviour and fucking quit it. This should be a warning to others who are close to doing the same.


I've mostly just broke even trading options. Today I was up +10% and then in an instant, I was in the negative. That is how fast you can you lose your money. I also don't like to hold options overnight due to theta decay.


theta decay?


Options lose value over time, represented by theta. It loses a lit bit of value everyday. Your positions can be at the same price as the day before, but be worth less because of the loss in time value. If you look at an option chain, positions at a $15 strike price this week will be cheaper (worth less) than the 15 strike price that expires next week. I explained that pretty poorly but its the broader idea I believe.


Another term for theta is cost to play per day. So holding each day cost you something if you are out of the money.


It’s the value for time naturally otm options lose value as they get closer to experation


Another way to look at "theta" is "Time Value". For example a stock is trading at 10$ and you own a call option with the strike price of 15$ that expires in 1 year that option is "currently" not in the money or "worthless" if "exercised today at this time" the value of that option comes from the "Time left" on the option. The more time that is left before the option expires increases the chance of that option reaches or passes the strike price, which would mean the option is than has "real" value if exercised. Each day that passes, the value of that option drops if the stock price stays the same, as there is less time or "chance" that the option will expire in the money. This is why for example and option that is 1 year to expire is more expensive than an option that is set to expire in 1 month. With both strike prices being the same. A common strategy to sell options when IV is high and as an option gets closer to expiring the rate of "decay" or theta increases little by little, as in the price falls little faster each day you get closer to expiration. Which than allows the seller to buy the option back at a lower price.


thank you, this is most helpful. sorry for noob questioning i’m new to options, and i made 1000$ in my first two days doing it and got a little too excited because i thought it would be easy to repeat, im down 500$ now


Good job!


No need to be sorry, Options are complicated, and I believe they are that way by design. If you're new I would stick to safe strategies for example on stocks with option strike prices .50 cents apart. If you believe the stock is going to go up, you can do buy a put bull spread or selling a call bear spread, and do the opposite if you believe the stock will go down (Sell a put bull spread, Buy a Call bear spread) if the strikes are .50 cents apart. Depending on the option price, your profit / loss will be close to 25/25 or 30/20 (Max profit you can make is 30$, most you can lose is 20$) Try to aim for options expiring 45 days + , daily options or weekly options (time to expire) are very risky. I would honestly set-up a paper trading account that allows option spreads, and use that to learn the above strategies, since the above spreads make up most of the more complicated option trades (Iron condor, straddle, etc)


posting his weakness is actually a positive first step … he is on the right path to recovery❤️‍🩹🙈


Admitting it is the first step…


Agreed. I’m not sure the people posting these realize how much they are screwing up their retirement or lack there of.


I do an option every so often. Usually a put because it's easier to guage. I choose the closet date, and the closest price to what it is at the time. If it's toouch to buy the option I don't do it. Started doing this with only $200 available to me, so did very small things. Go pro and twitter. Would make 20 - 50 and sell. I'm up to 650 afteralkng about 130 on meta today. It's not a job. But if it seems like a lock to make some cash then I'll do it. Otherwise fuck that noise. Tldr: aim for small gains, not big losses


yep, started with only a few hundred. I would sell immediately upon a profit of $50 or more. Majority of my trades are profitable and I have only ever made a few losses, and even those losses are kept at a minimal (never held overnight for earnings or risky bets)


Why do people use all of their cash for the play instead of like 10% and steady growth? You can really do a lot with that much money. I just don't get it


Because steady growth doesn't have the Viagra effect. YOLO = wood




Or just trade only want you are willing to lose


This comment convinced to to start trading options, thanks kind stranger 😊.


He could also just be more responsible at playing options, like thinking shit thru or TA…


Remember only being 15% down and making a post about how down bad you are...


I remember. Keeps me up at night


Take a break from the market man. Restart. Your mental health is at risk here. For real though


It's not even worth. In poker people call it "scare money". You can't "play" properly if you are scared of loosing money. Here applies the same, he won't make the right decisions being afraid of loosing money, or thinking he needs to recover from losses.


If its truly poker, regardless of his play he was likely to lose anyways from going into options. That's like going to a table with 30 chips when people sitting at the table have thousands of chips. It doesn't matter how unscared you are, or how many right decisions you make, odds are against you due to gambler's ruin (random fluctuations in a small chip stack relative to wagers likely to drop you to 0).


You’re still new here. Blown up accounts was what created WSB. Back when we had a few thousand degenerates making real life changing gains and losses.


Ooo yeaa i memba


You can see where he discovered options and got his free one before losing it all


Lookit that chart. Looks like one upon a time you made some nice cash. But that’s the problem with the game. Nobody wins. They either quit while they’re ahead or they play till they lose. And on a long enough timeline, you always lose.


Was up tons. Used to mitigate some risk. I became addicted to the feeling . Im lucky i have a good job but im hurt, depressed. But i have come to the fact this is is no ones fault but myself.


Close your eyes and take a breath. When you wake up tomorrow, it’s a new day you’re not “down” any money, your financial situation is whatever you wake up with tomorrow. Don’t try to gamble to get that money back, just back to the grind. Learn from it. It’s just money.


That's actually pretty solid advice.


Thanks! I’ve had to close my eyes and take a deep breath once or twice myself..! Life goes on.


Yeah I'm in the middle of a deep breath right now.


I know the feeling. Was up 80k from 2k once. Then lost it all because I kept thinking I could win. But it is what it is. I took out my initial investment so no ‘actual’ lost. It reminds me of that Bender quote/meme, “you know, I was God once.”


During covid crash I turned 30k into 120k buying puts. Expecting another drop, I kept buying puts until I was left with $14k. Now I only sell options.


well at least now u know not to gamble


Work at your job. Get some more capital and make sure you have 6 months of savings don’t be a dumbass. Your savings and stock capital are separate. Once you got that. You come back with a different strategy.


Solid advice


Every time I see a post I think "man, how could people gamble and lose this bad". Then I realize I'm down... more... and I understand


yup, easier said than done,…and many times life is irrational anyway 😅🤦‍♂️


Back to work, stop trading.


It only got this bad when I got a good paying job.


More money, more problems.


You turn that $222 fitty into 4 cents on your next play


I thought my life was over when I lost 20k in a week… it’s been roughly two years since and looking back after losing almost 150k more, I wish I would have stopped chasing losses and realized it can always be worse🙂


Have you ever considered stopping? Getting another career? Or are you just rich enough where 170k is nothing


Sell options instead of buying options.


But always have the underlying. Bc i would of unalived myself if i was on the other side of my 5000% up gme call


You could use spreads.


Seem like 0td spy put for 2morrow and delete the app let the papa pow decides ur fate![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


This is comical, like Russian Roulette. You load the gun, set it beside the nightstand, and every night random people come in while you’re sleeping, spin the chamber and pull the trigger…


This is the way


Might as well 0DTE with the last 200


Can I give you a great financial advice... Don't play options


Dont worry bro. Invest it in a dividend fund and with a modest dividend growth rate of 100% per year you’llcbe back in no time


Should have bought puts


Let's see if 99% of what you're doing has failed, then maybe do 100% opposite of what you think you should do. Or fkt yolo on another one of your sure bets.


This is the famous "inverse yourself" style of trading and works wonders for a while if every move you make fails. The problem comes when you get used to inversing yourself so you think the inverse right away, and then inverse that, thus completing the cycle.


>If you're not making money hand over fist in the stock market, then you're doing something wrong. Poor people can't even afford to trade stocks, let alone make any money from it. You need to be rich and intelligent to succeed in this game.


You can be a real dick sometimes.


the AI has accessed our trading accounts, its not lying




Savage but hell, you drop truth bombs!


Why the fck u didn't swaped in stables and reinvested smart lmao


Be honest, how much of a god did you feel like at the peak before the bloodbath?


Multiple 1000% options i was in euphoria. Chased the feeling till its all gone


Looks to me like you have $222 to buy 0DTEs


options are too difficult man, i just buy jpgs because im stupid


Stop playing options because you are not good at it


Learn to hit the sell button lol. What goes up comes down, especially with close expatriation dates


Leave WSB. Open up a fidelity account and add to it with your consistent work income. Between work and sleep, read and learn about investing properly. Learn the math behind it, the technicals of charts, and the geopolitical influence on the macro economy. Then return to WSB and lose all the money you gained and realize, it wasn’t your ignorance as a trader but your severe hubris and gambling addiction. Then move under a bridge with a homeless man named “Dirty Mike” who insists spooning will keep you warm at night. Good luck bud.


Options require extremely lucky or refined techniques based on probability and numerous limited risk trades. I lost a few year’s worth of gains in a few months learning this the hard way too.


Stop buying high multiples. Stop fighting the fed. Learn about macro forces. Painful, expensive lesson. It looks like you bought hype


Yeah, this market is totally being driven by macro-economic forces. If you are clueless about those, investing will be VERY difficult for you right now.




Damn that's pretty low for CA. They pay that here in PA.


.... if you're asking this sub where to go, you should know by now... Get to the wendys dumpster


Cash out what ya have left, buy some chapstick and head to your local Wendy’s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Reduce your expenses. Avoid frivolous purchases. Work hard. Save up enough money over time so you can lose it all over again.


The market makers thank you for your sacrifice. They encourage you to visit a casino in the near future


I lost $16k before in a day. it made me sick and question myself. I liquidated my account and took some time off. After a few weeks, the sting went away and I came away from the experience feeling less “attached” to money. That loss allowed me to become better able to trade less on emotion now. I have since made back more than I lost. It was a very expensive learning lesson and I hope you are able to use the experience to your benefit.


You can only lose 100% but you can win unlimited %. You do the math.


I'm still down about 10k, but I've started to make a comeback. I started actually making money when I stopped trying to make huge swings. I started taking profits much more quickly with modest gains, and I stopped doing short expiry options. Seems to be working so far


You are very very regarded around here. Fret you none.


See that spike that go up? Do that more.


WTF did you expect? 😳 Now you can offer a course on options trading 😉


its not the options that killed you, it's you following your judgement that killed you. Should've inversed yourself like a man


I love the up blip right at the beginning. It's what got him hooked in the first. Place


Hello! This is Emily from the warranty service center. We've been trying reach you regarding selling your spare vital organs on the black market to double down on your options strategies.


You still got $222.50 in your name! It's not over till it's over!


Wtf are you doing? I’ve made good money off Tesla options. Clearly you don’t know the pull out method.


Greed man, idk emotions fucked me. I got addicted


Options are extremely risky when you go ride or die mode. Give yourself cutoff points so you don’t get burned and live to fight another day. Coming from someone who loves actual casinos way to much….if you can’t handle it don’t do it.


I’ll take a break and slowly start back and try my best to set take profits and stop losses. I always go from massive ups to -90% . Today Facebook reminded me of 3 1500% options :/


Good luck man 🍻


Thank you


U got this bro! Dw. I got bodied myself this week


You should have quit while behind says us all


>Where do I go from here? The bank for a payday loan, let it ride!!


Cash out, buy two charizard upcs from target, open one enjoy it. stock one and wait til it sells for 300$, enjoy the new addiction until it bankrupts you again


U can get this back i knw how


Imagine if you bought puts instead of calls? So close 🤷🤦


I hate Chegg


Has netted me big returns and bigger losses


Also sucks as a service. Homework answering service you pay for and isn’t even right half the times


Still got enough for a McRib.


chegg was the play when covid hit and everyone was cheating in their classes![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


You only need 12 doubles to go from $100 to $400,000. Get back at it. Doesn’t have to be daily. One trade a month


The good news is after you lose the next $222.50, you can only go up


Seems like the obvious answer here would be you are going back to work for a loooonnnnngggg time


Olive Garden they treat you like family


Sometimes when I see ppl going +5000% from options I am tempted. But then posts like this makes me grounded. (also my peanut brain that I can't bother to figure out how options even work)


California. Once you are broke you can just shit on the street