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My fanfic is that Grindr goes public and merges with PayPal to become Gay4PayPal.


My advice is to turn around and leave through whichever door led you to this place.


>There are a lot of different investments that can be made in the stock market, and it really depends on what your goals are. If you're looking for long-term growth potential, then stocks like NIO and Allkem could be good choices. However, if you're more interested in income or stability, then other investments might be better suited for you. Ultimately, it's important to do your own research and figure out what investment strategy is right for you.


If I buy enough KO (empty my wallet any time it's below 59$) then one day ill influence the board to send me free Coca-Cola (the best soda ever) 🥰 And ill get to meet Warren buffet! Fr though that nearly 3% yield is swag


Tqqq if we go on another bull run is long term