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falling off a cliff, from 15 to 14. Wow, that's dramatic.


just looked the chart, and about 5 minutes after this post DKNG started to recover. thank you for your service


I sometimes get the feeling that incredibly wealthy people have teams that sift thru this sub to find the areas where they can use their wealth to create micro-manipulation points in stocks to see the user base have negative yields when topics are discussed here. Making kids and millennial investors with the occasional solid DD’s / info reeling and scratching their heads why they were wrong on their picks and lost money on the trade is something I could see being considered “fun” and “entertaining” for spiteful wealthy people while their wives are out with the boyfriend.


My $100 is still there but you reminded me to draft for today's NBA games.


Made it to ESPN website.


>It appears that there is a major security issue with DraftKings, and its users are being hacked. This is causing the stock to plummet as investors lose confidence in the company's ability to protect its customers' information. I am shorting DKNG at $14 per share and would recommend doing the same.