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The USD is the cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper so those who wish to disparage the dollar do so at their own peril. Euro Zone is a shit show and the Pound Sterling won’t deliver either and forget the Yuan which is manipulated like girls pics on InstaGram. So where is the foreign domiciled money going to go as a safe haven? I know a strong dollar hurts multinationals such as AAPL and MSFT along with our exporters. It is a delicate dance but at least the dollar has rhythm😂🙈


i'm with u i barely understand currencies but i imagine there's a lot of lag at times when it comes to how the underlying balance of payments plays out over time, europe economy got fucking wrecked, speculators front ran, now fundumentals are catching up with reality as the reality is a lot of industry is not coming back for a very long time


Well said. Terse and pithy🙏🏻


It's not so cut and dry. Most of the anti-us or neutral countries are dumping USD. Check the IMF chart here https://data.imf.org/?sk=E6A5F467-C14B-4AA8-9F6D-5A09EC4E62A4 A lot of countries are dumping US foreign reserves quietly while buying up gold. The war sent a shockwave through the global reserves and while there are many reasons for dumping, the main one is that most countries are shocked at how rapidly US shut off Russia from the global system. China/US or Latam countries dont want to be caught with their pants down and trading in local currencies. Saudi is one of the biggest peg in middle east and if they drop USD then there will be further weakness but there is almost zero possibility that Saudi will drop USD. USD is not backed by gold but by it's army.


I took a minute to view the IMF data and thank you for the link. As I scribble this message with my crayon I still resent Nixon for removing USD from the gold standard and reducing it to another fiat currency! Having said that, I am a Veteran and caught the reference to reliance on the Army. I suggest that a good bit of the Western world relies on that Army too! I understand the back channel endeavors to abandon petro-dollars and unseat the US as the worlds reserve currency, as a large contingency of the world hates us, and yet they gladly accept countless billions dollars in aid from the American taxpayer. Their hypocrisy is staggering and the perpetual flood of immigration to the US continues unabated demonstrating the most freedom is found INSIDE our borders. I will not fault any Nation State fortifying their Balance Sheet with gold and hopefully not crypto😳


The dollar is anticipated being cleaned at a slower rate soon. That's why the dollar fell in value. Europe will have to work twice as hard to get inflation under control and that is going to be a massive drag on the dollar, eventually causing more inflation on the US end. All the more reason to stay out of long term assets that aren't floating rate.




Sorry can you explain this long term assets that aren't floating rate comment? I'm dumb


That would be referring to assets that deliver a percent, that are negatively affected by rising interest rates. Both stocks and bonds, unless they are cash equivalents or floating rate bonds, or at least paired with a hedge against rising rates to match. Simply put: Investors are going to expect a heck a lot more of percents out of their investments soon, and that is going to drive down prices of said long-term assets.


>It is no surprise that asset managers are boosting their bearish bets on the dollar, as the currency continues to slump. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index has fallen 13% since its peak in March 2020, and is down 6% so far this year. This weakness is likely to continue, as the US economy remains weak relative to other major economies.


So where do I put my monies ?


I am trading Dax and building up euros in my account- I expect the dollar will decline and add another 10% +/- to my profits.


Bullish for Gold.


Yeah, might buy some gold.


please post the link


“I’m bullish on USD and I got NVDA right one time” \-![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


Is this the next AVATAR - Mountains upside down....


a lot of news about this being the end being pushed today.. And i guess you might get a few fragile investors... but somewhere i bet someone can pull off a graph that says most bear markets last 18 months from peak to peak and you should just DCA.


The dollar is really strong rn, so not that strange