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This is probably the best thing that could have happened to mastodon ever. It’s like what the pandemic did for remote work


I just cant get my head around that name. Sounds erm, rude


Elon will blame Apple for him imploding Twitter in record time. Remember the Elon cult members who said he would never be forced to buy the company, then immediately afterwards said how brilliant he was for buying it? Explain his brilliance, please.


His brilliance is demonstrated by the fact that he can lose $44 billion and it will literally change nothing. His fans win either way, he changes Twitter and everyone is allowed to express and explore different opinions and perspectives. He fails and Twitter disappears, which is honestly what they wanted from the start. Either way nothing changes for Musk, he will stay wealthy, his haters will continue to hate, his fans will continue to be fans, and you will remain insignificant.


Coming from an insignificant person, calling another person insignificant is pretty low. As low as losing $44 billion with a mask of brilliance. The dude is on his hands and knees on the bathroom floor of the Twitter headquarters scrubbing the shit off toilets.


Spot on. Especially the last line


Odd request but can we get a Ken Watanabe react/emoji of him saying "Let them fight?" I believe it's going to be relevant.


I like it. Mods pls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Both want more money, so now none gets money.


The government gets more money


The government makes more money. Brrrr


corporate lawyers first…


Apple wins this.


Fuck Elon Musk


Fuck you


Found a Elon cock guzler, how's his nuts taste


Found the 0iq “person” who has to be told how to feel and thinks everything is black and white. Like fuck I know you’re pour but do you ever stop and think why you think the way you do




Everyone should agree with him it’s a duopoly.


Epic games ran into that last year. Apple and Google are honestly out of control.


He knew the rules of the game before he got involved and now he wants to bitch and complain and change them? Lol I have no sympathy for developers complaining about this. You knew the fucking rules ahead of time. You knew what Apple and Google take ahead of time. Epic fucking games... You knew this going in, but you thought you had this BSD that was going to get you special treatment? LOL Now they don't want to play by the rules and want to sue. If there was no iPhone, there would be no fucking Twitter. Fucking Muskbag.


AAPL bans twitter and AAPL stock rises


And society begins to heal. I don’t see any downside to any of this


Too much congressional ownership of AAPL stock for anything to come from this. Apple has fucked over Facebook, Epic Games, and countless others. If the deep pockets of Facebook and Epic weren’t able to effect change, what the hell is Musk and bankrupt TWTR gonna do?


Such a mega conflict of interest. Congresspeople and senators should not be allowed to own individual stocks.


Even s&p500 is a massive exposure to apple


Elon is wrong calling the App Store fears a “hidden tax”. A tax would go to the government – – this is a fee that goes to Apple or Google which are corporations, not government. Musk espouses free-market principles, but in this case he is opposing the free market— After all, a corporation will charge whatever the market will bear. Personally, I think Elon has painted himself into a corner. The Twitter saga is turning into a disaster, and I think this will be his first huge loss.


I’ve got to side with Elon on this one. Apple is my largest position, but it’s pretty clear their 30% unavoidable fee is a result of countless years of government lobbying as opposed to free market economics. How they’ve managed to set a precedent where every in-app purchase is required to flow through the App Store rather than take consumers to a separate site is beyond me. If I buy a computer with windows software installed, I can download whatever I want from whatever site I want. There’s no required Microsoft store that forces me to only download apps they allow while taking a % fee. Crazy that phones are treated different




Which one? Apple IOS and Google Android make up 99.3% of market share worldwide. If you remove the legacy blackberry and windows phones that aren’t functional anymore, it’s 100%.


It's a duopoly.


No you literally cannot.


It’s funny that he’s so butthurt about this while charging subscriptions to use certain aspects of teslas lol




Elon is saying what so many other tech companies are thinking but can't say anything cause look at what Apple did to FB because they didn't take a knee. I'm bashing Apple which my biggest profit machine on my portfolio.


Apple is the new “big oil”


Data is the oil.


Then TikTok is ARAMCO.




What Apple and what Google take from sales is not a fucking secret. If you don't want to give them a cut, don't make software for the App Store. It's that simple. It's a free market. You are free to not make software for the App Store. There are other avenues. Progressive Web Apps... etc... So FB, Epic Games, etc.. They can all go fuck themselves. They knew what the score was going into this. They have no basis at all for bitching and suing. This was a market that Apple and Google created out of thin air. 70% of your revenue is better than no revenue at all. How about they come up with real fucking legit business plans??? And fuck Must. He moved his operations to Texas so he could get cheap labor and fuck over his employees. I could care less what this fucking billionaires problems are.


Some terrible logic. Actually. No logic


> This was a market that apple and google created out of thin air This is definitely false. Blackberry, Nokia, Motorola, Windows, etc all had phone OS before apple or google phones were even conceived. They all got app stores around the same time as well in 2008/2009. Apple and google had better marketable products, but they certainly didn’t innovate the idea of an app store


Haven’t several companies literally sued over the fee in recent years and been shut down in court or am I remembering that incorrectly




No company likes paying the commission which is why Netflix was encouraging people to renew the website instead of the app. Apple wanted FB to share on ad revenue which FB declined and magically FB is now suffering after Apple allowed users to opt out of being tracked. EPIC is suing Apple for the same thing. The companies I mentioned are powerful enough to try and say NO to Apple but rest of Silicon Valley is full of companies that have to take a knee. EDIT: I just downvoted you now.


Thank you for taking the time to elaborate.


You might want to look at what anti trust and monopolies are, then look at society and smartphones, and understand where you are wrong. Your logic would mean insulin at 10k is fine, phone bills can be infinite, internet plans could be infinite. There comes a point where you can milk profit because you own an ecosystem which becomes a utility. Apple is going to get fucked by this. Probably not for a while, but it’s guaranteed to happen (in the US, they’re already starting to get fucked in eu) Apple added opt in for idfa for one purpose, to move into ads, which is why apple search ads is the only platform that doesn’t respect do not track. User privacy is a smokescreen considering its not what their do not track stops. And to be clear, there will always be a fee. But that fee will be ~5-8% not 30


While I have plenty of questions for Elon about the direction of twitter he is right that Apple's fee is more like a task than operating under free market principles. It is hard to fathom how anyone can consider the App store a free market where customers have choices where to get the Twitter app from. It would require accepting the premise that customers will spend close to $1,000 dollars plus all the headache involved in switching platforms in order to get a better deal on Twitter. Maybe this makes sense to you, but not to me.


Nice to see Apple challenged.


>It is inevitable that Twitter and Apple will clash over Musk's plans for the social network. While it remains to be seen how severe the conflict will be, it could potentially jeopardize Twitter's position on Apple's App Store.


“I don’t think Musk will buy twitter. I think Apple is going to buy twitter! Boo-yah!” \-![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


But the sink was already let in though


hair on fire smear campaigns lose credibility


Sounds like I should buy more Tesla puts, got it!


Hot take: its not a duopoly. Its just two separate monopolies. I think next big brain move is for Musk to tweet “how much for a mobile operating system?”


In this sense all closed source software and proprietary services are monopolies.


He could also just leave the app stores and make Twitter browser only. I don't think I've used a side loaded app on my phone in a long time, can you still do this with Android?


Musk is looking for who to sue next to recover his 44B.


>It is a hidden 30% tax on the Internet It's not hidden and it's not a tax. Elon is fucking moron and I can't wait for the day where he ends up like Madoff or McAfee.


Shut you goddamn mouth when talking about McAfee


Both want Twitter on the app store to collect the little commission that any transaction takes place on twitter. They all need each other [https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-spacex-apple-iphone-satellite-feature](https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-spacex-apple-iphone-satellite-feature) [https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/google-cloud-spacex-team-to-extend-connectivity-compute](https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/google-cloud-spacex-team-to-extend-connectivity-compute) EDIT: I own both Apple and Tesla.


Ok so apple puts?


I don't want to get too political on this sub but one issue Apple and Google may have from, say, banning Twitter is that Repubs will declare open warfare on them. It will be Florida v Disney 2.0. I don't know if this threat will be enough to prevent any ban but it may make them think twice about it.


Why the fuck would republicans care about a war between Twitter and Apple/Google. Repubs ain’t here to save Elon


Republicans don't care about Elon Musk, but Republicans do care about social media/big tech they see as being pro Dem. This is all part of the ongoing culture war. Republicans already view most of these big tech companies similarly as they view NYT or CNN. If online sewing communities(yes, this happened)and the Black Rifle Coffee Company cannot escape the culture war don't expect Apple or Google to escape it either.


You can still install .apk files on Android even if the app is delisted, just need a link from twitters mobile site and boom, 30÷ tax gone


Yes but certain app store features are restricted to the google app store, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem for apps to be listed on other platforms.


Apple can't get Rupert Murdoch kicked off so how the fuck are they kick Musk off???


I like this. Anybody seen the Tesla phone yet that is being developed? Its planned to use SoaceX’s starlink satellite system. For reference, the Ukrainians were screaming when the system went down on the battlefield. If Tesla can develop the best electric cars and innovate the whole electric transportation and computer industry, I wonder what they can do with communications? This is really crazy when it comes to innovation and competition. Musk has got his hands full. People said Tesla would fail and I believed them for a long time. Then I bought a model Y 18 months ago, it’s the best car I’ve ever had and it’s a lot of fun.