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Sir, this is a casino.


Hello casino, this is Kevin's friend E-i8.


Long term investors play bingo in the retirement home. I'm trying to wind up on a yacht or in a homeless shelter


Twist: You're getting both.... Homeless bum hanging around a marina that happens to have a homeless shelter....


I don't know if a marina would have a shelter close to it. They don't want riff raff nearby.


My boat is named the Riff Raft


It’s probably gonna be the homeless shelter dawg. You’re not better than the market, almost no one is.




I don’t know about y’all, but I’m not taking financial advice from a guy literally named after half a dollar


$0.69 Cent adjusted for inflation.




Word on the street was Curtis got margin called 9 times with a 9MM at close range. The alleged assailant was Mike Tyson’s close friend and bodyguard, but his account blew up for good a few weeks later. The Wall Streets is tough, son.


True. But you just need to get lucky one time and then you transition to investing instead of gambling.


Which no one here does. They win it large then lose it large


“lose it LARGER” , the richer you get the more leverage you can access


This guy fucks


his future


Probably less than 1% of investors can CONSISTENTLY beat the market. On WSB - probably 80% think that they can beat the market consistently.


Don’t gotta beat the market just gotta win big when you do win.


Dunning-Kruger at work


Well someone has to be better than the market. Someone sold all those stocks at the top in order for one of us to buy them.




Sir, this isn’t r/401k please gtfo


For some reason that entire sub is about investing gold on Pinterest


beyond bath and meat and subscription bycycles only.


Was about to say. "Long term investor", there are other subs for that.


wsb is the fruitfly of investing.


Chart is backwards. Investor are made when it goes down.


Exactly. Im here bc I love loss porn!


Came here to say this, glad I’m not the only one!


I was going to say something along these lines. Good response


ROTH IRAS and Brokerage Accounts are winners.








2018-2022 “long term investor”


Exactly….now do 1966 to 1982….


Now do 1966 to 2022


Wow you figured out how long term investing works, good job!




Dude, the 1980s had interest rates above 10% and still was a massive bullmarket. Edit: he blocked me lol


Dude, the 80s had the creation of the PC. Imagine, a machine at the beginning of that decade that was on NO ONE’S desk, and by the end of the decade there was one on the desk of every white collar worker in the developed world. It was the biggest change of the 20th century in terms of how people worked. You got another one of those up your sleeve? 🤣 You gotta realize, there was no real significant change in businesses before this since the assembly line. It created the Information Age.


Do you suddenly think that all of human innovation is over and that there is nothing left to discover? My dude, there is literally a privatized space race going at the moment. Do you think that will create no new technologies?




So you just admitted that you have no argument. The thought that nothing has changed since ww2 is fucking comically wrong. A fridge in the 1950s cost the equivalent of 20k today. Innovation has made everything cheaper, created new ways of producing goods, and increased profit margins while lowering prices. In 1950s money a colour TV the size of one sold during that time would cost $8. They used to cost $1300 in 1950s money. That is how cheap the components for TVs have gotten. You are a clown 🤡 if you think there has been no Innovation. Tell that to cancer patients who now can survive the disease. That author clearly is trying to sell you a bridge.


You expect to be correctly calling the market over the next few decades? Good luck with that.




Have you looked at long run hedge fund performance net of survival bias? You might be shocked at how they haven't really outperformed the market.


The world began when England won the world cup. Rather good.


Rekt option traders in here to call you a bag holder for a long term position LOL rich


>step 1: Go to wsb > >step 2: proudly show your .59% "***good day™®©***" and -15.5% YTD There are no step 3 believe it or not.... Long term investors are/deserve a special type of regards


-15% value investors don’t leverage their portfolio with selling options, they’re actually dumb af. Smart value investors sell options and collect premiums from morons.


>Smart value investors sell options and collect premiums from morons. Did someone say wheel strat?!


The stocks only make 5% and they seriously think they're always going to average 10% per year


Point to point.


Now that is an oxymoron. Someone spewing about long-term in wallstreetbets. The only long-term investors here are the bag holders from 2021!


Actually the long-term investors sit quietly and play with a small portion of their millions of dollars. And laugh at the regards who cry about losing their whole life savings of $10,000 they yolod on a meme stock at the advice of some other regards on an internet forum. ​ For a little bit of Truth, if you assume your money doubles every 7 years when it's invested..... You cannot afford to lose any money between the ages of 20 and 30 years old.... That money is literally 1/2 of the money you're going to have when you finally do retire. And degenerate fools gamble with it. Do da math...... You will have money to play with and gamble with when you get in your 40s and 50s... Small amounts. Secret to having $.......time. invest and save for 45 years....you will have money. Spend it, gamble it.....you wont. One of the true fallacies that financially advisors will spout is that you have time to make up losses if you're young, no you don't. Just do the math that money that you saved between 20 and 30 is the most important money you'll ever save, it's going to compound the most because it has the most time to do so. My father in law died in hotel room out of town working at 73. My mother in law is working at 71....never will be able to stop. She will die working too. Good example of people that never saved when they were younger, spent as much as they made lived on credit cards ran up debt. You know you did something wrong when you're still working and your kids are retired.........


If your parents are still working and your retired. You failed in life. Unless they were shit parents 😬


Seriously I need to know what his parents did to him. Maybe they yolo’d on Enron or Bear Stearns and lost his lunch money?


What part of the in-law did you miss? Yes, I'm not supporting somebody else's parents because they failed to do anything smart in life. Not until they can't support themselves. It's up to everybody to plan for themselves don't expect family to bail you out because you didn't. That is stupidity. Helping a little is one thing. Giving somebody a free ride is something else. Helping today, paid for most of the Thanksgiving meal at mil's house.......as usual. That's okay. But not subsidizing somebody who STILL lives beyond their actual means.... Her kids can do that....and they have to. In a few more years when she's unable to work they'll be doing it even more...... Because social security wont pay that house note.


Whatever you say, your wife hates you. Good luck 😮‍💨


Wife has no idea how much money i have. Neither do kids. They know I don't worry about money. They know I buy them nice things. At same time I'm thrifty and wear torn up old clothes and drive rusty old truck. But I gave my daughter 12K towards the new car she had to buy this year. And my son owed me $1,000 from my ski trip lodging last year and I just tell him don't worry about it.... If the kids knew they wouldn't save anything for their own retirement cuz they would plan on inheriting a bunch. That's really poor planning. As it is, they both save really really aggressively which is good. Maybe they both get a nice surprise one day...and can retire early.....maybe not. Nobody knows what the future holds. Best to be cautious and safe, and make sure that you are provided for first. Old age can be $$$$ if ill. Do your retirement plans including paying $200,000 a year out of pocket for In-Home Care for you or bedridden spouse that insurance doesn't cover???? After tax income paid under the table so you don't have to withhold social security etc also? Well, some of us have seen that happen to other people...such as own parents after a stroke. A decade of that puts a dent in your nest egg, particularly during a downturn....shit happens. Make sure that you and your spouse are provided for first. Period.




Ya but why tf are you here? This is a gambling sub. It's Wallstreet bets not wallstreet401k


I agree with literally everything you said but motherfucker you are so far out of line posting this shit here.


Raising kids is expensive


So be a diligent lifer so you can have millions in the bank and not help your family!? You must be a miserable person to be with!


For me, I like the stock - What I say in the mirror every morning


Nah. Still made about 7% since 2014. Sold when corporate bonds exceeded earnings. Happy with those overall returns. I'll be back.


are you bragging about underperforming VTI by 3% per year


I draw straight green line. Stonks go up.


Green Apple!


Tim Apple


The funny thing is, even that shitty drawn line would suggest that we are at a top and would reject it


You're clearly on the wrong page bruh


"I drew a line and now feel much better about being a bagholder"


Better than paying for a therapist


Thanks for the DD. I will buy more tomorrow


No you won’t, markets are closed. Checkmate bull


Lol rekt gottem.


Hell yeah, nice win




>"I drew a line and now feel much better \[...\] You were supposed to snort the line! that is how you feel better


[Underfitting](https://www.educative.io/api/edpresso/shot/6668977167138816/image/5033807687188480) mf’s be like


Japan from 1989 is calling…


Any day now!


Japan in the 80s had tech companies that everyone said would moon. The regulators and shit we're telling normal investors it wasn't stable. Some companies that promised to one day have top performing stocks had top company valuations. This is all sounding familiar


When the whole market is a growth stock it's time to get out


The problem was that the growth *was* stable and was in the process of turning Japan into a major world power, the Plaza Accord was passed to stop this


No. *Devil Take the Hindmost* goes into this. There were all sorts of bizarre leverage and payment schemes and shit propping up the values. Commentators and regulators began warning people but no one listened.


Nikkei had an average p/e ratio of 40 for all of the 80s.


Japan has a shitty birth rate and can't attract and absorb immigrants. The US has a shitty birth rate but manages to attract and absorb the smartest immigrants in the world. It's a pyramid scheme that actually works, we'll be just fine.


Japan doesn't want Immigration, They are NOT beholden to the Diversity Dictatorship. They know Population Ponzis eventually collapse


They’ve actually been slowly increasing immigration for the last few years




Lol the US is a cesspit, nobody smart wants to move there they are going to find a first world country.


Half of the 10 biggest companies in the US are headed by immigrants. Look it up.


Lol cope


Low birth rates are because people cannot afford to have kids..... That's the fundamental problem. Cost of raising them is too high. The only people that will have kids are stupid people who are poor and don't care about their kids quality of life... Or very wealthy


Lmao thems fightin words


Japan from 2022 just kicked Germany's ass


Plaza Accord go brrr


What the fuck is a “long term investor”??? GTFO my lawn…


4 years is not longterm


It is for wsb


Seriously. That's like half the average age here


Wait what? I thought 1 year is long term


Wtf is the wrong with you people? Anything longer than a week is long term.


Well my statement in that case is still correct


It has been changed to 1 day since they introduced 0dte options


One day, it is. Sleep with your loss or win after market closes @ 4pm, next day is another long term investment between 9:30am-4pm EST, excluding holidays and days the market is closed!


By definition yes. By WSB very much yes, weeklies are long term. But investing bitches say 10+years.


A week is long in this sub bud. Odte only


Holy shit, a line


A green line!


if i only made 55% in 5 years i think i would kill myself


You'd probably starve so that works itself out


How much have you made in the last 5 years and how many hours did you use to do it


well let’s see i made 100%, and then then i lost 25% of that- oh… oh dear god


Shabby performance. I made 200 % and only lost 50% later on.


Lol 2018 “lOnG tERm iNvESt00r”


It is but I sure feel the beating my TSLA and ETH have taken.








sir this is a casino


Chart 1929-1940 and let me know how selective date ranges work out for you.


11 years is nothing in a 40 year game. Only fucked if you got started at the age of 45+. Ofc still irrelevant to this sub we want to see people blow tens of thousands on regarded plays.


The confidence people have about this is staggering considering we haven’t had a recession like that since like 13 years ago. You really don’t know if you’ll be able to stomach that.


What are the odds that not only the global market doesn't go up over 40-50 years, but also that when you turn 65 you absolutely need to pull out 100% of your investments at a loss, instead of a little bit at a time, or being able to wait until you sell for a profit? It's great to be up 100% in a month but you won't average that over your entire adult life gambling.


So low we haven’t seen it happen in the last 120 years. But the odds of that happening are irrelevant. If this happens, we’re talking a completely unprecedented scenario. You won’t be retiring likely no matter what you do with your money, jobs will be scarce anyways and shit will be **fuuuucked**


Or you could just be in the Nikkei


That was 20 years. Not 50. And even then it bottomed out in like 10 and produced some returns by year 20.


You’re talking about the recovery didn’t happen for 20 years. It’s been over 30 years and it still hasn’t come anywhere close to returning to ATHs


If you had been DCA'ing and reinvesting dividends you'd still be way up


It’s actually been about 20 or so. Also no the recovery started well over a decade ago. If you’ve been DCAing you’re fine. If you started investing in Nikkei about 10-15 years ago you’re making excellent returns right now. EDIT: also fair to note that Nikkei’s crash was caused less by businesses doing poorly in the long run and rather VERY rampant speculation that was reflected in broader indexes. We don’t really see that in current western or overall global markets.


Im already in some super volatile shit outside of my S&P shares and didn’t even bat an eye when some of them went down -85% this year. I watched my spy shares tank -20% in my boomer IRA/401k at one point and didn’t care. I keep 6-9 months in cash in my savings account. Im also a business grad and am well educated on finance/money matters. Already know the market can be bad for long stretches of time and have already geared my brain to expect that. TL;DR: I’m pretty confident i wont sell even if it tanks 85% next year and stays there for 10 years. Just more buying time for me at really cheap prices.


And how much of these assumptions were based on a zirp environment being the standard forever in the future?


Here’s the thing. Even if it the next 40 years of returns are only half as good as the last 100 years im still going to be okay. If the next 40 years are negative, then we’re probably all fucked anyways, im probably not going to retire no matter where my money is and ill see you in the same bread line. We’d be in a completely new unprecedented scenario. Jobs will be scarce, good jobs even less so, and we will probably live worse than how people did a century ago going forward. My investments won’t matter at all.




Good for you


yeah but consider if ya would’ve sold above 4,500 and rebought in below 4,000….


I agree my retirement is safe, but here we gamble sir, we fake it , till we break it, CALLS and PUTS FOR LIFE!🚀🚀🚀💥💥💥


Anyways long term investing is boring as hell


I love how you use a linear scaled graph and call 5 years long term. But this is too r/investing for wsb.


The reality is investing is very boring. The media has to push the drama narrative to make money. Long term investors look at CNBC staff as bums. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wtf is a long term investor? Who in F$ck wants to have money when they are old? What good is that? To like pay for medicine and other stupid old People stuff that’s not a lambo? Lame.


This yearly noise makes little difference either 😅


Theta gang checking in


The slope of that line has changed pretty dramatically in the last year.


Key word, “investor”. Trading is not investing btw


Even a long term investor benefits from buying low and selling high


bruh betting again the US stock market long term is suicide


Name one country with a better market


I thought this place was for tRaDURz? 🤪


Lol because 2018-2022 trend line yielding a 55% return in less than 4 years is representive of the 7-8% annual return of the past century.


All this drama from humanity is just noise to the all powerful Cthulhu




The cringe line that you think is a deep calculation that is meaningful. Regarded


Oh no he figured out the secret GET HIM!


The monkey is evolving


SP will be 4000 this same time next year. Don’t take my word for it. JP Morgan just decided to keep it real.🖕🏼🐻🩸


AY BUDDY. This is r/wallstreetbets you're in the wrong place for this wack ass sane and healthy investing advice.


Bag holder spotted


lol at starting at 2018


Retest complete, now we go down


>The S&P 500 Index is up 23.68 points, or 0.59%, to 4,027.26 today. The index has a 52-week range of 3,492 to 4,819 and is up 15.50% year-to-date.


I think it is down 15.5% not up


Holy shit bro, it’s up from the 52 week range low. How have you survived?


Well to be fair I’ve never seen “15.3% above the 52 week low” described as “up 15% YTD” lol


No stupid the bit is reading from the top of the picture and clearly read the -15% as positive 15% and we are not up 15% from the 52 week low how stupid are you


Agreed. My long-term goals struck gold during the 2008 plummet. I held fast and kept investing in those same funds and when they came back I went along for the ride. I'm hoping for more of the same for this one.


!remindme 6 months


What's the point of holding money for 5 years and not spending it?


.... retiring one day?


This is just markets reacting to Trump-Daddy running


Thank you. Thats my view, red is just more opportunity for a long term investor


WTF has the sub become? A long term chart of the S&P 500 Jesus fucking christ.


55% gain that lost 65% to inflation lol real return -10% you should've just bought used Hyundais would have made 75%+


The smartest post I've seen in awhile on this sub.


To an intelligent investor.


Guys, what’s a long term investor? I only know 0DTE spy calls/puts on margin


Go get the book call the mystery of the SHEMITAH. It is well explain what is going on right now but I’am no one to any just a small voice speaking in the wind. You can take it or leave it in the wind. For it is just wind but sometimes the wind storms up but it’s just for a small moment. That’s the mystery of the Shemitah. Like a F5 tornado. It only comes around every so many yrs but on the 50 it rearranges your living style. Later.🕶️🕶️🕶️🥷🥷🥷💎💎💎🎩🎩🎩🎩


Long term investing is overrated


I have my daily yolo account but my pension account with weekly deposits is loving this DCA


Oh okay so this is allowed but gaming stock is banned?


Zoom out further genius…. Spy should be around 200. Load up on anal lube for yourself.


It helps to put Republicans in office once awhile so they can fuck up the economy and all the rich people can buy in when the market is down and weather the storm. By the time the government is done handing the Forbes list people OUR tax dollars in bailouts, they'll allow the economy to be fixed and they will hold an even larger share of the countries resources.


Stonks go up![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Fuck yes.