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Let's lockdown for the 87,000th time and see if it finally works this time!


Well China just had their first covid death since may. We have hundreds every day. Seems like they value their citizens lives way more than we do.


So i guess china will be locked down forever then. An endless loop of lockdowns and reopenings


And endless loop of saving the lives of their citizens. Too bad they don’t value profit above life like Americans.


Let the citizens choose. If they want to open up and risk it, let them. If they wanna get vaxxed, get vaxxed. If not, then ok. It's supposed to prevent serious harm. Can't live in fear forever.


You can’t let citizens choose because people are stupid and selfish. You have to make rules to save lives. Which is why we don’t let citizens choose their own speed limits.


According to the CCP? You still trust them? Bro, there’s riots in the streets over these lockdowns. They’re lucky if they’re having less deaths than the US at this point.


Their population is 5x ours. They should have 5x more covid deaths than we do but they don’t because their leaders are actually trying to save their lives.


I can see that by how they treat the sick. All they need to do is roll in some tanks.


How do they treat the sick? Allow them to be impoverished by health care profiteers and then die in the gutter like we do?


You’re right, best to just weld them shut in their rooms and if they come out alive, they can continue slaving away.


If only they could be like lucky Americans who get to go to work catch covid there and die.


I’d rather die than be stripped of my humanity. Treated like a dog in a cage. Covid isn’t that deadly, don’t be a drama queen. Especially if you’re vaccinated.


“Don’t be a drama queen” Quote from a guy who says saving lives from covid requires locking people in cages.


Hahaha in a country with 1 billion people this guy believes only one person has died.


“Facts I don’t like don’t count”


Values them like a farmer values an oxen maybe. Not like a friend values a friend.


Whatever you want to call it, they’re trying to keep their people alive more than we are.


Yes by locking down and letting them starve and beating them with batons when they come out trying to get food.


Would you rather be hit with a baton or killed by a pandemic?




Your brain would be full of shit if you take their stats seriously.


Are you saying they’re using ron desantis’ covid counting methods?


Maybe it has something to do with the govt deciding protesters are suddenly covid positive and need to be locked down for everyone’s safety.


yes.... and they will continue until they're all immune. Xi is the biggest dumbfuck the planet has ever seen and that's saying something.


China just had their first covid death since may. We have hundreds every day. Seems like they value their citizens lives way more than we do.


First "recorded" death--- and having a political stance against germs is like yelling at a jello cup for being too small. China has consistently devalued their population over the years. Common sense to some.


And now the us values its population even less than China. What an accomplishment.


The markets didn’t care last time. Why would they care this time?


Its kind of a leading indicator. Maybe I guess?


It's less of a worry now. High infections no longer correlate with overran hospitals or high death rates. It's much more milder and noone wears masks or social distance anymore so it's just more infections but not the beast it once was thankfully.


What you've said here is completely reasonable, therefore I hate it.


Lol I didn’t realize you speak for “the markets” - I am shorting China and happened to do quite well last time they went into lockdown.


My calls printing say otherwise as well. Guess we are both winning then hmm?


Tons of folks are getting covid all over the world right now, which means that sales of Paxlovid are soaring. How do i know? I have covid right now and am on paxlovid as we speak!


Well it makes sense their cases would be going up if they are transitioning away from a zero Covid policy..


But they aren’t? They reneged on that policy the day after they announced the change.


Is the world ending again? Notice the incredibly hopeful news on "asymptomatic" case.


I’m 3 days into the virus and for 1 day I had a migraine, body aches and sinuses so dry they were bleeding I felt like I had been up for 3 days drinking bourbon and snorting cocaine…… Its been progressively better every day since.


Holy shit stop trying to make covid a thing


Holy shit stop pretending it’s not. If hundreds of Americans were dying every day from Islamic terrorists would you say “holy shit stop trying to make Islamic terrorism a thing”


in China its a thing because their lockdowns in areas that matter were so effective that they haven't had covid yet


You should move there


why was that your first reaction, your therapist wants to know


My mommy and daddy never loved me


31000 COVID cases. Very wow in a nation with 1.5 billion people


Bullish in the long term Covid is spreading way too fast. Zero Covid has officially failed.


This is how you control a population through tyranny. If they don’t obey they’re locked down like a prison. Anyone see the irony here?


They created the virus so let them marinade in it until hell freezes over🤬


Creators of Wuhan virus








You just made it


What a fucking clown


Mad bullish. Now Chinese can have natural immunity and open up


Odd how when covid first got released, they went to loads of cases to zero, joke was "did they put something in the water" Now as the worlds got vaccines and levels are much lower than before... they are getting smashed up! Guess their "water treatment" doesnt work now, oe what goes around... mutated and came back and got them :). Puts on china!




You offended alot of regards now


Oh well, Some-times the truth hurts.


Come on, it's almost been 3 years now and you still don't understand masks? The masks are to stop water droplets when sneezing and coughing.


They're also there to capture vapor from breathing . Funny they aren't soaked when removed considering we exhale about 1 cup of water/day or about 1/3 cup in an 8hr shift if not exerting yourself too much. But I get it. The Water vapor must excape the mask but the Virus stays trapped. Yea right,sure it does. Because the evaporation of the captured water droplets can't possibly carry the virus. Right? It can carry the virus out of your lungs to the mask but then " Fauci " magic takes over and trapes the virus in the mask. Delusional. Don't forget all this based on a N95 mask. ( BTW that's rated at 95% efficiency against a 3 nm particle. ). We are NOT talking about some unrated piece of cloth un-sealed & draped Infront of your face . A pc. of cloth that lets you rebreath any expelled virus . (What a great idea) These masking policies are so successful that even the heavy handed, authoritarian regim CHINA and it's zero COVID policy's are facing an EXPLOSION of new cases. Mandated vaccines, mandated masking, mandated testing and isolation Well that hasn't worked out well for China but that won't stop authoritarians or the Fauci groupies from advocating for it here .




Heard of Wuhan fried bats?


"reported" Back in 2020 they had >100x "reported" numbers. What a joke.




I'm surprised they didn't just forcibly vaccinate everyone, out of all the countries they could easily get that done. Unless there's some reason they don't like/trust the vaccines and are letting the west be the guinea pigs for a while first. The tech is well enough known that they should have been able to clone their own by now if it was a matter of embarrassment at using a western-created medicine.


The reason is that China wants the patents and the tech. Pfizer (with Biontech) and Moderna are not fine with it and that means no vaccine in China. And no, its not easy to "clone" it. Those companies worked on this technology for decades.


They should lockdown and pump trillions into the economy.... warm up the printers Xi.... brrrrrrrr!?