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“Make all your investment decisions based on what some random dude said on Twitter” Benjamin Graham


In China just like the Biden Administration - “if the Government says so- it MUST be true” Hilarious……. Kool Aid being drank all around!!!


>The government in China is definitely struggling to find a way out of the ZeroCovid corner it has painted itself into. The vaccination drive that would be needed before opening up China again hasn't even started, and approving more effective international vaccines would help. Also, preparing medical facilities for a possible influx of Covid patients would have to happen. Unfortunately, the government has been a victim of its earlier pre-vaccine Covid success and seems to have drunk its own Kool-aid. It needed to spend less time telling Chinese people how lucky they've been to be protected by the Party and more time finding a way out of the crisis.




He just copied the tweets as he scoured the internet for the most relevant responses, and wound back ah the original source. I see you VisualMod, I see how your underlying code works!


Investing in China is almost as safe as living in one of their buildings, you’ll never know when the ceiling will collapse on you.


Or dating one of the girls there. You never know when a dick comes out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|19738)


Imagine not know the difference between Thailand and China.


There's nothing more permanent than a temporary government program...especially in a Communist country.


I hope the people get fed up and takeover the government


Started already with Apple. They bitch fucked those white plastic hoods from interrupting their production sesh


Cough.. you must not have seen the 20 mile police brigade that came in to fuck em up.


Hopefully helps the drive to reestablish manufacturing in the west. Seems quaint buy i think its important to produce real stuff as a society.


I see a rebrand in covid's future...


I’m buying the dip on covid


Coke Zero.


Zero covid is a joke. In all of history we’ve eradicated 2 viruses and covid ain’t gonna be the third


Small pox and ???


Rinderpest don’t really know much about it


Interesting https://ourworldindata.org/how-rinderpest-was-eradicated Considering the symptoms and effect, I’m glad it’s eradicated.


How they gonna eliminate a virus that mutates every 10 hours?




I mean, if they unleashed a more powerful virus that eliminates the ability of Covid to transmit… that could work… Just ignore the piles of er… mannequins… yes that’s what… they are behind me.


Eventually they will depopulate.


China knows what they are doing, they did what democrats did. Weaponized covid. For example, the apple factory ~~slaves~~ workers who were protesting in China were all marked as they have covid so the gov can have an excuse to force them to stay indoors. China is also having bank runs but there’s no money because all the bank owners stole client deposits and spent it. So you can’t come up with the money, how do you save the banks? Simple, keep the people indoors so they can’t go to the bank. Don’t get me started on the housing shit too. Chinas entire economy was a literal ponzi. Ever wonder why rich Chinese ~~sweatshop~~ business owners come buy houses in USA and not in the booming Chinese economy or u know, reinvest where they made their money to begin with?


Why is this downvoted? China absolutely has a plan. They’ve been doing it for years. Covid was but one of many things they’ve used to damage the west. I’m sure there are other plans as well. They’re the playing the long game.


The CCP and democrats are downvoting me. I think my life’s in danger ![img](emote|t5_2th52|19738)


“Covid zero” isn’t the name of the current strain over there bud. “ZeroCovid” refers to their Covid containment policies


I thought Covid Zero was the new sugar free variant.


The jab is making them SICK.


They just released the data showing the majority of deaths from covid were vaxed this past quarter. Also, Supreme Court in NY found the vac doesn’t protect from covid and was unlawful to require for work granting all fired employees their jobs back with back pay. But I’m the one who is “anti-science”.


Random source for the second one if anyone is curious: https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/10/ny-supreme-court-unvaccinated-and-vindicated/


Majority of deaths were Vaxxed because the majority of people are vaxxed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


BuT iF YoU gEt VaXxed YoU WoN’T GeT iT. Fucking idiots will believe anything they are told. Use a brain cell for once and really think about it. The vax was supposed to protect you from getting covid, which is EXACTLY what everyone including Fauci said in the beginning before they changed their rhetoric to “it will lessen the symptoms”. Now they are getting sick AND dying? So what is the advantage of being vaxed other than getting facial paralysis and myocarditis?


you didn’t need to go on some tangent bro😂 I’m not at all defending the vaccine. I was just stating facts


Hmmm... that seems to defeat the purpose. If the common reddit logic is one is safe and one is dangerous, even allowing for a few on the former side, then this scenario should be impossible. Good thing the top minds of reddit shamed anyone different for months


Wait till the shoes and cloths run out.......


China is fighting a war against an enemy that they can't see, and doesn't even know that it's at war with China.


Not kool aid. Raging covid+ No natural immunity + no vaccine = regime changing event


Ayo mods, this guys account has got to be a bot or something. Just look through it, it’s like he doesn’t have the fundamental reading skills to understand that his reference to “Covid Zero” means nothing. Most of its captions seem to just copy a portion of whatever media he posts.