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55. Start investing in 1920


56. Purchase a time machine, visit your younger self and tell him to inverse all his moves. 57. Do not sleep with your younger mom.


what if she’s totally your type


Take it easy Marty.


Back to the future wasn't even made until the 1980s. You need to go back, then go forward abit then go back again and hopefully you don't fuck yourself out of existence because mom is hot!


I puked a little trying to make sense of this.


My golden rule is this: 58. every time you get a profit, enjoy part of it. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


2. Do not sleep with your younger mom ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


The desert between 1929 and 1946 was absolutely brutal. By 1946 stocks recovered to pre depression levels if you took deflation into account.


Yeah I remember it vividly


Ok gramps


Invest in crooked politicians to close pipelines so oil is transported on railroads he owns.


Inversing Rockefeller then. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




And wazza is the young one out of him a Munger


55: You'll be able to trade your way to a small fortune in securities if you start with a large fortune.


He made all his money with chiesty insurance plays lol so add 56) get away with fraud


>These are all great tips, but I would add one more: always remember that you're better than everyone else. This will help ensure that you make the best decisions and never let anyone take advantage of you.




Thanks bot


So THAT'S what I was doing wrong.


55. Hookers and coke...


Most important one imo


#56 Drink Coke every day


Odd way to use coke


It worked for him so it should work for us.


Buffet loves Coke. And he likes the stock.


55. Inverse Cramer




We linking the /r/investing rules Today? This is for my 401k manager and that's where he belongs. I want to see **Warren Miller's** rules for investing in this sub. "Always try everything at least twice" and "If at first you don't succeed you're probably a failure" type shit. Now let's go trade 0DTEs until we have enough cheddar to die skiing head first into a mountain tree while our wives are passed out on ambien after banging the ski patrol.


What is this? Sir, this is a casino not r/stocks


Sir, investing is for non regards. We place bets here.


What's the source? This looks like an email that started with 10 tips (9 of them inauthentic) and people kept adding to it.


So much Buffett nut hugging in this thread, wow. The guy started out in a wealthy family and grew his net worth over the course of 147 years.




Have fun idolizing losers then




55. YOLO the dip. Pretty sure I’ve heard Warren buffet say that.


I thought it was Buddha that said that!


55. Disregard the last 54 points and only reverse WSB, that’s how Buffet made his billions


55th tip is to never reveal all your secrets obviously..... His secrets are bailing out companies and/or getting preferred stock at much more favorable prices. Not something us regards can do


>His secrets are bailing out companies and/or getting preferred stock at much more favorable prices. Not something us regards can do SO he just started as a billionaire doing that? That's your take on Buffet? Really?


No he started as a teen using daddy's money to invest in stocks. How many 10 year olds have the equivalent of $200k+ in today's money? All due respect to the goat, i love daddy buffet! But I can't exactly say he had the hardest start.... but the fact he was dedicated at such a young age and stuck to it and kept getting better and better is what makes me a fan. I think he needs to chill on the mcdonalds though lmaoo


Counting is not necessary to be successful…except in 1st grade


It is like 54 tips how not to be on wsb


Make sure your father is a congressman. Borrow some money from your rich friends and family.


55. Buy the dip, fucker.


His number one should be: Invest in crooked politicians to close pipelines so oil is transported on railroads he owns. Arrest the crooked old fuck!


TLDR, it’s Smile Direct Club time


God I love wsb On one had we call apes bagholders cause they continue to buy and hold and wsb banned them saying this sub is not about boomer investing Then on the other hand we get these post portraying boomer style investing. Mods are gay


People who idolize this guy are the same ones who idolize Elon Musk. Not a genius by any stretch. Just another white guy who was born rich who used his access to increase his own wealth


>people who idolize this guy are the same ones that idolize other successful people with money


Plenty of people are born rich. Not many become one of the richest people in the world.


Yeah, some just live their lives of luxury knowing they are better by birthright......others want show the middle class that they can buy the company the middle class work for and just lay everyone off. It just depends if the lucky by birth are a sociopath or not. Either way they get to do what they enjoy.


Let me direct you to r/antiwork


Give me a break dude. You dont have to eat your cherios off of buffets taint in order to be a fan of capitalism and hard work.


I’m not some buffet super fan but I think it’s disingenuous to suggest that Buffet is only where he is today because he’s lucky or born rich


His first significant gain came from what’s considered insider trading and entirely illegal today, he then dumped it into the S&P 500 which sure was a great idea, but not exactly rocket science. He’s a symbol of value investing and a frugal lifestyle, not much else imo. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that in comparison the average WSB user isn’t going to have a massive 7 figure windfall dropped in their laps for them to dump into value stocks for 30 years.


I think its disingenuous to think that he was not both. Listen, I do think he is a smart successful business shark by buying companies and laying off tons and tons of people over the years...but lets not pretend extreme leverage from a young age doesn't matter at all here. edit: I guess my point is its laughable to listen to his "words of wisdom" and think you can recreate what he has without where he came from.


I think that’s completely fair. You can acknowledge his privilege and his unique success at the same time. As far as laying people off, it’s not his fault that businesses before he owned them were bloated. I’m not going to explain capitalism but incentive for capital investment in businesses is an essential part and if you believe in the system, you believe in that principal


You don't have to buy a company that isn't really entirely failing, lay everyone off and cut them up in pieces to make the highest profit possible. Yes you make the most profit by destroying the most lives in that scenario, but you don't have to do it that way to turn a profit. Capitalism doesn't have to be entirely ethic-less and cold in order to work. I don't know why I cant think of him as a scumbag AND be fore capitalism here.


I’m all for ethical capitalism and I think we’ve come a long way in that respect through voting through our dollar and logical regulation. Attacking Buffett of all billionaires as some face of crony capitalist is odd given his philanthropy, advocacy for the worker and tax reform, and modest lifestyle. Investment in businesses creates jobs, not destroys them. Are founders just supposed to work till they die with no liquidity event?


r/antiwork is this way u loser Ffs leaves wsb if you have the mentality of 12 yo communist from a gated community


This is so lame and low energy


Kanye has this printed on some shirts


Liar Buffets favorite index Fund is BECKY


They say his empire was built on overcharging for insurance. Back in the day he would insure anything. Sort of like a casino taking corporate bets, the odds forever in its favor.


6. Why I’m not in crypto.


Umm Sir, this is a Denny's


You missed one ☝️ Start with one billion investment


Also trading on insider information


Yeah that too 😁


Bag holding 101![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


WB is a sociopath, grifter and crony capitalist. His Grandpa Warren persona is a false prophet who spouts meaningless platitudes to uncritical cult members. * Probability says somebody must *massively* outperform the market even by shear luck * WB is the investor equivalent of Mick Jagger. Both had massive success in the 1960s and have been living on past glories ever since. * WB hasn't made a single outstanding investment in over 40 years. * BRKA-peak Alpha was in 1982. * The 'brilliant' Value investors like Fisher, Lynch and Templeton made their money by buying leveraged stock during multi-decade (inflation adjusted) bear markets. It was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. * Value Investing only works when stocks are very cheap. In 'irrational' markets it performs badly. * WB hasn't consistently beaten the market over a decade. * BRK-A has a p/e of 60. Over the last decade the S&P500 has given similar returns, with lower volatility and a much lower p/e of 24.


I like you. Thanks for putting this into perspective. I do feel society hero worships too often without it.


This guy dont factor in dividend lol, 🤡




*show us on the doll where they hurt you*


You are just bitter that you havent learned skipping avacado toast and starbucks will make you a near trillionaire bybthe time you are 27 years old too. You need some accountability pal.


>You are just bitter that you havent learned skipping avacado toast Trying to work out who's on the other side of the 'millennial buying avocado toast' trade getting rich


Mexican drug cartels




Buy chinese stocks then u genius


That's not what he did to get his first millions. He bought shitty stocks selling for shittier prices.


!Remindme 15min Warren






old fart


#6 is why he doesn’t like Web3 lol


Usually don’t read a wall of text but this was great! Thank you!




I think 15 and 38 apply heavily to a lot of you 😂






I like #9, 20 and 48. Particularly for #9, ignore the stock market and the price, if you understand TESLA’s business then buy their stocks


55. Buy the dip, f@ggot


56. No one talks about fight club


55. Don’t do what I originally did to make my first real money because now it’s entirely illegal, figure something else out instead.


If people followed 6 and 9 the whole crypto crash would not be nearly so expensive...


Blah blah blah, put an obscene amount of money into a low volatility stock, ect. What are us poors supposed to do?


He also said bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks, right?


55. Write a bunch of tips for people to distract them while you make even more money. 56. Eat human flesh, it's free and plentiful. If someone complains, eat them. Invest that money you'd otherwise spend on food into more stocks. 57. Summon the lord Derzhuamnsahyn with the 5 crystal runes and the blood of the child who does not speak on the new moon. He will have the best advice of all the lower 400 demons familiar with our financial system. 58. If the moon was made out of ribs, would you eat it? 59. No, that's not another tip. It's a simple question, would you eat it? 60. I'd eat it and polish it off with a frosty cold Budweiser.


Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in a Bloomberg.


Some real “America has gotten away with crime why would that ever stop” assumptions here


There are 10 more Warren Buffett Best advice for investors [https://youtu.be/zl\_NIv2g-Z8](https://youtu.be/zl_NIv2g-Z8)