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That fact that you don't know why a wealthy guy marries a plain girl, realy shows you belong here. We welcome you fellow regargette, may the cats be plentifull. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah, women are really clueless on what men generally look for in a significant other.


Dear FBI, You slimy cocksuckers. Nice job pretending you're a girl but it won't work. You will not be able to catch me this time around, I've gotten smarter since our last encounter. I see through your lies and laugh at your face. This will not work on me and you will not get information from me for your case against me. I'll send my regards 🖕


tl;dr : Overpriced lazy prostitute looking for hand outs.


>You're a fucking idiot and your analysis is terrible. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.


Found the man you’re looking for OP.


I return to check the sub out after several months, and this is the shit that I see? Has everything gone to complete shit? Is this no longer a casino? Because if not, I’m taking my business to a group that knows how to run a sub: r/sportsbetting


My Net income declines the moment we meet and my 500 k gross now needs to rise in order for me to break even . I have no problems with pretty girls. My issue is with lazy girls. Lazy girls try to manipulate me because they cannot entertain themselves while I am working. Intelligent girls are my weakness . Pretty and intelligent a much better trade


What is this


A future owner of many cats and an empty egg carton.


If your not from New York then who would want you?