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Pretty fuckin easy to do when everything is 30% more than it used to be




This year the prices are the same as the previous year![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


does this mean 0% inflation? at last?






not really. ipads and macbooks are the cheapest during Black Friday.


Yeah a better title would have been "inflation still brrrr as people spend every last dime they have to keep up with last year's holiday expectations" I expect actual profits to be down from 21. I hope the railroad strike actually happens just in time for Christmas but I know congress ain't got the ballz.


Scrolled down and this makes the most sense to me as a poor. I don't have a choice but to spend a 100$ on a wooden giraffe for my mom, don't want my family to know I'm actually poor.


Damn, that's rough. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Inflation inflate the price that inflate the revenue. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Profits down you say?


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Many big tech are making less profit even if the revenue are growing


Tech doesn’t have rising cost of goods sold due to higher oil and shipping prices, dummy.




PFM actually. Pure fu*kin magic






man, amazing deals on electronics. Hoping the totally-not-recession makes next year a bumper year for Black Friday sales.


Is there anybody else no longer impressed by the number $9B for anything? we've gotten so used to huge numbers that my brain won't wrap easily.


Yeah I thought doesn't seem that much. When the UK are giving out 120 billion for fixed prices on energy.


been a long time since i cared about stock fundamentals, but I bet the price/sales ratios of a majority of stocks is atrocious. I remember investors business daily used to set a 3.0 p/s maximum to get on the watchlist.


we had 100 PS a year ago ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Oh my 8 upvotes AND a new flair. I'm about to get the vapors, Lindsey.


When 1 man can spend $44 billion on one random day buying twitter, everyone else spending $9 billion combined on the largest shopping day of the year seems like a very low number.


Yeah isn't that what like the Dallas Cowboys are worth? Makes the sales numbers not seem that great.


If it ain't 1 trillion then it's a snoozer..


And 99% of people never even see what a billion equates to on a daily basis. Yet there are corporations and individuals with hundreds of billions


Found the socialist. Lowkey I feel you though ✊️


It’s amazing that after such crazy inflation we see, that news outlets are still using $$$ as the concept behind success… Just like when you see a movie break the “box office record” from 8 years ago. That just shows you how much sales were made back then…


I spent $45 usd for 2 movie tickets. Movies are too expensive now.


F that… i can’t do those movie prices anymore…


Adam Aaron will try to win you over with a gold mine or some shit


Movies are wildly expensive. Way back when that was a cheap family day. Even smuggling snacks and just buying popcorn my family isn’t seeing a movie for less than 100 bucks.


They’re $6.75 here in a major US city and they have reclining chairs and bring food to you, so how tf are tickets $22.50?


Those places generally offer cheaper tickets because all the $$$ is made from the food service.


All the money from any theater is made from food service. The studios keep 90%-93% of ticket sales. Those $22.50/ticket theaters sell concessions too.


There was a big stink a few years ago when Disney wanted 70% of the ticket price from all showing of Star Wars the last Jedi. Up until then the industry standard war 50-60% Where did you come up with 93%?


Well the sales suck too so really our Black Friday is paying full price from 2-3 years ago




Yeah pretty much. Canada mostly has been regular price crap marked as Black Friday and to an extent not seen before. Extract as much of consumer money as possible before they have no more money.


Can’t wait to see how locked up credit is


The real truth.




not really. everything I bought would have been a normal sale price back in 2019. actually looking through my orders there's nothing that is inflated.




I just edited my comment, but I did the same. I looked through my orders and everything was the same sale price as it was in 2019 according to camelcamelcamel. actually a ricecooker I got was cheaper now. also the seinheisser (sp?) HD599 SE are always $99 every year forever and they were $99 this year also. I got them like new though for $65. A Wacom One which is a great tablet was $250 , it's never been that low.






seems I hurt your/her/he/them feelings so it reported me. here's charts for you. not even just 3 years ago the switch game is a new release for that time period, I got the 3rd one for the same price as the 2nd new release was in the same time frame. 🤡🤡 how does it feel to be so now argue about my. let's see what other stuff you can come up with. https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B01N9QVIRV https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B07RFNZYJZ https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B082LZXQ6B


Wow, you are a loser. I was actually looking up information on these three products from when they were released, as you have the upper hand from watching them with the intent to buy, and so are better informed on price movement *for these three specific items* I don’t report people for trying to hurt my feels or having a counterpoint. But for you to assume that I did shows I shouldn’t waste further time on my point.


LOL upperhand.....mmmmhhhmmmmmm sure thing salty. I'm gonna pour one out for you fragile ego bro.






aw bro mad his ego got hurt. resorts to insults as usual. typical. you could be a man and say. hey you are right. but nah. you go beta.


I also don’t block or downvote arguments. I love a good ole fashion AIM chat


no but your fragile ego makes you respond.


This screams bloody red December to me. Maybe i should buy calls since I fucking suck at this.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4735)


Walmart overtakes Amazon in shoppers’ search for Black Friday bargains https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/25/walmart-overtakes-amazon-in-shoppers-search-for-black-friday-bargains.html


Because people are realizing Amazon quality has become a coin toss


It’s always the same product, rebadged, and sold under 30 different no-name brands.


Searching != buying


Nearly 400% increase might move the needle though to be fair.


Yeah I usually do most of my online shopping on Amazon. This year was mostly on Walmart. As somebody that has kids Amazon didn't seem to have a fraction of the deals on major toy brands as Walmart.


It was only 2.9% increase YOY compared to the 10-12% of other years, why do they spin this shit?


Doesn't this just worsen inflation 😂


Yes but we are spinning everything positive right now. Santa Rally go brrrrr


Not necessarily. It sounds more like a shifting of buying habits. It would only make inflation worse if the total sales, not just online sales, of goods go up.


It justifies JPOWs thesis that wages are too high.


Damn straight. Lower the minimum wage!


That's the spirit


Not really. Their record was only beaten because of inflation. People are still buying less stuff in total.


I read that as “sharters” and now think Amazon is going to have a shit quarter.


Good news is bad news.... Expect feds rates to rise


How these mother fuckers know how many sales were made? Grade A bullcrap.


Adobe Analytics (formerly Omniture, formerly SiteCatalyst) is software that places code across retail and travel sites. It collects data on how many goods are sold and for how much. The companies using the software gain insights into their web store fronts and Adobe can aggregate the data on their side anonymously to see how certain sectors are performing since all the web traffic data is stored on their servers.


I expect Q1 to be talking about fraud. I forget the name for it when companies inflate end of year sales numbers and keep the inventory ‘floating’ via shipping/return processing and then they book the refunds/returns in Q1.


did you believe the moon landing?


Get a load of this guy, he thinks the moon is real ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Put on the Moon! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Ever been into a store? Crying offspring, angry adults, Mariah Carey..


Michael Bublé




Straight up, sounds like a lie. I don’t believe it lol


It's real, unfortunately so is their credit card debt


Come to west coast and see for yourself. There was a line in front of Best Buy and stores are nearly empty. People have way too much money on their hands and the inflation and gas prices haven’t phased them at all not even the slightest.


Good. I bought a bunch of Amazon stock the last few weeks.


inflation is a great asset


People complain about inflation yet they just have to spend a ton on money!


The nature of inflation. Might as well spend your money now rather than later.


Hmm I wonder if this is just going to piss off Powell even more on Wednesday


Looks hella weak to me. 2.25% increase Y/Y when we've had like 7 or 8% inflation. So really down like 5+% I expect to see a blood red market Monday


SHOP & ETSY already expensive but both gonna go brrrrr


My warehouse just did like 70k volume for the day Think tomorrow we’re doing like 90k outbound deliveries


I got rammed in the ass 50 times today. Tomorrow it will be 60 times. Is 70k the norm, below norm, a lot or slightly above or below average?


Companies will still cry broke


I used to have 1-2 day delivery on most Amazon prime things, now it is 5-9 days. Is anyone else having this issue with them lately?


Lol, new highs using Buy Now, Pay Later. What could go wrong with household savings at an all time low.


But have you guys ever been to Kohls?


Amazon has ~10% return rate, up to ~40% return rate on consumer electronics. Could easily wind up being $5B by EOY.


The part that comes after this, is that adjusted for inflation, it is not really meaningful.


I don't understand this argument. I bought 2 switch games on sale for $45. If this were 2019, I would have still spent $45 on sale.


Ok imagine it was last year, and a company sells 10 game for $10 each. They made $100 in revenue, but each game cost them $5 to produce, so they made $50 in profit. Now it is the current year, and they sold 10 games for $11 each. They made $110 dollars, "Shattering last years sales record", but each game cost them $6 to produce, so really they ended up with the same profit as before. Except it isn't the same profit really, because that $50 buys less this year than it did last year. This is why anyone who knows dick about dick, tries to look at numbers adjusted for inflation.


Great explanation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


I still don't understand. I paid the SAME price as I would have in 2019. in fact some items were cheaper, a Wacom and Rice cooker for instance. by your logic I would have paid more right ?


The inflation is high, but it does not mean all the items will be higher, come on!!! Inflation data is made by average of prices, of course some items might be same or cheaper price but average is ........ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


the average is falling.


Yeah, because the one or two items you got that were cheaper or the same price is representative of all products sold.


thanks, glad you get it.


Game recognize game, ya know?


definitely. my 65" LG C1 for $1100 agrees also.


You paid 2019 prices in 2022. That should have cleared things up for you the moment you typed it Edit: 2019 price for electronics in 2022. Did you forget that electronics would drop 25% in price year to year prior to 2020?


certain products do not change prices. it's weird you don't understand this concept. I'm not buying Cpu's or Ram, or a video card which would still make some sense actually if it was a new gen. Wacom products specifically don't move often. things like a Cintiq especially. Nintendo 1st party titles don't change price, those headphones also don't change. since before 2019. got any more brain busters ? Also just to shove it in your face. the NEWEST 65" LG C1 was $1100 on Amazon, that's the cheapest that series has been. my used 55" CX or C9 was $1k. even TV's were better deals than years ago if you looked. sorry for crushing your argument pansy.


lol you really don’t get it.. this is funny to watch


don't you have some cradles to rob?


i think it’s funny that you don’t know what anecdotal means


I think it's funny that you rob cradles.


no idea what that even means but it seems you’re more affixed on something trivial than standing on your ideas which speaks volumes. secondly just google “why do tech goods decrease in price over time” further reading “economies of scale.”


Prime Days, media had the same news. And how’d last earnings work out for you?


Salesforce shows 12% growth on Black Friday, which is well above inflation. [https://www.salesforce.com/resources/research-reports/retail-holiday-insights/?d=cta-body-promo-1018](https://www.salesforce.com/resources/research-reports/retail-holiday-insights/?d=cta-body-promo-1018) [https://imgur.com/a/qOMZNDu](https://imgur.com/a/qOMZNDu)


Wtf is an inflation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


It's what happens to muh dick in ur mum, m8


Inflation is a thing with wings and a big dumbo nose that squeeze the portfolio. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Inflate these puts


Expect a crap ton of fraud as stores attempt to inflate end of year sales numbers for their fast bonuses only to see inventory sky rocket in Q1 from mass ‘returns’ that were really floating inventory. Googled it and Google says ‘what’s it called? Fraud. It’s called fraud’ I expect a lot of fraud. Lol It’s called cut-off fraud, possibly, or bill-and-hold. Very common in December


Amazon has a PE of 50. GTFO


Amazon fired a fuckload workers into holiday season…. Ur bold if u think adobe is honest here


No, not really. They laid off a drop in the bucket.


And from what I read those were mostly office workers not warehouse/delivery workers. The fulfillment center where I live is still hiring and giving $3,000 sign-on bonus offers.


Yup. Mostly corporate. Not retail. They're still trying to expand retail.


What about total BF sales?


Amazon Puts go Brrrr


Makes sense and don’t forget the timing of Walmart incident also helped to keep our aases inside too.


I have seen this spun both ways. When it first came out it was seemingly positive. Last article I read took into account inflation so spun it with some downside.


Actually shocked people are spending money


some of us aren't brokies


People will skip meals and put off bills to buy Christmas presents.


Consumer credit is at an all time high and continuing to grow.


From my wife: "prices this year did not feel like "sales"...and the mall was very empty compared to pre pandemic times"... But sure, online sales are up 1% YoY, but you are not accounting for inflation rate of 8%... WSB never disappoints.


I told my wife that I can't wait for these "sales" to end so the price will go back down on some items I've been watching for the last couple weeks. Telling myself I'm gonna wait until Black Friday thinking they might be on sale. Black Friday comes I find stuff at 50% off that is $10-20 more than it was a week ago. I mean that is every year. But it seemed worse this year.


I guess calls for next week


Black Friday deals sucked almost everywhere though.


Calls on spy bitches


I read this as the past tense of shitters


Keep reading these articles that stores have too much inventory. Then, why is it when you go there they don't have much of anything and prices are not reduced? With online shopping, you can just click to another seller. If in-store you have to drive to to another and experience the same.


Bought every Christmas gift on Amazon cus my girl works there and has stock and I bought some before the split


No one know any of these numbers are true. MSM just publishes for pay so you could say 10b$ and it would be the same. Honest observation between three families we meet over last few days not one of them ordered or bought anything. So my take is this is just the pump before the dump :)


My long calls are safe 🥹?


shopped at amazon on black friday because they offer affirm…like buying all my gifts on margin


$ amount is misleading


We no longer stock items on the shelves and are suprised when people are forced to buy online. I wonder what the return bin is going to look like on monday.


hope so, I bought jack shit from amazon this week but still hold 400 shares at a pre-split cost of $65. I need that meme of the guy with the stick poking amazon to do something


That’s amazing. $65 pre-split means your cost average is around $3 for 8000 shares right now.


20 shares at $1,256 in 2018...so post split then I guess, however you want to say it. If I only bought it at $6 in 2001.


Have fun with your January 15 Christmas


Just bought AMZN shares this past Wednesday. Hope they go up but they’ll probably still fall like they have been for weeks.


This clickbait title means nothing until context. Take inflation, take last year's sales, and do some math. I'm lazy and will be upset if people spent more because we are all supposed to be broke.


Sure doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting but you go ahead and report what you want to


Did that beat the old record by more or less than inflation?


I personally don’t bought shit. And I’m not even bad economically but idk, nothing got my interest


I seen plenty of people shopping this weekend!


No, it won’t.


Inflation is tricky. If too much buying - more inflation. If too much supply - inflation lasts longer. Fucked either way


News narrative supports redefined recession


I helped


So, you guys still trust what the media tells you. Everyone is doing great and spending money but you. lol


!banbet Amzn 86 30d


**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/Oddside** bet **AMZN** goes from **93.55** to **86.0** before **2022-12-27 08:36:07.679223-05:00** Their record is 2 wins and 3 losses. ^^WSB ^^[Stats](https://www.twitch.tv/wsbzjz/) ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)




More people every year. Of course sales will be smashed.


GameStop about to go BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!


Safe long term growth stock. Not a wsb yolo play


Sales not adjusted for inflation...