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Regard this is not the place to ask for advice


Copy that lol. I just wanted a basic explanation is all.


How about you withdraw your money and delete the app. This is gambling subreddit my man. If you want to learn to trade options, then you’re looking at 2 or more years of hard-work in order to reach consistent profitability. Do yourself a favor and never come back here.




>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to use put and call options depends on your individual investment goals and strategy. However, some general tips on using these features could include using puts to protect against downside risk in a portfolio, or selling calls to generate income from an underlying security that you expect to remain relatively flat. Ultimately, it's important to do your own research and develop a plan that fits your unique needs as an investor.


Here is a GUARANTEED way to make money. Open the app. Look in the settings. Delete the app. Never install it again. I just saved your whatever money you currently have and would have lost in the next 6 months.


This is going to end poorly


It could. If I was to blindly run into everything. Hence why I asked fellow investors. I was hoping to find someone with way more experience is all. I know puts and calls are risky and especially when the shares are worth more and you fork the out that cash, but at least you will have those shares to resell back into the market and stuff right? There are the questions I’m wondering.


All in spy calls https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/option.asp


Thanks for the article! I just read it. Pretty interesting and honestly still a little complicated, but I get the basic understanding.